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Tired of hearing from your relatives, “Doesn’t your mommy feed you well?” Or from your friends that “You are too skinny”. First of all, we would like to state outright that your body is yours to feel proud of. There is nothing like too thin or not too thin. However, it is important to eat well, work out and be healthy. If you would like to get rid of your lanky or thin frame, then try yoga for weight gain.

Even though you’ve changed your eating habits, you still remain thin? If this is the case with you, then you’ve stopped at the right place. And yoga is the answer to all these questions. However, it’s important to understand the cause of your thinness, if it’s because of some disease, hereditary or distorted diet-plan or any other.

Lameeya Arsiwala, an expert in Hatha Vinyasa, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, attended the Australian Yoga Academy in Melbourne and now manages The Yoga House, Mumbai. “A fit body is not one that is necessarily ripped and pumped; a fit body is high on stamina, healthy from within and comprises of a fit emotional well-being. Our emotions are responsible for a large percentage of diseases in the body. The mind plays a very important role in a healthy, well-functioning body. It is only natural then, that yoga enthusiasts and practitioners pay close attention to meditation and other non-physical aspects of yoga.”

Abhishek Maheshwari, yoga instructor at Mystic Yoga Cafe, Kolkata points out that a lot of things are inter-linked when it comes to yoga. Therefore, there aren’t asanas which would directly impact increased muscle mass. Rather, if one wants to gain weight, they have to practice yoga postures regularly - which will aid in better digestion and would consequently increase the diet of the individual. He adds, “Yoga will bring your metabolic rate to an optimum level.”

Here are some poses that will help you relax your body, build muscle mass, improve your digestive system and flourishing the practitioner’s appetite, hence facilitating weight-gain.

1. Virabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose):

The poses in the series of Virabhadrasana can help you build muscle mass, recommends Lameeya. This will further increase the elasticity of your muscles. This yoga pose burns a lot of calories and provides the body with the requisite energy throughout. Hence, helps in increasing your appetite.

2. Savasana (The Corpse Pose):

The corpse pose is vitally regarded as one of the most effective poses for keeping the body and mind at ease. This relaxing and meditative pose is beneficial for the body’s ability to gain weight as it reduces stress, which is a key cause in losing weight, and leaves the body peaceful. Ms Hansaji J. Yogendra, Director - The Yoga Institute, Mumbai adds that this asana can help you focus on being cheerful. She says, “It’s all about being positive and practicing attitudinal training because ultimately you need to keep your mind healthy and that can be achieved through this asana.”

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand):

It helps in problems related with indigestion and also nourishes the blood flow in brain. It can also be considered as an efficacious posture to increase muscle strength. To perform this pose, you first need to lie down on the floor, make sure that your legs are together and your palms face the ground. Then, lift your hips while inhaling at the same time. The third step is to raise your legs initially to about 30 degrees and then to 90 degrees and slowly take your back off the ground with the help of your hands.

Hold onto this position for 5-8 counts and then revert slowly to your initial position. Repeat this 4-5 times in the beginning. This yoga asana comes under the inverting postures along with Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose) and is useful in maintaining the hormonal function apart from obtaining muscle mass. It is further beneficial for people having hyperthyroid, due to which there is weight-loss and this asana will help lessen the effect.

4. Supta Badhha konasana (Reclining-Bound-Angle-Pose):

Lameeya suggests this restorative posture which helps in maintaining calmness of the mind and can help in digestion. It can help in acquiring complete control over body and mind. The asana helps in receiving symptoms of stress and depression. To do this, you need to first sit straight on your yoga mat and fold your knees. Then, follow the below mentioned points:

1. Now press the soles of your feet together with the help of your hands.

2. Start leaning on your back now and keeping your hands beside you to avoid uncomforted posture and continue until your back rests on the mat.

3. Put your hands above your head in a prayer pose and inhale deeply.

4. Concentrate on your breathing and relax.

Health5 Effective Yoga Poses To Gain Weight Fast
5 Effective Yoga Poses to Gain Weight Fast Srishti Walia | Updated: August 30, 2016 12:10 ISTTweeterfacebook Reddit
5 Effective Yoga Poses to Gain Weight Fast
Yoga is beneficial for the mind and bodySome yoga asanas can affect your metabolism and digestionThus, help you gain weight, if required
Tired of hearing from your relatives, “Doesn’t your mommy feed you well?” Or from your friends that “You are too skinny”. First of all, we would like to state outright that your body is yours to feel proud of. There is nothing like too thin or not too thin. However, it is important to eat well, work out and be healthy. If you would like to get rid of your lanky or thin frame, then try yoga for weight gain.

Even though you’ve changed your eating habits, you still remain thin? If this is the case with you, then you’ve stopped at the right place. And yoga is the answer to all these questions. However, it’s important to understand the cause of your thinness, if it’s because of some disease, hereditary or distorted diet-plan or any other.

Lameeya Arsiwala, an expert in Hatha Vinyasa, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, attended the Australian Yoga Academy in Melbourne and now manages The Yoga House, Mumbai. “A fit body is not one that is necessarily ripped and pumped; a fit body is high on stamina, healthy from within and comprises of a fit emotional well-being. Our emotions are responsible for a large percentage of diseases in the body. The mind plays a very important role in a healthy, well-functioning body. It is only natural then, that yoga enthusiasts and practitioners pay close attention to meditation and other non-physical aspects of yoga.”

Lameeya practicing her yoga regime
Abhishek Maheshwari, yoga instructor at Mystic Yoga Cafe, Kolkata points out that a lot of things are inter-linked when it comes to yoga. Therefore, there aren’t asanas which would directly impact increased muscle mass. Rather, if one wants to gain weight, they have to practice yoga postures regularly - which will aid in better digestion and would consequently increase the diet of the individual. He adds, “Yoga will bring your metabolic rate to an optimum level.”

Here are some poses that will help you relax your body, build muscle mass, improve your digestive system and flourishing the practitioner’s appetite, hence facilitating weight-gain.

1. Virabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose):

The poses in the series of Virabhadrasana can help you build muscle mass, recommends Lameeya. This will further increase the elasticity of your muscles. This yoga pose burns a lot of calories and provides the body with the requisite energy throughout. Hence, helps in increasing your appetite.

Read about: Virabhadrasana I

Read about: Virabhadrasana II

2. Savasana (The Corpse Pose):

The corpse pose is vitally regarded as one of the most effective poses for keeping the body and mind at ease. This relaxing and meditative pose is beneficial for the body’s ability to gain weight as it reduces stress, which is a key cause in losing weight, and leaves the body peaceful. Ms Hansaji J. Yogendra, Director - The Yoga Institute, Mumbai adds that this asana can help you focus on being cheerful. She says, “It’s all about being positive and practicing attitudinal training because ultimately you need to keep your mind healthy and that can be achieved through this asana.”

Click here to know how it’s done - Savasana.

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand):

It helps in problems related with indigestion and also nourishes the blood flow in brain. It can also be considered as an efficacious posture to increase muscle strength. To perform this pose, you first need to lie down on the floor, make sure that your legs are together and your palms face the ground. Then, lift your hips while inhaling at the same time. The third step is to raise your legs initially to about 30 degrees and then to 90 degrees and slowly take your back off the ground with the help of your hands.

Hold onto this position for 5-8 counts and then revert slowly to your initial position. Repeat this 4-5 times in the beginning. This yoga asana comes under the inverting postures along with Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose) and is useful in maintaining the hormonal function apart from obtaining muscle mass. It is further beneficial for people having hyperthyroid, due to which there is weight-loss and this asana will help lessen the effect.

4. Supta Badhha konasana (Reclining-Bound-Angle-Pose):

Lameeya suggests this restorative posture which helps in maintaining calmness of the mind and can help in digestion. It can help in acquiring complete control over body and mind. The asana helps in receiving symptoms of stress and depression. To do this, you need to first sit straight on your yoga mat and fold your knees. Then, follow the below mentioned points:

1. Now press the soles of your feet together with the help of your hands.

2. Start leaning on your back now and keeping your hands beside you to avoid uncomforted posture and continue until your back rests on the mat.

3. Put your hands above your head in a prayer pose and inhale deeply.

4. Concentrate on your breathing and relax.

5. Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose):

The asana will improve your appetite and act as a remedy for digestive problems. Also, blood circulation in lower abdomen will be improved. For this, you first need to lie on your back with your arms beside you.

1. Keep your feet together and stretch them.

2. Fold your knees slowly and wrap your arms around them.

3. Take a deep breath and while exhaling pull your knees close to your chest.

4. Inhale again and try to touch your chin with your knees.

5. Hold the breath for about 30-40 seconds in the beginning and gently exhale.

It is said that in the end, your body has its own intelligence and you are required to follow an adequate balance of active (dynamic) and passive (restorative/non-dynamic) yoga practices along with a diet which nourishes your body. Losing weight or gaining it, the motive should be to remain fit and healthy. Lameeya asseverates that if one is looking to keep the body at its natural state, a traditional hatha yoga practice is appropriate for you. “You can additionally also adopt alternate nostril (anuloma viloma) pranayama in order to bring the body into balance internally. This will regulate your hormone function, facilitating healthy weight gain where necessary.”

Ms Yogendra says that one may not see significant difference initially but after regular and prolong practice. Diet also plays an important role along with the yoga regime. To gain weight, one should consume a diet that contains more calories. However, these additional calories should be added by healthy food sources containing essential nutrients such as proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. In brief, a balanced diet. This will ensure that the body is well nourished, putting it in a good position to add weight. Junk food should be avoided nonetheless.

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Are you tired of hearing the latest pitch on how to lose weight, when all you want to do is to just gain some kilos instead?

Unfortunately, this is the truth; there is way too much information on how to lose weight but barely anything on how to gain weight, especially in a healthy and balanced way. But the good news is that you can turn to Ayurveda for some solutions to put on weight the right way and the best part is that it determines your optimal weight not by the number on the weighing scale but by your body constitution- kapha, vata and pitta. Here are few important strategies that may help you gain weight in a way that it does not hamper your overall health. The Ayurvedic approach is healthy, simple and holistic along with being effective.According to Ayurvedacharya Dr. Partap Chauhan, Director, Jiva Ayurveda, "A person should always maintain healthy weight - not too much and not too less. Ayurveda recommends 'balance' or an 'optimum state' in everything, including your body weight. That said, if you are recuperating from an illness or you are very thin and you want to gain weight, do it gradually and naturally. Do not rely on weight-gain supplements which may cause liver and kidney problems. A healthy person, with appropriate weight for his or her age and height is more likely to have good immunity and lead a happy life."

As per Ayurveda, people with Vata dominant physiology are typically thin, while people with Kapha dominant physiology tend to be overweight. So, if you have a Vata body-type, there is a limit to how 'fat' you can become. Instead of worrying about gaining weight, it is imperative to focus on being strong and healthy.

Dr. Chauhan lists down some tips that Ayurveda suggests in order to gain weight in a healthy way-

- Include soy bean in diet. Soy is high in protein and is perfect if you are a vegetarian looking for good sources of protein. Eat a fruit or drink fresh fruit juice, if possible every day or at least three times a week. If your diet includes non-vegetarian foods, you can add any meat of your choice twice a week.

- Include more curd, ghee, milk, sugarcane, rice, black gram and wheat in your daily diet. These are all good for gaining weight in a healthy manner.

- Gaining weight doesn't mean you don't have to exercise. In order to gain weight healthily, one must exercise regularly to allow the body to metabolize the food you have consumed and further keep your appetite strong.

- Small quantities of spices such as cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cardamom, clove and black pepper in your diet help in stimulating your appetite.

- Sleep well at night. Get at least eight hours of proper sleep. Avoid distractions before going to bed, like mobile phones or laptops. Drink a glass of cow's milk with a pinch of turmeric for a sound sleep.

- Eat in a normal speed, neither too fast, nor too slow. Eating at a normal speed stimulates the salivary glands, which aids digestion.

- Do not watch television, use your mobile phone or read while you are eating. Eat actively and allow your body to be engaged in the act of eating.

- Choose a clean and noise-free environment to have your meals.

- Do not drink a lot of water before or after meals. You may take small sips during meals if you need. In winters, you can sip lukewarm water during meals.

- Massaging the body with sesame oil allows the muscles and bones to become strong. It also promotes blood circulation which will carry nutrients to all parts of your body.

As per Ayurveda, people with Vata dominant physiology are typically thinHome remedies to gain weight,

Take equal amounts (50 grams) of figs, almonds, dates and raisins. Add 100 grams of gur (sugarcane jaggery). Saute it in cow's ghee until it takes a jelly-like consistency. Eat this twice daily, after meals.

3 - 5 grams of Ashwagandha and Shatavar powder taken every morning and night with milk will help you gain weight.

So, if you are looking to add those extra kilos, make sure you do it in a healthy way.

Maintaining a healthy diet is of prime importance during a wedding season. Slightest of negligence can lead to unaccounted fat, leading to cardiovascular and other diseases. While working out can help to stay away from putting on the extra pounds, a healthy diet goes a long way in ensuring that the body functions at the optimum level.

Here is a list of important tips that will help to follow a healthy diet and refrain from putting on extra weight:

Stay away from unnecessary fat: Most wedding parties have numerous food options. The high fat items such as dairy product, oily dishes should be eschewed in order to ensure that the body is not overstuffed with unnecessary fat that is difficult to get rid of.

Look at the portion size: Another good way of maintaining a healthy diet is to pick and choose the right dishes and go for small portion size rather than going all out for the one dish one likes. There is no harm in trying multiple dishes, but the same should be done in small portion sizes.

Planning for the day: One critical aspect of eating healthy is to eat throughout the day. On the day of a wedding, there are many people who tend to save the stomach for the party meal or drink. This is a very bad approach as far as eating healthy is concerned. A good way to plan the day is to eat light throughout the day. Salad, for instance, comes as a relief during the wedding session.

Making a routine: Sticking to a diet chart helps a great deal in maintaining a healthy diet. The diet chart should comprise of multiple options. For instance, one need not stick to an oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Variety will help to break the monotony and encourage a person to stick to the diet routine.

Calorie count: In continuation of the diet chart, keeping a rough count of the calorie consumed on a daily basis also helps to stick to a healthy diet. Calorie count is a good way of keeping track of what one is eating and how much impact it will have in the longer run. Since wedding parties tend to possess a lot of food items, a rough calorie count will help an individual to balance the calorie count in the next few days.

Refrain from too much drinking: Staying away from alcohol can be difficult in wedding parties, but their consumption increases the urge to eat more. It, therefore, makes sense to not consume more than a couple of drinks in any wedding party.

Are you tired of hearing the latest pitch on how to lose weight, when all you want to do is to just gain some kilos instead? Unfortunately, this is the truth; there is way too much information on how to lose weight but barely anything on how to gain weight, especially in a healthy and balanced way. But the good news is that you can turn to Ayurveda for some solutions to put on weight the right way and the best part is that it determines your optimal weight not by the number on the weighing scale but by your body constitution- kapha, vata and pitta. Here are few important strategies that may help you gain weight in a way that it does not hamper your overall health. The Ayurvedic approach is healthy, simple and holistic along with being effective.According to Ayurvedacharya Dr. Partap Chauhan, Director, Jiva Ayurveda, "A person should always maintain healthy weight - not too much and not too less. Ayurveda recommends 'balance' or an 'optimum state' in everything, including your body weight. That said, if you are recuperating from an illness or you are very thin and you want to gain weight, do it gradually and naturally. Do not rely on weight-gain supplements which may cause liver and kidney problems. A healthy person, with appropriate weight for his or her age and height is more likely to have good immunity and lead a happy life."

As per Ayurveda, people with Vata dominant physiology are typically thin, while people with Kapha dominant physiology tend to be overweight. So, if you have a Vata body-type, there is a limit to how 'fat' you can become. Instead of worrying about gaining weight, it is imperative to focus on being strong and healthy.

Dr. Chauhan lists down some tips that Ayurveda suggests in order to gain weight in a healthy way-

1. Include soy bean in diet. Soy is high in protein and is perfect if you are a vegetarian looking for good sources of protein. Eat a fruit or drink fresh fruit juice, if possible every day or at least three times a week. If your diet includes non-vegetarian foods, you can add any meat of your choice twice a week.

2. Include more curd, ghee, milk, sugarcane, rice, black gram and wheat in your daily diet. These are all good for gaining weight in a healthy manner.

3. Gaining weight doesn't mean you don't have to exercise. In order to gain weight healthily, one must exercise regularly to allow the body to metabolize the food you have consumed and further keep your appetite strong.

4. Small quantities of spices such as cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cardamom, clove and black pepper in your diet help in stimulating your appetite.

5. Sleep well at night. Get at least eight hours of proper sleep. Avoid distractions before going to bed, like mobile phones or laptops. Drink a glass of cow's milk with a pinch of turmeric for a sound sleep.

6. Eat in a normal speed, neither too fast, nor too slow. Eating at a normal speed stimulates the salivary glands, which aids digestion.

7. Do not watch television, use your mobile phone or read while you are eating. Eat actively and allow your body to be engaged in the act of eating.

8. Choose a clean and noise-free environment to have your meals.

9. Do not drink a lot of water before or after meals. You may take small sips during meals if you need. In winters, you can sip lukewarm water during meals.

10. Massaging the body with sesame oil allows the muscles and bones to become strong. It also promotes blood circulation which will carry nutrients to all parts of your body.

As per Ayurveda, people with Vata dominant physiology are typically thinHome remedies to gain weight

-Take equal amounts (50 grams) of figs, almonds, dates and raisins. Add 100 grams of gur (sugarcane jaggery). Saute it in cow's ghee until it takes a jelly-like consistency. Eat this twice daily, after meals.

-3 - 5 grams of Ashwagandha and Shatavar powder taken every morning and night with milk will help you gain weight.

So, if you are looking to add those extra kilos, make sure you do it in a healthy way.

Everyone has had that friend who was svelte when single and then became noticeably more plump after entering a state of marital bliss. Now, there is new evidence that it was not your imagination: After following a group of newlyweds for four years, the researchers found that the happier you are in your marriage, the more likely it is that you will gain some extra weight.

"It's pretty widely accepted that marriage itself is associated with weight gain and divorce with weight loss," said lead researcher Andrea Meltzer, an assistant professor of psychology and a social psychologist at Southern Methodist University, in Dallas. "What is less clear is the role of [marital] satisfaction in marital weight gain."

To focus on that, Meltzer recruited 169 young couples, all married within the past six months, and followed them over four years. The husbands, on average, were 25, while the wives were 23. On eight occasions, information was collected on both their satisfaction with the union and their weight.

The results?

''Satisfaction is positively associated with weight gain," Meltzer said. "Spouses who are more satisfied tend to gain more weight, and spouses who are less satisfied tend to gain less weight."

That finding held, she said, even after compensating for such obvious factors as pregnancy. The association doesn't prove a cause-and-effect link, she stressed.

Meltzer presented the findings recently at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting in New Orleans.

How to explain the extra pounds?

Those less satisfied with the relationship, Meltzer speculated, may be contemplating divorce. So, they might be trying to maintain an ideal weight to attract a new mate.

Those who are satisfied may be relieved that the hunt for a mate is over, and slack off on weight-control strategies. She calls this the ''mating market'' model, suggesting that weight maintenance is motivated mostly by a desire to attract a partner.

For the study, Meltzer said she did not separate out men and women, but the effect held for both genders.

The average weight gain over the four-year period was not great, but Meltzer noted that it could add up to a substantial amount over time.

At the study's start, the husbands had a body-mass index (BMI) of nearly 26, defined as slightly overweight. The wives' average BMI was 23, defined as a normal weight.

"For each unit of increase in satisfaction found, either by the person or the partner, a 0.12 increase in BMI occurred every six months, on average," Meltzer said.

For example, a woman who is 5-foot-4 and 120 pounds has a BMI of 20.6. If she gains a half pound, her BMI would increase to about 20.7.

"At the end of the four-year study, they [on average] are still in a healthy weight range," Meltzer noted. "But we don't know what happens after four years yet."

One expert said the findings make sense.

The idea that less satisfied partners may be watching their weight to pave the way to search for a new partner and that more satisfied partners may be slacking off is ''very plausible," said Charlotte Markey, an associate professor of psychology at Rutgers University, in New Jersey.

However, she said, other explanations may help account for marital weight gain. "It is also possible that happily married couples see each other more and eat together more [dining in the company of others can lead people to eat more]."

In her own research, presented at the same meeting, Markey found that partners compare themselves to each other when making assessments about their own weight. She studied more than 100 heterosexual couples and 72 lesbian couples for her research.

"This is pretty intuitive, but never documented," she said. "People in relationships seem to be comparing themselves to their partners, and those comparisons seem to shape how they feel about their weight and their body."

"We would expect that if you are overweight, you might feel bad," Markey said. "If you are overweight and in a relationship with someone thinner, you feel that much worse."

She also found that women who reported low relationship quality were likely to adopt unhealthy weight-management strategies, such as crash diets.

So what are newlyweds to do?

Health issues, including weight maintenance, are relationship issues, Markey stressed. Couples should talk about how to eat well and be physically active.

"These things should not be separated. If you love your partner, you should be involved and invested in his or her health," she said. "You should also care about maintaining your own health so that you are around to spend time with your partner."

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