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Who doesn't want a soft, supple and radiant skin? A lot of us strive to get a flawless skin and in order to achieve the same, we often end up trying various cosmetic and beauty products and treatment that are easily available in the market. What we fail to realise is the fact that these store-bought products could possible do more harm than good to our skin. It is always better to use natural ingredients on face, as they steer clear of any side-effects. A dry, patchy and dull skin can undoubtedly give you a hard time. However, there is one humble kitchen ingredient that can help in bringing back that lost glow - lemon. Yes, you read that right! Lemon comes packed with a host of health-benefiting properties, including skin, hair, and overall health. When it comes to skin care, lemon can come to great help. Lemon can be used in your face packs and face scrubs for almost all skin types; be it dry, oily or normal.

A 100-gram serving of lemon contains about 53 grams of vitamin C, which is again a very skin-friendly nutrient. You may also add other kitchen ingredients as well to complement lemon. For instance, honey and sugar are two ingredients that are perfect to be used in lemon scrubs. Here are three lemon scrubs for all skin types.

For Normal Skin - Sugar And Lemon Scrub

This scrub is made using the superb combination of sugar and lemon. Both sugar and lemon are replete with healthful properties. Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is known to even skin tone and can also tighten open pores. On the other hand, sugar acts as a natural exfoliator, which helps in removing dead and dull skin cells from the face.


6 tablespoons Lemon Juice
2 tablespoons Sugar


To begin with, take a bowl and add both sugar and lemon juice to it.

Mix both the ingredients and massage the mixture with your fingertips on your face in a circular motion.

The sugar granules should be massaged well on the face till they get evenly dissolved.

Once this is done, wash off your face with warm water.

Note: This particular face scrub would also help keep dark spots and tanned skin at bay.

For Dry Skin - Coconut Oil, Sugar and Lemon Scrub

Do you happen to have a dry skin type? If yes, then this face scrub is for you. Look no further and bring this three-ingredient face scrub to your rescue and say bye-bye to dry and flaky skin. Lemon helps in softening the skin; whereas, coconut will act as a tonic and bring back the moisture to the dull skin.


1/2 cup coconut Oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice


Start by adding all the three ingredients in a bowl and mix them well.

Now, take this oil scrub and massage onto your face for around 8-10 minutes.

Once the scrubbing part is done, wash off your face with warm water.

For Oily Skin - Honey, Baking Soda and Lemon Scrub

Pimples can turn out to be quite annoying. People with oily skin type usually tend to suffer more from pimple problems. If you also happen to be a prey of those frequent acne breakouts, then this lemon scrub is sure to come quite handy. Made using baking soda, lemon and honey, this scrub will deep cleanse your oily skin. Lemon acts as a natural astringent, baking soda acts as a natural cleanser and honey's anti-bacterial properties may help reduce sebum production.


1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 tablespoon baking soda


Take a bowl and add all the three ingredients to it.

After mixing them well, apply this paste-like scrub on your face using your fingers and gently massage for about 3-4 minutes.

Once this is done, wash off your face using cold water.

So, what are you waiting for? Bring these three lemon scrubs to your rescue and bring back that lost glow and shine on your face.

Dry skin is a condition caused by the lack of moisture in skin. Fine lines and wrinkles are just some of the conditions, which may be caused due to dry skin. Dry skin can also be very uncomfortable. The condition is mostly caused by environmental factors such as exposure to harsh weather conditions or getting soaked in hot water.

People at risk:

Age: People who are older than 40 years of age tend to be more at risk of dry skin than people who are younger than 40 years.

Climate: As mentioned earlier, weather conditions play a pivotal role in causing dry skin. Therefore, people who live in areas, where the climate is either very hot or very cold, tend to get dry skin more often than people who live in temperate climates. Low humidity is another factor which causes dry skin.

Profession: Some professions, such as nursing or hairstyling, requires frequent usage of hot water all through the day, which can also lead to dry skin.

Swimming: Swimming is one of the major causes of dry skin. This is especially true in pools, which have chlorine mixed in the water. This is because chlorine increases the itchiness on your skin.

Lifestyle changes: Usually, lifestyle changes such as avoiding long, hot showers and putting moisturizers are good enough to make sure that dry skin goes away.

Lactic acid: Creams with lactic acid and urea can be prescribed by your doctor if the dryness of your skin does not go away with moisturizers. These creams are usually over-the-counter medications.

Prescription creams: Prescription creams are given, only when conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis or ichthyosis are present.

Wet dressing: Wet dressing is given only when dermatitis has set in, as it mostly helps in preventing the infection.

Oiling: Oiling your body, especially with fish or flaxseed oil, ensures that your body does not succumb to dry skin.

Hand sanitizer: Normal hand sanitizers tend to make your hands dry. Thus, dermatologists recommend hydrating hand sanitizers that allow your hands to maintain their moisture. Therefore, whenever you are using a hand sanitizer, use a hydrating one.

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Dry skin refers to the lack of moisture within the skin, specifically within the layer known as epidermis. Dry skin is a fairly common condition resulting in the flaking of skin. The abnormal lack of moisture in skin can be caused by several influencing factors.

The loss of moisture:
Dry skin may be mild, where it may last for a few days to severe, where it lasts for prolonged periods of time. This tends to become increasingly common with age. Although normally having a dry skin is a common skin type, abnormally low moisture content in the skin might become a serious and chronic condition leading to many problems.

Causes of dry skin
1. Dry skin might be caused by winter weather or dry and harsh climatic conditions
2. Bathing or washing skin frequently with rough soap,
3. Severe deficiency of vitamin A
4. Using hot water for showers for prolonged periods of time
5. Individuals with eczema are more prone to dry skin and may lead to several bacterial infections as well
6. Underlying physical disorders such as hypothyroidism and diabetes may also be contributing factors.
7. Medication for lowering lood pressure, cholesterol and to remove acne may also lead to the dryness of skin.

The symptoms of dry skin include

1. Itchiness and discomfort
2. Tightness of skin
3. Continuous scratching
4. Appearance of white lines on scratching
5. Extremely dry skin may result in the cracking or breaking of skin causing pain and discomfort
6. Skin that easily bruises with minor abrasions

Dryness of skin is very common and can be treated easily. However, extreme dryness can lead to severe discomfort of the skin and cause infections and skin diseases. Visiting a dermatologist is always preferred in such cases.

1. Certain preventive steps you can take to prevent the occurrence of dry skin along with some treatment options are mentioned here.

2. Temporary dry skin may be treated with the use of lotion. Frequent moisturizing also helps.

3. It is also advisable to drink a lot of water and avoid soaps that suck moisture out of your skin.

4. You should also try and increase the intake of food rich in Vitamin A. Carrots, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, are good examples of such food.

5. Natural oils may also be used to temporarily remove the dryness in skin. Regular massages and frequent application of moisturizing agents always helps.

6. You should also switch to bathing in cool or lukewarm water.
If the problem seems to persist, consult a dermatologist for further consultation. Special medicated lotions are often prescribed to deal with dry skin. Anti-itching lotions may also be prescribed by dermatologists along with certain oral medications for rare cases.

Coffee is one beverage that is loved by people across the world. It has become our ideal go-to beverage, without which most of our things may go for a toss. Don't believe us? Ask any coffee lover, they will tell you better. Imagine a day without drinking your beloved cup of coffee - your mornings will be sluggish, you will feel lazy all day long, you won't be productive at work; moreover, you will rely more on frizzy energy drinks to keep yourself active and focussed. But, thank heavens that we have coffee to keep our things aligned for us. Did you know that other than keeping you active and focussed (thanks to the presence of caffeine in coffee), coffee can also help your skin get soft, supple and glowing? Yes, that's right! Coffee scrub helps clear off the dirt and dead cells from the skin. Scrubbing your skin will not only give you a soft and supple skin but will also tighten your skin and reduce those unwanted black spots. Moreover, if findings of various studies are to be believed, coffee prevents wrinkles and fine lines caused by harmful rays of sun. If you're still not convinced, try these coffee scrubs and see the results by yourself.

Here Are 5 DIY Coffee Scrubs For Skin And Body:

Coffee Cinnamon Scrub
Coffee is an excellent exfoliator that helps gently clear off the dead skin cells and can give you a soft and glowing skin right after the first use. Moreover, coffee removes excess oil from the face and body, while cinnamon keeps all the infections and irritation at bay.


1 cup coffee ground
2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
3 tablespoon coconut oil
1 cup sugar
How to make:

Take a bowl and heat the coconut oil in it. Now, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let it cool down for some time. However, keep an eye on coffee, as it may dissolve completely in the oil. Once the mixture is cool, pour it in an airtight jar and apply it on your body during the shower every alternate day.

Coffee And Rose Water Face Scrub
Using rose water on skin has multiple benefits. Rose water consists of anti-inflammatory properties that are known to treat skin irritation, acnes and dermatitis. Moreover, rose water is an excellent skin cleanser that helps in removing dirt and oil that usually clog our pores.


1 cup ground coffee
2 teaspoon rose water
How to make:

Take a bowl and mix both the ingredients in it. Apply the mixture to your face and body and massage in a circular motion. Put it on for not more than 20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Coffee And Aloe Vera Scrub
Aloe vera can be used in winters as well as in summers by people of all skin types. "Aloe vera is packed with multivitamins, including vitamin C, E and beta-carotene, which are known to nourish our skin and prevent premature aging. Moreover, aloe vera helps moisturise our skin, without making it too oily, which is a good thing for the people with oily skin," says Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, Skincare Expert.


1 cup coffee grounds
5 teaspoon aloe vera gel
How to make:

Take bowl and mix all the ingredients in it. Now, apply this coffee scrub on your face or body in a circular motion. Massage it for 10-15 minutes. Make sure you massage it softly. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Coffee Honey Face And Body Scrub
Honey is a fabulous skin moisturiser that works amazing on dry and patchy skin. Moreover, it is its antibacterial properties that keep all the infections and irritations at bay. As per beauty experts, applying honey onto your face in winters may keep intact the moisture in your skin and keep it hydrated.


4 teaspoon ground coffee
1 cup milk
2 teaspoon honey
How to make:

Take a large bowl and mix all the ingredients in it till a paste is formed. Make sure there are no lumps in the paste. Apply this paste on your face and body while bathing. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

5. Coffee Shea Butter Scrub
Shea butter is believed to be a skin superfood. Why, you ask? It is packed with multivitamins like vitamin A, E and F, essential fatty acids and other micronutrients - all of which are important for the production of collagen. Moreover, shea butter protects our skin from the harmful UV rays.


4 teaspoon ground coffee
4 teaspoon shea butter
1 teaspoon coconut oil

How to make:

Take a bowl and add melted coconut oil along with other ingredients to it. Mix well until you get a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to your face and body and massage gently while bathing. Massage it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

The best part of these homemade DIY coffee scrubs is that your skin doesn't have to deal with any chemical-laden skin products and is totally safe. But, before introducing any new ingredient to your skincare routine, make sure you consult your dermatologist.

Winter is here and so is the time to experience dull, dry and pale skin, thanks to the harsh weather. Cold weather and low humidity levels typically result in dry air conditions that could be harsher for people with sensitive skin. Indoor heaters may further rob the moisture in the air, as do hot showers. So, it is time to take extra care of your skin and follow basic routines to keep your sensitive skin glowing even in this chilly weather. If you are fretting already, we have your back! These simple and natural tips are just what you need to follow for a glowing skin.

1. Wash your face with lukewarm water

Hot showers in cold conditions may do your sore muscles a world of good, but nothing can be worse for your skin. Hot water makes your skin dry and flaky. The effects are even more adverse for delicate facial skin. Now you cannot obviously switch to cold water baths, but you can definitely save your facial skin by washing it with lukewarm water. This way you wouldn't feel cold and also wouldn't let natural oils slough off easily from your face.

2. Moisturize regularly

Moisturizing is one of the most important steps to a glowing skin. Moisturizing helps in keeping your skin hydrated and also ensures that the skin does not lose the natural oil the body produces. Choose natural moisturizers like coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, buttermilk, cucumbers, et al. These natural moisturizers will not only help your skin stay hydrated but will also help it glow naturally.

3. Drink lots of water

The body feels less dehydrated in winters, which is why we don't feel like drinking water as often during this season. However, we lose water from our body in so many ways without realising; hence it is important to load up on water even during cold winter days. Replenish your system and get a glowing skin without having to worry about dullness anymore. Have lukewarm water with a dash of lemon juice to get the best results.

4. Replenish your skin at night

If you wish to see a healthy skin, you must not forget to replenish it at night when you are resting for about 7-8 hours. Indulge in deep moisturizing with oils before you sleep so you can wake up with a beautifully supple skin.
If you wish to see a healthy skin, you must not forget to replenish it at night​

5. Make exfoliation a must

Natural exfoliation should be a staple in winter care. Adding exfoliation to your weekly regime will remove the dullness and flaking caused by dead skin cells. Use your kitchen ingredients to not only replenish your skin but also allow it to produce newer cells that will bring a glow on your face.

6. Keep it natural

We have always emphasized on the fact that you must use natural ingredients as much as possible. Using chemical laden products may only make your skin worse in the longer run. So always opt for kitchen ingredients that will nourish your skin inside out.

7. Cleansing is important, but right kind of cleansing is more important

Cleansers generally tend to dry out your skin so choose them wisely before applying. After cleansing, do not leave your skin naked for more than 30 seconds, as this can dehydrate it, leading to increased dryness. As soon as you are cleansing, apply a toner and moisturizer to lock in the moisture.

These handy tips will help you get through the harsh winter and give you a glowing and happy skin.

Dr. Snehal Toke
Dr. Snehal Toke
BDS, 2 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pavan Prakash Pargaonkar
Dr. Pavan Prakash Pargaonkar
BHMS, Family Physician, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay U. Jadhav
Dr. Vijay U. Jadhav
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 15 yrs, Pune
Dr. Snehal  Charhate
Dr. Snehal Charhate
BAMS, Ayurveda, 19 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pramod Thombare
Dr. Pramod Thombare
BAMS, Ayurveda Yoga and Ayurveda, 7 yrs, Pune