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Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar has a glittering list of clients with some of the industry's biggest names included in it. Diwekar has a huge following from across the country and has published books about healthy eating, weight management etc. She recently doled out some diet tips to deal with menstrual pain or period pain. Menstrual pain is characterised by cramps that may be mild or severe in nature. The pains occur due to contractions in the womb muscles resulting in discomfort that may range from mild to extreme. Period pains may typically begin from the first day of the period and may last for a day or two. These may or may not indicate underlying diseases and are usually self-treatable with the help of pain killers and other home remedies.

In a post on Instagram, Rujuta Diwekar addressed this condition that most everyone who menstruates goes through, every month. Period pains may be regulated by following some diet tips, indicated Diwekar in her post that said:

"Five quick tips to ease #periodpain -

1. A week before your periods, start your day with soaked raisins and kesar

2. Include a legume (sprouted and cooked) every other day in your meals

3. Have tuber vegetables like suran, sweet potato, etc., at least twice a week.

4. Get regular with exercise. Min 150 mins a week.

5. Take a calcium supplement (calcium citrate) every night before bed."

Painful menstrual cramps are known as dysmenorrhea and although the cramps are typically felt in the lower abdomen and the pelvic region, in some cases menstrual cramps may also affect the lower back, hips, upper thighs and legs. The pains usually last for up to three days but are probably the most severe during the first two days, during a typical five-day period. During this time of the menstrual cycle, it may become difficult to work, exercise or engage in physical activities if the pain gets unbearable.

The pains may be regulated simply by applying heat pads or by applying hot-water bags on the affected areas and by consuming a healthy and nutritious diet. If the pains continue, it is advisable to contact an experienced gynecologist for further examination and advice.

Do you have a go-to period pain home remedy involving quick fix measures that always works for you? Let us know in the comments section below!

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, which is mostly why it is used sparingly. While it may be expensive, it is considered priceless in Ayurveda; thanks to its abilities of boosting overall health. But what most of may have not known is the fact that saffron, also known as kesar, is said to relieve menstrual cramps during periods. The anti-inflammatory properties of kesar are therapeutic in nature and when consumed in the right quantity, saffron may be an excellent herbal remedy for women. We tell you how saffron plays an important role in preventing pain and cramps during periods and how to use it.

According to the book, 'Healing Spices' by Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, a report published in the Journal of Midwifey and Women's Health, researchers studied 180 women, aged 18 to 27 years, who suffered from menstrual cramps, dividing them into three groups. For three menstrual periods, one group received a daily herbal remedy containing 500 milligrams of saffron; another group received a steroidal medicine and the third group received a placebo. Both the groups taking saffron and non-steroidal medicine had a significant reduction in the intensity and duration of pain during the periods as compared to third group taking placebo. Another study published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology suggested that saffron proved to be effective in relieving the symptoms of PMS.

Thanks to its analgesic and antispasmodic properties, saffron is used to stimulate menstruation or ease the blood flow, work against spasms, and relieve pain and irritability, all of which are common during periods.

How To Use Saffron To Prevent Menstrual Cramps?
Boil a cup of milk and add a teaspoon of powdered saffron. Reduce heat and simmer for about two minutes. You could also add some honey for a tasty and soothing tea. Drink this tea in the morning or at night before going off to sleep. Another remedy is to take a thin strand off saffron and break in even smaller pieces. Mix it with honey and consume it with warm water. To see effective results, you can start using this remedy three days prior to your menstrual cycles and continue till the bleeding lasts.

Word of caution

Make sure you are not consuming saffron in large amounts. Just a strand per day is enough. Consult a doctor if you are a lactating mother. Also, use this remedy during winters as saffron tends to produce heat in the body and may not suit your body during summers.

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, which is mostly why it is used sparingly. While it may be expensive, it is considered priceless in Ayurveda; thanks to its potent abilities of boosting overall health. But what most of may have not known is the fact that saffron, also known as kesar, is said to relieve menstrual cramps during periods. The anti-inflammatory properties of kesar are therapeutic in nature and when consumed in the right quantity, saffron may be an excellent herbal remedy for women. We tell you how saffron plays an important role in preventing pain and cramps during periods and how to use it.

According to the book, 'Healing Spices' by Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, a report published in the Journal of Midwifey and Women's Health, researchers studied 180 women, aged 18 to 27 years, who suffered from menstrual cramps, dividing them into three groups. For three menstrual periods, one group received a daily herbal remedy containing 500 milligrams of saffron; another group received a steroidal medicine and the third group received a placebo. Both the groups taking saffron and non-steroidal medicine had a significant reduction in the intensity and duration of pain during the periods as compared to third group taking placebo. Another study published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology suggested that saffron proved to be effective in relieving the symptoms of PMS.

Thanks to its analgesic and antispasmodic properties, saffron is used to stimulate menstruation or ease the blood flow, work against spasms, and relieve pain and irritability.

How To Use Saffron To Prevent Menstrual Cramps?

Boil a cup of milk and add a teaspoon of powdered saffron. Reduce heat and simmer for about two minutes. You could also add some honey for a tasty and soothing tea. Drink this tea in the morning or at night before going off to sleep. Another remedy is to take a thin strand off saffron and break in even smaller pieces. Mix it with honey and consume it with warm water. To see effective results, you can start using this remedy three days prior to your menstrual cycles and continue till the bleeding lasts.

Word of caution

Make sure you are not consuming saffron in large amounts. Just a strand per day is enough. Consult a doctor if you are a lactating mother. Also, use this remedy during winters as saffron tends to produce heat in the body and may not suit your body during summers.

Let's first get to know what are menstrual cramps?

Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea or period pains are throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen.Many women experience menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual periods.

Who gets menstrual cramps?

About half of women experience menstrual cramps and about 15% describe the pain as severe. It has been shown that women who do not exercise experience more painful menstrual cramps. Certain psychological factors such as emotional stress may also increase the likelihood of having uncomfortable menstrual cramps. Additional risk factors for these cramps include:

Being younger than 20 years of age
Starting puberty at age 11 or younger
Menorrhagia - heavy bleeding during periods
Never given birth

Symptoms of menstrual cramps include:

Pain in the lower back and thighs
Loose stools
Bloating in the belly area
Lightheadedness or feeling faint.

How can you 'AVOID' menstrual cramps?

Eating fruits and vegetables and limiting intake of fat, alcohol, caffeine, salt and sweets

Exercising regularly
Reducing stress
Quitting smoking
Yoga or relaxation therapy
Acupuncture or acupressure.
Apply heat to lower abdominal part.
Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D.
Dietary supplements.

##10 Ways to treat period cramps:

1. Improve Your Diet to Alleviate Period Cramps
2. Pop a Safe Painkiller
3. Turn to Tea to Calm Menstrual Cramps
4. Try Fish Oil and Vitamin B1
5. Needle Away Period Cramps
6. Massage With Essential Oils for Pain Relief
7. Curl Up With a Heating Pad to Ease Period Cramps
8. Boost Endorphins Your Way
9. Up the Magnesium in Your Diet
10. Lean on Your Contraceptive

Experiencing menstrual cramps for a few days every month is quite common for every woman. These cramps are commonly accompanied with pain. Menstrual cramps are referred to as dysmenorrhea. This is not a very serious health condition, but still the cramps can cause you pain and distress. You can manage the pain caused by menstrual cramps by making some simple changes and starting some practices. They are as follows:

Dietary Changes: You have to make several dietary modifications to manage menstrual cramps. Reduce fat from your daily diet and consume more vegetables. A low-fat diet helps in reducing the levels of inflammation in your body. These changes will successfully help you to reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. You have to adopt a well-balanced diet.

Medicines: Several painkillers which fall under the non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory groups are prescribed to relieve pain caused by the cramps. These medicines lower the production of prostaglandin that causes menstrual cramps. Inflammation and pain are relieved.

Consume Green Tea: There are certain green teas, which relieve menstrual cramps. Herbal tea has been used since medieval ages for this purpose. Cramp bark is an effective tea used for this reason. Peppermint oil tea is also considered good.

Fish Oil Supplements and Vitamin B1: Fish oil supplements and vitamin B1 help in naturally treating menstrual cramps. You will get quick and long-lasting relief by consuming these.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture can be utilised to treat menstrual cramps. The nervous system gets relaxed, which increases the flow of blood to the internal body organs. Acupuncture assures effective pain relief.

Massage Therapy: You can undergo massage therapy using certain essential oils. This provides great pain relief and is beneficial for menstrual cramps.

Heating Pads: Heating pads provide efficient relief to menstrual cramps. Topically applied heat is also considered to be effective and pain relief is obtained in a short period of time.

Boosting Endorphins: A boost in the endorphins improves your mood and gives relief from menstrual cramps. Endorphins are released when you work out or have an orgasm. Aerobic exercises and stretching techniques should be carried out regularly.

Boosting Magnesium: Boosting the amount of magnesium in your diet helps in relieving pain from menstrual cramps. You can consume food items rich in magnesium or magnesium supplements.

Menstrual cramps usually do not require hospitalisation and you can self-treat it using simple remedies. However, if the pain experienced due to cramps is very severe and does not go away, you must consult a doctor.

Dr. Rohan Shirole
Dr. Rohan Shirole
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Dermatologist Family Physician, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Abhay Jamadagni
Dr. Abhay Jamadagni
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sanjeev Sambhus
Dr. Sanjeev Sambhus
BAMS, Family Physician Physician, 34 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anushree Bhonde
Dr. Anushree Bhonde
BPTh, Physiotherapist, 11 yrs, Pune
Dr.  Kishor Selukar
Dr. Kishor Selukar
BDS, Dentist, 9 yrs, Pune