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Bones are similar to a porous framework which is filled with minerals that make it hard and strong. With age, there is gradual degradation and the mineralized portion is lost, thereby leading to thinning of the bone. The word osteoporosis literally translates to porous bones, which is due to the gradual demineralisation. In addition to the natural ageing process, there are other diseases that can accelerate the demineralization process.

Women are more prone to demineralisation, and after the age of 40, they should take extra precaution to slow down the onset of the condition. The following are some ways to improve bone health and halt osteoporosis in the long run-

Diet: Ensure that your diet has sufficient amounts of vitamin D and calcium. Though calcium is the essential mineral for bone formation, vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium, and therefore both these elements play a vital role in maintaining the quality of the bones in our body. Most people require about 1,000 mg of calcium and about 500 units of vitamin D for optimal bone health. This requirement goes up slightly in postmenopausal women.

Sun Exposure: In most people, exposure to the sun allows the body to make vitamin D, but careful sun protection prevents this from happening. Also, with age, the body’s ability to form intrinsic vitamin D also declines. The body, therefore, relies on supplements. Most dairy products are good sources of calcium. In addition, spinach, salmon, turnips, and broccoli are some calcium-rich foods. Supplements of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate can be taken if your diet is lacking in calcium. Vitamin D also should be included in the supplementation. The treatment for osteoporosis is incomplete without these two supplements.

Exercise With Weights: The constructive tension that exercise puts on the body helps in bone building, whatever the age may be, which prevents the onset of osteoporosis. Any exercise which improves muscle mass strengthens the bones, and puts stress on the bones is advisable. Since the fractured area due to osteoporosis mainly includes the spine, lower back exercises, yoga, tai chi, and abdominal exercises all work wonders. Pick any of these and do them for 30 minutes three times a week.

Quit Smoking: Continuing to smoke while taking osteoporosis medications is completely useless. Nicotine negates all the effects which defeat the purpose of taking the medication and is as good as taking no medication at all. So if you want the bone thinning to stop, stop smoking.

Alcohol Consumption: While a drink or two per week is permissible, more than this can harm the bones significantly.

Constant Health Watch: Talk to a doctor about how other routine medications (if any) can affect your bone health. Also, identify how frequently you should check your bone mineral density and stick to the schedule.

Bone health and osteoporosis can be managed with some conscious efforts.

Testosterone is an important hormone for men and is responsible for male reproductive health. It reaches a peak during the years of puberty and helps in the development of primary and secondary sexual characters. In boys, it helps to build muscles, deepens voice and boosts the size of penis and testes. Without testosterone, there would be no beards, mustaches or chest hair since it regulates hair in these places. Sperm production falls under testosterone's control too. It plays an important role during later years as well, by maintaining mood, libido, muscle mass, energy, bone density and emotional & physical health. Therefore, it is not surprising that low testosterone can cause a variety of problems in men. Testosterone decline with age is normal.

Beginning at about 40 years of age testosterone declines at a rate of 1 -1.5% per year. But, past 50, the decline will be sharper. Apart from this, the Testosterone levels may be lowered at any age by several health conditions, often noticeable by certain symptoms. How to know if you have lowered levels of testosterone? Here are some symptoms that will help you suspect if you may have lower testosterone levels:

Drop in Energy: Fatigue is one of the common effects of low testosterone. If this happens with you regularly, if you are tired all the time despite good sleep, nutritious food, and no other known medical conditions, consider getting yourself checked for testosterone levels.

Change in Sex Life: A sudden drop in your sex drive, sometimes accompanied by problems in erection (erectile dysfunction) is another common symptom of low testosterone. But you should get yourself tested to rule out other conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, especially if you are over 35 years of age.

Fuzzy Thinking: Do you sometimes think that your thoughts are a blur? This can be a result of low testosterone. It can make you feel stressed, sad and even depressed, resulting in concentration problems. Low testosterone can also impact your memory.

Mood Change: Testosterone directly impacts your mood, even leading to extreme sadness or psychological depression. If nothing seems to make you happy, if you are not what you used to be, then visit a doctor.

Muscle Change: Muscle mass and strength reduces over the years. As testosterone helps build muscle, low levels may be the cause if you witness a sudden drop in muscle mass.
More Body Fat: If you have been enjoying healthy weight most of your life, but suddenly started gaining weight, it might point towards low testosterone in the body. Also, if you are unable to lose weight even on a healthy diet, consider consulting a doctor.

Many of these signs mirror other health conditions as well. So, one should not jump to conclusions on experiencing these symptoms. If you experience two or more of them, consult a doctor in person and get a medical evaluation.

It's said that blocked fallopian tubes is the most common cause of female infertility in about 40% women who are infertile. Fallopian tubes are channels through which the egg travels to reach the uterus and blockage of these tubes can put a stop to this from taking place.

Depending on the different parts of the tubes, this form of blockage is of several types.

What are the different types of fallopian tube blockages?

1. Proximal tubal occlusion
This form of fallopian tube blockage involves the isthmus (an area of about 2 cm long, this part of the fallopian tube connects the infundibulum and ampulla to the uterus). This problem occurs after an illness like complications associated with abortion, cesarean section, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease).

2. Mid-segment tubal obstruction
It occurs in the ampullary section of the fallopian tube and is most frequently a result of tubal ligation damage. The procedure of tubal ligation is performed to put a stop to pregnancy permanently.

3. Distal tubal occlusion
This is a kind of blockage wherein the section of the fallopian tube that is close to the ovary is affected and is commonly associated with a condition known as hydrosalpinx (a condition in which the fallopian tube is filled with fluid). The latter is often brought on by Chlamydia infection, leading to fallopian tube and pelvic adhesions.

The conditions that may give rise to this problem can include:

1. Genital tuberculosis (the TB infection that occurs in the genital tract)
2. Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in which the embryo places itself outside the uterus)
3. Tubal ligation removal
4. Complications related to surgery of the lower abdomen
5. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
6. Uterine fibroids (benign growths that occur in the uterus)
7. Endometriosis (development of uterine tissue outside of the organ)

These disorders can lead to the development of scar tissue, adhesions, polyps or tumors to form inside the pathway. Additionally, the tubes can also get stuck to other body parts such as the ovaries, bladder, uterus and bowels. Two things can happen to the fallopian tubes, either they can become twisted or the tubes walls may stick together, leading to a complete blockage. Moreover, even if the fallopian tubes are partially damaged, they can remain open so as to enable pregnancy to occur, while increasing your risk for ectopic pregnancy.

Premature ejaculation happens when a man ejaculates sooner than required or planned, in the process of sexual activity and intercourse. It is basically a form of male sexual dysfunction that can be diagnosed with the help of a physical examination where the doctor can also ask questions pertaining to stress levels and other medications and ailments. This usually happens within a minute or so of penetration.

Reasons for premature ejaculation:

Biological Issues: There are a number of biological problems due to which men may also experience premature ejaculation and other related health issues. Abnormal hormonal levels and an imbalance in the state of ones hormones can lead to this condition. Also, there are instances where the neurotransmitters of the brain enjoy an abnormal level of activity which can lead to an abnormal reflex reaction in the ejaculatory system of the patient. Nerve damage can also lead to this condition.

Anxiety: Anxiety is one of the primary reasons for such physical problems that one experiences during sex. These patients may be suffering from anxiety due to their performance in bed, or they may be anxious about a new relationship or partner. This anxiety can lead to a state where the patient is not able to fully enjoy the act of intercourse and ends up ejaculating prematurely.

Thyroid: Male patients suffering from thyroid problems have also reported instances where premature ejaculation becomes a problem. This condition can also be an inherited one. It is best to take a professional opinion and seek therapy for treatment.

Relationship problems: Another issue that many male patients suffering from this condition face includes relationship problems. These problems can create trouble in the sex life of the patient due to which sex may not be happening on a frequent or regular basis. Due to this, the ejaculation may also suffer, leading to further stress.

How premature ejaculation can be dealt with?

1. One can practise breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques including meditation that can help in distracting the mind so that there is less scope of anxiety. This can also help in putting the patient in the right frame of mind where he can actually enjoy the process of sexual activity from stimulation to excitement to peak and orgasm.

2. One can try different kinds of sexual positions and scenarios for more imaginative role play and better sexual excitement which can delay the ejaculation.

3. A person can also learn to be more intimate with the partner so as to identify the triggers that lead to premature ejaculation.

Cough is also known as a sudden reflex in which you have to clear your throat and breathing passage from microbes, irritants, fluids and mucus. You can also call coughing as the rapid expulsion of air from your lungs. Coughing can be both deliberate and involuntary. There are two types of cough which can make you suffer dry or wet. Wet cough is caused due to cold, cold extremities or viral attack. Dry cough is caused due to exposure to pollutants, smoke, environment and also if you have allergy from dust. Cough problems have an effect at your lungs, respiratory tract and immunity system. Ayurvedic treatment is oldest holistic medicine treatment and was developed thousands of years ago in India. Ayurveda promotes good health and can be used effectively for both wet and dry cough.

Ayurvedic remedy for wet cough:
Symptoms for wet cough includes pain in your throat and chest, fatigue and irritability.

Using liquorice powder (3 tsp), black peppercorn (1 tsp) and sugary candy (2 tsp) can make an effective natural home remedy. Crush all three ingredients all to form a powder and you should eat half tea spoon of this mixture 4 times a day.
Crush a little ginger to make a paste and paste it on a sieve. Extract the ginger juice and add honey (1 tsp). Mix well and heat it till it becomes lukewarm. You should eat 1 tea spoon thrice a day.

Ayurvedic remedy for dry cough:

The causes for dry cough include pneumonia, sinus infections and viral infections in your respiratory tract. Symptoms are fatigue and weak immune system along with an itchy throat.

Using almonds, butter and sugar makes for an effective natural Ayurvedic home remedy. Make a paste with 7 almonds (soaked overnight) and add 2 tea spoons of butter and sugar each to the paste. You should mix well and eat it twice every day, at morning and evening.

You can also make a paste by mixing small quantity of basil leaves, ginger and honey. Mix well and have 1 tea spoon thrice a day.

Take a glass of warm water and add 1 tea spoon each of turmeric powder and carom powder. Mix it well and drink the mixture about two times a day. This is an effective remedy for dry cough.

Dr. Hemant Damle
Dr. Hemant Damle
MD - Allopathy, Gynaecologist Obstetrics and Gynecologist, 25 yrs, Pune
Dr. Raveendran SR
Dr. Raveendran SR
MBBS, Chennai
Dr. Meghana Karande
Dr. Meghana Karande
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 1 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandeep Patil
Dr. Sandeep Patil
BHMS, Homeopath, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rajendra V. Yelwande
Dr. Rajendra V. Yelwande
BAMS, Ayurveda, 38 yrs, Pune