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Alert today, alive tomorrow! Whole world is dependent on chemicals. People are getting aware about side-effect of chemical cosmetics and turning towards natural beauty & care. So why are waiting for? Prepare before it's too late. Now find all natural cures on Hellodox Health App.

It is common belief that people are highly interested in sex. However, this is not true. There are a lot of reasons which can reduce this sexual drive, known as libido. The reasons and therefore the causes are slightly different in men and in women. Read on to know some of the most common causes of reduced arousal in men and women and how to deal with it.

Causes of reduced arousal in men:

• Physiologically, sex is greatly influenced by the sex hormones and with age, as there is a gradual decline in the amount of these hormones in circulation, the sex drive also takes a dip. This need not be the case though.

• Stressed relationships is extremely common and though hormones have a big role to play, the mind is equally if not more important. If the couples are not happy, there is going to be no sex. As plain as that!

• Excessive smoking can reduce a person’s sexual arousal and even affect performance.

• Prescription medicines, lack of exercise, anxiety and depression are other causes that also reduce sexual desire.

Management measures:

• Testosterone replacement therapy in males is often used to boost sexual drive.

• Lifestyle changes including regular exercise, quitting or controlled smoking, stress management, healthy relationships can go a long way in improving sexual performance.

• If there are medications that are affecting the sexual drive, talk to your doctor and switch to an alternative.

• Counselling where the partner is also involved also is very important.

Women: The causes for low sexual drive in females is very different from men.

• Cultural differences: The cultural background and upbringing contribute in a big way to how responsive a person is. When it comes to sex, we as a country are still not very frank and open, and so there could be a perceived lack of desire. This is of course in the initial stages of a relationship and given some time, things would change.

• Relationship issues: Stressed relationships are definitely a big no-no for a physical relationship. Happy relationships definitely invite a lot more intimacy between the couple.

• Hormones: Testosterone which is present in both males and females affects sexual drive in women also. This hormone also gradually reduces over age, and causes some loss of libido.

• Medical problems: Depression, anxiety, endometriosis, fibroids, thyroid issues also affect a woman’s drive.

In managing this issue in women, psychology takes over a bigger role. Talking to the woman first and if required the partner helps in solving the issues in most women. Medical conditions, if present, should be corrected to address this issue. Hormone replacement and medication substitution also may be helpful if required.

Peyronie’s disease is a disorder that occurs due to the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, which usually causes injury to the penis. Men who have a penis which is severely bent are considered to have Peyronie’s disease. The men suffering from Peyronie’s disease may also experience painful erection which in turn may affect the sexual health and performance.

What causes Peyronie’s disease?
The exact cause of Peyronie’s disease is still unknown; however, it is believed that it may be a result of repetitive injury to the penis. People with family history of Peyronie’s disease are at a higher risk for developing the same. Aging is also believed to contribute to the development of the disease.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease
The symptoms of the Peyronie’s disease may appear gradually or suddenly and the main symptoms include the following:

Erectile dysfunction
Scar tissue
Pain in the penis
Shortening of the penis

The penile pain is felt by men without or with an erection. It takes about 1 to 2 years for the pain to reduce during erections, but the curvature remains. In very rare cases, the pain associated with the Peyronie’s disease and curvature improve without any treatment.

Effective natural herbal treatments for Peyronie’s disease

Castor oil: Apply castor oil on the penis, particularly on the scar tissue and the plaque spots. The oil liquefies and softens the hard tissues and works effectively for the sufferers. The remedy takes about 12 weeks for the improvement and to completely straighten the penis. The result may vary from individual to individual. Also, it may take between 2-3 weeks until you see a difference in the appearance of the penis. Ensure you buy castor oil from a good brand and massage a small amount of the oil on the affected area. Then put a cotton bandage on it. Apply the oil every night at bedtime for best results.

Acetyl-L-carnitine: One can use carnitine supplements as they are very effective and safe for treating Peyronie’s disease. You can purchase Acetyl-L-carnitine from health food stores. This has proven to be more effective than the counterparts available in the market. The dosage for the supplement is provided on the bottle.

Gotu Kola: Use herbs like Gotu Kola as they help decrease the problems related to the formation of fibrous tissue below the skin. The herb is useful in the treatment of the curvature of the penis. It is made available in the form of an ointment, capsule, and tincture. Some of the common side-effects associated with the consumption of gotu kola include headache, dizziness, upset stomach, and nausea. This herb in some cases can also interact with certain diabetes and cholesterol-lowering medications. Therefore, it is always advised to consult a specialist before using gotu kola for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease.

The prevalence of Peyronie’s disease occurs in men over the age of 55.It is always better to see the doctor if the curvature of the penis stops you from having sex and causes a lot of pain.

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Muscle cramps often occur in the calf muscle of the back of the lower leg. It is often characterized by a momentary sharp pain along with a muscle lump beneath the skin. Just like its sudden appearance, muscle cramp disappears the same way without any botheration. However, a doctor should be consulted if you see any of the following symptoms:

-The pain keeps coming back

-The cramps result in weakening of the muscles

-It causes frequent discomfort

-It results in changed skin color, redness or swelling of the skin

-The condition doesn’t improve with normal care

-Cramps are not associated with obvious causes such as playing, exercising and jogging

What causes muscle cramps?

Any strain on muscle, dehydration, muscle overuse or simply standing for a prolonged time can lead to muscle cramps. The exact cause of muscle cramps is not known in a lot of cases. There could be the following medical conditions that could lead to such muscle cramps:

1. Blood supply: At times when the arteries narrow down resulting in an inadequate blood supply in the leg, a sharp pain can be felt followed by muscle cramps. This can happen while exercising or playing. It disappears as soon as one rests their legs.

2. Mineral depletion: Shortage of magnesium, potassium and calcium in the body can lead to muscle cramps. Even medication for high blood pressure can lead to cramps in the legs.

3. Nerve compression: Nerve compression of the spine can produce sharp pain on the leg muscles. The pain worsens with longer durations of walk. The symptoms, however, can be delayed a bit if the walking posture is changed, like the way one walks while carrying a shopping cart.

##What are the risk factors associated to muscle cramps?

1. Dehydration: Muscle cramps often happen among athletes when they get dehydrated and fatigued while performing in hot temperature.

2. Age: People over the age of 60 often lose mass in the muscle. The remaining mass gets stressed out soon, resulting in muscle cramps.

3. Pregnancy: Pregnant women face frequent muscle cramps due to the sudden increase of body weight and restricted movements in the pregnancy period.

4. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions such as nerve disorder, thyroid problems, liver failure, diabetes etc. greatly increase the chance of muscle cramps.

##Some common ways to treat muscle cramps:

1. A brisk walk followed by stretching relaxes the muscles and greatly helps in staying away from cramps.

2. A diet consisting of magnesium on a regular basis gives relief from muscle cramps.

3. A wet cloth soaked in hot water often shows magical results and gives instant relief from muscle cramps.

4. Being hydrated throughout the day helps with muscle cramps. It is necessary to consume enough amount of electrolytes so that muscle contraction does not happen.

Oral diseases are very common. Many of the patients fail to maintain proper oral hygiene. Consequently, they develop oral diseases like ulcers, bleeding gums and stomatitis. Although these diseases are not fatal to a great extent, they cause discomfort and embarrassment in public. Bad breath, pain, swelling and bleeding in the gums are some common symptoms of these diseases.

These diseases can be cured by allopathic means. However, homeopathic treatment is safer, cheaper and effective. You don’t need to take up expensive and invasive treatments. Here are some homeopathic remedies for oral diseases like Aphthae, Ulcers, bleeding gums and Ulcers:

Borax: This is useful in treating apthous inflammation of the mouth. Aphthae refers to the occurrence of small white spots and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is caused due to fungal infection. It can be cured by the use of Borax mixed with honey. In case the patient suffers flat ulcers, soreness and salivation, mercurius is given. In acute cases of violent inflammation, aurum is prescribed.

Baptisia: This medicine is prescribed for treating bleeding gums. If the patient is found to have developed ulcerated gums, cracked tongue and excessively bad breath, Baptisia can be given to them. The colour of the blood oozing out should be dark red.

Nitric Acid: It is given to patients with whitish gums, acrid saliva and experiencing prickling pain. This is also good for patients with deep bluish ulcers and swollen salivary glands.

Mercurius Solubius: It helps in healing ulcers and cures the pain. One can consume Merc Sol 30c three times a day for 2 to 3 days. It stops the re-occurrence of ulcers.

Arsenicum: It can be prescribed to patients with sloughing ulcers. It is given to patients suffering from livid or bluish gums. If the patient suffers from canker sores, salicylic acid can be given.

Kerosote: If a patient finds that black blood is oozing out of his or her gums, kerosote can be given to them. This helps in clotting of the blood quickly. This is prescribed for patients with dark and crumbling teeth and putrid mouth.

Carbo Veg: This is given to patients who suffer from bleeding gums. If the patient notices blood oozing out from the gums while brushing, white tongue and general weakness, this medicine can be prescribe. It improves the process of oxygenation of blood.

Phosphorus: This is the medicine for pregnant women. Sometimes, pregnant women suffer from bleeding gums due to hormonal imbalance. Phosphorus helps in curing the adverse effects of pregnancy hormones on the gums and oral region.

Calcarea Carb: It cures bleeding gums. It is given to patients, who suffer from dry tongue at night.

The female body is incredible — but it's also complicated. And your menstrual cycle is at the center of that confusion. Even though it's a process your body repeats on average every 28 days, most women don't fully understand the four different phases that take place — so we're here to explain it to you.

First, there's the menstruation phase (a.k.a. your period), then there's the follicular phase when your body is getting into pregnancy-mode. The ovulation phase comes next and is when an egg is released from the ovaries with the goal of being fertilized by sperm and the final luteal phase is when you'll either become pregnant or your uterus will shed, resulting in your period.

While you might feel like a pro now, let's rewind to ovulation — because that process can get a little confusing.

What is ovulation?
Now you know that ovulation is when the egg is released from the ovaries, but there's a lot more to it than that. According to the Cleveland Clinic, that egg is your body's grand attempt at making a baby — and you only have so many of them. While you're born with one million immature eggs, you'll only have 300,000 or so left once you hit puberty and they'll continue to decline from then on as you age.

Every month, your body gets one of those precious eggs ready during ovulation. When your body builds up enough estrogen and increases the amount of luteinizing hormone in your body, an egg is released and is carried into the fallopian tubes. Once it's there, it only lives 12 to 24 hours and patiently waits for a man's sperm to fertilize it. If it gets fertilized, it heads to the uterus and hooks onto the lining, later developing into a baby. If not, the uterus sheds its lining and you get your period.

When does ovulation happen?
If you're trying to get pregnant, ovulation is go time. In a typical 28-day cycle, women ovulate around day 14 and it usually lasts from 12 to 48 hours, depending on the person. No matter the length of your cycle, though, you can figure out when you're ovulating simply by subtracting 14 from your cycle length.

"If you have a cycle that's 23 days, you're probably ovulating around day nine, and if your cycle is 33 days, you're probably ovulating on day 19," says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine.

What are the symptoms of ovulation?
You might not realize it, but your body lets you know when you're ovulating. According to the American Pregnancy Association, the symptoms differ from person to person, but one of the most common indications include an increase in cervical fluid, which often thickens and resembles egg whites — a consistency that helps keep the sperm healthy and better able to fertilize the egg.

There's also typically a change in your temperature, which increases when ovulation occurs, and you might notice your cervix becoming softer, more open, and wetter — which, you guessed it, makes it easier (and more comfortable!) to have sex. Some of the other signs women experience is an increased sex drive, tender breasts, and bloating.

When are you most likely to get pregnant?
If you're trying to figure out when you're ovulating with the intention of attempting to conceive, you should factor in the days before and after you ovulate too. "There's a fertile window before and after that egg actually comes out," says Dr. Minkin.

You see, even though your egg can only be fertilized within that small 12 to 24 hour ovulation phase, sperm can survive around four or five days in your body, explains Dr. Minkin: "You might have ovulated the day before, but the egg is still there and could be waiting to see some happy sperm."

If you're not trying to conceive, this information is equally important so you can avoid having sex or make sure you use protection during this fertile window. Keeping track of symptoms of ovulation, using an app like the Period Tracker Calendar, or using a kit like the First Response ovulation test will also help you determine if you're ovulating.

Dr. Harshada Giri
Dr. Harshada Giri
BDS, Dental Surgeon, 13 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pooja Hemnani
Dr. Pooja Hemnani
MPTh, Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physiotherapist Neuro Physiotherapist, 1 yrs, Pune
Dr. Kalpana Dongre Ladde
Dr. Kalpana Dongre Ladde
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 11 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pratima Kokate-Ghode
Dr. Pratima Kokate-Ghode
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Diet Therapeutic Yoga, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shweta Muley
Dr. Shweta Muley
BHMS, Homeopath, 6 yrs, Pune