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Lose Weight :
Are you serious about losing weight? Losing weight improves different aspect of life, helps to get back your self-confidence and get rid of weight related health problems. Well! Now help your body to burn up its fat in healthy ways through Hellodox Health App.

Bursts of high intensity interval training (Hiit) may be more effective for weight loss than longer less intense workouts, a study suggests.The research, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, analysed results from 36 earlier studies.
Although all the participants lost weight, those doing Hiit saw a 28.5% greater weight loss.

The researchers cautioned that Hiit may not be suitable for everyone.
"Hiit might increase the risk of injury and impose higher cardiovascular stress," they said.

What does the study say?
Researchers from the Federal University of Goias, Brazil, analysed data from 576 men and 522 women of varying levels of fitness.Interval training was defined as cardiovascular exercise which involved repeated brief bursts of intense effort, interspersed with recovery periods. Cycling, swimming, running and boxing were included.

These workouts were compared with longer continuous moderate intensity workouts, most of which were between 30 and 45 minutes. All participants exercised for at least four weeks.Those doing interval training lost on average 1.58kg (3.48lb) compared with the 1.13kg (2.49lb) lost by those doing lower intensity workouts.

-'Fit in three minutes' claim tested
-How to do Hiit at home
-Is there a shortcut to getting fit?

Sprint interval training seemed to be particularly effective for weight loss, although researchers did caution that the wide variety of training programmes made it difficult to recommend one regime in particular.The NHS currently recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as cycling or brisk walking, every week.

'Results impressive'
Dr Niels Vollaard, a lecturer in health and exercise science at the University of Stirling, said the results were counterintuitive as most people burned more calories during longer moderate exercise.

-"There are two possible explanations," he said.
-"Firstly, Hiit may lead to greater energy expenditure after exercise - metabolism may be increased for up to a day following a Hiit session.
-"Secondly, after a Hiit session, you may be less hungry.
-"In our research, we have shown that appetite hormones are indeed affected.
-"It is, however, not easy to study whether energy intake is reduced as a result of this in the longer term when following a Hiit routine, so at the moment we are still unsure exactly what the reason is."

Michael Mosley, who was introduced to Hiit seven years ago while making the BBC Horizon documentary The Truth about Exercise, said: "In 2012, I tested three lots of 20-second high intensity workouts on an exercise bike, three times a week.

-"My insulin sensitivity improved by 24%.
-"In the programme, we again saw very impressive results with younger, unfit people.
-"The biggest problem with exercise is compensatory eating and relaxing afterwards.
-"People go on a treadmill for 30 minutes, burn around 120 calories, then lie around and reward themselves with a muffin.
-"The theory with Hiit seems to be that it suppresses your appetite and targets the visceral fat in your gut.
-"It's not the calories you burn that matter - it's what you do next."

As one of the oldest tree foods to be cultivated by humans, walnuts have long since been known as a wonder fruit that can treat and manage many diseases, even as it ensures that one gets to enjoy many other health and cosmetic benefits. This is a nutrient-laden dry fruit that can be eaten in any season and can also be used as a healthy snack.

Read on to know how walnuts can help you in the health department!s

Weight Management: One can obtain weight loss by switching deep fried and other snacks with this fruit as the snack of choice. This will help in weight loss because it is known to be loaded with many ounces of protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which can make your metabolism work overtime so that you end up burning all that useless fat. Regular consumption of walnuts will ensure that you get the right amount of calories in just a fistful of this dry fruit. You can also combine this with almonds and raisins for a healthy breakfast, if sprinkled in your oats or any other cereals.

Glowing Hair: If you have been facing problems like thinning hair, and hair loss as well as dandruff, then walnuts can easily come to your rescue. Eating lots of walnuts will help in restoring the oil and moisture balance of the scalp which will make your hair rich and bouncy again. You can also apply walnut oil to your scalp in order to boost the health of your hair to a great extent. This is due to the fact that walnuts contain Vitamin B7 which is known to prevent hair loss.

Heart Disease: You can prevent a majority of cardiovascular issues and heart disease with the help of walnuts. This is due to the fact that walnuts also contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help in regulating the cholesterol levels as well. One can actually remove the bad cholesterol and keep the good cholesterol so that lifestyle issues and conditions like diabetes and heart disease can be avoided. One should have at least 28 grams of walnuts in a single day so that these kinds of diseases can be successfully prevented.

Fertility: Walnuts are very important for male fertility. One of the main things in male fertility is the sperm, especially the quality of the same. So, if you have had a sperm test and it does not have very encouraging results, then eating walnuts can easily solve this problem along with whatever other medication you may be having for the condition. One should have at least 75 grams of walnuts every day in order to increase the vitality of the sperm for those men who fall in the age group of 21 years to 35 years of age.

Vegetables have always been an integral part of every healthy meal. They contain nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins which ensure smoothness of skin and prevent wrinkles. Here are some of those veggies which would help you maintain your youthful, healthy appearance and visage. Read more to find out about them:

1. Broccoli: Make sure you have a generous portion of this vegetable when you are on a meal as this green cruciferous vegetable is stuffed with phytonutrients which reduce inflammation and also help in preventing lung cancer and stomach cancer. They also contain essential nutrients which help in cell repair and slowing down the aging process.

2. Spinach: Spinach is your go-to food if you want to retain your hard-earned muscle tone. Studies indicate that spinach helps in strengthening your muscles. It contains magnesium, more than any other food item per serving. It helps to maintain muscle definition and nerve function as well as regulates blood pressure and blood sugar.

3. Kale: Kale is full of vitamin K which is very essential for blood coagulation and preventing internal hemorrhaging. It is also essential to maintain the strength in your bones as you age. Studies have shown that kale also helps to prevent prostate cancer. Consume it cooked to maximize its benefits.

4. Onions: Onions are very helpful in preventing and ending your stomach troubles. They prevent the growth of H.pylori bacteria which causes ulcers, gastritis and gastric cancer. Unfortunately, deep fried onion rings do not count.

5. Eggplant: Eggplants are rich in Nasunin, a nutrient which helps in the anti-aging process and prevents cancer as well. Eggplant also prevents Alzheimer's disease.

6. Red Bell Pepper: Red bell peppers contain vitamin C, which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight against germs and bacteria. Consuming a diet which is rich in vitamin C helps to lessen wrinkles because it helps in the production of collagen.

The above discussed vegetables must be in your daily diet plan to keep yourself healthy and hearty forever.

With the ever-evolving lifestyle habits, it has become very tough for everyone to stay fit. Hence, people are constantly looking for health tips that can help them maintain their health. And one common tip followed by at least 80% of people is that they start the day with a glass of hot or lukewarm water. Adding a dash of lemon and honey to this makes it even better for those who are trying to watch their weight.

The reason why this tip is followed by people across the world is that the benefits of drinking warm water are so evident that it just becomes a regular habit in no time.

Read on to know some of the super-surprising benefits of this habit on various body systems :

Digestive system: The food pipe, after having digested various foods the previous day, would still be left with remnants along its length. Starting the day with a glass of warm water acts as a good flush, which removes all these remnants. The warm or hot water also helps in removing greasiness, which is very helpful in people who survive on junk food.

Metabolic system: Those who are trying to lose weight should drink warm or hot water with every meal. The belief is that warm or hot water helps in burning more fat, and therefore, boosts the weight loss efforts through diet and exercise changes. The liver is the center of metabolism, and a glass of hot water in the morning can improve its functioning. This, in turn, improves the flow of lymph and bile in the system, which acts a great booster for the whole body.

Immune system and wound healing: When a glass of hot water along with some lime is consumed early in the morning, it gives the required dose of vitamin C and potassium to the body. Also, as the stomach is empty, the absorption is faster.
Body’s pH balance: The body’s pH turns alkaline as the ascorbic acid and the citric acid are easily digested and removed from the system. For a body to be free from disease and illness, drinking warm water helps in maintaining the required pH.
Psychological: A nice juicy lime smells great, and this can be one of the best mood enhancers to begin a day with.

Skin and hair: For anybody with good skin, the key success factor is hydration and a glass of warm water in the morning will provide that. In addition, if lime is added, there is an additional benefit of vitamin C which is required for healthy collagen formation, leaving the skin younger and glowing.

For these and more benefits, drink up a glass of warm water in the morning and feel the difference yourself.

Gone are the days when the sole purpose of having a salad was to lose the stubborn and unwanted body fats. Salads can be extremely healthy and nutritious. With salads around, the long and gruesome hours in the kitchen are a thing of the past. A bowl full of lip-smacking salad, well structured with fruits, vegetables and quality oils, will do your health a world of good. Preparing salads is no rocket science. Get all the ingredients together, and switch to the way of health and nourishment.

A feeling of fullness like never before: Experiencing an irresistible craving for food? The salad is at your service. A bowl of salad will give you a feeling of fullness, keeping the hunger pangs and cravings at bay. With salads, you don't even need to be repetitive. A little modification and your taste buds are in for a treat.

Say no to dehydration: Most of the vegetables that go into your salad have high water content. Scorching summers or sweltering heat can leave a person dehydrated. Salads come as a great relief. It works amazingly to hydrate your body, thereby re-energizing you fully.

Lettuce to fight insomnia: If a good sleep is all that you desire, salad is what you need. 'Lactucarium', a substance found in lettuce, work miraculously to treat insomnia. All the more reasons to include lettuce leaves in your salad.

The goodness of vitamins and minerals are retained: A lot of important vitamins, minerals and some enzymes (mostly digestive, that gets denatured) are lost to cooking. Taking in raw vegetables ensure that the important vitamins and minerals are not lost. Some raw vegetables contain important enzymes (live) that can greatly aid the digestion process.

A salad rich in broccoli, avocados, bell peppers, berries Are a rich source of antioxidants. Such salads work wonders and are an excellent boost for the immune system.

Do not let wrinkles and saggy skin bother you: Some of the fruits and vegetables present in the salad help in collagen synthesis, thus giving your skin a natural glow. It is needless to say that spinach, lettuce and romaine, that form an integral part of your salads, are excellent for the eyesight.

Walnut oil, sunflower oil (organic), olive oil and pumpkin seed oil: These Are rich in omega fatty acids. Using these oils in salad dressings can be extremely beneficial.

Some of the fibrous fruits and vegetables can effectively clean the intestine and colon.

Dr. Mahendra Sahu
Dr. Mahendra Sahu
BAMS, Ayurveda, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ashwinikumar Kale
Dr. Ashwinikumar Kale
MD - Homeopathy, Homeopath Gynaecologist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pramod Bharambe
Dr. Pramod Bharambe
DHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, 30 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sanjay  Salve
Dr. Sanjay Salve
MBBS, Orthopaedics, 16 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandhya Kamble
Dr. Sandhya Kamble
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 26 yrs, Pune