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Healthy Living :
Healthy living is a long-term commitment. But there are steps you can take right now that will make your today healthier than yesterday and pave the way for healthy living tomorrow. So why are you waiting? Start following healthy living practices suggested by experts on HelloDox.
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Try adding these not-so-obvious foods to your pantry and plate to get better nutrition from the calories you eat.

Canned Wild Salmon
Fatty fish, like salmon and sardines, have protein, which gives you energy and makes you feel full longer. And they're full of healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help keep your heart healthy and hold inflammation at bay throughout your body. They also help give skin its glow.

Wild salmon, when it's fresh, can be pricey. Andrea Moss, a certified holistic nutrition coach in Brooklyn, likes canned wild salmon. It costs just a fraction of the fresh variety, and it's just as good for you.

Whole-Leaf Aloe Juice
When you hear "aloe," you might think of the gel you slather on your skin after a sunburn. But you can also buy drinkable, food-grade aloe vera. The plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal, health, and beauty benefits.

It's rich in antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, and it also has vitamin B12, folic acid, and choline. Aloe is a good source of magnesium, calcium, and zinc. And it provides 20 of the 22 amino acids your body needs. The salicylic acid in it helps with inflammation.

"Drink 2 ounces a day," recommends Julia Hunter, a dermatologist in Los Angeles, to help heal the lining of a damaged intestinal tract and heal or prevent leaky gut syndrome.

Aloe juice can be bitter. If the taste bothers you, she suggests mixing it with fruit juice or coconut water.

Pumpkin Seeds
"Most of us only think of pumpkin seeds around Halloween, but they're one of the healthiest seeds to add to your daily diet," Moss says. She recommends them hulled, eaten raw or gently toasted.

They're a rich source of magnesium and zinc, two minerals many people don't get enough of. Magnesium helps relax the body and relieve everything from tight muscles to anxiety to headaches to constipation. Zinc is a key player for your immune system, and it boosts testosterone (which can help improve your libido).

Research suggests both could help people who take medication for depression.

Brazil Nuts
Often overlooked, they're rich in selenium, a mineral your thyroid gland needs. Selenium also supports your immune system and, because it's an antioxidant, helps prevent damage to nerves and cells caused by free radicals as a result of things like cigarette smoke and UV rays.

"Just don't go nuts with these nuts," Moss says. You only need about two a day to get enough selenium, and too many can cause serious health problems.

You're more likely to find this member of the cabbage family as a garnish instead of the star it is, at least nutritionally speaking. It's packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants, both of which help prevent disease and slow aging.

One of these is beta-carotene, a type of carotenoid. These compounds help prevent eye diseases and some cancers. Your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A.

Watercress also has fiber and vitamin K. Just 2 cups of it give you about a third of the vitamin C adults need each day. And cruciferous vegetables have sulfur-based compounds known as glucosinolates that help your body fight off infection and cancer.

Like all cruciferous veggies, watercress helps detox, Moss says. It's especially good for cleansing the liver.

Naturally fermented sauerkraut and other foods with live cultures -- like kimchi, yogurt, kefir, and kombucha -- can help relieve constipation, bloating, and gas. That's because the friendly bacteria that caused the fermentation, called probiotics, are still alive. When you eat them, they help break down certain parts of food, making it easier for your gut to absorb nutrients.

Moss says that research "shows regular consumption of fermented foods supports long-term health, helps prevent disease, and boosts our immune system."

Be choosy about what you buy though. If the product has been pasteurized to preserve it, the high temperature has killed the probiotics. Other jars and bottles on the shelf may have used vinegar rather than bacteria to pickle the food. Fermented foods can also have a lot of salt and sugar, so read the labels.

How well you can see isn't really something you get to choose. Thanks to the genetic lottery, we all end up with either perfect 20/20 vision, horrible eyesight that is just begging for Lasik, or something in between.
While changes in eyesight are often out of our control, and is bound to deteriorate as we age, there are some things we can do. Or, rather, not do. “Without realizing it, plenty of seemingly harmless habits could be negatively affecting your vision," Weslie Hamada, O.D., an optometrist and Johnson & Johnson R&D expert, tells SELF. Whether it’s swimming in your contacts or lighting up for a smoke, there are quite a few everyday activities that could leave you with dry, itchy eyes, infections, or worse. The problem (beyond discomfort) is that neglecting your eye health can impact your eyesight in the long term.

Here are the things you should stop doing ASAP to help keep your peepers as healthy as possible.

1. Forgetting to wear sunglasses
Extensive UV exposure can damage the retina and ultimately put you at risk for a few major eye conditions like cataracts or abnormal growths. “It’s so important to wear UV-blocking sunglasses while outside to avoid damage,” Hamada says. So, dig those sunnies out of your bag every time you head outside—it’s even more important than you realize. If you wear contacts, choosing a brand with UV protection can add an extra layer of defense—all types of Acuvue (a J&J brand) contacts have UV shields built into them.

2. Wearing old contact lenses
While it might seem harmless to wear those one-day contact lenses on day two, you’re increasing your chances of an infection. “People tend to keep their contact lenses in their eyes much longer than the contacts are intended, especially one-a-days,” says Hamada. “Sleeping in your contacts, sharing contacts with others, or not switching your contact case every few weeks are all major offenses when it comes to keeping your eyes healthy and avoiding vision-blurring infections.”

3. Rubbing your eyes
It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them. “You transfer germs into your eyes this way, classically bacteria that causes pink eye,” Jessica Ciralsky, M.D., a cornea specialist at Weill Cornell Medicine, tells SELF. “Eye rubbing has been linked to permanent corneal damage—like disorders known as keratoconus in which the cornea thins and begins to bulge outward—and it can also break the fragile vessels around the eye.” It’s also important to note that if you feel something in your eye, trying to rub it away can possibly dig the debris in deeper. Instead, try to blink rapidly so that your tears wash it away. If that doesn’t work, put in a few eye drops to flush out the eye.

4. Wearing contacts in the pool or shower
“Wearing your contacts in any form of water—the ocean, a pool or even the shower—can allow bacteria, or in severe cases, even something called an acanthamoeba, into the eye,” warns Hamada. This microorganism lives in fresh water and soil, and though it's rare, can cause a serious infection—even permanent damage or blindness—if it gets in your eye. “Something like this not only causes infections, but can also cause serious damage to your vision as well.”

5. Using expired eye makeup
While it might physically pain you to throw out your favorite mascara when only half the tube is used, it’s a necessary evil if it's past its prime. Using expired eye makeup can irritate your contacts or cause a nasty eye infection. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, eye makeup should be thrown away after three months. Some experts say six to nine is OK for mascara, and longer for eye shadows, but it's better to err on the safe side. A good rule of thumb is that when it gets clumpy, it's time to throw it out. Don't add water—it'll just give bacteria an even cozier place to set up shop.

6. Smoking
“In ophthalmology, [smoking] is associated with a higher risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration which, ultimately affects your vision,” Ciralzky says. The National Eye Institute explains age-related macular degeneration as damage to a small spot on your retina, which is used for sharp, central vision. When this part of the retina begins to deteriorate, so does your vision. Unfortunately, this is the leading cause of vision loss among people over 50, and smoking actually doubles your risk of developing the condition.

7. Staring at a smartphone all day
There’s a reason your eyes feel physically tired after staring at your computer (or smartphone) all day. When you’re straining to read the small text on those tiny screens and flooding them with blue light, your blink rate actually decreases. “When your blink rate starts to decrease, so does the rate of tear production,” Hamada explains. "Without lubrication, eyes begin to feel dry and tired, which causes blurry vision.” The feeling of fatigued eyesight and unclear vision could last for at least a few hours and give you a headache. There's also growing evidence that more screen time might lead to irreversible deterioration of the retina, and may even be rising the rates of nearsightedness worldwide.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends following the “20-20-20” rule to relieve eye strain if you're in front of a computer most of the day. For every 20 minutes of screen time, shift your eyes to look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This will help readjust your eyes and give them some time to relax.

8. Forgoing safety goggles
Whether you’re mowing the lawn or working on your latest home improvement project, make sure you actually wear those goofy looking goggles. You may feel silly, but according to Ciralzky, many eye injuries occur at home doing everyday chores like cleaning the house with harsh chemicals or using a nail gun for your Pinterest-inspired DIY project. This might seem like an unnecessary precaution, but the CDC reports that 2,000 U.S. workers experience a job-related eye injury every day. Just imagine the type of damage you could do at home when you're taking on a task you're not trained to do.

9. Skipping your annual eye exam
"Forgoing your annual eye doctor visit is an obvious, yet major issue when it comes ensuring you’re keeping your eyes healthy,” says Hamada. Even if you feel like your vision is perfect, there’s still a chance that you may be squinting and straining your eyes without realizing it. Even more concerning, Hamada reports that many patients don’t seek medical help for their eyes until it’s too late and they’ve already experienced vision loss. Meanwhile, early detection of many eye diseases can make a huge difference in preserving your vision.

10. Relying on redness drops
After a late night out, redness-reducing eye drops can mean the difference between looking like a red-eyed monster and appearing like an actual human being. But if you’re overusing that tiny miracle worker, you could actually be causing damage. “Overusing drops that "take the red out" can actually cause the opposite effect and lead to more redness,” explains Ciralsky. “These drops work by constricting the vessels, but if you overuse the drops, they can lead to a rebound redness." Stick to artificial tears—and get more shut-eye to avoid the bloodshot look in the first place.

Your liver is the primary detoxifier in your body and it can totally handle moderate intake of alcohol, fatty foods, and sugary treats. The liver excels at converting toxins into waste products, cleansing blood, and metabolizing nutrients and medications so that they can be used by the body.

But the liver can easily get overwhelmed if you don’t ever give it a break. There are many products on the market that purport to detox your liver after an overindulgence, but there really isn’t any such thing as a true liver detox because that’s what your liver does all the time. There is no scientific data to support the efficacy of these products, and they may even be dangerous.

7 Foods That Naturally Cleanse the Liver

Your liver is the primary detoxifier in your body and it can totally handle moderate intake of alcohol, fatty foods, and sugary treats. The liver excels at converting toxins into waste products, cleansing blood, and metabolizing nutrients and medications so that they can be used by the body.

But the liver can easily get overwhelmed if you don’t ever give it a break. There are many products on the market that purport to detox your liver after an overindulgence, but there really isn’t any such thing as a true liver detox because that’s what your liver does all the time. There is no scientific data to support the efficacy of these products, and they may even be dangerous.

Still, your liver must be cared for in order to keep functioning in a healthy way. If a capsule won’t do it, what will? In a word, food. Healthy eating is the best gift you can give your liver, and the good news is that you are probably already consuming many of the liver-friendly foods on our list.

Read on to see how well you are doing by your liver, and learn some ways to improve its health.

1. Coffee & Tea
Coffee has been shown to protect the liver from disease, even if you already have liver issues. Coffee lowers the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer as well as reduces damaging inflammation. Researchers think it works because of its ability to prevent the buildup of fat cells, one of the markers of liver disease. The strongest benefits are seen in people who drink at least three cups a day, so don’t listen to anyone who says you have a problem.

Studies show that green tea consumption is also linked to better liver health, but you may need to drink 5-10 cups per day. Who has that much time to run to the restroom? Still, skip the concentrated green tea supplements, because too much can actually have a damaging effect on the liver. Black tea seems to help reverse the effects of a high fat diet. Long story short – enjoy as much tea of any variety as you would like each day, but check in with your doc if that amount exceeds 10 cups.

2. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is great for the liver due to its antioxidants. The two main antioxidants in grapefruit are naringenin and naringin, which help reduce inflammation and protect liver cells. They also seem to prevent the growth of excessive connective tissue and decrease the amount of stored fat in the liver.

Interestingly, naringin has been shown in rat studies to improve the liver’s ability to metabolize alcohol and counteract some of alcohol’s negative effects. Next time you’re about to party, eat some grapefruit as a snack before doing shots and potentially save yourself the debilitating hangover. Your liver will thank you for it.

3. Blueberries and Cranberries
Blueberries and cranberries contain a category of antioxidants called anthocyanins. Beyond giving the berries their distinct colors, these antioxidants have been connected to several liver health benefits.

Eating blueberries and cranberries daily for 3-4 weeks has been shown to protect the liver by preventing the development of lesions, scar tissue, and fibrosis. Blueberries in particular increase immune cell response as well as antioxidant enzymes. Blueberry extract also inhibits the growth of liver cancer cells in test tube studies, but more research in humans is necessary.

4. Grapes
Grapes, especially red varieties, contain several beneficial plant compounds. The one you’ve probably heard about is resveratrol, otherwise known as a great excuse to drink red wine. Resveratrol helps the liver by reducing inflammation and protecting against damage by free radicals. Regular consumption is thought to lower your risk of developing cancer, too.

A small research study in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) indicated that daily consumption of grape seed extract over three months improved their liver function. Of course, grape seed extract is way more concentrated than what you’d get in whole grapes, or wine for that matter. But it doesn’t hurt to make grapes a daily habit, and you could certainly ask your doctor if he or she thinks a grape seed extract regimen makes sense for you.

5. Prickly Pear
Prickly pear is actually a type of edible cactus. You may not be able to find it at your local grocery store, but it’s worth a look because this interesting fruit has been shown to reduce the symptoms of a hangover. Study participants reported feeling less nausea, dry mouth, and overall misery if they drank some prickly pear extract before consuming alcohol.
A hangover indicates a liver struggling to process the amount of alcohol it has been given. Prickly pear extract seems to decrease the oxidative damage that the liver sustains after heavy drinking, as well as helps to keep antioxidant and inflammation levels stable.
But beyond being a potential boon to college kids everywhere, prickly pear has long been used in holistic medicine to treat liver disease as well as ulcers, wounds, and fatigue.

6. Beetroot Juice
Beets have a very distinct earthy flavor, and there are very few people who can either take them or leave them. You either like beets or you really, really don’t. But if you can stand ‘em, eat up, because beets contain antioxidants in a category called betalains. These compounds are great for reducing oxidative damage and inflammation in the liver as well as increasing detoxifying enzymes.

Though most studies have been done on the juice of beetroots, we can assume that eating them whole is beneficial, too. But even those of us who don’t like beets might be able to tolerate some beet juice in their smoothies, perhaps disguised by the flavor of the blueberries and cranberries we should also be eating.

These 7 foods naturally cleanse the liver by reducing the effects of bad dietary habits and allowing it to do its job correctly. When a liver is overtaxed by sugar, alcohol, and fatty food, it becomes unable to metabolize everything and starts to develop fatty deposits within itself. That is the essence of liver disease, and it can be deadly.
The healthiest livers don’t have to deal with the consequences of dietary indulgence, but since this is the real world and we all need to let loose sometimes, the best advice is simply to indulge in moderation while making sure to build plenty of liver-friendly foods into your daily diet. Definitely skip the untested and unregulated detox supplements on the market. You can trust your liver to keep working hard for you as long as it gets some love in return.

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Who doesn’t want healthy skin? Soft and supple texture and radiance are all signs of healthy skin and they are simply the best thing ever. Now you must be wondering what to maintain healthy skin is an expensive affair and you are not ready for that kind of an investment. Well lucky for you, it’s only partly true.

Keeping your skin healthy is very much possible with some natural beauty tips. These beauty tips include everything from using natural ingredients, healthy eating, few preventive measures, etc. Keep reading while we unfold some amazing tips for healthy skin.

Natural beauty tips demand consistency, so you have to keep on doing the mentioned activity for a certain period of time to see the results. Here are some tips for healthy skin...
Hydrate your body:
Hydrating your body can alone solve so many problems yet we choose to not keep it as our priority. When your body is dehydrated it doesn't perform in the most optimum manner and it shows on your skin as well, your skin will become dry, flaky and dull. Hydrating yourself is one of the easiest tips for healthy skin.

Eat right:
Eating right is not just important for your guts but also for the overall wellbeing including your skin health. Tips for healthy skin are all about doing the best for your body and your skin. Make sure to include enough antioxidants in your diet, it helps to fight bacteria, diseases and also prevents free radicals that accelerate aging. Antioxidants slow down the aging process, inflammation, and formation of fine lines and wrinkles. The tip for healthy skin here is to include the following food items in your diet—Goji berries, Acai berries, Spinach, Raspberries, Blueberries, Pomegranate, Seeds, Nuts, Green tea, etc.

Many studies say that you should try to incorporate a rainbow-colored meal in your plate. Having different kinds of food will supply the body with various types of antioxidants that help to fight free radicals. Kick start your body’s cell regeneration mechanism, this tip for healthy skin will surely leave you with great results.

Eat organic:
Needless to say, organic food is free of toxins and other harmful ingredients. So consuming organic food is definitely a tip for healthy skin. It provides your body with all the needed nutrients that brings a natural flush to your skin.

Stay away from sun ray:
Natural beauty needs a little of everything, while a lot of something can go off the board. For example - a little exposure to Vitamin D from the sun is totally beneficial but if you take it in excess it can result in sun tanning and dullness of skin. Try to stay from the sun in the peak noon hours as much as possible. And make sunscreen a mandatory part of your skincare routine. Do check your sunscreen ingredient list and make sure it has zinc and titanium oxide sunscreen.

Natural skin care products:
One of the important tips for healthy skin is to use only natural skin care products, most of the commercialized products available in the market are full of harsh chemicals. These products damage your skin cells making it look dull while resulting in breakouts and blemishes. Always have a look at the ingredients and choose the one that has organic ingredients and free of chemicals like Paraben and SLS.

Vitamin C to be wrinkle free
Did you know keeping your Vitamin C intake high will help to slow down the aging process? It also helps in cell regeneration to make your skin youthful. This beauty tip for face is followed by experts as vitamin C boosts the production of collagen as well, thereby reducing fine lines and wrinkles!

Control sugar intake:
Sugar does serious harm to your body and in return, it just fulfils your sugar craving. That isn’t a really good barter, right? Sugar slows down the collagen production and reduces the elasticity of the skin making it look dull and aged. The best way is to stick to natural sweetener like jaggery, it’s healthy and won’t harm your body. For all those with a sweet tooth, this healthy skin tip is surely going to be a difficult one. But you got to do what you got to do!

Healthy fats for healthy skin:
Not all kind of fats are bad, some do an amazing job at being beneficial to your body. Good fats actually help to make your skin look younger and radiant. Tips for healthy skin surely involve the intake of good fats like avocado, olive oil, flax seeds, fishes, nuts, etc.

Body detoxifying:
Your body builds up toxins from various factors like pollution, junk food, unhealthy drinks, smoking, etc. It’s important to detoxify your body, to make your skin look fresh and beautiful. Have lots of green tea, hot water with lemon juice in the morning, activated charcoal drink, etc to get all the impurities out of your body.

Exercise daily:
Exercising is obviously one of the best ways to sweat out the impurities and toxins. Heard about post-workout glow? It’s not a myth. When you workout, your blood circulation gets regulated and hence adds a healthy glow to your face. This isn’t just a tip for healthy skin but it also helps with total body regulation while you fit and active.

Take enough sleep:
Lastly, sleep!! This natural beauty tip will definitely come to you naturally and don’t you just love doing that? Getting proper sleep helps you to rejuvenate and while you are sleeping your skin is in its repairing mode. So get that night cream or Hyaluronic acid (we’d totally recommend) and get that good 8 hours of sleep every night!

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation in the joints. There are different types of arthritis. Some of them include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. While this condition is most common in elderly people, especially those over 65 years of age, it can also affect younger people, unfortunately. Treatment for the different types of arthritis is mostly geared towards reducing the inflammation and helping in the pain management.
Diet can also play a role in helping you manage the symptoms of arthritis. Although no one specific diet can totally help you with your arthritis, some dietary habits can definitely make you feel better.
It is, however, advisable to experiment first and see what works for you and what does not. Some have to do with how you prepare the food, while others have more to do with the food itself.
Here are some foods to avoid if you have arthritis.

1. Saturated Fats
Foods that have high levels of saturated fats will likely trigger the inflammation of the fat tissue (adipose). This could put you at risk of getting heart disease and worsen inflammation, making your arthritis situation even worse than it might already be.
Some examples of foods that have very high levels of saturated fats include fried and processed foods, red meat and full-fat dairy products. Reducing your intake of this will help in that it will restore your body’s natural defenses and keep inflammation low.

2. Sugar and refined carbs
Taking too much sugar on a daily basis will cause an AGE spike in your body which will cause inflammation. According to reputable studies, sugar triggers the release of inflammatory messengers. They are known as cytokines. So understandably, it is hard to avoid sugar.
Part of the reason is that sugar comes in a number of different names. To be on the safe side though, just look out for any labels that end on “ose” for example fructose or sucrose. For your own good cut out things like soda, candy and other desserts with empty calories and food made from refined white flour.

3. Corn oil/ omega- 6s
First of all, the body actually needs Omega 6 fatty acids for normal growth and development but it just needs the right balance of omega-6s to omega-3s. Taking too much omega-6 will bother you if you have arthritis, as it is linked to inflammatory chemicals.
To be on the safe side, it is advisable to stay away from oils containing sunflower, soy, vegetables, peanuts, corn, and safflower. Instead, focus more on adding omega-3s such as olive oil, nuts or go for seeds such as pumpkin and flax seeds.

4. Salt
Salt can make things worse for people with arthritis. You should be on the lookout as to whether excess intake of salt worsens your joint inflammation or not. It is better to stay away from most packaged foods. They contain so much salt and preservatives.
Instead, cook your food at home. That way, you can use salt in its whole form and you will also be in a better position to control how much of it you take. Whenever you go shopping, try and get products with natural preservatives and always read labels and choose products with reduced sodium.

5. Dairy products
Other than the fact that dairy products contain a lot of fat, they also have in them a protein that could irritate that tissue surrounding the joints.
Since the effect of dairy products differs in different patients, it really is worth experimenting to see whether or not eliminating it helps you or not. If it helps, then you might want to try a vegan diet.

6. Alcohol
Alcohol drinking could lead to gout, which can also cause arthritis in the smaller bones that are found on the feet. In cases where one has gout, the uric acid is not metabolized.
Too much alcohol consumption overworks the liver and could cause inflammation and also an interference with all that is required for one to have healthy joints, that is, a balanced diet, sleep, and exercise.

7. Tobacco
Tobacco is really not good for anyone but it’s even worse in that it increases your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking harms your bones. It also harms the joints and connective tissue.
For people who are already suffering from arthritis, it affects how the medication works. It makes it less effective and could cause some serious complications in the event that surgery is necessary.

8. Foods cooked at high temperatures
These foods cooked at high temperature lead to the production of AGEs (advanced glycation end products) which create inflammation. By foods cooked at high temperatures, we mean those that are grilled, pasteurized or fried and they could end up releasing cytokines when they are eaten, which could send inflammatory messages throughout the entire body.
It may not be very practical to eliminate all of such foods but you can reduce your intake of them. Go for whole fruits, salads and lightly cooked vegetables instead.

Dr. Nirnjn P.
Dr. Nirnjn P.
MD - Allopathy, Diabetologist Physician, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vaidya Manish Joshi
Dr. Vaidya Manish Joshi
BAMS, Infertility Specialist Panchakarma, 21 yrs, Nashik
Dr. Ratnaprabha  Chaudhari
Dr. Ratnaprabha Chaudhari
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Infertility Specialist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ramit Kamate
Dr. Ramit Kamate
MBBS, Infertility Specialist In Vitro Fertilization Specialist, 1 yrs, Pune
BDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dental Surgeon, 5 yrs, Pune