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Health Tips
Healthy Living :
Healthy living is a long-term commitment. But there are steps you can take right now that will make your today healthier than yesterday and pave the way for healthy living tomorrow. So why are you waiting? Start following healthy living practices suggested by experts on HelloDox.

Cucumber, scientific name Cucumis sativus, belonging to the plant family Cucurbitaceae, has been a winner from the word go. From hunger pangs to skin care, cucumber has never disappointed. While most of the people consider it a healthy practice to have the cucumber peeled before eating, the truth is just the opposite. The health benefits of unpeeled cucumber are beyond imagination. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of this.

In this article, we will discuss the health benefits associated with unpeeled cucumber.

Keep constipation and related problems at bay:
If constipation has been giving you sleepless night, worry no more! The answer to all your problems lies in unpeeled cucumber. The cucumber peel is laden with insoluble fiber that goes a long way to improve the conditions of constipation and associated discomfort. For those with hardened stool, the inner part of the cucumber comes as a great relief. A rich source of soluble fiber, it works towards softening the stool. All in all, the unpeeled cucumber aids in preventing digestive and bowel related problems.

An unpeeled cucumber a day keeps the ophthalmologist away: Not known to many, but the cucumber peel is an excellent source of Vitamin A (beta-carotene). For a healthy vision and eyesight, Vitamin A is important. When you peel the cucumber, the beta- carotene goes straight down the drain, a mistake that can cost you dearly.

Get rid of the stubborn and unwanted fats: For those into dieting, hunger pangs and food cravings are inevitable. You feel like munching something at every short time interval without affecting the calorie content. An unpeeled cucumber is extremely low in calories (each slice containing ~ 1-2 g of calories). The next time, the hunger pangs come to haunt you, a slice or two of unpeeled cucumber is what you should munch on.

Slows down the signs of skin aging: Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) comes as a blessing for the skin. It plays a pivotal role in reducing and slowing down the signs of skin aging by protecting the skin from the harmful oxidative damage. It also acts as a catalyst, accelerating the collagen production. The unpeeled cucumber, rather the cucumber peels are a rich source of ascorbic acid, peeling which you rob the skin of an essential vitamin.

Source of important vitamins: The unpeeled cucumber is also an important source of Vitamin K or blood clotting factor. The health benefits of vitamin K are not new. In addition to regulating the clotting of blood during an injury, Vitamin K is also involved in the mineralization of the bone (thereby reducing bone loss and associated problems). It also ensures the healthy functioning of the brain and may be instrumental in avoiding certain types of cancer.

Source of Minerals: The cucumber peels are also laden with magnesium, a mineral known for its benefits. From fighting insomnia and migraine related headaches to relieving muscle spasms, improving the digestion to soothing the nerves, magnesium does these all and a lot more.
With so many health benefits, the next time you eat a cucumber, make sure it is unpeeled.

While many of us may associate healthy food with a healthy body, it is also true that healthy food can support a healthy brain. As we start to grow old, there is something known as oxidative damage which can lead to memory impairment and general brain decline.

A healthy brain is one where the brain function is at an appropriate level and the aging process has been pushed back in terms of stellar memory and information processing. According to Ayurveda and other arms of medical science, there are a number of super foods that can help in this process. Here is a list of five foods that can lead to a healthier brain.

Brahmi: This is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs. It can be used for many ailments and it also prescribed as a brain tonic for stronger memory. Besides making the memory clear and sharp, this ingredient can improve the brain’s grasping power and the mental capacity of the brain. It is also an excellent anti-anxiety agent, as per Ayurvedic science.

Ginkgo Biloba: This herb promotes better blood circulation in the brain, which helps in improving the overall brain function. It is also a memory enhancer. This herb is used by Ayurvedic doctors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and Amnesia. It is a good medicine that can repair the damaged cells of the brain.

Ashwagandha: This is also known as an Ayurvedic wonder herb. This herb contains many beneficial properties for the brain and the rest of the body. When it comes to the brain and its functioning, Ashwagandha is ideal for patients who are suffering from severe stress. Besides being a stress reliever, this herb can also be used to keep the brain in a calm state for better performance. It helps in improving the functioning of the brain and its complex nerves. This herb is also a good memory enhancer.

Gotu Kola: Gotu Kola is a well-known Ayurvedic herb that can be used for protecting the nerves from damage. It protects the brain cells as well. Also, it enhances the capacity of the brain and leads to improved performance thanks to the many vital elements that it carries.

Mulethi: This is a stress relieving herb used by Ayurvedic doctors. It improves the blood circulation in the nervous system, which gives rise to better brain function. This is a very good herb for children and students, as it is a memory booster which helps them in retaining and retrieving information. It is also a stress relieving medicine that can be used to keep the brain calm and cool even in the most challenging situation. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurveda.

Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:

*It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.

*It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.

*It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.

*It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.

*It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.

*It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.

*It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.

*It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an ayurveda.

Mango is one of the most loved fruits and is known as the king of all fruits. This fruit has different flavors along with fragrance and qualities that will prove best for the body in many areas. It is the seasonal fruit which is mostly found in tropics. It is the tress which is cultivated in different regions in India. It is the juicy fruit which has a unique taste that makes it different from other fruits.

Health benefits of Mango

1.It has antioxidant compounds and is rich in fibre, minerals and vitamins.

2.It is rich in potassium, which is best for the body and helps in the composition of cells along with body fluids that will help in controlling blood pressure and heart rate.

3.It is rich in vitamin B6 along with vitamin E and C. Vitamin C will help in developing immunity, which helps the body in fighting many diseases.

4.It contains some amount of copper that will help the body in producing red blood cells.

5.It is also rich in Vitamin A which is important for the skin and keeps the person’s skin free from allergies or wrinkles.

6.Consumption of mango will help you to protect from lung and oral cancer.

7.It protects the women from breast cancer. Not only women, it protects men from colon and prostate cancer with the help of polyphenolic compound.

8.It helps the body in losing weight as it contains nutrients and vitamins which are best for the body.

9.It also contains fibre which helps in the digestion process by burning many calories.

10.It is good for eyes; regular consumption will lead to good eyesight. It also prevents night blindness.

11.Mango is also used as a body scrub by mixing it with honey and milk. The application of this mix gives smoother and softer skin.

12.It helps in the reduction of kidney stones.
It is rich in iron, which is best for pregnant women as it increases the level of iron in the body which makes blood healthy.

13.It helps in controlling the cholesterol levels in the body.

A simple walking regimen can go a long way in improving your heart health, say researchers."We know walking is an excellent form of exercise, but research has been mixed on how successful a walking programme can be in changing biological markers such as cholesterol, weight, blood pressure," said Pamela Stewart Fahs, Professor at Binghamton University, State University of New York.

The researchers found that moderately intensive walking improves cardiovascular risk factors in the short term.

For the study, a group of 70 women were tested as part of their volunteer participation in a community walking programme.

Participants were given a programmable pedometer to wear for waking hours over a 10-week period and asked to walk briskly for at least 150 minutes per week.

On completion of the programme, participants' weight, BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol were measured.

They were also asked to complete a survey about their physical activity, food choices, personal characteristics and behaviour from the 10-week period.

The results of their post-test confirmed the team's initial hypothesis that walking would improve cardiovascular risk factors in the short term.

The study was published in the journal Creative Nursing.

Dr. Abhijit Shirude
Dr. Abhijit Shirude
MS - Allopathy, ENT Specialist, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rahul Pherwani
Dr. Rahul Pherwani
BHMS, 22 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sairandhri Shinde
Dr. Sairandhri Shinde
MBBS, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Geetanjali Ghule Karad
Dr. Geetanjali Ghule Karad
BHMS, Homeopath, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amruta Siddha
Dr. Amruta Siddha
MBBS, ENT Specialist, 9 yrs, Pune