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Yoga :
Are you aware about the power of yoga? Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices which originated in ancient India. Yoga focuses on your body’s natural tendency toward health and self- healing. You want to know more about yoga practice, start following Yoga Tips.

Yoga is the new gym these days with more and more people taking to this discipline for its many health benefits. Regular practice of yoga can provide the much needed relief from the daily stresses of urban life. Yoga combines physical, mental and spiritual practices. These days yoga schools and classes are on the rise. While a daily gym routine may not be suitable for all age-groups, Yoga and its different asanas and breathing techniques cater to all age brackets, be it young or old.

Some of the other benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved energy, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, improved athletic performance, protection from injury and many more. Body balancing plays a vital role in our well being as it reduces stress levels, enables you to have a good posture, increases core strength and stability, raises your consciousness and also helps you concentrate better. There are various yoga asanas that help in body balancing like Tadasana, Parsvakonasana, Virabhadrasana, Prasarita Padottanasana and Trikonasana being one of the effective ones.

“The Trikonasana is the building block of your yoga practice. It is very easy to do it but at the same time is it also very easy to get it wrong. It involves all your joints and the primary purpose is to align all your joints,” says Yoga Expert, Zubin Atre.

Benefits of Trikonasana

Let’s consider this yoga asana which is simple to execute but has many significant benefits. Trikonasana, as the name suggests is a triangle-shaped asana and can provide the following benefits if practiced regularly.

1. Helps in stretching hips, side of the torso and the hamstrings of your left leg.

2. Stretches the spine.

3. Supports the stimulation of spinal nerves.

4. It helps in improving the alignment of shoulders and flexibility of the spine.

5. It also strengthens the ankles and tones the ligaments of the arms and legs.

Who should stay away from Trikonasana?

This asana shouldn’t be performed by those who suffer from severe back pain. Others who are advised against trying this asana include those suffering from diarrhea, neck & back injuries, dizziness or vertigo because it is very easy to lose your balance while performing this pose.

How to do this body balancing asana

Stand erect and set your legs wide apart. Point your left foot out so that it is perpendicular to your right foot. This gives you a slightly broader base to balance on. Extend your arms at the shoulder level. Inhale and raise your right arm by the side of your head. Make sure that both your arms are parallel to each other and your legs are stretched straight. Now, while exhaling gently slide your upper body to the left and tilt it down. Your arm will also move simultaneously. As your left hand comes down you can keep it on the ankle, over the shin, on your knee or simply rest it on the floor. Your chest and tummy should be facing the front. Remember that you need to get all the muscles involved and make sure all the joints are in one line. Gently stretch your left palm away from the body and press with the back of your hand into the shin or ankle. This will push your hip forward and the right shoulder will be pulled further back engaging all the muscles. The weight should be on both the legs and you are just pressing your hands against the inside of the leg to maintain balance. Repeat it using the other arm. You can practice this pose for 2-6 long breaths.

There are four variations of trikonasana namely,

A. Extended Triangle pose (Utthita trikonasana)

B. Bound Triangle pose (Baddha trikonasana)

C. Revolved Triangle pose (Parivrtta trikonasana)

D. Reclining triangle pose (Supta trikonasana)

Tired of hearing from your relatives, “Doesn’t your mommy feed you well?” Or from your friends that “You are too skinny”. First of all, we would like to state outright that your body is yours to feel proud of. There is nothing like too thin or not too thin. However, it is important to eat well, work out and be healthy. If you would like to get rid of your lanky or thin frame, then try yoga for weight gain.

Even though you’ve changed your eating habits, you still remain thin? If this is the case with you, then you’ve stopped at the right place. And yoga is the answer to all these questions. However, it’s important to understand the cause of your thinness, if it’s because of some disease, hereditary or distorted diet-plan or any other.

Lameeya Arsiwala, an expert in Hatha Vinyasa, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, attended the Australian Yoga Academy in Melbourne and now manages The Yoga House, Mumbai. “A fit body is not one that is necessarily ripped and pumped; a fit body is high on stamina, healthy from within and comprises of a fit emotional well-being. Our emotions are responsible for a large percentage of diseases in the body. The mind plays a very important role in a healthy, well-functioning body. It is only natural then, that yoga enthusiasts and practitioners pay close attention to meditation and other non-physical aspects of yoga.”

Abhishek Maheshwari, yoga instructor at Mystic Yoga Cafe, Kolkata points out that a lot of things are inter-linked when it comes to yoga. Therefore, there aren’t asanas which would directly impact increased muscle mass. Rather, if one wants to gain weight, they have to practice yoga postures regularly - which will aid in better digestion and would consequently increase the diet of the individual. He adds, “Yoga will bring your metabolic rate to an optimum level.”

Here are some poses that will help you relax your body, build muscle mass, improve your digestive system and flourishing the practitioner’s appetite, hence facilitating weight-gain.

1. Virabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose):

The poses in the series of Virabhadrasana can help you build muscle mass, recommends Lameeya. This will further increase the elasticity of your muscles. This yoga pose burns a lot of calories and provides the body with the requisite energy throughout. Hence, helps in increasing your appetite.

2. Savasana (The Corpse Pose):

The corpse pose is vitally regarded as one of the most effective poses for keeping the body and mind at ease. This relaxing and meditative pose is beneficial for the body’s ability to gain weight as it reduces stress, which is a key cause in losing weight, and leaves the body peaceful. Ms Hansaji J. Yogendra, Director - The Yoga Institute, Mumbai adds that this asana can help you focus on being cheerful. She says, “It’s all about being positive and practicing attitudinal training because ultimately you need to keep your mind healthy and that can be achieved through this asana.”

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand):

It helps in problems related with indigestion and also nourishes the blood flow in brain. It can also be considered as an efficacious posture to increase muscle strength. To perform this pose, you first need to lie down on the floor, make sure that your legs are together and your palms face the ground. Then, lift your hips while inhaling at the same time. The third step is to raise your legs initially to about 30 degrees and then to 90 degrees and slowly take your back off the ground with the help of your hands.

Hold onto this position for 5-8 counts and then revert slowly to your initial position. Repeat this 4-5 times in the beginning. This yoga asana comes under the inverting postures along with Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose) and is useful in maintaining the hormonal function apart from obtaining muscle mass. It is further beneficial for people having hyperthyroid, due to which there is weight-loss and this asana will help lessen the effect.

4. Supta Badhha konasana (Reclining-Bound-Angle-Pose):

Lameeya suggests this restorative posture which helps in maintaining calmness of the mind and can help in digestion. It can help in acquiring complete control over body and mind. The asana helps in receiving symptoms of stress and depression. To do this, you need to first sit straight on your yoga mat and fold your knees. Then, follow the below mentioned points:

1. Now press the soles of your feet together with the help of your hands.

2. Start leaning on your back now and keeping your hands beside you to avoid uncomforted posture and continue until your back rests on the mat.

3. Put your hands above your head in a prayer pose and inhale deeply.

4. Concentrate on your breathing and relax.

Health5 Effective Yoga Poses To Gain Weight Fast
5 Effective Yoga Poses to Gain Weight Fast Srishti Walia | Updated: August 30, 2016 12:10 ISTTweeterfacebook Reddit
5 Effective Yoga Poses to Gain Weight Fast
Yoga is beneficial for the mind and bodySome yoga asanas can affect your metabolism and digestionThus, help you gain weight, if required
Tired of hearing from your relatives, “Doesn’t your mommy feed you well?” Or from your friends that “You are too skinny”. First of all, we would like to state outright that your body is yours to feel proud of. There is nothing like too thin or not too thin. However, it is important to eat well, work out and be healthy. If you would like to get rid of your lanky or thin frame, then try yoga for weight gain.

Even though you’ve changed your eating habits, you still remain thin? If this is the case with you, then you’ve stopped at the right place. And yoga is the answer to all these questions. However, it’s important to understand the cause of your thinness, if it’s because of some disease, hereditary or distorted diet-plan or any other.

Lameeya Arsiwala, an expert in Hatha Vinyasa, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, attended the Australian Yoga Academy in Melbourne and now manages The Yoga House, Mumbai. “A fit body is not one that is necessarily ripped and pumped; a fit body is high on stamina, healthy from within and comprises of a fit emotional well-being. Our emotions are responsible for a large percentage of diseases in the body. The mind plays a very important role in a healthy, well-functioning body. It is only natural then, that yoga enthusiasts and practitioners pay close attention to meditation and other non-physical aspects of yoga.”

Lameeya practicing her yoga regime
Abhishek Maheshwari, yoga instructor at Mystic Yoga Cafe, Kolkata points out that a lot of things are inter-linked when it comes to yoga. Therefore, there aren’t asanas which would directly impact increased muscle mass. Rather, if one wants to gain weight, they have to practice yoga postures regularly - which will aid in better digestion and would consequently increase the diet of the individual. He adds, “Yoga will bring your metabolic rate to an optimum level.”

Here are some poses that will help you relax your body, build muscle mass, improve your digestive system and flourishing the practitioner’s appetite, hence facilitating weight-gain.

1. Virabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose):

The poses in the series of Virabhadrasana can help you build muscle mass, recommends Lameeya. This will further increase the elasticity of your muscles. This yoga pose burns a lot of calories and provides the body with the requisite energy throughout. Hence, helps in increasing your appetite.

Read about: Virabhadrasana I

Read about: Virabhadrasana II

2. Savasana (The Corpse Pose):

The corpse pose is vitally regarded as one of the most effective poses for keeping the body and mind at ease. This relaxing and meditative pose is beneficial for the body’s ability to gain weight as it reduces stress, which is a key cause in losing weight, and leaves the body peaceful. Ms Hansaji J. Yogendra, Director - The Yoga Institute, Mumbai adds that this asana can help you focus on being cheerful. She says, “It’s all about being positive and practicing attitudinal training because ultimately you need to keep your mind healthy and that can be achieved through this asana.”

Click here to know how it’s done - Savasana.

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand):

It helps in problems related with indigestion and also nourishes the blood flow in brain. It can also be considered as an efficacious posture to increase muscle strength. To perform this pose, you first need to lie down on the floor, make sure that your legs are together and your palms face the ground. Then, lift your hips while inhaling at the same time. The third step is to raise your legs initially to about 30 degrees and then to 90 degrees and slowly take your back off the ground with the help of your hands.

Hold onto this position for 5-8 counts and then revert slowly to your initial position. Repeat this 4-5 times in the beginning. This yoga asana comes under the inverting postures along with Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose) and is useful in maintaining the hormonal function apart from obtaining muscle mass. It is further beneficial for people having hyperthyroid, due to which there is weight-loss and this asana will help lessen the effect.

4. Supta Badhha konasana (Reclining-Bound-Angle-Pose):

Lameeya suggests this restorative posture which helps in maintaining calmness of the mind and can help in digestion. It can help in acquiring complete control over body and mind. The asana helps in receiving symptoms of stress and depression. To do this, you need to first sit straight on your yoga mat and fold your knees. Then, follow the below mentioned points:

1. Now press the soles of your feet together with the help of your hands.

2. Start leaning on your back now and keeping your hands beside you to avoid uncomforted posture and continue until your back rests on the mat.

3. Put your hands above your head in a prayer pose and inhale deeply.

4. Concentrate on your breathing and relax.

5. Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose):

The asana will improve your appetite and act as a remedy for digestive problems. Also, blood circulation in lower abdomen will be improved. For this, you first need to lie on your back with your arms beside you.

1. Keep your feet together and stretch them.

2. Fold your knees slowly and wrap your arms around them.

3. Take a deep breath and while exhaling pull your knees close to your chest.

4. Inhale again and try to touch your chin with your knees.

5. Hold the breath for about 30-40 seconds in the beginning and gently exhale.

It is said that in the end, your body has its own intelligence and you are required to follow an adequate balance of active (dynamic) and passive (restorative/non-dynamic) yoga practices along with a diet which nourishes your body. Losing weight or gaining it, the motive should be to remain fit and healthy. Lameeya asseverates that if one is looking to keep the body at its natural state, a traditional hatha yoga practice is appropriate for you. “You can additionally also adopt alternate nostril (anuloma viloma) pranayama in order to bring the body into balance internally. This will regulate your hormone function, facilitating healthy weight gain where necessary.”

Ms Yogendra says that one may not see significant difference initially but after regular and prolong practice. Diet also plays an important role along with the yoga regime. To gain weight, one should consume a diet that contains more calories. However, these additional calories should be added by healthy food sources containing essential nutrients such as proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. In brief, a balanced diet. This will ensure that the body is well nourished, putting it in a good position to add weight. Junk food should be avoided nonetheless.

Have you heard of 'the yogic breath of fire'? It is a breathing technique that is known to generate heat in the body and is especially beneficial for people who have Kapha body composition or are water dominated, as per the Ayurveda. Bhastrika is a type of pranayama that looks similar to Kapalbhati but is different from it in two fundamental ways. "Kapalbhati is essentially a breathing technique that mimics sneezing and involves the stomach. Bhastrika, on the other hand, is done through the chest and engages the lungs. Here, unlike Kapalbhati, both inhalation and exhalation are forced. It is similar to the post running panting," Yogacharya Anoop, Chaitanya Foundation.

Benefits of Bhastrika

1. It is good for brain oxygenation.

2. It benefits the nervous and the motor system.

3. It is great for energizing the body and the mind

4. Good for people with depression and anxiety

5. It helps in treating fibrosis

6. Great for lungs and people who suffer from repetitive cough, flu, respiratory issues, allergies or breathlessness

7. Helps strengthen immunity

8. Checks sleep apnea as well

Things to Keep in Mind

Bhastrika should always be done towards the start of your practice or pranayama, and must be followed by Kapalbhati. It is beneficial when done during the colder months, however, those whose physical composition is water dominated (Kapha) or those who suffer from low BP, depression or anxiety can perform it during summers and benefit from it. Bhastrika should never be done on a full stomach or at night. It revs up the nervous system, which could meddle in relaxing the body for sleep. As the practice is known to generate heat in the system, people with hypertension and heart issues must not attempt practicing Bhastrika. Pregnant women should also steer clear of it. Don't practice Bhastrika while you're undergoing a migraine attack.

Bhastrika is a balancing technique, it helps in correcting any imbalances in the three doshas - vata, pitta and kapha.

How to Perform Bhastrika

Sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose).

Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air.

Release the breath after counting till five.

Now begin practicing the technique by inhaling and exhaling with force and mimicking the panting activity.

To begin with, practice at least 21 times (one round of inhalation and exhalation will count as one time).You can take breaks and continue doing it for three minutes. Gradually increase the count and the duration as the stamina increases.

No matter how dearly we love ourselves there are few things that will always rob us off our confidence. From belly fat, love handles to saggy arms and double chin - these are the problem areas that are hard to hide and instantly begin to show if we put on the slightest weight. Work your way through hiding that winter weight gain but one thing that will always be right out in the open is double chin. Excess weight is one of the biggest perpetrators of that extra facial mass, whereas age-related collagen loss also causes our skin to lose its elasticity and become saggy. If double chin has been your cause of concern then fret not! We bring you the natural way to achieve that enviable look all over again.Yoga has answers to some of our most common, everyday woes. Can the age-old practice help beat double chin? "Of course, you can try facial yoga. Other than that, all postures that come under 'the heart opener' are effective in reducing double chin. These include all such asanas that require you to extend your hands back, like the camel pose," says Manisha Kohli, co-founder of Yoga Chakra, GK II, Delhi.

Easy yogic tricks to reduce double chin with double chin exercises can be The Chub Blaster, The Giraffe, The Fish Expression, and The Dumbbell Technique.

1. The Chub Blaster

This will give a your jaw and neck and nice stretch and work on toning the muscles. Follow the steps given below.

- Stand or sit in a comfortable position - padmasana or sukhasana.

- Keep your head in a normal position.

- Now, lift your lower lip as much as possible and push your lower jaw out.

- You can feel the tension in your chin and jaw muscles.

- Stay for 10-15 seconds and relax.

2. The Giraffe

This one is the easiest of the lot and works magic on toning up that double chin when double chin workouts are done regularly.

- Sit comfortably and look ahead.

- Place your fingers at the end of your neck and stroke your skin downward.

- Simultaneously, tilt your head backwards.

- Now bend your neck to touch your chest with your chin.

- Repeat the entire process two times.

Try neck rotations, neck bends and several other neck exercises to get better results.

3. The Fish Expression

Another effective way to tighten your facial muscles is by doing the fish expression. Suck your lips and cheeks in till your mouth starts resembling a fish. Now look right and left, then up and hold the pose for 10-15 seconds. Repeat thrice.

4. The Dumbbell Technique

You can also try the dumbbell technique wherein you lift your chin up and repeatedly open and close your mouth for -10-15 seconds; repeat thrice.

Get in touch with a certified yoga practitioner to learn more double chin workouts and exercises to reduce double chin

Yoga is an age-old holistic practice, yet it has often meshed into newer forms. We'd like to throw the spotlight on an interesting form of yoga known as Vinyasa which involves the transition from one posture to another without resting or taking a break. The practice of breathing in and breathing out while getting into and out of a posture has great importance while practicing Vinyasa yoga. The term Vinyasa is derived from the words Vi and Nyasa which means, 'to place in a special manner'. This denotes that the practice of Vinyasa yoga involves the body to get into specific postures, to place each limb in a particular position, synchronized with your breathing and to be mindful of the entire physical kriya. The idea is to be aware of all different parts of the body, feel them while getting into a posture, derive the most from an existing pose and move on to the next one.Breathing Technique

Your breath is the connecting thread between two postures and this is why Vinyasa yoga is also known as 'flow yoga'. Ujjayi breathing is practiced while performing Vinyasa yoga - which means that you first fill your stomach up followed by the rib cage, chest and then the throat. This form of a breathing technique is practiced throughout while performing Vinyasa yog.

The Vinyasa Effect
Since Vinyasa yoga is a quite a dynamic form of yogic practice (and you can always play around with the intensity and speed of getting in and out of the postures), it is something that will generate heat in your body. Vinyasa yoga is excellent for body strengthening, flexibility, shedding weight, boosting metabolism and gaining muscles. It combines various classes of postures together - from standing poses to forward and backward bends, bodily twists et cetera. Therefore, it is like a complete body workout. You become more aware of your body and more mindful of its capabilities. Vinyasa yoga challenges your physical limitations and prepares the body for more strenuous experiences.

The Flow

An ideal sequence of postures in a Vinyasa practice can be a product of various poses tailor-made by your instructor. The thumb rule is that you begin and end on the same posture, always. For example, you can begin with the Four-limbed staff pose (Chaturanga Dandasana), move on to the Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), then on to the Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) and finally back to the staff pose. Many instructors may take you through the Child's Pose to the Corpse Pose to actually exhibit various stages of life through yogic expression.

"Vinyasa means arranging something in a special way. It is a flow form of yoga that coordinates the movements with breath. Each step is a breathe in followed by a breathe out. Here the heart opener postures follow the forward bends," shared yog expert Manisha Kohli who also co-owns a The Yoga Chakra studio in Delhi.

Yoga is something that can easily be included in your daily routine. All it takes is a yoga mat and some dedication and persistence. Any form of physical activity is great for you to break the vicious cycle of a sedentary lifestyle. Get in touch with a certified yoga expert to learn more about Vinyasa yoga and how can you reap maximum benefits by practicing it.

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MS/MD - Ayurveda, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune
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BAMS, General Physician Family Physician, 28 yrs, Pune
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Dr. S K Toke
DNB, Pulmonologist General Physician, 11 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Amol Pharande
MDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dental Surgeon, 14 yrs, Pune
Dr. Abhay Singh
Dr. Abhay Singh
MBBS, Family Physician, 2 yrs, South Delhi