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Natural Cures :
Alert today, alive tomorrow! Whole world is dependent on chemicals. People are getting aware about side-effect of chemical cosmetics and turning towards natural beauty & care. So why are waiting for? Prepare before it's too late. Now find all natural cures on Hellodox Health App.

How many of you have ever given it a thought that we need to take care of our lips just as we take care of our rest of the body? There is no denying the fact that besides our hands, feet, face, and elbows, our lips also require some attention and care. It is important to keep them nourished so that they feel soft, healthy and supple. Not many of you would know that lips are the only part of our bodies that do not have pores and therefore require hydration and nourishing. What better way to do it than with natural ingredients? If you have been suffering from dark, dry or chapped lips and are looking for ways to improve the health of your lips, then we're here to help. Here's how you can.

Almond oil works wonders and just a drop massaged onto the lips 2-3 times a day will help immensely. Here's a fabulous natural lip scrub that you can make at home in a jiffy.

Take the following ingredients and store in an air-tight container-

50 gms honey
20 gms or 4 tsp sugar
5 ml rose water
5 ml vanilla essence


Mix well together and take about half a teaspoon and use as a lip scrub.
Honey is one of nature's most powerful moisturisers. Sugar will help exfoliate and soften the skin and rose water will help keep your lips supple and toned. Together this wonderful combination will smoothen, cleanse and soften your lips!

For Chapped Lips
Besides this I have seen many people suffer from chapped lips and peeling skin which can also become painful. The best remedy for this is to apply a drop of clarified butter onto the lips at night for 3-4 days. You will see an immediate difference. Also apply a little honey on the area and avoid sipping very hot drinks.

For Dark Lips
Dark lips can turn out to be quite annoying for many people and I have seen women camouflaging their lips by applying dark lipsticks. Firstly let your skin breathe, which means avoid lipsticks all the time. Remember a clean skin is a healthy skin.

Make the following lightening oil for dark lips:
Mix 3 tbsp of the following and store in a bottle-

Coconut oil
Almond oil


Apply this onto the lips several times a day.

You can also make a lip mask with the following ingredients that will help lighten the lips tremendously-

Things You Need:

2 tsp almond paste
1 tsp raw potato, grated
The juice of half a lemon
1 tsp fresh cream


Mix well and apply a coat of this on the lips.
Leave on for 10 minutes and wipe or wash off with tepid water.
Used 2-3 times a week, this mask has miraculous effects.

For Dark Outlined Lips
Dark outlined lips can be worrisome and many people do not really know how to treat this condition. However, the easiest natural remedy is to firstly avoid licking the lip area as the soreness will only get worse. Secondly, take a small bowl of cold full fat cream milk and add cotton pads to this. Use as cold compression on the area and let the skin soak in the liquid. Once you feel the cotton becoming warm, replace with another compression. This should be done for about ten minutes. Done over 3-4 days, you will find an immediate difference in your skin.

For Cracked Lips Especially Around The Corners
Cracked lips especially around the corners can be painful and could even look ugly. Hydration and moisturising are very important. Fresh cream applied to the area and cold water compressions on the cracks soothe and heal the area very effectively. Apply fresh cream massaging gently and apply ice cold water compressions to the lips. Done 2-3 times, you will find a marked difference.

Now that you have some simple and effective natural remedies, look after your lips and maintain their health.

Are your nails constantly chipping and breaking? If yes, then it's time for you to improve your nail health. Most people in India associate nail care by having a manicure or pedicure. Nail care is obviously an integral part of hand and foot care. The nail plate from which the nails grow is several millimetres below the base of the nail and takes about nine months for a new nail to grow. Nails can indicate your state of health to a great extent. Pale nails with vertical ridges indicate anaemia or extreme dryness from using too many detergents. Blue nails point towards an inefficient circulation and not enough oxygen. If your nails are thin and constantly breaking, this may indicate inadequate intake of vitamins, minerals and protein.

So internally what are the things you should be eating to improve the quality of your nails? Calcium, gelatine and Vitamin B complex. The intake of Vitamin D cures vertical ridges, folic acid and Vitamin C cures hangnails and split nails. The former, which are cracks in the skin along the sides of the nails, can be particularly painful. Drink diluted cider vinegar to strengthen them and paint with two coats of lemon juice daily to strengthen them externally. Never pull the skin of the hand nails as it can damage the area; only cut carefully and remember to lavishly massage the area with a wheat germ based cream.

Foods you should include in your daily diet are lean meats like chicken and fish, which will provide the necessary protein for your nails. Also include lots of green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale; these provide enough iron, folate and calcium to help strengthen weak nails. I would also suggest the intake of berries like blueberries, strawberries, and even grapes and bananas, which are packed with nutrients.

Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and bell peppers not only bring in colour and flavour to your dishes but also are packed with vitamin C and vitamin A, which provides the necessary collagen and antioxidants that nails require to be strong and hard. Include nuts and seeds in your diet like almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds or panch magaz that provide the necessary vitamin E, magnesium and manganese and copper. Milk, eggs, whole grains, lentils, and dairy should also be a part of nail diet care.

If you have the following symptoms in your nails, here's where you need to focus on-
-Vertical ridges often reflect a weak digestive system that does not metabolise minerals or proteins well and a deficiency in vitamin B12 and iron.
-White spots show calcium or zinc deficiency. They often appear after a period of eating sweets, especially refined sugars that deplete minerals out of the body.
-Bitten nails reflect nervousness, mineral deficiency, or intestinal parasites.
-Hang nails show a lack of protein, vitamin C and folic acid in the body due to low intake of these nutrients or poor absorption.
-Brittle nails show low iron or vitamin A, imbalanced thyroid or kidney function and poor circulation.
-Reddish-purple nails show weakening of the body and general fatigue.
-Dark red nails show blood stagnation due to eating heavy, salty or fatty foods.
-Pale nails show poor blood circulation, anemia and low liver and kidney energy.

Some simple natural solutions for your nail problems are enlisted below:
Cuticle Softner
Things You Need:

2 tbsp fresh pineapple juice
2 tbsp papaya
1 egg yolk
1 tsp apple cider vinegar


Mash the papaya and mix in the pineapple juice. Beat in the egg yolk and add the cider vinegar and pour into a small bowl. Soak nails in this mix for about half an hour, massaging every now and then. Both these fruits contain an enzyme that helps soften protein tissue.

Cream for Damaged Nails
Things You Need:

Half a cup of honey
1 egg yolk
Half a cup of castor oil
1 tsp sea salt


Beat the ingredients and keep in an air-tight jar in the fridge. Rub into the nails daily leaving overnight or at least for an hour.

Cracked and Chipped Nails

These can be extremely embarrassing, especially when one is fond of applying nail paint. Try the following remedies to keep nails strong and smooth.

-Warm olive oil massaged thrice a week into the nails helps strengthen them.
-Never throw away lemon peels after you have squeezed out the juice. Instead, rub into the nails daily. This will help reduce any yellowishness and strengthen them externally.
-Take 1 tsp gelatine daily internally for 2 weeks for strong nails.
-Mix 2 tbsp vodka with 1 tsp lemon juice and store in a bottle and rub into nails and cuticles daily.

So now that I've geared you with some very effective natural nail remedies, incorporate them in your daily lives and see your nails transform!

Who doesn't like a healthy and glowing skin? A radiant skin not only makes you look beautiful from outside but from within as well. A lot of care and attention goes into achieving that perfect glow. However, if you happen to have an oily skin type, then you'll have to go an extra mile for getting that glow. Oily skin is more prone to develop various skin-related issues like acne, pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Blackheads can turn out to be quite annoying. A lot of people spend hefty amount of money in salon and beauty products just to get rid of those stubborn blackheads. However, just a few tips and tricks at home could help you get rid of them. Yes, you read that right. When the open pores in the skin get in contact with dirt, it leads to accumulation of dirt particles that eventually lead to formation of blackheads. The most common areas on face that are prone to blackhead formation are nose, cheeks and even chin. Scrubbing your face gently, using few basic kitchen ingredients, could help you move a step ahead in tackling blackhead issues.

Here is a three ingredient face scrub that you can use twice every week to get rid of blackheads:

Things You Need:

- 1 banana (mashed)
- 2 tbsp oats (crushed)
- 1 tbsp honey


- To begin with, take a bowl and add crushed oats to the bowl.
- Then, add honey along with mashed banana. Mix together all the ingredients and then apply this mix on your face.
- Scrub it in a circular motion and then allow it to stay for 5-7 minutes.
- Once this is done, wash it off using warm water and apply a gentle moisturiser on the skin to close the open pores.

Oats help in exfoliating the dead skin cells and also help in removing the dirt. Other than this, oats have the ability to absorb and remove extra oil from the skin. Honey acts as a moisturising agent and also has antibacterial and anti-microbial properties, whereas, banana helps in retaining the lost moisture in the skin. Banana together with oats doubles the exfoliating power, which is perfect for an oily skin type.

So, the next time you plan to have a pamper sesh, make this homemade scrub a part of your beauty regimen and say bye-bye to blackheads for once and all.

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Every fried snack you eat can trigger an unexpected acne breakout. For every donut you devour, you may run the risk of saggy and wrinkly skin. For every night of heavy drinking, you get a dull and dehydrated morning complexion. In a nation obsessed with beauty and fairness creams can you afford to take such risks?

You are what you eat - Simply put, the food you eat has a bearing on your mind, body and health. So keeping a tab on what you eat and avoiding unhealthy food is of utmost importance. Nutritionist Niharika Ahluwalia says, "There's only so much anti-ageing creams, cleansers and toners can do. What's crucial is your body gets the right nourishment. You may have noticed your skin loses colour when you've got a bad stomach. In this case bulking up on greens and fresh fruits adds a glow like no other."

It's true you can't help external factors from influencing your skin but you can make smarter dietary choices to ensure your insides are clean and healthy. We did some research on what you should eat in order to maintain a clean and clear skin and stumbled upon the answers in our kitchen.

How to keep those years off your face

1. Dark Chocolate - It's true you can't fight ageing but you can keep it from reflecting on your face. Past research has listed many benefits of dark chocolate: it's good for the heart, helps control blood pressure and surprisingly also curbs weight gain.

Dark chocolate is extremely rich in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation of the skin, retain moisture, prevent wrinkles and also makes you look younger.

For soft and supple skin

2. Walnuts - These bite-sized, brown shelled walnuts are high on vitamins, minerals and nutrients. So feel free to add them to your salads or throw them into into your bowl of cereal. These tiny heroes are rich in Omega-3 fats that locks moisture in the skin, strengthens it and keeps it plump and glowing. They soak the moisture from the air and soothe dry skin, leaving it soft and supple.

For Cleaner and Hydrated Skin

3. Citrus Fruits - Oranges, green grapes, lemons and other citrus fruits are known to be extremely good for the skin. They're rich in Vitamin C and amino acids that keep the collagen active (by improving circulation) and the skin looking fresh and hydrated. They're especially recommended for those with oily skin and dark patches. Blackberries, blueberries, kiwi, broccoli, sweet potatoes and strawberries are some other Vitamin C rich foods you could also eat.

For Perfectly Radiant and Glowing Skin

4. Almonds - Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which works to neutralize the molecules that cause dull skin. They've also got Omega-3 fatty acids and the combination of that with Vitamin E works to regulate blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, increase energy levels and give you radiant and glowing skin.

For Acne-free Skin

5. Green Tea - Acne has given you many sleepless nights and worrisome mornings so we're hoping this helps you conquer the fight against that unwarranted beast. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that helps lower the levels of the acne-producing hormone in the body leaving you with healthy skin. Nutritionists recommend three to four cups a day for maximum benefits.

Vitamin C is an important vitamin required for the health of the skin and hair, as well as a healthy immunity. But this water-soluble vitamin isn't just important for making you look good. It has been known to fight common cold as well. The vitamin, which is found in abundance in citrus fruits and green vegetables, is also important for bone health as well as for absorption of iron in the body. But it is particularly important for stimulating collagen production in the skin and hence, for improving your skin quality. You can get enough vitamin C in your diet if you make sure to include a portion of fruits and green vegetables in your daily meals. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables available during summers that are high in vitamin C content.

It is essential to consume vitamin C-rich foods because this vitamin is not made by our bodies and hence, the requirements must be fulfilled through external sources like from food. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is about 70 milligrams for women and about 90 milligrams for men. There are a number of ways of ensuring vitamin C intake in your body and fruit juices are one of them.

Vitamin C-Rich Drinks For Healthy Skin:
1. Orange And Ginger Detox Drink Recipe
Orange is one of the best fruits to load up on, in order to get enough vitamin C in your diet. A 100 grams of orange contains 64 percent Daily Value of vitamin C as per recommendations by Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies. This orange, ginger detox drink is great for your skin, as it contains turmeric, which is also an antioxidant-rich spice.

2. Mango Kiwi Fuzz Recipe
Mango contains 60 percent daily value of vitamin C, as per data by the United States Department of Agriculture. The delicious summer fruit goes incredibly well with kiwis in this recipe that is sure to make your skin grateful for all the pampering.

3. Mint Kiwi Lemonade Recipe
Kiwi and lemons are both rich in vitamin C. In fact, kiwi is one of the best sources of vitamin C out there. This lemonade is one of the best ways of beating the heat, while making sure you load up on some much needed nutrients for a healthy skin.

4. Chilled Mango Soup Recipe
This isn't exactly your regular mango drink - it contains, besides delicious mango pulp, ripe tomatoes, which are also rich in vitamin C as well as lemon juice for another punch of vitamins as well as flavours. This chilled soup is going to be your favourite this summer.

5. Pineapple Panna (Ananas Panna) Recipe
Pineapple is another fruit that is incredibly rich in vitamin C - 79 percent DV (as per the USDA data). This pineapple panna is a delicious twist to the raw mango panna that is so popular in India and contains roasted cumin, black salt and sugar.

A deficiency of vitamin C may cause scurvy, which is rare but a fatal disease. Include these delicious vitamin C-rich drinks in your diet to make your skin happy!

Dr. Darshankaur Chahal
Dr. Darshankaur Chahal
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 23 yrs, Pune
Dr. Suhas Sodal
Dr. Suhas Sodal
MBBS, Pediatrician, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Mayur Narayankar
Dr. Mayur Narayankar
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anjali Bartakke
Dr. Anjali Bartakke
DNB, Pediatrician, 18 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sabir Patel
Dr. Sabir Patel
MBBS, General Medicine Physician General Physician, 2 yrs, Bharuch