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Natural Cures :
Alert today, alive tomorrow! Whole world is dependent on chemicals. People are getting aware about side-effect of chemical cosmetics and turning towards natural beauty & care. So why are waiting for? Prepare before it's too late. Now find all natural cures on Hellodox Health App.

During winters, our skin and hair start to feel dry and undernourished. The condition worsens as we enjoy all the winter 'comforts' like heaters and blowers, being out in the sun and bathing with hot water. An overall lack of external and internal nourishment can all lead to itchiness, dry and parched skin and generally unhappy looking skin.

For years, I have maintained that our skin is like Mother Earth; it requires nourishment otherwise it gets parched and many a time the skin starts to look leathery and dull. Moisturise, moisturise and moisturise are the 3 most important things you can do! To help you with this, there are plenty of kitchen ingredients that will make your skin and hair nourished. All you have to do is know which ingredients have moisture giving properties to create the magic.

Here Are 7 Ingredients That Are Wonderful, And All Natural, Moisturisers For Your Skin And Hair:

1. Honey As A Moisturiser | Honey For Winter Skin Nourishment

Honey is one of the most powerful natural ingredients that is commonly found in Indian households for various culinary purposes. But did you know that honey is also one the nature's most powerful moisturisers? Yes, you read that right! Honey not only helps moisturise our skin but also helps in removing those fine.

Take a bowl; mix one teaspoon of fresh cream and one teaspoon of honey in it and apply it on your face. Use this mask to your face regularly to have a fresh look with soft and supple skin. You can also massage one teaspoon of honey on your face for five minutes and wash it off with normal water. Additionally, for the ones with dry hair, mix 2 tsp of honey in 200 ml of water and use it post shampoo as a conditioner.

2. Oatmeal As A Moisturiser | Oatmeal For Winter Skin Nourishment

Oatmeal is widely used in skin care and skin care products. Not only does it have a soothing effect on skin but when mixed with water, this can also cleanse our body and face. Mixed with honey or yoghurt, oatmeal is an excellent softener for dry hands and skin. Oatmeal is also known to soothe skin conditions like eczema and itchiness.

3. Banana As A Moisturiser | Banana For Winter Skin Nourishment

A simple and easily available fruit, banana is one of the best natural ingredients that you can use for your skin. It helps tighten and soften the skin as well as cleanses and refreshes it. Mash bananas and mix them with egg white or honey and apply it to your skin. Keep it for about 15 minutes and wash off with normal water. This face mask will give you soft, supple and glowing skin.

4. Almonds As Moisturiser | Almonds For Winter Skin Nourishment

When talking about skin moisturising, almonds are always on top of my list. I always keep a stock of powdered almonds with me. To make almond face scrub, all you have to do is to mix almond powder with milk and make a thick paste. This face scrub will help exfoliate your skin and give you soft and glowing skin. Alternatively, take 50gms of almond powder and mix it with half a cup of oatmeal, rice powder and milk. This scrub will help reduce dark dry patches on your skin, especially on knees, elbows and knuckles.

5. Mayonnaise As Moisturiser | Mayonnaise For Winter Skin Nourishment

This one is especially for the ones who are always in a rush and have no time to hit a salon. All you have to do is to apply a tsp of mayonnaise on your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with tepid water and pat dry. This easy yet effective face mask will give you a glowing soft skin in just few minutes. You can also use mayonnaise for your hair. Take half a cup of mayonnaise and mix with 2tsp of olive oil and apply it on your hair - from roots to the ends of the hair. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for about 40 minutes before washing them.

6. Milk As A Moisturiser | Milk For Winter Skin Nourishment

One of the most powerful natural moisturisers, milk is used in many beauty treatments from time immemorial. It cleanses and nourishes our skin and gives a soft, supple and glowing skin. Did you know you can use raw milk and water to clean your face daily? All you have to do is to mix raw milk and water in a bowl and massage it on your face. You may also add 2 tsp of mashed papaya to it to treat blemishes and dryness.

7. Fresh Cream As A Moisturiser | Fresh Cream For Winter Skin Nourishment

Applying fresh cream on your face may sound little messy but I have had amazing results with it. This is one of the best natural moisturisers for the ones with dry and patchy skin. You can use fresh cream directly on your face. All you have to do is to massage it on your face and leave it for some time before you wash it. Better still, you can mix 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of whole-wheat flour with fresh cream and apply on your face. Leave it on your face till it dries, and then dab a little milk with a help of cotton ball and scrub the mask off gently. This mask will help remove dead skin and will give you a soft and clear the skin instantly!

Most of the ingredients that are mentioned above are easily available and are cost-effective. They may seem humble and common but are magical when paired with the right ingredients and can protect your skin from the harshness of winters. Use them regularly and see the results yourself.

Red wine is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks around. Humans have been consuming the ruby red vino since time immemorial. The drink, which has been an instrument of leisure and relaxation for wine lovers, also comes with a number of health benefits. Some of the most well-known benefits of the red wine are credited to the presence of antioxidants in the drink. Apart from being great for the skin, red wine has also been known to be heart healthy and one of the healthiest drinks to partake in, while on a weight loss diet. This is because it has very less calories and the antioxidants and tannins present in the drink fight inflammation in the body. A number of scientific studies have vouched for the health and beauty benefits of that occasional glass of red wine. It is also used in a number of luxury facials and spa treatments around the world.

However, its most important and direct benefits are for the skin. Red wine is believed to be one of the best anti-ageing drinks, not only because it may reduce risks of heart diseases, strokes and reverse cell damage, but also because it may have long-lasting effects on your skin and hair health.

Here are some purported health benefits of red wine for your skin:

1. Helps fight skin ageing: Red wine may just help you age better. The presence of antioxidants like flavonoid, resveratrol and tannins fight skin ageing by restoring collagen and elastic fibres, reveals Anshul Jaibharat, a Delhi-based nutritionist.

2. Helps you catch some beauty sleep: Red wine may also help you sleep better, due to the presence of melatonin, the hormone which regulates our sleep cycles.

3. Improves complexion: Red wine may also help you get an even skin tone and regain that elusive glow on your face, which often gets lost due to excessive stress and pollution.

4. Fights acne: Red wine also has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties and can help fight acne breakouts. Applying red wine topically on your face can clear pores and hence, prevent acne.

How To Do Red Wine Facial At Home:

A number of salons and spas across the world offer wine facial services and these often tend to be quite expensive. You can re-create the effects of these expensive facials at home, at a relatively lower cost. All you need is a bottle of a good quality red wine and some basic ingredients which are readily available in almost every kitchen. Also, the results of the facial depend on the quality of the wine used, as different types of red wine, have different types and levels of antioxidants. For example, Pinot Noirs have the highest levels of resveratrol. Meanwhile, Shiraz, Cabernets and Merlots are rich in the antioxidant procyanidin. Red wine can be used in all the steps of a facial; right from cleansing, toning, scrubbing and even for normal facial massages.

1. For Cleansing: Start out by cleaning your face with a clean, damp cloth. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with three or four tablespoons of red wine. Dip a clean cotton ball into this mixture and apply it all over your face. Gently massage the cleansing lotion on your face and after some time wash it off with a clean tissue paper.

2. For Scrubbing: You can use red wine to create an exfoliating paste as well. Mix the wine with a good natural exfoliator, including ground rice, coffee, sugar, etc. Mix a few tablespoons of red wine with your exfoliator and mix it to make a rough paste. Apply this paste in circular motions to remove dirt and dead skin cells.

3. For Massaging: Take some aloe vera gel or rose water, a few drops of any essential oil of your choice and a tablespoon of red wine. Mix all three ingredients properly and massage it on your face gently. Use your fingertips to massage the paste onto your face and make sure you focus on all areas of the face including forehead, chin and under eyes. This will help improve blood circulation on the face and will also let your whole face benefit from it. Massage your face for at least 10 minutes and then wipe the paste off.

4. For Red Wine Face Pack: Red wine face pack can be made using two tablespoons; each of red wine and yogurt and one tablespoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients, apply it on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with a damp cloth and notice the difference yourself.

So there you have it! You can use any of these steps independently or in combination, to improve the quality of your facial skin.

Not a lot of people are very familiar with black seeds, or kalonji. The unique-looking seeds have a distinctive flavour, which adds a delicious aroma to any food that they are added to. Black seeds are used in a number of Indian preparations, including curries, dals and even savoury snacks like samosas, kachoris etc. They are also added to some Indian flat-breads like kulchas and parathas to add flavour and taste to these breads. Black seeds are incredibly healthful as well and it is used and consumed for medicinal purposes as well. These flavourful black seeds are packed with antioxidants, and hence, have a number of beauty benefits as well.

Black seed oil (or nigella sativa oil) can be applied topically on your facial skin and hair and can also be consumed to fight a number of ailments. The oil is known to have cholesterol-fighting abilities and it may also help in regulating blood sugar and inducing weight loss. But it is very popular among Indians for combating a number of beauty problems as well. Here are some beauty benefits of using black seed oil that you must know about.

Kalonji Oil (Nigella Sativa Oil) For Gorgeous Skin And Hair
Here are some ways that kalonji oil is beneficial for your skin and hair:
1. Anti-Bacterial In Nature
The oil is anti-bacterial in nature and when applied on the skin may prevent acne by fighting off skin infections. A diluted solution of nigella sativa oil may be applied on the skin to reduce acne growth.

2. Packed With Antioxidants
The oil is said to neutralise free radicals in the body, which may improve the quality of your skin and hair. Kalonji oil is, therefore, effective in fighting inflammation, leaving the skin feeling young and healthy.

3. Fights Hair Fall
Kalonji oil is used to fight hair fall and even to induce hair re-growth, due to the presence of Nigellone and Thymoquinone in it. The latter is known to be an inflammation-fighting compound. It also nourishes the hair follicles and prevents the hair from falling off. The application of this oil is said to be a safe and natural way to re-grow hair, without medication.

4. Improve Hair And Scalp Health
Regular application of sativa oil may significantly improve scalp health by combating dandruff and scalp irritation. It is also known to prevent and even reverse graying of hair by preserving pigmentation in hair follicles.

5. Fights Skin Infections
Common skin infections, particularly psoriasis and eczema, can be resolved by applying the oil on your skin. This is because the oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and may also soothe irritation on the skin, leaving it soft and moisturised.

You can mix kalonji oil with a number of other natural beauty ingredients like coconut oil, honey, olive oil etc. and apply it on your skin and hair, in order to fight common beauty problems. Include kalonji oil in your beauty regime to reap its benefits today!

Here in full swing and so is the need to binge on summer fruit like mango. Mango is not only delicious but also packs a host of health benefiting properties. It can do wonders for your overall health, provided it's consumed in moderation. Other than its consumption, mango can be used on the face as well in the form of face packs. Mango pulp when applied onto the skin can treat a host of skin problems, one of which being tanned skin. With summer comes tanned skin. A lot of us look out for various beauty treatments to get rid of that summer tan. However, not many know that the same condition can be treated using natural stuff like mango. This humble summer fruit can be used to get rid of even the most stubborn tan. In order to get rid of that tanned skin, here are a few mango face packs that can come to great help. Read on to know how they can be applied.

1. Mango Pulp Face Pack

Having an uneven skin complexion could be a nightmare for many. In order to get rid of the same, mango pulp can prove to be quite beneficial. Mango has exfoliating properties that can help in keeping the skin well hydrated. Just extract mango pulp and rub it over your face for around 2-3 minutes. Allow it to stay for 5 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Doing so will help you bring back the glow back after a tan, further improving your skin complexion. Repeat the procedure thrice a week to see effective results.

2. Mango And Besan Face Pack

This particular face pack can effectively keep tanned skin at bay. To make this face pack, you need to have pulp of ripe mango, two teaspoons of besan, 1/2 teaspoon of honey and few ground almonds. Take a bowl and add mango pulp in it. Then add Bengal gram flour (besan), almonds and honey into the pulp. Mix the ingredients properly to get a smooth paste-like consistency. Gently rub over the face and allow it to stay for around 10-12 minutes. Once it is done, rinse off with water. Use this face pack twice and watch out for results.

3. Mango And Curd Face Pack

If you happen to have an oily skin, then this face pack is just apt for you. Apart from the goodness of mangoes, this face pack has curd and honey as well. These ingredients are readily available in the kitchen and can help you fight with pigmentation and tanning in one go. Extract pulp from a ripe mango and add 1 tablespoon of curd and 1 teaspoons of honey in it. Mix the ingredients well. However, make sure that the face pack is of thick consistency. Apply this pack on your face and wash it off after 10 minutes.

So, what are you waiting for? Make the most of this refreshing and healthy summer fruit by making the above mentioned face packs and say bye-bye to tanned skin.

Mosambi, also known as sweet lime, is one the most delicious and nutrient-dense citrus fruits. Apart from being immensely versatile in nature, sweet lime is a rich source of vital nutrients as well. Including it in daily diet can provide you with a lot of health benefiting properties. However, what makes this fruit more versatile is its ability to treat a lot of skin woes as well. Yes, you read that right! Mosambi can be easily used on face, either as a whole or as a face pack. It is an inexpensive way to treat skin problems. Here's how you can use mosambi to get a soft and supple skin that too in the comforts of your kitchen. Just get hold of few ingredients and get going.

Mosambi For Face Cleansing

Mosambi is an excellent source of vitamin C and the citric juice present in it acts as a great cleansing agent. To begin with, cut a mosambi in two halves and use one half to gently scrub your face in a circular motion. Continue doing this for 7-8 minutes and then wash off your face with water. Pat dry your skin and feel refreshed.

Mosambi Face Pack For Stubborn Tan

If you are suffering from summer tan and wish to get rid of the same, then this face pack will come to great use. All you need is ground mosambi peel, just a pinch of cosmetic turmeric, and 1 tbsp of natural honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly till a fine paste-like consistency is attained. Apply on the face and allow it to stay for 5 minutes. Rinse off with water. Repeat this procedure twice a week and say bye-bye to stubborn tan.

Mosambi For Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes

Sweet lime is known to effectively reduce dark circles. If you happen to have puffed eyes, then apply this mixture on your under-eye skin and watch out for results. For this, you need is 1/2 tsp of sweet lime juice, 1 tsp of banana paste, 1 tsp of cucumber juice and 1 tsp of vitamin E gel. Add the four ingredients in a bowl and combine them to form a smooth paste. Refrigerate the bowl for 3-4 minutes and with the help of a cotton pad, apply this paste on your under-eye are. Let it sit for 10-12 minutes and after that massage for few seconds and rinse off with water.

So, make your skin feel rejuvenated by using this inexpensive home remedy.

Dr. Anup Gaikwad
Dr. Anup Gaikwad
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Prakash Dhumal
Dr. Prakash Dhumal
BHMS, Family Physician Dietitian, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Neha Dhakad
Dr. Neha Dhakad
BHMS, Homeopath Family Physician, 14 yrs, Bengaluru (Bangalore)
Dr. Vrushali Garde
Dr. Vrushali Garde
MBBS, Psychiatrist, 11 yrs, Pune
Dr. Supriya Jagtap
Dr. Supriya Jagtap
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, Pune