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Alert today, alive tomorrow! Whole world is dependent on chemicals. People are getting aware about side-effect of chemical cosmetics and turning towards natural beauty & care. So why are waiting for? Prepare before it's too late. Now find all natural cures on Hellodox Health App.

Dry cough is one of the most common conditions. It is a reflex action that clears your airway of irritants and mucus. However, dry cough, also known as non-productive cough, doesn't produce phlegm or mucus. An ongoing dry cough can be irritating and may impact your day-to-day life. Most dry coughs are caused by a reaction to an environmental allergen, pollutant or toxin, all of which is expelled by the body from the respiratory system by coughing it out. Some natural home treatments can reduce the frequency of coughing and can soothe throat soreness and irritation. One of the best home remedies is drinking tulsi tea every day. Tulsi has long been known to have innumerable medicinal benefits, also making it an effective and safe natural remedy for cough.

According to Parmeet Kaur, Senior Dietician, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, "Just add 5-7 tulsi leaves to 300-500 ml of water for few minutes. Keep it to cool and then drink the water infused with tulsi leaves. To make it more effective add few spices such as cardamom, ginger, black pepper and cloves to make a herbal concoction. Drink daily for preventing dark circles, acne, rashes and other skin problems.Moreover, it has been found to protect organs and tissues against chemical and physical stress and is rich in nutrients such as Vitamin K."Common Causes Of Dry Cough

Here are a few causes of dry cough that you should be aware of:

1. Asthma is a condition in which your airways swell and become narrow. Coughing is one of the most prominent symptoms of asthma; therefore, one has to be extremely wary of the effects it can cause.

2.Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a type of chronic acid reflux. It generally happens when stomach acid flows back up into your oesophagus that connects your mouth to your stomach. Excessive stomach acid may irritate your oesophagus and triggers your cough reflex.

3. Viral infection; when you get infected with one of the many viruses that causes common cold, which also includes coughing. However, the post-cold coughs usually linger long after the other symptoms have improved. Dry cough is due to the result of irritation in your airway, which is often sensitive after a viral illness.

4. Environmental irritants; these generally irritate your airways, including smoke, pollution, dust, mold and pollen. Chemical particles also tend to cause a dry cough.

5.Smoking can also be one of the causes of dry cough. The direct inhalation of toxins present in cigarettes can cause such a condition. The toxins settled in lungs cause inflamed reaction and body expels them through coughing.

6. Bronchitis; acute bronchitis often develops three to four days after a cold or flu. It may start with a dry cough and if it prolongs, the coughing spells may bring up mucus.

One Of The Best Solutions: Tulsi Tea

Tulsi is a member of the mint family and its traditional medicinal uses are many, particularly in Ayurvedic tradition. Holy basil, or tulsi, leaves are widely used to prepare desi concoctions to treat microbial infections and boost immunity. It does not only possess antiseptic and analgesic properties that help cure many problems including dry cough, but a tea made using with tulsi leaves relieves allergic bronchitis, asthma and other lung diseases in no time. It also has immunomodulatory (to enhance immunity) and antitussive (relieves cough) properties that provide relief in the respiratory system. In fact, it has certain oils that may clear the congestion.

Tulsi holy basilHow To Prepare Tulsi Tea At Home?

Holy basil, or tulsi, is an easy herb to grow at home. So, pick your fresh produce and wash it thoroughly. Follow these steps to prepare tulsi tea at home.

-In a pan, add one cup of water and five to seven tulsi leaves. Allow it to boil for 10 minutes on low flame. Cover the pan and let the leaves infuse in water.

-Switch off the gas stove and allow the solution to cool down. Strain the extract and drink warm to cure dry cough.

-In fact, you can add other healing ingredients like cardamom, ginger, black pepper and even honey to this concoction. Drink it daily to get some relief.

You can also mix honey with fresh tulsi leaves and take it twice daily to reap maximum benefits. No matter what the cause of dry cough may be, tulsi tea may come to your rescue.

Whiteheads and blackheads are a type of mild acne. These occur when dead skin cells accumulate on your skin pores. They are also known as ‘comedones’. Blackheads appear like black spots on your face, and are often mistaken for dirt. Whiteheads are more stubborn than blackheads and they might be accompanied by tiny spots called papules or pustules. Since both blackheads and whiteheads are a milder type of acne, they should be promptly treated before the bacteria in the acne proliferate. The skin can worsen and cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or acne marks. This can cause serious discoloration of the skin.

Recommended Treatment

1. A treatment comprised of advanced peels is usually recommended. The treatment also covers what diet you should follow and gives detailed instructions to further prevent acne. One of the peels involved in the treatment is a natural acetic acid peel, which treats whiteheads and blackheads. The peel has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains potassium iodide and ‘jasmonic’ acid which ensures skin regeneration and exfoliation.

2. The other kind of treatment involves a thorough therapy comprising of the following stages:

Cleansing: Skin inflammations are reduced with a blend of antioxidant teas.

Massaging: Before the blackheads extraction can be started, your skin will be massaged to prepare for the procedure.

Mask: A mask will be applied next on your face, and then the extraction process will begin.
Toning: Either a tea blend or salicylic acid will be used to unclog pores and control extra oil.
Mud Mask: A mud mask made from sea minerals and ‘ichthammol’ is applied to absorb oil and prevent breakouts in the future.

Calming Mask: This type of mask contains both tea blends and buttermilk. It soothes and calms the skin.

Hydration: Microalgae control extra oil, while reducing flakiness and dryness, thus hydrating your skin. It also contains zinc oxide, which reduces redness and mattes the skin.

Additionally, experts will provide you skincare products that you can use at home after the clinical treatment is over. This ensures future breakouts don’t occur and you skin remains beautiful and clear.

Do you love chewing gum? You love popping it and get a kick when chewing gum with friends. You think it’s a style statement and a cool thing to do. Above all, you think it’s only for fun and is harmless! Well, this article may be an eye opener for you. Here are some facts about chewing gum that can change your thinking.

1. Chewing gum has been a favourite snack for millions of people, especially children and adolescents. Besides the sweetness, people like it for its flavour. Many people also use it as a replacement for a food craving. One fact that refrained many from consuming chewing gums was that it was loaded with sugar. However, with ever-growing awareness about consumption of sweetened products, the companies have now started offering sugar-free gum to health-conscious people which are made using artificial sweeteners.

2. The artificial sweetener most commonly used in chewing gums is aspartame whose components metabolizes into wood alcohol and formaldehyde in the body. Both have carcinogenic properties and the body is unable to eliminate them through normal waste. These have been linked to cancers, birth defects and weight gain.

3. Some tooth whitening gums contain an ingredient called Titanium Dioxide. This gives the chewing gum its glossy white color. It is a dangerous compound linked to many disorders including auto immune disorders, crohn’s disease, asthma and cancer.

4. Gastrointestinal problems are quite common among chewing gum consumers. The symptoms include pain and cramps in abdomen, indigestion and diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome has been found to be associated with chewing gum eaters as chewing gum can lead to swallowing of excess air and changing of bowel habits.

5. Dentists strongly recommend staying away from chewing gum habit, as it can be a cause of tooth decay. Chewing gum may also release mercury from Dental fillings into the system causing host of problems.

6. Recent research has established a link between eating chewing gum and headache and migraines. It is believed that chewing gum puts an undue pressure on temporomandibular joint causing headaches. It can also lead to pain and lack of mobility in the jaw, causing an inability to chew meals. This is called temporomandibular joint disorder and is commonly found among chewing gum lovers.

7. A chewing gum base is made from a combination of chemicals and non-edible substances. We generally chew it for flavour and throw the rest. However, the compounds do get stuck to the linings of the mouth and enter our system. A chewing gum adds no nutritive value and diminishes a person’s ability to chew and eat normally. For its far-reaching side effects, this habit is a big no to keep. Stay safe!

Women suffer from a range of gynaecological problems ranging from menstrual irregularities and fertility issues to menopause and STDs. In most cases, it is an imbalance of hormones that cause gynaecological problems and strong medication is not required. Homeopathy is a holistic form of alternative medication that takes into account the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of a patient and addresses the root of the problem. It has negligible side effect and hence can be prescribed for women of all ages. During a woman’s teenage years, homeopathy can help regulate hormone production and hence treat associated puberty changes and skin conditions like acne. In her later years, homeopathy can also help treat fertility issues as well as ease pregnancy-related issues.

Here are a few gynaecological problems that can be treated with homeopathy.

1. Irregular Menstruation- Pulsatilla and sepia are excellent remedies for treating menstrual difficulties. Pulsatilla can be used to treat missed periods as well as excessive bleeding and painful periods. In most cases, the women who benefit from this remedy are emotional, timid, thirstless and averse to fats. Sepia is used to treat early or scanty menses in cases where women also complain of being tired, irritable and prefer solitude.

2. Fertility Issues- Problems that arise out of a weak uterus such as infertility or miscarriages in the first trimester can be treated with Caulophyllum. In such cases, the woman often complains of pain and stiffness in the joints and has erratic mood swings. A loss of libido caused by excessive alcohol, drugs or sex can be treated with Agnus castus.

3. Pregnancy Related Issues- Cimicifuga can be used to treat nervous mothers who worry excessively about the foetus and tend to suffer from rheumatic pains. Morning sickness is a common complaint of pregnant women and can be treated with Ipecacuanha.

4. Postpartum Depression- After giving birth to their baby, many women suffer from postpartum depression and feel disconnected to their baby. This can be treated with Nux Vomica and Lilium Tigrinum. The former helps treat ambitious women who may feel resentful of having had to give up their careers because of the new born baby. Lilium Tigrinum is used to treat depression that involves constant weeping and irritability.

5. Menopause- Menopause affects every woman in a different way. Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat hot flushes, palpitations and feelings of being suffocated while asleep. Excessive menses and a tendency to haemorrhage can be treated with ustilago. This can also be used to treat uterine fibroids.

Most of us have been causing tremendous harm to our immune system with our daily habits. Day in and day out, we have potentially risked our lives by being so casual with our health choices. But still, is it possible to leverage some of this burden and thus, make our immune system stronger? What if we incorporate some healthy habits into our daily regime? What if we improvise on our diet? Take certain additional vitamin supplements perhaps? Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of achieving a near-perfect immune system?

What exactly is the Immune System?

The immune system in layman language can be considered as a protective cover of the human health system. We are surrounded by millions of pathogens (disease-causing germs) that have the ability to enter into the body and cause damage to it. Our immune system, in reality, is the body’s natural shield against these pathogens.

How can you boost your Immunity?

You definitely cannot evade all the pathogens and get a top-notch, impeccable immune system, but you can at least try and listen to what your body has to say and take steps accordingly.

The first and foremost protective measure can be to follow certain general good-health guidelines.

1. Do not smoke. There can be no compromise on this issue. Smoking or consuming tobacco in any form brings about a host of health complications; the most pronounced of them all is probably cancer. Smoking, in more ways than one, can spell real trouble for your immune system. So better cut down on your puffs or gear up to face the various medical banes of smoking.

2. Eat a diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low in saturated fat. Some examples may include citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables such as spinach or lettuce, yoghurt, almonds and lean meat. Sipping on green tea thrice a day is a wise choice in this regard. These measures strengthen the immune system to a great extent.

3. Drink plenty of water. Water keeps the body hydrated, the ultimate prerequisite for a strong immune system. It helps to flush out all the toxins and ensures that the cells get the optimum levels of oxygen. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with honey and lemon on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning can prove to be one of the best health choices that you can make for your body.

4. If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption causes dehydration and it can deprive your body of the valuable immunity-boosting nutrients. It also impairs the body’s ability to fight off germs and infections.

5. Get adequate sleep. One reason behind stressing on the need to get adequate sleep is because it’s so closely linked to the immune system. While you sleep, the body secretes certain hormones and substances which help better fight infections and diseases. This makes these hormones so vital and indispensable at the same time. So, now you know what wonders can those 8 hours of sleep do to you.

6. Exercise Regularly. If you're looking for a safe and smart way to boost your immunity, regular exercise is the answer to it. But we are not talking about being an ardent, hard-core gym-junkie; rather exercising in moderate amounts would suffice. Cardiovascular exercises such as walking or swimming, performed 30-45 minutes a day, can prove to be very beneficial.

Including good hygiene habits in your daily routine, such as washing your hands properly, bathing and brushing your teeth daily, etc. can be useful as well. Good sanitary habits can be the most basic way to ward off infections at the germination stage. Keep a hand sanitizer with you all the time.

Dr. Amit Gupte
Dr. Amit Gupte
BDS, Dentist, 18 yrs, Pune
Dr. Bhushan Chaudhari
Dr. Bhushan Chaudhari
MD - Allopathy, Addiction Psychiatrist Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Manisha Garud
Dr. Manisha Garud
BDS, Dental Surgeon Dentist, Pune
Dr. Akshay Biyani
Dr. Akshay Biyani
BDS, Dentist Root canal Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rajendra Lahore
Dr. Rajendra Lahore
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ophthalmologist, 11 yrs, Pune