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Home Remedies :
There is nothing supernatural with home remedies to treat many common illnesses and health problems. They have also been used as the earliest form of medicines. With side effects of chemical drugs on rise, homemade remedies are getting momentum. Read home remedies health tips on HelloDox.

You bite into an apple and see a red patch on the bitten part. Embarrassing much? Take another instance; you are brushing your teeth and as you spit out the paste, you see a hint of blood in the sink. Your bleeding gums may be a cause of worry; seeing blood oozing out of your gums is not normal. Bleeding gums can be one of the indications of a gum disease; therefore, it is important to take care of not just your pearly whites, but also your gums that hold them firmly. Here's everything you'd want to know about bleeding gums and home remedies to keep them healthy.
What Causes Bleeding Gums?

Bleeding gums can be caused due to the following factors:

1. An unhygienic mouth can be home to various bacteria, which can lead to plaque build-up on your gum line. The accumulation of plaque on your gums can cause gingivitis, which in turn can cause inflammation and bleeding in the gums.

2. Vitamin C and vitamin K deficiencies in the body can also cause bleeding gums.

3. Infection in the gum may also cause your gums to bleed.

4. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may also be one of the reasons.

5. Poor oral hygiene is the basis of all the diseases in gums and teeth.

6. Excessive use of tobacco may also be harmful for your gums.

7. Last, but not the least, poor eating habits can be one of the causes of bleeding gums.

#Symptoms of Bleeding Gums

Some of the symptoms of bleeding gums may include:
-Loosening of teeth
-Inflamed gums
-Bad breath
-In some cases, formation of pus around the gums.
-Swollen gums

Home Remedies for Bleeding Gums

We suggest some natural remedies for bleeding gums that you must keep handy:

1. Salt water rinse

Salt has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help reduce the swelling and combat infections that cause bleeding gums. All you need is warm water and some salt; mix the two and rinse your mouth thoroughly with the solution. Use it at least two to three times a day.

2. Honey

Take some raw honey on your fingertips and massage on your gums gently. Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help kill the bacteria causing bleeding gums. Make sure you apply honey on your gums regularly.

3. Cranberry juice

Take some unsweetened cranberry juice and drink it on a daily basis. Cranberry comprises phenolic acids and anthocyanins, which are known to have anti-microbial properties that help keep your teeth and gums off the harmful bacteria.

4. Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a process of swishing some oil in your mouth to help fight infections that cause your gums to bleed. Rinse with coconut oil or sesame oil to ensure that your mouth is wary of harmful bacterial growth.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric has long been known to help heal infections; thanks to its therapeutic properties. Its curcumin compound is said to have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that help stop the gums from bleeding. All you need to do is mix some turmeric and mustard oil together and massage the mixture gently on your gums.

Other amazing natural ingredients may include aloe vera, ginger, baking soda, neem, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice..

Ayurvedic Remedies To Stop The Gums From Bleeding

According to the book The Complete Book of Aurvedic Home Remedies by Dr. Vasant Lad, here are a few home remedies that you can bring into use for bleeding gums.

1. Triphala tea is effective for a bleeding gums and gingivitis. Triphala has astringent properties and it is known to be haemostatic, that is, it stops the bleeding. Gargling and swishing the mouth with triphala tea are helpful for both the conditions.

2. One cup of orange juice with half teaspoon of natural sugar and a pinch of cumin will help keep bleeding gums at bay.

3. Drink a glass of lemon water, which is also known to help stop the blood.

4. Raw apples are said to be beneficial. Eating a raw apple for about half an hour after meals helps to clean the teeth and heal the gums. You can eat pears too.

5. Try eating raspberries two to three times a day on an empty stomach. Make sure you do not combine them with a dairy product.

6. Massage your gums with coconut oil so that your gums are strengthened.Other than these home remedies, make sure you brush your teeth on a daily basis, especially after eating sugary and processed foods. Ensure that you brush gently, in order to avoid damaging soft tissues of your gums. Consuming foods like yogurt, green tea, soy, garlic, et al may also help keep your gums healthy. Go on and ensure a healthy mouth and blood-less gums!

When it comes to hair problems, nothing can treat your hair better than Amla or the Indian Gooseberry. Amla can be used in a number of ways to treat hair fall

1. Having an amla a day can do your hair a world of good. Amla juice is equally effective. Daily consumption of amla juice (one glass) on empty stomach is highly recommended for people with severe hair fall problems.

2. If you wish to make your hair grow stronger and thicker, the simple yet effective amla tonic is just for you. Apply and gently massage your scalp with freshly extracted amla juice. Thoroughly rinse your hair with a mild herbal shampoo after 50 minutes to 1 Hour.

3. Amla and lemon are known to nourish the hair from within. A mixture containing freshly extracted lemon and amla juice acts as a great tonic. Massage your scalp with this tonic. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water.

4. In a bowl of water, add few pieces of freshly cut amla. Bring the water to boil. Filter the water once it cools down (at least 30-40 minutes). In case of dried pieces of amla, you can soak it in water overnight. For better results, wash your hair with this water daily.

5. Amla and shikakai are synonymous to healthy hair. Make a hair pack using amla and shikakai powder. Mix it thoroughly with water. Apply and keep this pack onto your hair (full length) for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair properly with cold water. Application of this pack is helpful to check hair fall problems.

6. When it comes to hair fall, nothing works better than Amla and Coconut oil. Add few dried piece of amla to a bowl containing coconut oil. Heat the ingredients until the mixture becomes thick and dark. Regular use of this excellent liquid can control your hair problems to a great extent.

7. Henna is a natural hair conditioner. It acts as a catalyst, accelerating the process of hair growth. Prepare a smooth paste of henna powder by mixing it thoroughly with amla juice (freshly extracted). Apply this paste throughout your hair. Let it stay onto your hair for 1-2 hours. Wash it off with plain water. You can also use a mild shampoo.

8. You can also use a mixture of Almond oil and amla juice to reduce hair fall problems. Warm the mixture gently (do not boil or overheat). Massage your scalp with the amazing mixture for few minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

With the goodness of amla around, hair problems will no longer give you sleepless nights.

One of the major pitfalls of modern professional as well as personal life is stress. With obesity and bad diet, stress completes the unholy trinity of the three pronged problems which contributes to many modern lifestyle related disorders. Even if you control obesity and diet through lifestyle changes, stress is inherent in our everyday life and mostly is not in your control.

However, Ayurveda has some great methods through, which you can limit or minimize stress and limits its effect on your mind, body and soul.

Ayurveda - The holistic approach to stress
Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years and is thus, a great tool to fight or reduce many of the physical and mental ailments that afflict you. Ayurveda’s approach at busting stress is thus, very well rounded. These methods help keep your mind still to reduce stress and also reduce the ill effects of stress on your body. Some of the elements of this holistic diet are mentioned below:

1. Change your diet: Stress creates craving for unhealthy food, which is either very spicy or has a lot of processed sugar or fat. It is a temporary fix, which is again required when the next bout of stress hits, resulting in a pattern akin to addiction. One of the first steps is to break the cycle by changing eating habits. Stress occurs as a reaction to adversities in the world and rather than food aggravating the vata, pitta and kapha doshas, it should pacify and balance them. Whole and healthy food is what you need in such a case and it can comprise of
Root vegetables
Simple foods such as rice or roti
Green vegetables among others

2. Drink herbs in form of beverages to reduce stress: There are many forms of Ayurvedic herbs, which can help combat stress. One natural response among many people when stressed is to consume coffee or tea in large quantities, which may actually aggravate the problem. Try drinking Ayurvedic herbs as tea, which have been specially formulated to combat stress and correct the unbalanced doshas within the body.

3. Try Aromatherapy: Incense sticks and other specially formulated aroma candles can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home where you can sit and meditate while the pleasant aromas and the herbs within them can lower your stress level and act as a release point.

4. Abhyanga: This is a form of self-massage with the help of specially medicated herbal Ayurvedic oils. It helps the body by relaxing the muscles, lubricating connective tissues and also improving circulation. Abhyanga reduces stress within the body and keeps you calm and relaxed. This will help you to reduce stress and also handle it better on a daily basis.

5. Pranayama, yoga and exercise: One of the most effective tools to combat stress and improve your physiological condition is through yoga and pranayama. Pranayama in particular is one of the most effective methods to regulate multiple functions of the body and to ensure your mind stays still and calm. Certain yoga poses can also be emphasized on to ensure better stress relief. Also ensure that you diligently follow your exercise routine daily as it is proven to be one of the most effective ways of combatting stress.

6. Herbs: Certain herbs can be used as medications, which can restore the balance of doshas. Sometimes, stress is caused due to internal problems rather than incitement from the outside world. Some of the herbs that can be used in medicated combinations in such cases are triphala, ashwagandha and brahmi. However, it is best to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can prescribe tailor made medications for you.

Dandruff is a non-contagious condition that is characterized by the appearance of skin flakes on your scalp. The disorder is not a serious one, but can be embarrassing for the person concerned. Mild symptoms of this disorder can be taken care of by shampooing with a mild cleanser on a regular basis. In case of severe dandruff symptoms, treatment may be required.

The symptoms of dandruff are easily spotted; white flakes of dead skin appear on the hair and shoulders. You may experience itchiness on the scalp due to the accumulation of the dead skin cells. The condition tends to aggravate in dry and cold weather conditions.

Dandruff can be caused by a variety of factors such as:

Not shampooing regularly: Irregular shampooing can cause dead skin cells to accumulate, leading to dandruff.

Oily and irritated skin: This condition is characterized by the appearance of greasy skin covered by flaky white scales. It occurs in areas, which are rich in oil glands such as the eyebrows and the nose.

Fungus: Yeast like fungus, known as ‘malassezia’, lives on the scalp and may lead to the buildup of excess skin cells, thereby, causing irritated skin.

Dry skin: Dry skin is the perfect spot for the accumulation of dead cells, a condition that results in dandruff.

Ayurvedic View

Ayurveda places the problem of dandruff in the category of Shudra Roga, which appears due to an imbalance of all three doshas. The primary doshas involved are Pitta and Vata. Pitta is an Ayurvedic humor which symbolizes heat or fire and Vata is dry and rough in nature. In an aggravated state, both doshas cause production of specific impurities, called ama, which are dry and heating in nature.

These impurities accumulate in the deep tissues of the scalp and contaminate them. Contamination of the deep tissues and aggravated Vata-Pitta Dosha cause itching and patches on scalp. Due to these factors, the scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells, which leads to the problem of dandruff.

The Ayurvedic line of treatment is to generally pacify Pitta and Vata through herbal medicines, as well as a tailor-made diet and lifestyle plan. Also, special herbs are administered to cleanse the body of accumulated digestive impurities.

Ayurvedic treatment options:

If the cause lies on the scalp such as dry skin, then just hair oil application or local treatment will be sufficient to cure dandruff.

If the cause lies in underlying skin disease such as psoriasis, treatment for the causative disease will be required.

Ayurvedic treatments such as shirodhara, shirobasti helps not only to relieve dandruff and improve hair quality. They also help you to relieve stress and lack of sleep (which also cause for dandruff).

Ayurvedic herbal hair oils for dandruff:

-Bhringaraja taila
-Triphaladya taila
-Durdurapatradi taila
-Chemparutyadi taila
-Nalpamaradi taila etc

Internal medicines helpful in this complaint are-

Saptamrita loha – Contains Indian licorice and Triphala, useful in skin diseases

Bhringarajasava – an alcoholic Ayurvedic medicine. Improves immunity, skin complexion

Chandanasava – improves immunity, relieves excessive oiliness

Narasimha Rasayana – Improves hair quality and scalp skin health. Especially useful when dandruff is caused due to dryness in the scalp.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Wash hair regularly 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo.

Massage your hair with oil every time before washing the head and hair.

Avoid spicy, greasy, hot and penetrating foods, junk food, and aerated drinks.

Have food with good nutritive value; include fiber-rich foods, salads, fruits, and lentils.

Do regular yoga and exercises to minimize stress levels.

Avoid scratching the scalp with hands or any other objects.

A night out with its fair share of drinks is enjoyable, but it is the morning after which tends to have the after affects. Hangovers are a problem with anybody who has had a drink too much the night before and it might leave you in an incapacitated state due to nausea, headache (learn more about the facts of headache) and dehydration.

Here are some of the known homemade remedies which can cure hangovers:

1. Make sure you take a lot of water and fluids: After you have woken up after a night out where you had lots to drink, you are bound to have a hangover as alcohol is known to dehydrate the body. Thus it is advisable that you drink plenty of water and other fluids. Only water isn’t going to be enough as water can hydrate you but many of the other nutrients will only be supplied by juices, rehydrating drinks, sports drinks or other such. Thus it is important to consume a variety of these fluids.

2. Eat a hearty breakfast: The longer you are with an empty stomach, the longer it is going to take the hangover to go away. Eating a hearty and filling breakfast will relieve the hangover to a great extent. However, eat foods which are easy to digest, such as cereals and toast. Avoid greasy and oily foods in the morning as they may add to the nausea.

3. If you have nowhere important to be, go back to bed: If you have the time and nothing to do, then it is advisable to sleep (know more to improve the quality of your sleep) a little longer while you keep rehydrating yourself whenever you wake up. This is going to give your body the fluids it needs while resting is going to give it plenty of opportunity to heal itself.

4. Eat ginger, both before and after drinking: Ginger has been used as a home remedy across cultures for centuries to treat nausea. It is thus wise to eat crystallized or candied forms of ginger, both before and after consumption of alcohol as it will lessen its effects on the body. You can take ginger the night after as well to reduce the nausea that comes with hangover.

5. Stretch out and exercise a little: Between naps it may not be a bad idea to stretch out and exercise a little, which will help you release endorphins to make you feel better. However, ensure that it is light exercise so that the nausea and headaches are not exacerbated.

Dr. Pallavi U Bhurse
Dr. Pallavi U Bhurse
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sabir Patel
Dr. Sabir Patel
MBBS, General Medicine Physician General Physician, 2 yrs, Bharuch
Dr. Sandip Nimbhorkar
Dr. Sandip Nimbhorkar
BAMS, Ayurveda Naturopathy Specialist, 21 yrs, Pune
Dr. Manish Pathak
Dr. Manish Pathak
MDS, Dentist Periodontist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Prakash Dhumal
Dr. Prakash Dhumal
BHMS, Family Physician Dietitian, 5 yrs, Pune