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Health Tips
Diet and Nutrition :
Does the word Diet make you think of unpleasant weight-loss regimen? Forget it, Diet also refers to the food and drink a person consumes daily and the mental and physical circumstances connected to eating. Eating nutrition give you beautiful body not just outside but also inside.

The human body is made up on innumerable nutrients and minerals without which it cannot function properly.
The body tends to experience loss of these nutrients and minerals due to one or more factors, which can further affect the proper functioning of the body.

One of the most essential minerals in the body is iron. It is required to help the red blood cells transport oxygen to the rest of the body.

Furthermore, it also helps in producing energy and facilitates cell respiration.

Iron makes for an essential mineral for each and every human being; however, it is most required by women.

According to the National Institute of Health, an average adult male needs about eight milligram of iron per day and an average adult female needs 18 milligram of iron per day.

During pregnancy, a female needs 27 milligrams, a triple of what men need.

According to Consultant Nutritionist Dr. Rupali Datta, "It is primarily because of the monthly cycle that women tend to lose blood. Typically in pregnancy, women require more iron because there is an increase in blood volume, which is needed for baby's growth in the womb.

Iron is needed to replenish the loss of blood during menstrual cycle and delivery of the baby.

While it is important for both men and women, these two factors make iron an important mineral for women."

Bangalore based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood agrees, "Physiologically, women need more iron because of the menstrual cycle, you need to replenish blood, which is why you should load up on iron rich foods more."

One of the biggest reasons to add more iron in your diet is menstruation. It is about losing a lot of blood every month, which can affect overall iron content in the body.

Compensate by increasing the consumption of iron rich foods.

If you want to jack up your iron intake without relying on red meat, include these vegetables in your diet.

1) Spinach
Yes, this green vegetable is a power of iron, no wonder why Popeye loved this super food so much . 100 grams of spinach contain 2.7 mg of Iron. So, don’t forget to include spinach in your next salad or side dish.

2) Broccoli
Another green vegetable that is loaded with iron is broccoli. It also contains essential nutrients like vitamin K, magnesium and Vitamin C. You should include this vegetable in your diet, if you’ve not already because it encourages the absorption of iron in the body.

3) Lentils
100 grams of boiled lentils contain 3.3 mg of iron. Besides, lentils are also a good source of dietary fibre, potassium and protein.

4) Kale
Make kale a part of your diet by including it in your salads and soups to get a good amount of iron from this vegetable. 100 grams of kale contains 1.5 mg of iron.

5) Sesame seeds
100 grams of sesame contains 14.6 mg of Iron. So, go ahead and include them in your diet by sprinkling them onto your salads.

It is tough to imagine Indian cuisine without cottage cheese or paneer.

If the non-vegetarians have their ever-so-versatile chicken, then vegetarians have for long taken pride in their most beloved 'paneer' which can blend in any dry or gravy preparation.

Cottage cheese makes way into so many of our desserts too. Apart from these indulgent preparations, paneer can make for a healthful food too.

Here are 6 health benefits of paneer or cottage cheese that will make you add more of the creamy wonder to your diet.
1. Rich In Protein
2. Cottage Cheese Strengthen Bones And Teeth
3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
4. Good For Heart Health
5. Improves Digestion
6. Boosts Weight Loss
7. Rich Source Of Folate

Add it to your salads, gravies or have them raw but make sure you don't miss out on the incredible health benefits of your favourite paneer.

It is tough to imagine Indian cuisine without cottage cheese or paneer. If the non-vegetarians have their ever-so-versatile chicken, then vegetarians have for long taken pride in their most beloved 'paneer' which can blend in any dry or gravy preparation. Cottage cheese makes way into so many of our desserts too. Apart from these indulgent preparations, paneer can make for a healthful food too.
Here are 6 health benefits of paneer or cottage cheese that will make you add more of the creamy wonder to your diet.

1. Rich In Protein
2. Cottage Cheese Strengthen Bones And Teeth
3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
4. Good For Heart Health
5. Improves Digestion
6. Boosts Weight Loss
7. Rich Source Of Folate

Add it to your salads, gravies or have them raw but make sure you don't miss out on the incredible health benefits of your favourite paneer.

Do you know that some foods are likely to increase the risk of food-borne diseases? Here are some foods that get easily contaminated by disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites.

1) Red meat
Have you ever wondered why is it always advised to cook meat thoroughly before its consumption? Well that’s because raw and uncooked meat is a breeding ground for bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and listeria.

2) Eggs
Eggs are also likely to get contaminated with parasites, that’s why it’s imperative that you purchase eggs that are free Salmonella bacteria. In addition, make sure you don’t consume eggs that are beyond the date of packaging.

3) Contaminated poultry products
If you’re a chicken lover, you need to make sure you only chicken that is bacteria free. As chicken can also get infected with Salmonella species. Also, you need to ensure that it is cooked properly before its consumption.

4) Seeded veggies
Seeded vegetables such as cucumbers, jalapenos are known to be a breeding ground for Salmonella species. Therefore, to prevent being infected by this bacteria, make sure you wash your veggies thoroughly.

5) Seeds and sprouts
Seeds and sprouts usually require a hot and humid climate to grow and this makes it ideal for bacteria to grow in them as well. Contaminated radish sprouts can contain E. Coli, can lead to stomach issues. This is also one of the foods contaminated by bacterial toxins

Dr. Amit Gupte
Dr. Amit Gupte
BDS, Dentist, 18 yrs, Pune
Dr. Piyush  Jain
Dr. Piyush Jain
MS - Allopathy, Ophthalmologist Pediatric Ophthalmologist, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anjali Awate
Dr. Anjali Awate
BAMS, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Tanaji Bangar
Dr. Tanaji Bangar
BAMS, Family Physician General Physician, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Cliford John
Dr. Cliford John
BDS, Dental Surgeon Root canal Specialist, 6 yrs, Pune