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Pinched (Compressed) Nerve
Nerves extend from your brain and spinal cord, sending important messages
throughout your body. If you have a pinched nerve (nerve compression) your body may
send you warning signals such as pain. Don't ignore these warning signals.
Damage from a pinched nerve may be minor or severe. It may cause temporary or
long-lasting problems. The earlier you get a diagnosis and treatment for nerve
compression, the more quickly you'll find relief.
In some cases, you can't reverse the damage from a pinched nerve. But treatment
usually relieves pain and other symptoms.
Causes of Pinched Nerves
A pinched nerve occurs when there is "compression" (pressure) on a nerve.
The pressure may be the result of repetitive motions. Or it may happen from holding
your body in one position for long periods, such as keeping elbows bent while sleeping.
Nerves are most vulnerable at places in your body where they travel through narrow
spaces but have little soft tissue to protect them. Nerve compression often occurs
when the nerve is pressed between tissues such as:
For example, inflammation or pressure on a nerve root exiting the spine may cause
neck or low back pain. It may also cause pain to radiate from the neck into the shoulder
and arm (cervical radiculopathy). Or pain may radiate into the leg and foot (lumbar
radiculopathy or sciatic nerve pain).
These symptoms may result from changes that develop in the spine's discs and bones.
For example, if a disc weakens or tears -- known as a herniated disc -- pressure can
get put on a spinal nerve.
Nerve compression in your neck or arm may also cause symptoms in areas such as

This can lead to conditions such as:
Peripheral neuropathy
Carpal tunnel syndrome
If nerve compression lasts a long time, a protective barrier around the nerve may break
down. Fluid may build up, which may cause:
Extra pressure
The scarring may interfere with the nerve's function.
Symptoms of Pinched Nerves
With nerve compression, sometimes pain may be your only symptom. Or you may
have other symptoms without pain.
These are some of the more common symptoms of compressed nerves:
Pain in the area of compressions, such as the neck or low back
Radiating pain, such as sciatica or radicular pain
Numbness or tingling
"Pins and needles" or a burning sensation
Weakness, especially with certain activities
Sometimes symptoms worsen when you try certain movements, such as
head or straining your neck.

Treatmentfor Pinched Nerves
How long it takes for symptoms to end can vary from person to person. Treatment
varies, depending on the severity and cause of the nerve compression.
You may find that you benefit greatly from simply resting the injured area and by
avoiding any activities that tend to worsen your symptoms. In many cases, that's all
you need to do.
If symptoms persist or pain is severe, see your doctor. You may need one or more
types of treatment to shrink swollen tissue around the nerve.
In more severe cases, it may be necessary to remove material that's pressing on a
nerve, such as:
Scar tissue
Disc material
Pieces of bone
Treatment may include:
NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or
naproxen may reduce swelling.
Oral corticosteroids. These are used to reduce swelling and pain.
Narcotics. These are used for brief periods to reduce severe pain.
Steroid injections. These injections may reduce swelling and allow inflamed nerves to
Physical therapy. This will help stretch and strengthen muscles.
Splint. A splint or soft collar limits motion and allows muscles to rest for brief periods.
Surgery. Surgery may be needed for more severe problems that don't respond to
other types of treatment.
Work with your doctor to find the best approach for treating your symptoms.

Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

Nerve Pain and Nerve Damage
Your nervous system is involved in everything your body does, from regulating your breathing to controlling your muscles and sensing heat and cold.

There are three types of nerves in the body:

Autonomic nerves. These nerves control the involuntary or partially voluntary activities of your body, including heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature regulation.
Motor nerves. These nerves control your movements and actions by passing information from your brain and spinal cord to your muscles.
Sensory nerves. These nerves relay information from your skin and muscles back to your spinal cord and brain. The information is then processed to let you feel pain and other sensations.
Because nerves are essential to all you do, nerve pain and damage can seriously affect your quality of life.

What Are the Symptoms of Nerve Pain and Nerve Damage?
With nerve damage there can be a wide array of symptoms. Which ones you may have depends on the location and type of nerves that are affected. Damage can occur to nerves in your brain and spinal cord. It can also occur in the peripheral nerves, which are located throughout the rest of your body.

Autonomic nerve damage may produce the following symptoms:

Inability to sense chest pain, such as angina or heart attack
Too much sweating (known as hyperhidrosis) or too little sweating (known as anhidrosis)
Dry eyes and mouth
Bladder dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction
Damage to motor nerves may produce the following symptoms:

Muscle atrophy
Twitching, also known as fasciculation
Sensory nerve damage may produce the following symptoms:

Tingling or prickling
Problems with positional awareness
In some instances, people with nerve damage will have symptoms that indicate damage to two, or even three, different types of nerves. For instance, you might experience weakness and burning of your legs at the same time.

What Causes Nerve Pain and Nerve Damage?
There are more than 100 different types of nerve damage. The various types may have different symptoms and may require different types of treatment.

It is estimated that about 20 million Americans suffers from peripheral nerve damage. This type of damage becomes increasingly common with age. Up to 70% of people with diabetes have some nerve damage.

While not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the possible causes of nerve pain and nerve damage:

Autoimmune diseases . A variety of different types of autoimmune diseases can produce symptoms of nerve pain and nerve damage. These include: multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome (a rare condition in which the immune system attacks the peripheral nerves), myasthenia gravis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Cancer . Cancer can cause nerve pain and nerve damage in multiple ways. In some instances, cancerous masses may push against or crush nerves. In other cases, certain types of cancer may result in nutritional deficiencies that affect nerve function. Additionally, some types of chemotherapy and radiation may produce nerve pain and nerve damage in certain individuals.
Compression/trauma. Anything that results in trauma or compression of nerves can result in nerve pain and nerve damage. This includes pinched nerves in the neck, crush injuries, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Diabetes . Up to 70% of people with diabetes suffer from nerve damage, which becomes more likely as the disease progresses. Diabetic neuropathy is a serious complication and may affect all three types of neurons. Sensory nerves are most often affected, causing burning or numbness. If you have diabetes and are experiencing symptoms of nerve pain or nerve damage, you should consult a medical professional as soon as possible.
Drug side effects and toxic substances. Various substances that are taken into the body intentionally or unintentionally have the ability to cause nerve pain and nerve damage. These include medications, such as some chemotherapies for cancer and certain drugs used to treat HIV. Toxic substances that may be ingested accidentally, including lead, arsenic, and mercury, may also cause damage to your nerves.
Motor neuron diseases. The motor neurons are nerves in your brain and spinal column that communicate with the muscles throughout your body. Diseases that affect these nerves, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, can result in progressively worsening nerve damage.
Nutritional deficiencies. Deficiencies of certain nutrients, including vitamins B6 and B12, may produce symptoms of nerve pain and nerve damage, including weakness or burning sensations. Nutritional deficiencies that cause nerve damage may also result from excessive alcohol ingestion or develop after gastric surgery.
Infectious disease. Certain infectious diseases have the ability to affect the nerves in your body. These conditions include Lyme disease, the herpes viruses, HIV, and hepatitis C.
How Are Nerve Pain and Nerve Damage Treated?
In many instances, nerve damage cannot be cured entirely. But there are various treatments that can reduce your symptoms. Because nerve damage is often progressive, it is important to consult with a doctor when you first notice symptoms. That way you can reduce the likelihood of permanent damage.

Often, the first goal of treatment is to address the underlying condition that's causing your nerve pain or nerve damage. This may mean:

Regulating blood sugar levels for people with diabetes
Correcting nutritional deficiencies
Changing medications when drugs are causing nerve damage
Physical therapy or surgery to address compression or trauma to nerves
Medications to treat autoimmune conditions
Additionally, your doctor may prescribe medications aimed at minimizing the nerve pain you are feeling. These may include:

Pain relievers
Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline and desipramine (Norpramin), as well as other antidepressants, including duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venlafaxine (Effexor XR)
Certain anti-seizure drugs
Capsaicin cream
Complementary and alternative approaches may also help alleviate your nerve pain and discomfort. These include:

Antioxidant vitamins
Electrical nerve stimulation such as TENS

नसांतील वेदना आणि नसांतील नुकसान
आपल्या शरीराच्या सर्व अवयवांमध्ये आपले नसांतील तंत्र गुंतलेले आहे, आपल्या स्नायूंना नियंत्रित करण्यासाठी आणि उष्णता आणि थंड समजण्यापासून नियंत्रित करण्यासाठी .

नसांतील वेदना आणि नसांतील नुकसान यांचे लक्षणे काय आहेत?
नसांतील लक्षणे भरपूर प्रमाणात असू शकतात. आपल्यास कोणत्या गोष्टी प्रभावित आहेत त्या प्रभावित झालेल्या नसांतील आणि स्थानावर अवलंबून असतात. आपल्या मेंदू आणि हड्डीतील नसांतील नुकसान होऊ शकते. हे परिधीय नसांमध्ये देखील येऊ शकते, जे आपल्या उर्वरित शरीरात आढळतात.

स्वायत्त नसांतील नुकसान खालील लक्षणे उत्पन्न करू शकतात:

- छातीत वेदना, जसे की एंजिना किंवा हृदयविकाराचा झटका समजणे अक्षम होणे
- खूप जास्त घाम येणे (हायपरिड्रोसिस म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे) किंवा खूप कमी घाम येणे (अँहिड्रोसिस म्हणून ओळखले जाते)
- लाइटहेडनेस
- कब्ज
- मूत्राशय डिसफंक्शन
- लैंगिक अव्यवस्था

नसांतील त्रास खालील लक्षणे उत्पन्न करू शकतो:
- अशक्तपणा
- स्नायू ऍट्रोफी
- ट्विचिंग, ज्याला फिकसीलेशन म्हणतात
- पक्षाघात

संवेदनाग्रस्त नसांतील नुकसान खालील लक्षणे उत्पन्न करू शकतात:
- वेदना
- संवेदनशीलता
- मूर्खपणा
- चिडचिडणे किंवा घाई करणे
- बर्निंग

काही प्रकरणात, नसांतील नुकसानाने ग्रस्त असणा-या लक्षणांमध्ये दोन, किंवा तीन वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे नसांचे त्रास दर्शविणारी लक्षणे दिसून येतील. उदाहरणार्थ, आपण एकाच वेळी आपल्या पायांची कमजोरी आणि बर्निंग अनुभवू शकता.

नसांतील वेदना आणि नर्व नुकसान का होतो?
100 पेक्षा जास्त प्रकारचे नसांचे नुकसान होते. विविध प्रकारच्या वेगवेगळ्या लक्षणे असू शकतात आणि वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारच्या उपचारांची आवश्यकता असू शकते.

असे अनुमान आहे की सुमारे 20 दशलक्ष अमेरिकन लोक परिधीय नसांतील वेदनाचे क्षतिग्रस्त आहेत. या प्रकारचे नुकसान वाढत्या वय सह सामान्य होते. मधुमेह असलेल्या 70% लोकांमध्ये काही नसांतील नुकसान होते.

खालील नसांतील वेदना आणि नसांतील नुकसान संभाव्य कारणे आहेत:

1. ऑटिमिम्यून रोग.

2. कर्करोग.

3. संकुचन / आघात.

4. मधुमेह.

5. औषध साइड इफेक्ट्स आणि विषारी पदार्थ.

6. मोटर न्यूरॉन रोग.

7. पौष्टिक कमतरता.

8. संक्रामक रोग.

Dr.  Awale Tukaram
Dr. Awale Tukaram
MD - Homeopathy, Homeopath Diabetologist, 12 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shyamsundar Jagtap
Dr. Shyamsundar Jagtap
BAMS, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Mayur Patil
Dr. Mayur Patil
BHMS, Family Physician General Physician, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sushma Todkar
Dr. Sushma Todkar
BDS, Dentist Root canal Specialist, 20 yrs, Pune
Dr. Suryakant Bhoite
Dr. Suryakant Bhoite
BAMS, Family Physician, 34 yrs, Pune