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Slim fit is not only good for your health, but it also brings strength to your everyday life. But most of the time, despite many attempts, women are unable to achieve weight loss either due to health issues or lack of time for any exercise. In such situations, women often become victims of stress and depression or a complex situation.

If you are also stressed about your increasing weight then we are here to tell you about an easy weight loss technique. For this, you don't necessarily have to work that hard. This idea involves the consumption of apple and honey together. Read more about how you can incorporate apple and honey in your daily regime for weight loss here.

Health Benefits Of Apple

It's a well-known fact and a common saying, "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away." It shows us that Apple is one of the most enriching fruits or diets available to us. It is a rich source of several minerals, proteins and antioxidants. Apple, along with many exclusive properties, often includes a large amount of fiber, which is why it is considered effective in terms of weight.

Sodium is much less prevalent in apples. This also helps to flush excess water out of the body. Apple, known to be a treasure trove of vitamins, also increases energy levels and helps to burn calories. A tiny apple contains 65 calories and no fat, while a medium-sized apple contains 110 calories.

In addition to weight loss, apple also provides us with a number of other advantages. It, in effect, helps our teeth look whiter and, at the same time, makes them cleaner, while also improving our brain health. Its dietary fibers help to maintain good digestion.
Regular apple intake also reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.It keeps the heart young and healthy, and at the same time antioxidants present in it helps the body to get rid of toxins.

Health Benefits Of Honey

Honey is also considered an effective remedy for weight loss. Since honey is naturally sweet, its daily consumption not only nourishes the body but also controls the sugar cravings. A lot of women prefer consuming honey along with a glass of warm water in the morning, while many others prefer consuming it along with lime water for better results.

For Weight Loss, Consume Apple And Honey Together

If you wish to, you can crush an apple and mix it with honey or slice an apple and consume it by dipping into your bowl of honey. By doing this, you’ll not just get the benefits of apple but at the same time relish the natural sweetness of honey.

Consuming honey and apple together will control your sugar cravings, making your stomach feel full for a long time, thus, making for an easier way to control your calorie intake.

Don’t you wish to go back to the time when you weighed 10 pounds less? Are you bored of wearing loose clothes, dark jeans, and body shapers to hide your figure? The fact is, these clothes cannot protect you from obesity-related diseases such as PCOD, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and infertility. But losing weight can.

If you are serious about getting back in shape, do more than just eating healthy and exercising. Having supplements can speed up the process, and one such natural weight loss supplement is spirulina.

This biomass of blue-green algae has been branded as “Best Food for the Future” by the UN for many reasons, weight loss is one of them. Read on to find out how spirulina aids weight loss, where to buy it, dosage, and more.

How Spirulina Aids Weight Loss
Spirulina is low in calories and high in protein. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, suppresses appetite, boosts fat mobilization, and lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. All of these factors aid weight loss.

Spirulina is a biomass of floating microalgae found mostly in the water reservoirs of Africa, India, Mexico, and America. It is highly nutritious, a reason it was promoted by the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition (IIMSAM) to fight starvation and malnutrition .

The NASA recommends spirulina as food for astronauts on a space mission . It is also consumed by soldiers during wars that last long. Here is how spirulina benefits weight loss.

1. Low In Calories
One tablespoon (7 g) of spirulina contains only 20 Calories. Consuming low-calorie foods is critical if you want to lose weight. It will help create a negative energy balance. You can add spirulina to your morning smoothie or juice without having to worry about consuming too many calories.

2. High In Protein
When it comes to weight loss, a low-carb and high-protein diet works for most dieters. Spirulina contains about 60-70% protein and contains all the essential amino acids.

Proteins take longer to digest than simple carbs. Hence, spirulina can keep you full for longer. Also, proteins help build lean muscle mass, thereby making you look toned and increasing your muscle power and endurance and preventing post-exercise muscle damage.

3. Is Highly Nutritious
Spirulina is rich in vitamins C, B1, B6, B5 and E, minerals, such as copper, zinc, and manganese, useful enzymes, and dietary fiber that makes it a perfect weight loss supplement. These minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and dietary fibers help in digestion and metabolism, eliminate toxins, and prevent fat absorption.

4. Has Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Spirulina has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The antioxidants help to nullify the harmful oxygen radicals and prevent the body from producing pro-inflammatory molecules. This prevents the body from being in a state of stress and curbs inflammation. Toxic build-up and inflammation are two leading factors of weight gain, which spirulina can prevent.

5. Suppresses Appetite
Spirulina is also an appetite suppressant. It contains the amino acid phenylalanine that stimulates the secretion of cholecystokinin that helps to suppress appetite.

6. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Many scientific studies conducted to find the benefits of spirulina have confirmed that spirulina possesses lipid-lowering properties. It helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels in the blood. Consuming spirulina can boost fat mobilization, which is what is critical for weight loss.

7. Lowers Blood Sugar
High blood sugar can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance, obesity, PCOD, and diabetes. Spirulina helps lower the blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Including spirulina in your diet can help in regulating insulin spikes, protecting you from diseases and preventing weight gain.

8. Lowers Blood Pressure
Spirulina also helps to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, making it a potent antihypertensive agent. High blood pressure and stress lead to weight gain. Spirulina supplementation can lower the concentration of fats in the blood, thus preventing weight gain.

These are the 8 reasons spirulina is considered one of the best weight loss supplements. Now, let’s find out how you can consume spirulina

and take a look at the spirulina dosage for weight loss in the powder and tablet forms.

Stepping on to the healthy bandwagon can be an overwhelming affair, both mentally and physically. In order to keep healthy and fit, it is essential to monitor body weight and keep it maintained. For those looking to shed those extra kilos, it is important to strike a balance between regular workout regime and balanced diet. When it comes to weight loss diet, protein-rich foods could help you go a long way in meeting your weight loss goals. This is primarily because protein has the tendency to induce a feeling of satiety, which helps keep one full for a longer spell. While there's no dearth of protein sources out there, we bring to you a low-calorie and high-protein recipe that is a perfect combination of taste and health. Wondering what it is? We're talking about roasted green peas chaat. Made using green peas (matar) as its prime ingredient, this healthy chaat is high in protein-quotient.

Peas Nutrition
Apart from being rich in protein, these edible pods as a whole are a powerhouse of nutrition. According to the book, 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing House, "Peas are rich in vitamin K, manganese, and vitamin C, and are a good source of folate and trace elements. Their insoluble fibre content is good for the gut and also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Since this chaat is devoid of oil content and is completely roasted, it saves you a lot of calories and further facilitates weight loss.

Here's How You Can Make Weight-Loss-Friendly Green Peas (Matar) Chaat At Home:

Green Peas - 200 grams
Tomatoes - 1 small, chopped
Onion - 1 small, chopped
Carrot - 1 medium, grated
Green Capsicum - 1 small, chopped
Rock salt - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Cooking Method to Make Matar Chaat:

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. Meanwhile place a parchment paper on a baking tray. Now place the green pea pods over the sheet and bake them in the oven for 5-10 minutes.
Once they have turned all crispy and crunchy, transfer them to a bowl and add all the chopped ingredients to it along with rock salt.
Mix well and drizzle lemon juice over it. Your crunchy and healthy chaat is ready to be served and savoured.

If you were thinking all this while that all chaats are greasy and laden with oil, then this healthy chaat recipe is sure to change your perception. Make this a part of your daily diet and tread through your weight loss journey in an effective manner. Apart from following a healthy and balanced diet, pair it with a regular workout regime and watch out for results.

Oats are one of the healthiest food grains out there. Also known by the scientific name Avena sativa, oat is commonly consumed as a breakfast cereal and is particularly recommended for those with high cholesterol or high blood pressure and blood sugar. Besides being rich in complex carbohydrates and fibre, oats are also rich in a range of nutrients. Oats are available in a variety of forms, depending on the level of processing that the product has undergone. They are consumed for their numerous health benefits with the least processed forms having low glycaemic indices. However, despite all its benefits, oat may not be the cereal of choice for many around the world, due to its neutral taste and mushy texture when cooked as oatmeal.

Oat Nutrition: Facts And Nutritional Values
Groats (unprocessed whole oats) and steel-cut oats are among the least processed forms of oats. These take longer to digest and to cook as well. There are other more processed forms like instant or rolled oats, which are more popular as these are easier to cook with. According to the data by United States Department of Agriculture, a 100 gram portion of oats contains 4 grams of beta-glucan, which is a soluble fibre credited with improving satiety by slowing down digestion. The same portion supplies 389 calories, with 11 grams of dietary fibre, 16.9 grams of protein and good amounts of a range of micro-nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and potassium.

Health Benefits Of Oats
1. Consumption of oats and other whole grains has been linked with lower risk of cardiovascular diseases as they help reduce levels of cholesterol in blood.

2. The beta-glucan present in oats regulates levels of blood sugar and insulin, by slowing down the process of digestion, and hence, it may prove to be beneficial for diabetics or for slowing advance of diabetes.

3. Oats are also said to aid weight loss by increasing satiety. This is due to the presence of soluble fibre, which binds with water and increases in volume in the gut.

4. Oats have also been credited with improving gut health by increasing gut microbiota, which happens when the soluble fibre breaks down in the gut.

Creative Ways Of Including Oats In Your Weight Loss Diet
1. Oat Smoothies
Adding oats to your morning fruit smoothies is a sure-shot way of making your breakfast fibre-rich and filling. All you have to do is blitz roll oats and then blend them with the yogurt, fruit and milk mixture to get delicious and filling oat breakfast smoothies.

2. Oat Bread
Ground oats can also be added to bread batter for healthy and nutritious oat bread. You can mix in some bananas and make sweet oat bread for a healthy tea-time snack.

3. Oat Granola/Snacks
Oats are commonly toasted along with a variety of nuts and then flavoured with honey, cinnamon, nutmeg among other things to make healthy, lose granola or granola bars for a high-fibre on-the-go snack.

4. Oats Pancakes, Dosas, Uttapams And More
You can add rolled oats to batters of a number of flat-cakes, both Indian and otherwise. It's a simple way of adding some much-needed soluble fibre to pancakes, dosas, uttapams and more.

5. Homemade Oats Pizza
You can even make the crust of your homemade pizzas from oats! That's the most fun way of sneaking in the fibre in your meals. Not just that, you can even cook oats in the form of risottos, which would basically be savoury oatmeal with sautéed vegetables cooked in the style of this Italian favourite.

Once you get yourself to experiment with this superfood, sky is the limit. Which of the above-mentioned oat dishes are you preparing soon? Let us know in the comments section below! You may even experiment with other healthy ingredients of your choice.

We know that losing weight is not an easy feat. In order to lose weight, one has to follow a strict routine, which includes maintaining a healthy balanced diet, regular workout, yoga and what not! Even if you are determined to lose weight and follow a strict diet, there may be times when cravings for sweet foods may strike like a thunder that you would find impossible to control. The quick results with minimal efforts of these crash diets may lure you for a while, but one must understand that these methods or diets may work at first, but may not help you in long run. Therefore, it is important to add all food groups to your diet and focus on calorie intake of the day to ensure sustainable weight loss. Carbonated and fizzy drinks are full of empty calories that could wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. Hence, it is always better to drink home-made, low calorie drinks instead. Vegetable and fruit juices are one of the best ways to add nutrients to your daily diet that may help you lose weight in longer run. Pick vegetables and fruits that are naturally low in sugar and carbohydrates as they may further help you shed weight naturally.

Here Are 3 Low-Cal Juices That You Can Easily Make At Home To Lose Weight:
Tomato Juice For Weight Loss
Tomatoes are very low in calories and carbohydrates. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of tomatoes contain just about 18 calories and 3.86 grams of carbs, which makes it a perfect bet for those on a calorie-restricted weight loss diet. Moreover, the fruit has high water content.

All you have to do is to take two cups chopped tomatoes and beetroot, and 3 tablespoon of lime juice. Blend all the ingredients in a blender. You may add salt for taste. Stir well and pour into a tall glass.

Carrot Juice For Weight Loss
Carrots are packed with fibre, both soluble and insoluble. Fibre takes the longest to digest, keeping you full for longer time. Including carrots in daily diet may accelerate your weight loss process. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of carrots have 41 calories and 3 grams of fibre. Hence, adding carrots to your weight loss diet will accelerate your weight loss programme.

Take 2 cups diced carrot and beetroot, half cup water and 2 table spoon amla juice. Blend the ingredients in a mixer and pour it in a tall glass. You may add a pinch of salt and a few mint leaves for taste.

Apple Juice For Weight Loss
Apple is a low calorie fruit. Apples contain about 50 calories per 100 grams, as per USDA; meaning you can have as much of this low calorie fruit as you like without feeling guilty.

Take 2 cups chopped apple, 1 pinch cinnamon powder and half cup diced beetroot. Blend the ingredients in a mixer and pour it in a tall glass. You may add salt and black pepper for taste.

These are just some of the best low-calorie juices that you can include in your diet for healthy weight loss. However, consult your nutritionist before adding anything to your diet.

Remember, it's a long race to the finish line, but the results are bound to be worth it!

Dr. Suneel Gupta
Dr. Suneel Gupta
MBBS, Family Physician General Physician, 43 yrs, Pune
Dr. Hitendra Ahirrao
Dr. Hitendra Ahirrao
BAMS, Family Physician General Physician, Pune
Dr. Sneha Jain
Dr. Sneha Jain
MD - Homeopathy, Homeopath, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pallavi U Bhurse
Dr. Pallavi U Bhurse
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 5 yrs, Pune
MBBS, Pediatrician, 8 yrs, Pune