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Panchakarma Virechan (Therapeutic Purgation)
Tags: Panchakarma Treatment, Virechan
Package Price: 10 INR
Rating: * * *
Desciption :

Panchakarma Virechan (Therapeutic Purgation):
Virechan is given to patients suffering from Pitta dosha related diseases.

It cleanses the digestive tract completely and voids off the pitta toxins accumulated within the liver, gall bladder and small intestine.

Purgation is induced in body with medicines like Cow’s milk, Black currants, castor oil; etc.

It is a safe procedure without side effects.

Virechana is effective treatment for Diabetes, Asthma, Skin disorders such as Herpes, Chronic Fever, Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, Joint disorders, Digestive disorders and Constipation, Hyperacidity, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Headaches, Elephantiasis and Gynecological disorders.

Health Package posted by

Hospital : Vishvagandha Ayurved Health Center, Pune
Pune, Maharashtra
