Health Tips
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As complex as it may sound, Keratosis Pilaris is a harmless, non-contagious type of skin disorder, which primarily affects people with dry skin. This disease has the potential to convert a person’s once smooth skin into skin as rough as sandpaper.


A number of light-coloured small bumps start appearing on the skin and in most cases, they tend to appear on the upper arms, thighs and buttocks of the affected person. In certain cases, there may be some swelling or redness, which comes along with the bumps. The skin loses its original glow and colour.


As mentioned above, people with dry skin suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. Also anyone with extra sensitive skin who is prone to be allergic to various substances tend to fall prey to this disease. Often Keratosis Pilaris is inherited from other family members as well. Persons suffering from asthma and eczema have higher chances of getting affected by Keratosis Pilaris.

But what leads to such a condition? A protein in our body called ‘keratin’, which protects our skin from various infections, is the main cause behind Keratosis Pilaris. Although there is no particular reason for excess building up of keratin in our body, too much of it under the skin leads to blockages of hair follicles and growth of rashes.


For people who are scared of medical tests, it may be a relief to know that Keratosis Pilaris does not need any sort of testing. Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris is a time taking process and immediate results may not be seen after applying a particular lotion or cream. However, sometimes it gets cured on its own without any medication.

To start off, the amount of time which is spent in water should be limited. In addition to this, there are other steps which may be taken. For example, while taking a shower, hot water should be substituted by warm water. Also, it is vital to ensure that the skin is adequately moist. Two ways of going about doing this are using moisturizers and making use of a humidifier. Make sure you use mild soaps for regular hygiene and for your shower.

Who gets Keratosis Pilaris?

Anyone can get Keratosis Pilaris. It is estimated to affect between 50-80% of all adolescents and approximately 40% of adults. Females may be more frequently affected than males. Age of onset is often within the first 10 years of life and can particularly get worse during puberty. Keratosis Pilaris may however begin at any age. A large percentage of patients have other people in their family with the same condition. It has commonly been seen in twins. Keratosis Pilaris is also seen in atopic dermatitis patients and patients with very dry skin.

One big relief when it comes to having Keratosis Pilaris is the fact that there is little risk at all if a person has it as it is not threatening. That being said, the sooner it is under control, the better!

Dry skin is a condition caused by the lack of moisture in skin. Fine lines and wrinkles are just some of the conditions, which may be caused due to dry skin. Dry skin can also be very uncomfortable. The condition is mostly caused by environmental factors such as exposure to harsh weather conditions or getting soaked in hot water.

People at risk:

Age: People who are older than 40 years of age tend to be more at risk of dry skin than people who are younger than 40 years.

Climate: As mentioned earlier, weather conditions play a pivotal role in causing dry skin. Therefore, people who live in areas, where the climate is either very hot or very cold, tend to get dry skin more often than people who live in temperate climates. Low humidity is another factor which causes dry skin.

Profession: Some professions, such as nursing or hairstyling, requires frequent usage of hot water all through the day, which can also lead to dry skin.

Swimming: Swimming is one of the major causes of dry skin. This is especially true in pools, which have chlorine mixed in the water. This is because chlorine increases the itchiness on your skin.

Lifestyle changes: Usually, lifestyle changes such as avoiding long, hot showers and putting moisturizers are good enough to make sure that dry skin goes away.

Lactic acid: Creams with lactic acid and urea can be prescribed by your doctor if the dryness of your skin does not go away with moisturizers. These creams are usually over-the-counter medications.

Prescription creams: Prescription creams are given, only when conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis or ichthyosis are present.

Wet dressing: Wet dressing is given only when dermatitis has set in, as it mostly helps in preventing the infection.

Oiling: Oiling your body, especially with fish or flaxseed oil, ensures that your body does not succumb to dry skin.

Hand sanitizer: Normal hand sanitizers tend to make your hands dry. Thus, dermatologists recommend hydrating hand sanitizers that allow your hands to maintain their moisture. Therefore, whenever you are using a hand sanitizer, use a hydrating one.

With the ever-evolving lifestyle habits, it has become very tough for everyone to stay fit. Hence, people are constantly looking for health tips that can help them maintain their health. And one common tip followed by at least 80% of people is that they start the day with a glass of hot or lukewarm water. Adding a dash of lemon and honey to this makes it even better for those who are trying to watch their weight.

The reason why this tip is followed by people across the world is that the benefits of drinking warm water are so evident that it just becomes a regular habit in no time.

Read on to know some of the super-surprising benefits of this habit on various body systems :

Digestive system: The food pipe, after having digested various foods the previous day, would still be left with remnants along its length. Starting the day with a glass of warm water acts as a good flush, which removes all these remnants. The warm or hot water also helps in removing greasiness, which is very helpful in people who survive on junk food.

Metabolic system: Those who are trying to lose weight should drink warm or hot water with every meal. The belief is that warm or hot water helps in burning more fat, and therefore, boosts the weight loss efforts through diet and exercise changes. The liver is the center of metabolism, and a glass of hot water in the morning can improve its functioning. This, in turn, improves the flow of lymph and bile in the system, which acts a great booster for the whole body.

Immune system and wound healing: When a glass of hot water along with some lime is consumed early in the morning, it gives the required dose of vitamin C and potassium to the body. Also, as the stomach is empty, the absorption is faster.
Body’s pH balance: The body’s pH turns alkaline as the ascorbic acid and the citric acid are easily digested and removed from the system. For a body to be free from disease and illness, drinking warm water helps in maintaining the required pH.
Psychological: A nice juicy lime smells great, and this can be one of the best mood enhancers to begin a day with.

Skin and hair: For anybody with good skin, the key success factor is hydration and a glass of warm water in the morning will provide that. In addition, if lime is added, there is an additional benefit of vitamin C which is required for healthy collagen formation, leaving the skin younger and glowing.

For these and more benefits, drink up a glass of warm water in the morning and feel the difference yourself.

Oranges are a winter favorite and one of the most loved fruits around the world. The fruit is low in calories, good for the skin, strengthens nervous system and digestive system, and helps in lowering the risk of many diseases. It can be also included in our diet in several ways from a morning snack to exotic desserts. Here are a few benefits of oranges:

1. They are a good source of vitamin C - Humans are unable to produce vitamin C endogenously, which is essential for our body and so it needs to be included in our diet. Vitamin C reduces inflammation related to arthritis, muscle injuries and also helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases by blocking the oxidation of cholesterol. Oranges are very rich in vitamin C along with other nutrients like vitamin B9, vitamin A, calcium, and potassium.

2. They are an excellent source of fiber - Fiber-rich fruits like oranges have been proven to moderate the levels of blood sugar after a meal because of their natural sugar-fructose content. For this reason, diabetic patients can also have oranges without worry. Moreover, the roughage present in the fruit reduces the chances of constipation and diarrhea.

3. Help prevent cancer - The fiber content in oranges can also play a significant role in keeping cancer-causing chemical components away from the colon. Moreover, vitamin C helps build the immune system so as to resist cancer cells. The antioxidants may also help in avoiding breast cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer and lung cancer.

4. Improve the quality of sperm - A vitamin called folic acid, which is present abundantly in oranges, helps to improve the quality of human sperm and locomotive abilities. Folic acid also protects the sperm from most kinds of genetic damage.

5. Can prevent loss of hair - Production of collagen, which is one of the most important proteins in our body, is done with the help of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Collagen keeps the tissues in the hair together. So, oranges and other foods rich in vitamin C can help keep a healthy growth of hair even in your old age.

6. Check the formation of kidney stones - Juice of citrus fruits like orange can increase the pH value of urine and can lead to increased excretion of citric compounds from the body. This reduces the possibility of the formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney considerably.

7. Promote brain development - Vitamin B9 and folic acid keep the brain healthy. The polyphenols in orange help in accelerating the learning and memory functions of the brain and facilitate neurological development in the fetus.

Hence, the above mentioned benefits of oranges make them one of the most amazing foods which everyone must include in his/her daily diet.

Gone are the days when the sole purpose of having a salad was to lose the stubborn and unwanted body fats. Salads can be extremely healthy and nutritious. With salads around, the long and gruesome hours in the kitchen are a thing of the past. A bowl full of lip-smacking salad, well structured with fruits, vegetables and quality oils, will do your health a world of good. Preparing salads is no rocket science. Get all the ingredients together, and switch to the way of health and nourishment.

A feeling of fullness like never before: Experiencing an irresistible craving for food? The salad is at your service. A bowl of salad will give you a feeling of fullness, keeping the hunger pangs and cravings at bay. With salads, you don't even need to be repetitive. A little modification and your taste buds are in for a treat.

Say no to dehydration: Most of the vegetables that go into your salad have high water content. Scorching summers or sweltering heat can leave a person dehydrated. Salads come as a great relief. It works amazingly to hydrate your body, thereby re-energizing you fully.

Lettuce to fight insomnia: If a good sleep is all that you desire, salad is what you need. 'Lactucarium', a substance found in lettuce, work miraculously to treat insomnia. All the more reasons to include lettuce leaves in your salad.

The goodness of vitamins and minerals are retained: A lot of important vitamins, minerals and some enzymes (mostly digestive, that gets denatured) are lost to cooking. Taking in raw vegetables ensure that the important vitamins and minerals are not lost. Some raw vegetables contain important enzymes (live) that can greatly aid the digestion process.

A salad rich in broccoli, avocados, bell peppers, berries Are a rich source of antioxidants. Such salads work wonders and are an excellent boost for the immune system.

Do not let wrinkles and saggy skin bother you: Some of the fruits and vegetables present in the salad help in collagen synthesis, thus giving your skin a natural glow. It is needless to say that spinach, lettuce and romaine, that form an integral part of your salads, are excellent for the eyesight.

Walnut oil, sunflower oil (organic), olive oil and pumpkin seed oil: These Are rich in omega fatty acids. Using these oils in salad dressings can be extremely beneficial.

Some of the fibrous fruits and vegetables can effectively clean the intestine and colon.

Dr. Manish Rawool
Dr. Manish Rawool
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ratnaprabha  Chaudhari
Dr. Ratnaprabha Chaudhari
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Infertility Specialist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Manisha Dandekar
Dr. Manisha Dandekar
BAMS, Ayurveda, 25 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sunil Ugile
Dr. Sunil Ugile
BAMS, Proctologist, 18 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anushree Bhonde
Dr. Anushree Bhonde
BPTh, Physiotherapist, 11 yrs, Pune