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Dry skin refers to the lack of moisture within the skin, specifically within the layer known as epidermis. Dry skin is a fairly common condition resulting in the flaking of skin. The abnormal lack of moisture in skin can be caused by several influencing factors.

The loss of moisture:
Dry skin may be mild, where it may last for a few days to severe, where it lasts for prolonged periods of time. This tends to become increasingly common with age. Although normally having a dry skin is a common skin type, abnormally low moisture content in the skin might become a serious and chronic condition leading to many problems.

Causes of dry skin
1. Dry skin might be caused by winter weather or dry and harsh climatic conditions
2. Bathing or washing skin frequently with rough soap,
3. Severe deficiency of vitamin A
4. Using hot water for showers for prolonged periods of time
5. Individuals with eczema are more prone to dry skin and may lead to several bacterial infections as well
6. Underlying physical disorders such as hypothyroidism and diabetes may also be contributing factors.
7. Medication for lowering lood pressure, cholesterol and to remove acne may also lead to the dryness of skin.

The symptoms of dry skin include

1. Itchiness and discomfort
2. Tightness of skin
3. Continuous scratching
4. Appearance of white lines on scratching
5. Extremely dry skin may result in the cracking or breaking of skin causing pain and discomfort
6. Skin that easily bruises with minor abrasions

Dryness of skin is very common and can be treated easily. However, extreme dryness can lead to severe discomfort of the skin and cause infections and skin diseases. Visiting a dermatologist is always preferred in such cases.

1. Certain preventive steps you can take to prevent the occurrence of dry skin along with some treatment options are mentioned here.

2. Temporary dry skin may be treated with the use of lotion. Frequent moisturizing also helps.

3. It is also advisable to drink a lot of water and avoid soaps that suck moisture out of your skin.

4. You should also try and increase the intake of food rich in Vitamin A. Carrots, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, are good examples of such food.

5. Natural oils may also be used to temporarily remove the dryness in skin. Regular massages and frequent application of moisturizing agents always helps.

6. You should also switch to bathing in cool or lukewarm water.
If the problem seems to persist, consult a dermatologist for further consultation. Special medicated lotions are often prescribed to deal with dry skin. Anti-itching lotions may also be prescribed by dermatologists along with certain oral medications for rare cases.

Six Face Washing Mistakes that are Damaging Your Skin, Everyday!

Face-washing may be a simple everyday task that requires no great effort on your part. But when it’s not done right, it causes significant harm to your skin, each day. The mistakes that you may make while washing your face could lead to issues like irritation, dryness and even wrinkles. Read on to find out how you can avoid making these common errors, and save your skin from blemishes, ageing and lustreless look.

1. Using the wrong cleanser

The use of the wrong cleanser can throw your pH levels out of balance. The optimal pH balance of your skin is 5.5pH. This is the ideal level at which the thin protective layer on the surface of the skin (called acid mantle) can function to keep germs, toxins and bacteria at bay. You should therefore be picking your cleanser based on your skin type as it would come with the right pH balance.

2. Not cleaning your hands before touching the face

Always clean the germs and dirt of your hands first before moving onto your face. Ignoring this crucial first step can cause you to transfer all the bacteria and dirt of your hands on your face, giving rise to common skin problems such as acne, pimples and blackheads.

3. Using a pre-used washcloth

To avoid the filth from clogging your pores, always clean the washcloth that you use with an antiseptic to keep germs and bacteria at bay. Once you’re done washing your face, don’t rub the cloth all over your face but pat dry it.

4. Washing face using with hot water

When it comes to the water that you splash on your face, you should always use lukewarm or room temperature water. This is because hot water leaves your skin dry as it washes away the skin’s essential oils; and cold water can break the capillaries (fine blood vessels) of your skin. In contrast, mildly lukewarm water will keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

5. Not washing the face twice a day

Just as you shouldn’t ignore this important skin care habit that keeps your skin clean, you also shouldn’t go overboard with it. Excessive face-washing can hamper the natural oil production of your skin, giving rise to dryness and irritation as a result. Your skin requires the natural oil it produces to keep it smooth and supple. Ideally, you should wash your face twice daily - once in the morning for removing the bacteria and dirt that clogged your pores, and again at night before going to bed.

6. Rushing through the routine

Lastly, don’t rush through your cleansing routine. Make sure to properly rinse your face of cleanser completely, otherwise the residues would cause your skin to dry up later on, leading to skin irritation.

It is therefore very important to pay attention to all the little details that make up your face-washing routine. By doing it right, you get to achieve the clear and blemish-free skin that you always wanted.

Radiant, supple and youthful looking skin is everyone’s dream. However, due to pollution and incorrect nutrition habits, your skin tends to show signs of aging before it is supposed to.

To reverse the signs, you can avail certain daily habits, which will make your skin look radiant and keep it young for a long time:

Hydrate inside out: It is crucial to drink water as it cleanses your skin from within and flushes out toxins, making it look radiant. Along with drinking enough water, you also need to use hydrating lotion and serums which moisturize and protect your skin from infections and bacteria.

Increase your intake of vitamin C: Many studies have proven that including more amount of vitamin C in your diet will help you keep your skin younger for longer and keep aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles at bay. Include more vitamin C rich food in your meals, such as citrus fruits, sprouts and bell peppers because they are crucial for the formation of collagen (building blocks of the skin) in your skin.

Eat sorbitol rich fruits: A particular humectant (a substance that is used to retain moisture) called ‘sorbitol’ is responsible for adding sweetness to grapes, berries and plums. Including sorbitol rich fruits in your diet is a great solution as the humectant helps in absorbing and retaining moisture in your skin. The moisture content in your skin helps in keeping it radiant and youthful.

Exfoliation is a must: Along with the basic skincare routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing, you should also be exfoliating your skin. Exfoliation means removing a layer of dead skin and impurities by mild scrubbing. You can use a loofah or a pumice stone to exfoliate and get rid of the dead skin. Doing it once a week will ensure clean and clear skin which is free of impurities.

Cut down on your dairy intake: Dairy products, including the organic ones, contain cow hormones, which stimulate the oil glands and pores in your skin; which is the main cause of acne and pimples. By cutting out dairy products, you can get an oil free, radiant skin. If you still feel the need to include dairy in your diet, opt for skimmed milk over full fat.

Acne scars are not just embarrassing, but in some cases are painful as well. However, with these below mentioned derma treatments you can easily get rid of these scars.

Derma rollers: Derma rollers are small rollers that contain dozens of needles 0.25 mm in diameter and up to 2 mm in length. They reach the papillary dermis of the skin (deeper than the lasers and peels). Derma roller rips the fibrous connections intergrown by scars and strongly stimulates the healing processes, that is, the collection of macrophage and growth factors. The results are visible six weeks after the treatment. They are especially suitable to people with darker complexion.

Laser Treatment: A dermatologist is the best option if the acne scars don’t reduce or fade away with time. Collagen is one of the building blocks of your skin and is an essential protein. Fractionated laser is a new technology that can smooth the surface of your skin and promote new collagen formation. Laser treatment can obliterate the scar and help smooth skin to form in its place instead. Filler injections help fill any indentation resulting from deeper acne scars. The only drawback to this is that fillers need to be re done after every 6 months or so as it gets reabsorbed over time into the skin.

Time heals all wounds: Patience is very important when you want to see scars fade away. Newly formed blood vessels, few weeks after the scar is formed, nourish the skin. Most scars in their early stages look pink for this reason. Collagen starts forming months later and fills in the injuries on the skin. Fat cells and skin are destroyed in cystic acne; so for the scars to vanish completely, it might take a year or more.

Prevention Tips: The best preventive method for scar formation is not to squeeze pimple. Popping a pimple leads to deeper infiltration of bacteria and pus. This damages the collagen further. A common skin care myth is that Vitamin E helps scars in healing faster. Contrary to prior belief, direct application of Vitamin E on a scar might hinder the healing process instead of facilitating it.

Use a sunscreen: Use a sunscreen with a high SPF over 30. The middle of the day is the worst time to step out in the sun. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours, if you sweat profusely.

Blackheads can cause a lot of social embarrassment and anxiety for many people as they look like ugly blemishes on your skin. Although blackheads are a skin problem, they could be manifestations of other internal problems as well. There are many topical remedies to tackle blackheads but a holistic approach such as the one provided by Ayurveda will be a more effective solution.

Why do we get blackheads?

If you have oily skin, this is a serious problem for you. The oil secreting glands on your face and nose known as the sebaceous glands produce oil to protect the skin and keep it hydrated. Excess production of this oil clogs the pores of the skin and expands them. As more oil keeps pouring, it gets clogged in the pores even more and then becomes hardened when it reacts with air forming blackheads. These blackheads may make you look weak and tired and the only solution is to take regular skincare, so that they don’t come back.

Some natural ayurvedic treatments of blackheads which you can follow

Use Tomato Paste: The easiest option is applying tomatoes on the affected area. They have antiseptic ingredients which have a good impact on your blackheads. Apply some tomato pulp on your skin and leave it overnight. Wash the face in the morning with lukewarm water and see the results.

Mashed Potatoes: Mash some raw potatoes and rub it on the affected area. Keep it on as a mask and then wash it off. Regular usage of this will heal the skin and reduce the problem of blackheads greatly.

Oatmeal Powder and Rose Water Mix: Mix oatmeal powder and rose water and leave it on the area prone to blackheads for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water. Regular usage should show results quite quickly.

Lemon Juice: Lemon juices are effective in killing blackheads. However they may make your skin quite dry. Hence use groundnut oil to dilute it and keep the skin hydrated. Use this mixture on your face and wash after 15 minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cornstarch: These is an excellent combination to get rid of blackheads. You can apply it on your face, keep it overnight and then wash it off with warm water soaked in a soft cloth.

These are some of the natural Ayurvedic tips to get rid of your blackheads. In order to make sure that they don’t recur, drink lots of water to flush out the toxins. Clean your skin regularly with a mild face wash regularly. It is also important to ensure that your lifestyle remains healthy and balanced or else these problems may keep coming back.

Dr. Rahul Devle
Dr. Rahul Devle
BHMS, Homeopath Family Physician, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Santoshkumar Gaikwad
Dr. Santoshkumar Gaikwad
BDS, Dentist Root canal Specialist, 24 yrs, Pune
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Neurotologist, 15 yrs, Pune
Dr. Abhijit Sangule
Dr. Abhijit Sangule
BDS, Dentist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sheetal Shetty
Dr. Sheetal Shetty
BHMS, Homeopath Psychologist, 5 yrs, Pune