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A glowing and clear skin is something that we all aspire to have. Irrespective of age, gender or profession, having a skin free of acne, black heads, white heads and marks is something that is a welcome sight, for your own self as well as others who see you. A lot of people are blessed with impeccably flawless skin but they are many others who may have to go through treatments or medications to make sure that they are able to achieve the look that they desire the most.

As the year's pass, they tend to take a toll on our body as well as our skin. One of the most prominent areas, where the skin starts showing signs of aging is our face. We have many ways with which we can manage to stop this wear and tear and look younger for longer. One of these methods is the use of chemical peels.

How it works:

Chemical peels are basically very light acids which are formulated into a peel with help of other chemicals. It works by dissolving the dead cells of the topmost layer of the skin. This procedure reveals a new layer of skin, which is visibly brighter and younger. After the application of the peel, a neutralizer is applied to cease the action of peel. Different skin types and skin issues may require varied concentrations of and type of chemical peel and only an expert in the field may be able to decide the exact need.

The Aftercare:

Since, the skin may become a bit sensitive after the treatment, it is essential that anyone who undergoes peeling treatment ensures following precautions:

The skin may become sensitive to soap, which is why washing the skin with soap needs to be avoided for 24 hours or as instructed by the specialist.

If there is mild redness of the skin, a cold compress can be used to ease the irritation. However, if the irritation or redness is excessive, it needs to be brought to notice of the doctor.

Bleaching, waxing, facials or other such treatments should be avoided for at least a week or as suggested by the dermatologist.

It is also advisable to avoid heavy makeup for a short period of time after the chemical peel is carried out so that the skin gets enough time to recover itself.

Chemical peeling has several advantages:

It is a safe an effective procedure with minimal complications.

It is inexpensive and totally affordable.

It can be easily combined with other modalities like micro-needling and microdermabrasion.

Many peels can be done as a lunch-time procedure and patient can resume work immediately.

With advent of wide variety of peeling agents, a large number of problems can be addressed and peels can be customized according to needs of the patients. With the best medically approved cosmetic practices at your disposal, you may have to look no further for the glowing and radiant skin.

Acne Vulgaris, or more commonly known as acne or Pimples, is a skin condition that develops when the hair follicles get clogged with excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells.

Types of Acne:

1. Black or white pimples; these blackheads and whiteheads are called comedones. Blackheads are surfaced on the skin while the whiteheads form just below the surface of the skin. Besides these two heads, inflammatory lesions may also give rise to scarring.

2. Papules are raised and small red bumps that may be caused due to infected or inflamed hair follicles

3. Pustules are red pimples, with pus on their tips

4. Nodules appear just below your skin surface and are usually painful

5. Cysts are larger lumps that contain pus

The main cause of acne is the blockage of hair follicles, which are made of hair and the sebaceous gland. When these tiny hair follicles plug themselves with excess sebum and dead skin cells, it results in acne. Your skin is rendered soft and lubricated by the sebum. This lubrication process may be hindered for any of the following reasons:

1. Excess production of oil by the hair follicles

2. Accumulation of dead skin cells

3. Bacteria buildup in the pores

Reasons behind Pimples

1. Hormonal changes during puberty or pregnancy

2. Side effects of certain medications such as birth control pills or steroids

3. Pimples can be hereditary as well

4. Consumption of foods laden with refined sugar, simple carbs and Deep fried and oily items.

5. Dandruff also can cause acne / pimples, more so on the forehead and back

Home Remedies

The following are the home remedies that can be used to treat this condition:

1. Remove excess oil and dirt by cleaning the skin with a mild soap

2. Shampoo your hair on a regular basis

3. Use water-based cosmetics

4. Avoid squeezing pimples which otherwise would spread the excess oil and bacteria

5. Avoid the use of tight headbands or hats


1. Acne gels and creams containing Benzoyl Peroxide dry out the existing pimples, prevent the formation of new ones and kill bacteria that cause acne.

2. Sulfur, one of the major ingredients of lotions, masks and cleansers, is one of the best medications for acne.

3. Resorcinol removes the dead cells.

4. Salicylic acid, contained in soaps, prevents blockage of pores.

It’s always desirable to get the pimples treated by a Skin Specialist/ Medical Cosmetologist

Dull skin may occur due to multiple reasons such as lifestyle factors and other environmental factors. It makes you look tired and older; this is due to the presence of dead cells on the skin which does not allow the light to reflect properly off your skin. Facials are very helpful in getting rid of dull skin by improving your complexion and circulation. It cleans the pores, removes dead cells, making you look your age, or even younger.

Here are some facial treatments for various skin types:

If oily skin is your woe: If you have oily skin, you can exfoliate your skin using an exfoliating jelly that contains vanilla and alginate (also known as alginic acid) that removes impurities, blackheads and whiteheads from your skin. You can also use a face mask that consists of clay and align (chemical extracted from brown seaweed) that helps in preserving the skin moisture and tightening the pores on your skin. The procedures help in getting rid of impurities and have a soothing effect on the skin as well.

Fight dry skin: Dry skin problems, such as wrinkles necessitate a hydrate and restore facial. This begins with an exfoliation to remove the dead cells from the topmost layer (epidermis) of the skin. Once the facial is complete, a massage cream is applied that helps in regenerating new skin cells. A vitamin C serum is then applied to make your skin supple and moisturized.

For combination skin: If you are a person who has the worst of both worlds; dry and oily, then you should opt for a procedure that treats both at one go. A balancing facial that exfoliates the skin using ‘micro-dermabrasion’ (a procedure that involves spraying crystals with exfoliative properties on the face in order to eliminate dead cells of the epidermis) and using a serum to add nourishment to your skin can prove to be very effective. This procedure results in a healthy and radiant complexion.

Skin that has been affected by the sun: For skin that has been affected by the sun, you can opt for a de-tan facial that will remove the dullness of your skin. Micro dermabrasion is used to exfoliate the skin and then a de-tan process is done. Aloe Vera is used to soothe and moisturize the skin followed by application of a Vitamin C serum. A face mask with applied to lighten the complexion of the skin. This is also applicable for skin that has been affected by pollution.

Coffee is one beverage that is loved by people across the world. It has become our ideal go-to beverage, without which most of our things may go for a toss. Don't believe us? Ask any coffee lover, they will tell you better. Imagine a day without drinking your beloved cup of coffee - your mornings will be sluggish, you will feel lazy all day long, you won't be productive at work; moreover, you will rely more on frizzy energy drinks to keep yourself active and focussed. But, thank heavens that we have coffee to keep our things aligned for us. Did you know that other than keeping you active and focussed (thanks to the presence of caffeine in coffee), coffee can also help your skin get soft, supple and glowing? Yes, that's right! Coffee scrub helps clear off the dirt and dead cells from the skin. Scrubbing your skin will not only give you a soft and supple skin but will also tighten your skin and reduce those unwanted black spots. Moreover, if findings of various studies are to be believed, coffee prevents wrinkles and fine lines caused by harmful rays of sun. If you're still not convinced, try these coffee scrubs and see the results by yourself.

Here Are 5 DIY Coffee Scrubs For Skin And Body:

Coffee Cinnamon Scrub
Coffee is an excellent exfoliator that helps gently clear off the dead skin cells and can give you a soft and glowing skin right after the first use. Moreover, coffee removes excess oil from the face and body, while cinnamon keeps all the infections and irritation at bay.


1 cup coffee ground
2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
3 tablespoon coconut oil
1 cup sugar
How to make:

Take a bowl and heat the coconut oil in it. Now, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let it cool down for some time. However, keep an eye on coffee, as it may dissolve completely in the oil. Once the mixture is cool, pour it in an airtight jar and apply it on your body during the shower every alternate day.

Coffee And Rose Water Face Scrub
Using rose water on skin has multiple benefits. Rose water consists of anti-inflammatory properties that are known to treat skin irritation, acnes and dermatitis. Moreover, rose water is an excellent skin cleanser that helps in removing dirt and oil that usually clog our pores.


1 cup ground coffee
2 teaspoon rose water
How to make:

Take a bowl and mix both the ingredients in it. Apply the mixture to your face and body and massage in a circular motion. Put it on for not more than 20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Coffee And Aloe Vera Scrub
Aloe vera can be used in winters as well as in summers by people of all skin types. "Aloe vera is packed with multivitamins, including vitamin C, E and beta-carotene, which are known to nourish our skin and prevent premature aging. Moreover, aloe vera helps moisturise our skin, without making it too oily, which is a good thing for the people with oily skin," says Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, Skincare Expert.


1 cup coffee grounds
5 teaspoon aloe vera gel
How to make:

Take bowl and mix all the ingredients in it. Now, apply this coffee scrub on your face or body in a circular motion. Massage it for 10-15 minutes. Make sure you massage it softly. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Coffee Honey Face And Body Scrub
Honey is a fabulous skin moisturiser that works amazing on dry and patchy skin. Moreover, it is its antibacterial properties that keep all the infections and irritations at bay. As per beauty experts, applying honey onto your face in winters may keep intact the moisture in your skin and keep it hydrated.


4 teaspoon ground coffee
1 cup milk
2 teaspoon honey
How to make:

Take a large bowl and mix all the ingredients in it till a paste is formed. Make sure there are no lumps in the paste. Apply this paste on your face and body while bathing. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

5. Coffee Shea Butter Scrub
Shea butter is believed to be a skin superfood. Why, you ask? It is packed with multivitamins like vitamin A, E and F, essential fatty acids and other micronutrients - all of which are important for the production of collagen. Moreover, shea butter protects our skin from the harmful UV rays.


4 teaspoon ground coffee
4 teaspoon shea butter
1 teaspoon coconut oil

How to make:

Take a bowl and add melted coconut oil along with other ingredients to it. Mix well until you get a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to your face and body and massage gently while bathing. Massage it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

The best part of these homemade DIY coffee scrubs is that your skin doesn't have to deal with any chemical-laden skin products and is totally safe. But, before introducing any new ingredient to your skincare routine, make sure you consult your dermatologist.

Celebrity gazing has taken epic proportions with people across the world spending hours every day looking at images of their favourite movie/TV stars. These images are everywhere - on your TV at home, your mobile screens and tablets and even the good old magazine has not remained untouched by this celebrity craze. The pouts are perfect, not a strand of hair out of place or a crease out of turn. So clearly, a lot of people and planning go into making our stars look fab every time step out into the public space. But hang on, there are a lot of crazy beauty routines too that make every frame picture perfect.

Call them quirks, if you will, but these beauty rituals are not what ordinary people would ever think of indulging in on a daily basis. Here is an article full of the craziest beauty routines followed by some of our favourite celebrities around the world!

1. Lady Gaga: A tape for removing make-up

Believe it or not, the American pop singer and songwriter uses tape to remove her eye makeup. Since glitter is specially very difficult to remove, using a tape does sound like a good option. Fabric tape is the most efficient and useful in this case.

Here’s a word of caution - Do not try this trick if your skin is sensitive or prone to redness. Stick to your makeup remover and remember the skin around your eyes is extremely soft and delicate. Any routine must be thought through, unless you are Lady Gaga herself!

lady gaga

2. Julia Roberts: A pan full of olive oil

The actress with the ‘million-dollar smile, Julia Roberts has been written about and revered for her acting as much as for her beauty. The famous Hollywood actress is known for hits like Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride and her performances in movies like Erin Brockwich have been critically acclaimed too. But did you know that Julia Roberts soaks her hands in olive oil to improve the moisture content of the skin? In order to rejuvenate her skin, Ms Roberts is known to dip her hand in olive oil every week. Olive oil is rich mono saturated fatty acids and this make the oil a very good choice for moisturising dry skin.

3. Miranda Kerr: Lip balm for eyes

Australian model and the ex-wife of Orlando Bloom, Miranda Kerr has been one of the more popular angels of Victoria’s Secrets. Ms. Kerr applies lip balm as a shimmery highlighter around her eyes. A lip gloss helps clog our pores. Try dabbing some lip balm around the corner of your eyes and you will know how this helps. Who would have thought of yet another crazy use of the lip balm!

4. Denise Richards: Avocado and olive oil for hair conditioning

American actress and former fashion model is known for her lustrous hair and good looks ever since she hit the runway in America. Denise, who was briefly married to Actor Charlie Sheen, is known to combines avocado with a tablespoon of olive oil for deep conditioning results for the hair.

5. Sienna Miller: Ketchup to undo effects of henna!

Yes, that does sound bizarre. But if stories are to be believed, it is said that the British-American actress once accidentally used henna on her blonde strands. She wanted to get rid of the colour and the only way to do this, hold your breath, was to soak her hair in ketchup. That’s a new remedy to wrong hair colour.

6. Teri Hatcher: Red wine bath

American actress and star of TV series Desperate Housewives, Teri hatcher uses red wine in the bath to soften her skin. Wine contains tartaric acid, an alpha hydroxyl which can exfoliate and give a boost to your skin.

Love getting the perfect pout for your selfie? Well, here’s a beauty tip from American actress and television host , Lisa Rinna. Add cinnamon oil to the lip gloss and the result will be a pumped up pout. You can thank us for this later.

We know that eating a variety of fruits is beneficial to the body. But, if you’re Catherine Zeta Jones then you wouldn’t stop at just eating these fruits. The Welsh actress is known to apply fruits on her teeth and rubs them to clean and whiten her smile. The juice or the pulp of various fruits contain malic acid which act as astringents and help lighten up the surface stains.

9. Nicole Kidman: Cranberry juice for the hair

Australian actress and star of many blockbusters, Nicole Kidman is famous for her magnificent red locks. Here’s the secret behind her ravishing hair. She pours cranberry juice after shampooing her hair to boost the shine and hair health.

Dr. Nishant Vyavahare
Dr. Nishant Vyavahare
MDS, Dentist, 13 yrs, Pune
Dr. Deepak  Bhalerao
Dr. Deepak Bhalerao
BHMS, Adult Congenital Cardiologist Cardiologist, 17 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sucheta  Mokashi
Dr. Sucheta Mokashi
BDS, Dentist, 3 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rohit Kamate
Dr. Rohit Kamate
BDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dental Surgeon, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amarsinha Nikam
Dr. Amarsinha Nikam
MD - Homeopathy, Homeopath, 33 yrs, Pune