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Gluten seems to be in spotlight for the wrong reasons. Gluten is the generic term used for the storage protein in grains like wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is the latin name for ‘glue’ and signifies the doughy complex of proteins within the wheat plant.

The Journal of Plant Physiology, 2005, reveals that modern wheat is capable of producing over 23,000 different protein varieties, all of which can trigger immune responses. In fact, it is gluten that causes an immune response in individuals who have celiac disease or are gluten sensitive (non-celiac gluten sensitive or intolerant — NCGS/NCGI), or are allergic to wheat. The fact is that no human has the enzymes to digest gluten and this causes inflammation and a leaky gut in many. Most modern varieties of wheat are immunogenic.

It is hybridised and is a by-product of three different varieties combined into one. In the last 50 years, the varieties of wheat have much higher gluten content due to hybridisation. It seems to be responsible for serious health problems, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other autoimmune and hyperactivity disorders.

All proteins are digested by breaking down into smaller parts called peptides and amino acids. Gluten is split into gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin is water soluble while glutenin is insoluble and is responsible for the strength of the dough. It is glutenin which imparts adhesive plastic-like properties to flour. It is this wheat protein which binds the atta together. Without gluten, it is difficult to roll out chapattis or make bread. Elasticity is a natural property of this protein.

The composition of gluten makes it different to break down. At best, it breaks down in components that are not fully absorbed. In other words, this protein contributes little to nutritional intake. For those who are sensitive to it, gluten can be irritating to the gut and the immune system. Dietary changes for elimination must me done under the guidance of a qualified professional.

When we talk about your daily dose of calcium, what comes to your mind? A tall glass of milk, perhaps?

But what if we told you that there are a whole lot of other healthy foods that contain copious amounts of calcium even more than a glass of milk?

So, if you have been unwillingly chugging a glass of milk every day to get your calcium dose, you can try turning to these foods instead. You won't be disappointed. A regular glass of milk (250 ml) contains roughly about 300 mg of calcium as per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Let's look at foods which can beat that.

1. Chickpeas: As per the USDA, one and a half cup of chickpeas contains about 315 mg of calcium along with filling fiber and protein. You can roast them and eat them as a snack with lime, onions and tomatoes or use them to make a wholesome soup.

2. Dark leafy greens: There's a reason why Popeye loved his spinach. Dark leafy green vegetables like spinach, bok choy, mustard leaves and turnip greens are all great calcium boosters. Two cups of turnip greens contain about 394 mg of calcium. Use them in your daily meals, bung them in salads, spread them in sandwiches or if you'd like to experiment try a green smoothie with nuts and yogurt.

3. Almonds: Almonds are great brain boosters but did you know that they are packed with calcium too? A 3/4 cup of almonds can give you about 320 mg of calcium. Almonds are also rich in fiber and Vitamin E.

4. Salmon: Seafood lovers, rejoice! One serving of delicate salmon may contain up to 340 mg of calcium. Of course, you can't switch to salmon for your daily needs, but it's good to know what to order next time you're out for a healthy meal at a fancy restaurant.

5. Dried Figs: These lovely sweet treats pack a whole lot of calcium along with a dose of powerful antioxidants. One and a half cup of dried figs will contain about 320 mg of calcium. But remember, figs are high in calories too. You can add a handful to your breakfast bowl or sneak them in a an energy bar or a trail mix.

6. Chia Seeds: 100 grams of chia seeds contain a whooping 631 mg of calcium. Let's make this simpler for you - about three tablespoons of chia seeds will have more calcium than a glass of milk. So, don't shy away from these tiny wonders.

It is good to include these foods in your diet along with milk to get balanced nutrition daily. Calcium is an important mineral that your body requires and a good diet should take care of all your needs.

What is toned milk?

Toned milk is prepared by adding skimmed milk powder and water to whole milk. This way it cuts down the fat content of milk and increases its quantity as well. Technically, it is the same thing as skimmed milk.

What is full-cream milk?

Full-cream milk or raw milk is milk without any alterations or additions. It is milk in the raw form. This variety of milk is undiluted and is high in terms of fat, calcium and all nutrients in milk. This is to ensure that milk is safe for consumption & does not have any changes whatsoever. No additions and no reductions whatsoever, and its cream is also in place, that is full-cream milk.


Dietician Dr Vasundhara Singh says "Full cream is healthier for patients who do not have a good overall build & are malnourished. People who have a low BMI, that is, low body weight with reference to their height, should consume full-cream milk. It is good for growing kids & lactating women. However, it is not good for heart patients and diabetics due to the high calorie-content and hidden fat. This form of milk can cause obesity due to high energy content."

"Both varieties of milk contain the same level of protein and calcium. The main difference is in terms of fat content. Toned milk contains 3% fat and full-cream contains 6% fat. But for an average human being, toned milk is recommended because we anyway consume fats every day from a number of sources likes nuts, oil, butter, paneer, etc. Toned milk is basically recommended to prevent obesity."

If we weigh these two against each other, toned milk seems to win it. However, it is still quite subjective to your requirement and health conditions as well. So, weigh the pros and cons with respect to your own health and then decide.

If we weigh these two against each other, toned milk seems to win it. However, it is still quite subjective to your requirement and health conditions as well. So, weigh the pros and cons with respect to your own health and then decide.

दूधाला पूर्णअन्न समजले जाते. आरोग्यासाठी दूध हे आवश्यक आहे. दूधात कॅल्शियम घटक मुबलक असल्याने हाडांच्या मजबुतीसाठी दूध आवश्यक आहे. त्यामुळे लहानमुलांपासून ते वयोवृद्धांपर्यंत प्रकृतीनुसार दूधाचे सेवन फायदेशीर ठरते.

क्वचित तुमची जेवणाची किंवा नाश्त्याची वेळ टळली तर तुम्ही आहारात दूधाचा समावेश करू शकता. मात्र दूधासोबत काही पदार्थ खाणं हे आरोग्याला त्रासदायक ठरू शकत असल्याने नेमक्या कोणत्या वेळी आणि कसा दूधाचा आहारात समावेश करावा याबाबतचा हा एक्सपर्ट सल्ल नक्कीच तुमच्या फायद्याचा ठरणार आहे. दूध गरम प्यावे की थंडगार

कधी आणि कसं प्याल दूध ?
1. पालक अनेकदा मुलांना आंघोळ किंवा प्रातः विधीच्या पूर्वीच दूध प्यायला देतात. यामुळे दूध पचायला त्रास होऊ शकतो. प्रयत्न असा करा की दूध हे आंघोळीनंतरच प्यावे.

2. उन्हाळ्याव्यतिरिक्त रात्री झोपण्यापूर्वी दूध पिणं टाळा.

3.दूधासोबत कोणतेही आंबट फळ मिसळू नका. यामुळे त्रास होऊ शकतो. गॅसचा त्रास होतो. संत्र, पपई, स्ट्रॉबेरीचं दूधासोबत सेवन टाळा.

4. खोकला, सर्दी, कफाचा त्रास असल्यास रात्रीच्या वेळेस किंवा थंड दूध पिणं टाळा.

5. ज्यांना दूध पिण्याचा त्रास असतो, पचायला त्रास होत असेल तर अशांनी डॉकटरांच्या सल्ल्यानेच दूध प्यावे. दूधात सुंठ मिसळून प्यावे. यामुळे त्रास कमी होईल.

6. रात्रीच्या वेळेस जेवण थोडं कमी जेवून त्यानंतर दीड ते दोन तासांनी ग्लासभर दूध प्यावे.

7. सकाळी आंघोळीनंतर आणि संध्याकाळच्या वेळेस दूध पिणं अधिक आरोग्यदायी आहे. त्यामुळे संध्याकाळी मुलं खेळून आल्यानंतर अभ्यासाला बसण्यापूर्वी त्यांना ग्लासभर दूध द्या.

8. रात्रीच्या वेळेस दूध प्यायचे असेल तर जेवणाची वेळ, झोपण्याची वेळ याचं गणित सांभाळा. रात्रीच्या जेवणानंतर 2 तासांनी दूध प्या.

मधुमेहाचं निदान झालं की प्रामुख्याने खाण्या-पिण्यावर बंधन येतात. आहराचं गणित सांभाळलं नाही तर रक्तातील साखरेचं प्रमाण कमी जास्त होऊ शकते. मात्र ठराविक वेळेच्या अंतराने काही खाल्ले गेले नाही तरीही त्रास होऊ शकतो. सामान्य लोकांप्रमाणेच मधुमेहींच्या आहारातही योग्य नाश्ता गरजेचा आहे. अनेकदा घाईगडबडीत सकाळी बाहेर पडावं लागत असल्याने अनेकजण नाश्ता टाळतात.

मधुमेहींसाठी सकाळी नाश्ताला आहारात दूधाचा समावेश करणं अत्यंत फायदेशीर आहे. यामुळे रक्तातील साखरेचं प्रमाण नियंत्रणात राहण्यास मदत होते.

मधुमेहींसाठी दूध फायदेशीर
कॅनडा युनिव्हर्सिटी ऑफ ग्वेल्फ आणी युनिव्हर्सिटी ऑफ टोरंटोच्या एका अभ्यासानुसार नाश्तामध्ये चांगल्या प्रतीच्या प्रोटीनयुक्त दूधाचा समावेश केल्याने मधुमेहींना फायदा होऊ शकतो. या प्रकाशित अहवालानुसार, नाश्त्यामध्ये बदल केल्याने टाईप 2 डाएबिटीजचा त्रासही आटोक्यात ठेवला जाऊ शकतो.

दूधाचा फायदा
नाश्तामध्ये दूधाचा समावेश केल्याने रक्तातील ग्लुकोज नियंत्रणात ठेवण्यास मदत होते.

जर्नल ऑफ डेअरी सायन्समध्ये प्रकाशित करण्यात आलेल्या अहवालानुसार योग्य वेळी दूधाचं सेवन केल्याने त्याचा आरोग्याला फायदा होतो. यामुळे कार्बोहायड्रेटचं पचन हळूहळू होण्यास मदत होते. परिणामी रक्तातील साखरेचं प्रमाण नियंत्रणात राहण्यास मदत होते.

Dr. Shilpa Jungare Tayade
Dr. Shilpa Jungare Tayade
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Dermatologist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sonawane Shivani
Dr. Sonawane Shivani
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 3 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vivek  Sahu
Dr. Vivek Sahu
MD - Homeopathy, 17 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay Satav
Dr. Vijay Satav
MD - Allopathy, Clinical Pathologist, 23 yrs, Pune
Dr. Virag  Kulkarni
Dr. Virag Kulkarni
BAMS, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 14 yrs, Pune