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PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a common disorder that can be seen to be mainly affecting women of reproductive age. As the name indicates, PCOS results in the formation of a cyst(s) in either one or both the ovaries. The presence of cysts in the ovary wrecks havoc affecting the ovulation process to a great extent. As a result of PCOS, the eggs do not undergo maturation. A situation may also arise whereby, the eggs mature but the ovary does not release them.

In PCOS, there is an elevated production of the hormone Androgen (often referred to as male hormones). The higher the androgen level in females the more the complications including obesity, infertility, irregular periods, heart ailments, hypertension as well as diabetes and insulin resistance. Hirsutism (excessive presence of body hair, especially on the face, chin or chest), alopecia or acne problems are also commonly observed. Thus, the condition should be treated and managed at the earliest. Conventional treatments though available may not always produce the desired results. Of late, Ayurveda has been making a lot of noise for all the right reasons. In fact, a lot of women have been successfully treated for PCOS and the associated symptoms, all thanks to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda that has been in practice since the ancient times believes that a healthy body is one where there is a perfect balance between the various energies or doshas. As per Ayurvedic scriptures, there are three main doshas - Vata dosha (wind energy), Kapha dosha (water energy) and Pitta dosha (fire energy). A disruption of the equilibrium between the Vata, Kapha, and Pitta dosha is what triggers a diseased condition in a person.

PCOS is a problem resulting from the Kapha Dosha. According to Ayurveda, there are seven Dhatus (tissues) in our body. Some of the Dhatus affected by PCOS include Artava Dhatu (Female reproductive organ), Rasa Dhatu (plasma and lymph) and the Meda Dhatu or the adipose tissue.
The Ayurvedic approach to treat PCOS involves restoring the balance between the three doshas.

The use of herbs such as Ashwagandha, Dandelion, Blue cohosh, Tulsi, Neem, Fenugreek, Castor oil, Sesame seeds, Flax seeds, goes a long way to treat the hormonal imbalance along with the associated symptoms of PCOS (infertility, diabetes, to name a few).
In addition to the use of herbs, there are few pranayamas which work wonders in the case of PCOS by relaxing the whole body and restoring the balance between the doshas.
Women with PCOS benefit immensely from Panchakarma.

It is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves, oil massages, oil baths (Oleation), Fomentation (a process where the body undergoes intense sweating) to eliminate the toxins out of the body (detoxification) that may trigger the various disorders.

Avoid foods with a high glycemic index. Instead, opt for foods such as grapefruits, cauliflower, peaches, onion, apples and other similar dietary options that have a low glycemic index.

Severely obese patients should make an effort to shed the extra kilos.

The way your day starts can affect your entire day and nothing is worse than fighting constipation in the morning. Along with a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and bloating, constipation can also cause mood swings and lower your attention span. While laxatives can be temporary quick fixes, they can worsen the problem over time.

Hence, it is better to treat this disorder with a few simple lifestyle changes and home remedies.

Eat plenty of fibre: A bad diet is one the key factors triggering constipation. Fibre not only fills the stomach, but also helps add bulk to your stool making it easier to pass. Ideally, a person should have 20-40 grams of fibre a day. If you suffer from chronic constipation, you can increase this amount a little as well. As an easy way to increase your fibre consumption is ensure that you eat some form of raw salad with every meal. Other foods that are rich in fibre are oats, almonds, cereals, beans, lentils and fruits.

Ginger tea or mint tea: Ginger is a warming herb, which when had in form of tea can make the body generate more internal heat. This helps activate the digestion process and thereby relieves constipation. The menthol in peppermint has an antispasmodic effect that helps relax the digestive tract muscles and makes it easier for stool to pass through. Dandelion tea can also be used as a mild natural laxative.

Castor oil: Castor oil is a popular natural laxative. This is because one of the components of this oil helps stimulate the small and large intestine. To benefit from castor oil, have 1 or 2 teaspoons of the oil on an empty stomach. You should be able to pass stool within about 8 hours.

Drink plenty of water: Water not only hydrates the body, but also helps food move along the digestive system. Without adequate water, the stool is likely to be hard and difficult to pass. Ideally, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Do not count artificially sweetened beverages as part of this count as they can actually cause constipation instead of ease it.

Warm lemon water: Lemon juice helps stimulate the digestive system and hence is ideal for treating constipation. When mixed with warm water, it can help eliminate toxins from the body. Adding a little honey to the mixture can also work as a mild laxative. Alternatively, you could add salt in place to honey as this encourages the bowel muscle contraction and is rich in magnesium.

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HelloDox Care

1. Apanasana
This is on of the most functional yoga poses to prevent hair loss. This works by purifying the body and flushing out the toxins in order to have a healthier overall self.

2. Uttanasana
This asana promotes blood supply to the head which in turn promotes hair growth. This is an effective remedy for a flat tummy too.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana
One of the best poses for hair growth as it supplies the head and crown with a good flow of blood circulation. Hence, the hair follicles get nourished in this asana.

4. Sarvangasana
This asana rushes hair to the brain immediately and increases blood circulation in the head on a good amount which helps in promoting the hair growth.

5. Sasangasana
As your crown touches to the ground in this pose, it is quite obvious the blood rush your head will be experiencing. This blood flow helps the scalp to be stronger.

Be gentle with your hair and take proper care, and your hair fall will vanish away. Hope this article on how to stop hair fall is helpful to you all.

Uttar Basti is an important Panchakarma procedure for the genito–urinary disorders of both, males and females. The therapy involves administration of a specific medicinal oil, ghrita or decoction into the urinary bladder or uterus.

In this procedure medicine is instilled in the Uterus in females per vagina or in the bladder in males and females per urethra. All aseptic precautions are followed.

The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. It is carried out for three consecutive days or as required.

It is useful in infertility, spontaneous abortions, recurrent abortions, fibroids, tubal blockages, DUB, etc.

Uttar basti per urethra is useful in benign prostate enlargement (BPH), urinary incontinence, urethral stricture, recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI), bladder atony, dribbling maturation, cystitis, male infertility, low sperm count, impotence, etc.

Ayurvedic Uttar Basti Treatment

Uttar Basti – in Female


– It is indicated in menstrual problems like amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhegia, leucorrhea.

– It is used in primary and secondary infertility.

– It is very much useful to remove Tubal blocks

– It is used in patient of recurrent abortions.


– It is used for urethral stricture and dysuria.

Procedure :

It is an OPD based procedure

Medicated oil or herbal decoction, is introduced with the help of a rubber catheter into the uterine cavity under aseptic conditions.

Diet :

Light (liquid or semi liquid) diet is advised throughout the procedure.

Basic Benefits :

– Nourishes the reproductive organs

– Supports the functions reproductive organs.

Ayurvedic Uttar Basti Treatment

Uttar Basti – in Male

Indications :

– Urinary incontinence

– Prostate enlargement

– Cystitis

– Neurogenic Bladder

– Urethral stricture

– Male infertility


It is an OPD based procedure

Medicated oil or decoction is introduced into the urinary bladder with the help of a rubber catheter through the urethral opening under aseptic conditions.

Diet :

Light (liquid or semi liquid) diet is advised throughout the procedure.

Basic Benefits :

– Nourishes the reproductive organs

– Supports the functions reproductive organs

Kati Basti (Vasti) is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment used for lower backache and disorders of lumbosacral region, including slip disc, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, spinal problems etc. Kati Vasti is a part of external oleation (Snehana) therapy in Ayurveda. It is very safe, non-invasive and green category procedure.

In this procedure, you will get instant relief from the backache. After completing a course of 7 to 21 days, you may not need any kind of oral medicines. It is a complete therapy for back pain and lumbosacral disorders.

However, the results vary person to person, but in most of cases, people get quick relief after the procedure.


Kati Tarpana
Kati Vasti
Back Oil dough therapy
Indications of Kati Basti

Kati Vasti is beneficial in all types of back and spinal problems. Some of them are listed underneath:

Backache in women
Intervertebral disc protrusion
Lumbar spondylosis
Lumbar spondylitis (Inflammation of lumber joints characterized by stiffness, tenderness and pain)
Slip disc
Degenerative disc disease
Principles of Kati Basti

Warm oil is used in Kati Basti, warm oils pacify VATA humor, so it reduces pain and stiffness. It lubricates the region and relaxes the surrounding muscles.

It also works on KAPHA humor. Sometimes patients experience stiffness along with very dull pain and heaviness. It is a sign of KAPHA involvement. The base of all oils used in Kati Basti is Sesame Oil. Sesame Oil has VATA and KAPHA pacifying properties. Therefore, Kati Vasti also works on back pain and tightness, stuffiness and back tiredness.

Sometimes, PITTA humor becomes associated with the backache. In this type of backache, tenderness is also present. When your doctor touches your back, you will find a severe pain in the back. In this type, regular Kati Basti Oils cannot be used, so some oils made from PITTA pacifying herbs are used in this case.

Materials for Kati Vasti

Black gram flour/powder = 100 grams (required every day)
Oils = 200 ml every day
Steel or plastic Ring = 2 inches height and around 20 inch circumference

Note: Black gram flour can be used to make ring. Some doctors and therapist do not use the steel or plastic rings.

Oils for Kati Basti
The following oils are used in Kati Basti.

Sesame Oil
Mahanarayan Oil
Balaswagandhadi oil
Bala Oil
Nirgundi tail
Indications of various oils in Kati Vasti

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is used for a new backache and less severe back and spinal problems where only VATA pacifying properties are required. It reduces pain, relaxes muscles and decreases stiffness.

Mahanarayan Oil

Mahanarayan oil is used when a patient is suffering from back debility, disc degeneration or experience tiredness in the back.

Balaswagandhadi oil

It works to strengthen spinal vertebrae, muscles and ligaments.

Bala Oil

Generally, most of ayurvedic doctors use Bala oil in this procedure because of its excellent VATA pacifying characteristics.

Nirgundi tail

Nirgundi tail is used because of its excellent analgesic (pain relieving) action. It is also beneficial for reducing spinal stiffness.

Chandanadi Oil

Generally, this oil is never recommended in Kati Basti use, but when local tenderness is the main cause of patient’s discomfort, it can be used. Therefore, it is used to relieve PITTA type pain.

Sometimes, your therapist can also choose some herbal decoctions for the Kati Basti.

What is the Kati Basti Procedure?

Your doctor or Ayurvedic therapist will ask coming with X-ray or MRI scan of your back or lumbar sacral region. It is essential to identify the location of the problems, so that the Kati vasti ring can be placed there.

Preoperative procedure
Evacuate stools or urinate before coming to the Kati Basti table.

Ayurvedic body massage is required before Kati Basti. The massage should be gentle and without any heavy pressure on the back or related organs.
A steam bath is offered after the massage for 10 to 15 minutes. Local steam or NADI-SWEDANA can be done.

Main Procedure
Now, it is time to get ready for Kati Basti.

-Your therapist asks to lie down on the table in prone position.
-Lumbar region or affected area of the back will be cleaned with cotton or cotton cloth.
-Now steel or plastic ring will be placed on the back covering the affected area.
-To prevent leakage of the oil from the ring, kneaded black gram flour will be placed around the ring both inside and outside.

Now, your therapist will pour the lukewarm oil with the help of cotton or cotton cloth in the ring.
To keep the oil warm inside the ring, your therapist will continuously replace the oil from the ring with warm oil. The temperature of the oil should remain constant during the Kati basti treatment.

Duration of kati basti treatment

The duration of Kati Basti treatment varies from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the severity of the disease.

Postoperative procedure

After 15 to 45 minutes, your therapist removes the oil from the ring and removes the ring from your back.

The affected region of the back will be cleaned with warm water or cloth dipped in warm water.

You need to rest for an hour after the procedure in a comfortable posture.


-You should take a rest for 30 to 45 minutes after the procedure.
-A table used for rest should be hard.
-Avoid bending forward or backward after the Kati Basti treatment.
-Do not lift any kind of heavy stuff during the treatment course.
-Correct your sitting and standing postures.
For good results, also join yoga classes.

Benefits of Kati Basti treatment

The modern painkillers have many side effects. To avoid the conventional medicines patients can get benefits from the Kati Basti treatment for pain relief. Other benefits are:

-Kati Basti has a higher success rate and it is non-invasive treatment that can save hundreds thousands of spinal surgeries.
-It is cost effective and affordable treatment option for chronic backache.
-It also provides mental and physical relaxation.
-It relieves tiredness of the back.
The therapy enhances healing and recovery from the spinal problems.
-Warm oil used in kati basti increases blood flow to the affected area, which boosts natural body healing process.
-It reduces inflammation, swelling, tenderness of the affected area.
-Make your spine more healthy and flexible.
-Kati basti improves mobility of the spinal vertebrae.
-The skin absorbs the medicated oil used in the treatment. It benefits nourishing and strengthening the spinal nerves and back muscles.
-It relieves muscle tension and soreness.
-It is very helpful in chronic spinal and back problems.

Duration of Kati basti treatment course

Duration of the treatment course depends on the individual requirement and severity of the disease. Generally, it will take 7 to 21 days to get relief from the symptoms of the disease or back pain.

Side effects of Kati Basti

As Kati Basti is an external procedure that does not involve any kind of invasive method, so it is considered completely safe procedure.

Some patients may experience itching sensation on the back where Kati Basti Bag was placed, but it will be for a short period and completely recovers when oil is removed from the back.

Dr.  Kishor Selukar
Dr. Kishor Selukar
BDS, Dentist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Prashant S Mane
Dr. Prashant S Mane
BAMS, Critical Care Medicine Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sanket Patil
Dr. Sanket Patil
MDS, Dentist Implantologist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Prasang Bharadwaj
Dr. Prasang Bharadwaj
MBBS, General Medicine Physician General Physician, 3 yrs, Mumbai
Dr. Harshada Giri
Dr. Harshada Giri
BDS, Dental Surgeon, 13 yrs, Pune