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Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs and is commonly known as the Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha can be loosely translated to mean the ‘strength of ten horses’. It can be used to treat a number of diseases, relieve stress and fatigue, helps heal injuries and may also be used as an aphrodisiac and can help prevent male infertility.

Ashwagandha helps rejuvenate the body: This herb not only calms a person down, but also restores the balance of their body. Hence, it is also known as rayasana or a herb that rejuvenates. Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system and boosts the production of white blood cells thereby, elevating levels of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The effects of this herb on a person’s nervous system and endocrine system can also harmonise the body, mind and spirit.

It increases positivity: Stress and anxiety can lead to negative thinking and ultimately to depression. By fighting stress Ashwagandha helps negate these problems and instead boosts positive thinking. It may also be used to treat depression itself.

It helps regenerate nerve cells: Along with diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema and gynaecological disorders, Ashwagandha can also be used to treat neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. It helps regenerate nerve cells and dendrite growth and even improves communication between nerve cells. This stimulates the body’s ability to heal any damage to the nervous system.

It enhances memory and treats insomnia: Ashwagandha is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies to treat insomnia. It not only helps you fall asleep faster but can also improve your sleep quality. A restful sleep increases a person’s ability to concentrate and prevents drowsiness through the day. Ashwagandha also increases the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. This has a direct effect on boosting memory and elevating brain functioning and intelligence. Ashwagandha also increases the production of nitric oxide that helps regulate blood flow and blood pressure thus elevating the brain’s oxygen levels.

It boosts libido: Ashwagandha helps optimise the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands and helps deal with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Similarly, this Ayurvedic herb also benefits the adrenal glands and thus influences the overall mental and physical health of a person. The functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands have a direct effect on a person’s sexual health and libido. Thus by enhancing the functioning of these glands, Ashwagandha improves sexual health and boosts libido. The nitric oxide produced by Ashwagandha also helps improve fertility.

It is almost winter now. Winter is called the season of cold, flu and infections. Changes of every season require change in diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda prescribes a distinctive lifestyle and recommendations to beat the cold. Using only natural ingredients, it offers an excellent treatment option for cold.

Ayurvedic View

In Ayurveda, common cold is called pratishyaya. In this condition, all the three doshas of your body are responsible. Cold occurring due to vata dosha is indicated by symptoms such as mucus discharge, a runny nose, and dry cough. In case of cold because of pitta dosha, a sore throat, blocked nose, and fever are indicated. People who get cold on account of kapha dosha experience headaches, heaviness in the head, and thick mucus discharge.

Ayurvedic Remedies

There are several Ayurvedic remedies for cold. They include the following:


Several natural herbs are used for treating cold according to Ayurvedic principles.

Cassia roots are effective for treating cold. The roots should be burned and the emitted smoke must be inhaled. As a result of this treatment, your mucous discharge increases rapidly, and totally stops after some time.

Bishop’s weed is ideal for opening your clogged nasal passages. You need to tie the seeds of this plant in a cloth and directly inhale it. It helps in clearing congestion and deal with nasal blockages.

Cinnamon is effective in curing cold. Boil cinnamon with pepper and honey in water. Consuming this mixture helps in reducing a sore throat and prevents your cold from worsening.

Having antiseptic properties, cumin seeds are also used for treating cold and its symptoms. It helps with curing fever and throat irritations.

Dietary Changes:

You should fast a whole day after experiencing the various symptoms of cold. This fasting will help you with detoxifying your body and eliminating the toxins. You should choose a diet, which consists of steamed and boiled vegetables, vegetable soups and stews. Stay away from food items, which are difficult to digest, like oily, rich, and spicy foods, milk, and other dairy products. Consume hot food for giving relief to your cold symptoms.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

- The cold climate rips the natural moisture and oiliness from the hair and skin. So it is recommended to have a regular oil massage at least twice a week. Just heat some sesame oil and apply it all over body before taking bath. Also, winter may cause body aches. Oil massage relaxes the body and reduces pain.

- Don’t take bath in hot water, rather take a bath in warm water.

- Do exercises regularly (don’t strain yourself) during cold climate. In fact, winter is the best season to get back in shape. Even if you do some simple exercise for a few minutes, you can sweat out a lot and it keeps your body warm.

Ayurvedic Medicines:

- You may opt for Bring Asava. This is a prescribed Ayurvedic medicine for cold, which should be taken regularly for a week.

- A nasal drop named Anu Taila is effective in treating cold. This drop should be taken after mixing it with honey. It helps in reducing inflammation in your respiratory tract.

It is important for you to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting Ayurvedic treatment for cold on your own. A licensed doctor will be able to prescribe you the best solutions based on your condition and symptoms.

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HelloDox Care

The acronym for 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' is AIDS. In fact, it must be understood that AIDS is not a singular disease, but a syndrome, or rather a set of diseases. People suffering from AIDS suffer from an immensely compromised immune system that makes them vulnerable to a number of diseases. Once infected with HIV, it may take anywhere between 5-10 years to develop AIDS.

Some of the major symptoms of AIDS are:

Lethargy and fatigue
Skin irritation
Drastic loss of weight
Loss of appetite
Bronchial ailments- which often lead to end stage tuberculosis of the lungs
Diarrhea, gastritis and dysentery

Prolonged fever
Sleeplessness and others
How is AIDS treated by Ayurveda?
Tonics, also known as ‘Rasayanas’ in Ayurveda are administered for stimulating appetite and strengthening immunity. Once enough strength is regained, an elimination technique is administered by incorporating enemas, emesis and purgation in the treatment. This process is known as ‘Sodhana’ and is carried out to eliminate toxins from the body.

Next the patient’s blood is purified with appropriate herbal medications. Apart from this, AIDS patients are advised to perform regular exercise, yoga and pranayama.

Immunity in Ayurveda is linked to good digestion, a balanced endocrine system, proper functioning of the liver and a strong agni or metabolism. It's also strongly connected to a subtle essence known as ojas, which means vigor. According to Ayurveda, the strength of your ojas has a bearing on the influences and factors (both external and internal), which cause you to suffer from any health problem. By protecting your ojas, you boost your body's immune system and protect you from every external or internal harms.

There are times when the protection of this subtle essence becomes vital and these are:

Period of recuperation
Stressful situations
Period between seasons
Cold and flu period
Times of rejuvenation
Drastic change in your routine
Major life changes like having a baby or divorce

How to go about protecting your ojas and boosting your immunity levels?

When it comes to boosting your immunity and fortifying your ojas through diet, garlic is a very useful food. It provides natural support to your body's immune system by kindling your agni, eliminates destroys natural toxins, ensures your body temperature is at an optimal level, improves the functioning of the lungs and as well as removes excess kapha (one of the three energies or doshas) from your body.

The adoption of certain fruitful Ayurvedic therapies such as yoga, pranayama and meditation can help in supporting the quality of your ojas, thereby improving your immunity. Although these practices come with diverse benefits, all of them aid in cultivating presence, clearing up your nadis (channels in the body), relieve stress and digest ama (toxins).

There are also certain herbs that are known to support your immune system and encourage proper function of the immune system. Herbs like Ashwaganda, guduchi, neem and holy basil ensures a balanced immune system, rendering you with an optimal health.

The occurrence of diabetes is expanding step by step. Being a silent executioner, it is attacking the youthful generation subtly that builds the weight of exchequer on the general population. Individuals, who are taking cutting edge medicines for diabetes treatment, prompting to searching of option arrangement of medicine where Ayurveda has more prominent application and significance. Ayurveda treats diabetes through diet, drugs, exercise and panchakarma.

Reasons for diabetes

Deficiency of exercise
Diet expanding kapha dosha, for example, fats, sugar, rice, potatoes
Mental stress and strain
Over the top sleep
Straightforward Ayurvedic cure for diabetes

Bitter Gourd Juice: Juice of Karela (30 ml) might be gone up against discharge stomach day by day in the early morning. It is considered as one the best remedies for diabetes. Pulverize the bitter melon into a grinder in the wake of isolating its seeds. Tad bit of water may likewise be included. Strainer this to have juice.

Methi Seeds: Fenugreek seeds or its mix with ayurvedic herbs are helpful remedy to decrease the signs and symptoms of diabetes. Absorbed fenugreek seeds warm water overnight took after by biting it in the morning.

Triphala: Triphala alongside different fixings are helpful in bringing down the sugar levels in blood. The decoction of a balance of base of Triphala, barberry, moth (20ml) and colocynth might be brought with turmeric powder (4gm) twice per day.

Amla: The juice of Amla (Embelica officinalis) (20 ml) twice per day is useful for diabetic patient. The powder of Amla fruit may likewise be taken twice every day.

Aloe Vera and ground sound leaf: The blend of turmeric (1/2 tbsp), ground sound leaf (1/2 tbsp), and aloe vera gel (1 tbsp) if taken twice every prior day lunch and supper, is useful to control sugar in blood along these lines successful for the issue.

Cinnamon powder: This is one of the essential regular home remedies. Step by step instructions to plan: First take one liter of drinkable water. Include 3-4 tbsp of cinnamon powder and warmth it for 20 minutes. Strain the blend and made it cool. Drink it consistently.

Diet: Use Varee, barly, Kulittha, Mung, old rice, Chickpeas, bitter gourd, dudhee gourd, Dodaka, in diet. Incorporate 'Tikta ras' things in diet.

Dr. Deelip Janugade
Dr. Deelip Janugade
BAMS, Family Physician General Physician, 31 yrs, Pune
Dr. Hema Chandrashekhar
Dr. Hema Chandrashekhar
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 28 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vishwajeet Desai
Dr. Vishwajeet Desai
BAMS, Ayurveda Infertility Specialist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Tushar Ghode
Dr. Tushar Ghode
BDS, Dentist, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Manisha Dandekar
Dr. Manisha Dandekar
BAMS, Ayurveda, 25 yrs, Pune