Health Tips
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In India, especially the urban centers, obesity or even being overweight is becoming a new epidemic. The increases in consumption of fast foods, sedentary lifestyles and stress have increased the incidence of this problem. This has in turn, led to an exponential increase in the cases of diabetes, heart diseases and blood pressure among a host of other problems.

The Ayurvedic approach

Ayurveda is a discipline, which has been practiced over many millennia and contains the collective wisdom to effectively treat problems of obesity or being overweight without side effects. According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of 7 elements or Dhatus:

Rasa (Lymph)
Rakta (Blood)
Maans (Muscle)
Meda (Fat)
Asthi (Bones)
Majja (Nervous system)
Shukra (Reproductive System)

However, if you are overweight then it means that due to an imbalance of the ‘Kapha’ dosha, you are accumulating more ‘meda’ or fat. Ayurveda has some very effective actions to prescribe through which you can lose weight very effectively. Some of these tips are mentioned below.

Drink a mixture of lemon, honey and water first thing in the morning: Drinking a mix of lemon, honey and water helps to jump start your metabolism and boost your digestive system. Drinking this regularly over a period of a few months and would help reduce your weight very quickly.

Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day: This is a very important step as meditation helps relax your mind, muscles and nerves and reduces stress. This enables you to take better decisions throughout the day. It also controls your appetite thus stopping you form binge eating. Meditation and relaxation have also been shown to contribute to weight loss by keeping the metabolism regulated.

Do at least 30 minutes of exercise: It is important that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily as it would regulate your metabolism and help you to keep burning fat throughout the day. Incorporating light yoga along with a brisk walk is possibly the best way to safely and easily lose weight. Some of the easiest poses to lose weight would be

Dhanurasana or Bow pose

Setubandhasana or Bridge pose

Bhujangasana or Cobra pose

Vakrasana or Half spinal Twist pose among many others

Consider your diet according to season: According to Ayurveda, you should be careful about what you eat during the various seasons as this will ensure maximum nutrient absorption without the deposition of fat.

Eat three meals a day, not more: According to Ayurveda, you should have three meals a day without any snacks in between. Have a heavy breakfast as that tends to set the tone for the day, followed by a comparatively light lunch and an even lighter dinner. This is because your digestive system functions most effectively in the morning, fairly fast at noon, but it is the most sluggish at night.

Go to bed early and rise early: This is often propagated as disturbances in the Circadian rhythm or the natural sleep and waking cycles are a big contributor to weight gain. Once this is properly regulated, it could result in weight loss because of your body metabolism being properly regulated.

Are you suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome and are looking for an ideal remedy? Polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD is a common female health condition. It is a complex disorder and involves several factors which include insulin resistance, obesity, irregular menstrual bleeding, insufficient ovum production, and abnormal menstrual cycles. PCOD commonly occurs during the reproductive age of a woman and accounts for being a major cause of infertility.

According to Ayurvedic principles, PCOD occurs primarily due to the imbalance state of your doshas. The dosha vaishanmya is linked to the symptoms of PCOD, and the relationship between the doshas and lakshans is permanent.


PCOS can cause hyperandrogenism – where your body produces too many androgens (male hormones). Androgens are naturally found in all women. They affect the degree and frequency of bleeding during your menstrual cycle and can also cause acne and oily skin. However, if your hair follicles are sensitive to androgens they can also decrease the growth of hair on your scalp and increase the growth of hair on your body. This is especially true if you have excessive amounts.

Follicle sensitivity is not simply ‘caught’ or randomly acquired. It’s genetically inherited and has been there since birth. If you have little or no hair follicle sensitivity, your hair may not be very affected by extra androgens. But normal or even sub-normal amounts of circulating androgens can cause hair loss if your follicles are very sensitive to them.

PCOD is associated with stri beeja and rajah formation, along with medhodhantu to some extent. These should be attended to while the condition is being treated. The Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD aims at providing ideal care by correction of the ama dosha. By this, you achieve koshta shuddi, which in turn regularizes your tridoshas. The way or approach towards Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD includes the following:

Treatment of agnimandya at both dhatwagni and jataragni levels.

The alleviation of sroto avarodha is an essential part of PCOD treatment using Ayurveda. You should undertake purificatory therapies which are based on the grade of your doshic vitialation, and the exact area of affliction. These should be followed by rasayana drugs, which are free radical scavenging agents.

The regularization of the apana Vata is essential as well. You must firmly avoid vihara and kaphkara ahara.

Yoga and meditation are very important for the Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD. You should perform yoga asanas regularly. Some of the ideal postures for PCOD management include sarvangasana, matyasana, and shavasana.

It is also very important for you to work out regularly, undertake different physical exercises. This will make your overall life much healthier.
You must follow a healthy, balanced diet regularly, which should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Ayurvedic herbs for the treatment of PCOD

The varuna crataeva nurvala is an effective herb which helps in the clearance of channels, which reduces your cyst’s size.
You can try hareetaki because of its amazing laxative effects, which reduce the morbidity of your body.
Bilva or aegle marmelos heps in reducing the size of your growth, via its digestive effect.
Strotasshuddhi is required and herbs likes Punarnava, kaphhar medicines are advised.
Phytooestrogen sources and female tonic Shatavari is very much advised.
Agnimantha, similar to lions. Lake er dhareyjata
Guduchi is another effective remedy for PCOD and has a rejuvenating effect.

Kanchnar is the drug of choice for Thyroid as per AYURVEDA, Strotasshuddhi is done by using Trikatu, Punarnava and other medicines. Rasayan like Shatavari are advised for enhancing female hormones.

If you are experiencing any symptom of PCOD, it is recommended for you to visit an Ayurvedic practitioner. This ensures that proper diagnosis is undertaken so that you can start treating the condition as early as possible.

Hair loss can be harrowing for both men and women, especially if it tends to be above normal for extended periods of time. Losing more hair than that can signify problems within the body such as hormonal changes, ageing, lifestyle-related issues etc.

Lifestyle change tips to avoid hair fall: Even before getting into Ayurvedic remedies to control the loss of hair, it is important to reduce the problems which may be contributing to the problem in the first place. Some of the things that you may be required to do are:

Maintain or start of on a healthy diet and cut fatty, oily and processed foods from your diet.

Start exercising to ensure that your body is in the best shape it possibly can be and thus everything within, is functioning optimally.

Start doing yoga, breathing exercises and other meditative techniques to ensure that your stress levels are kept under control.

Get head massages regularly as they improve blood circulation within the scalp

Quit smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and inculcate good sleep habits which help prevent hair loss problems.

Controlling hair loss with Ayurvedic tips:

Indian gooseberry or amla: A pack of amla, bramhi and henna powder can be made with curd and water. Apply it and keep it for a couple of hours and then wash it off. Amla juice mixed with lemon juice can be massaged on the scalp after the wash. This will make the follicles on your scalp stronger.

Ritha: An age old solution to hair problems, Ritha is also known as soapberry as it contains naturally foamy and cleansing agents. Crush the Ritha seeds and keep them soaked in water overnight. Wash your hair with the mixture in the morning and continue for a month to see visible results.

Aloe vera with cumin seeds: Mix about one-third cup of aloe vera juice with a little bit of cumin or Jeera powder. Use this mixture at least twice a day, for a few months to see results in the prevention of hair thinning.

Bhringaraaj: One of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs used in many medicines, it can be taken internally to help the system repair the hair related problems, or applied externally as Bhringaraaj oil to encourage hair growth and stopping hair loss.

Brahmi oil: Considered brain food in its herb form, Brahmi oil is known to be very good for hair-related ailments and is very effective at stopping hair loss and help new hair growth.

Dr. HelloDox Support #
HelloDox Care

The acronym for 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' is AIDS. In fact, it must be understood that AIDS is not a singular disease, but a syndrome, or rather a set of diseases. People suffering from AIDS suffer from an immensely compromised immune system that makes them vulnerable to a number of diseases. Once infected with HIV, it may take anywhere between 5-10 years to develop AIDS.

Some of the major symptoms of AIDS are:

Lethargy and fatigue
Skin irritation
Drastic loss of weight
Loss of appetite
Bronchial ailments- which often lead to end stage tuberculosis of the lungs
Diarrhea, gastritis and dysentery

Prolonged fever
Sleeplessness and others
How is AIDS treated by Ayurveda?
Tonics, also known as ‘Rasayanas’ in Ayurveda are administered for stimulating appetite and strengthening immunity. Once enough strength is regained, an elimination technique is administered by incorporating enemas, emesis and purgation in the treatment. This process is known as ‘Sodhana’ and is carried out to eliminate toxins from the body.

Next the patient’s blood is purified with appropriate herbal medications. Apart from this, AIDS patients are advised to perform regular exercise, yoga and pranayama.

Dr. HelloDox Support #
HelloDox Care

Computers, working stations, all work on table-tops and for add on watching TV in improper position, reading while sleeping and many other causes are there which are adding extra stiffness to the neck of human beings so pain in neck is increasing day by day. Collars are a fashion in corporate and soon these might be included into the official uniforms for everybody who works on computers. Why neck pain is like a breakout? Is it an era of Cervical Pain? What are the reasons for neck pain and is there any way to get rid of the pain in neck?

Neck pain, surely pain in the neck. This pain can be caused by many different spinal problems. Neck pain may be caused by the muscular stiffness in neck as well as in upper back on a simpler note and it might be due to the pinching of the nerve in cervical region. This might be cervical spondylosis or spondylitis too. Joints of the neck as well as of upper back can cause this problem.

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can be caused due to many reasons, these reasons might be as simple as stiffness due to overwork or these might be some serious problems, even of the brain. Here is a basic list of the causes of the neck pain.

Problems like dyssection in Carotid Artery (the artery carrying blood to the brain)
Cornoray Arterial Disease’s reffered pain
Cancer in head or neck region
This might be a simple upper respiratory tract infection
Herniation of the Spinal Disc
Pinched Nerev
Disc Buldge
Spinal stenosis
Stress – physical and emotional stresses

Prolonged postures- sitting in one posture for hours, like watching a movie or reading a novel sitting in wrong posture.
So if you are avoiding your neck pain by just applying some silly-magical-refreshing-pain relieving creams, stop!! Go for a complete and proper diagnosis of the problem, because there might be nothing to worry about the pain or this might be a big issue.

Ayurvedic Medication and Herbs For Neck Pain

Ayurvedic medication and medicinal herbs are important in Ayurvedic treatment and it help in the long term eradication of any disease. The people rely on these ancient methods of treatment for the various health problems which have assumed its importance in the recent times. The diseases and their treatments are done with utmost care by the medicinal herbs under the garb of Ayurvedic treatments.

Fascinatingly the medications are brewed from natural herbs and plants. The Sagas of ancient India have regulated the dosage of the various medicines that features in the list of alternative therapies for Ayurvedic medication. The body first undergoes the cleansing mechanism before any treatment is applied on them.

Ayurveda is meant for different health problems and is effectively used for treating the conditions and getting the relief. Not only in India, where it is discovered, but also worldwide people are effectively getting the relief from this amazing therapy and gaining huge benefits from this natural relieving method.

There are many ayurvedic treatment methods which not only help in getting relief from neck and shoulder pain but also give you a substantial reduction in the pain of the cervical spondylosis. So why not just consult with an Ayurveda expert and get the right treatment for the right kind of help.

Dr. Rahul Devle
Dr. Rahul Devle
BHMS, Homeopath Family Physician, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shashikant J Avhad
Dr. Shashikant J Avhad
MD - Allopathy, Obstetrics and Gynecologist, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandeep Patil
Dr. Sandeep Patil
BHMS, Homeopath, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sucheta  Mokashi
Dr. Sucheta Mokashi
BDS, Dentist, 3 yrs, Pune
Dr. Jayashree Suryavanshi
Dr. Jayashree Suryavanshi
BAMS, Garbh Sanskar Diet Therapeutic Yoga, 21 yrs, Pune