Health Tips
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Who wouldn't want a clear and glowing skin? Not only does it enhance self-confidence but also indicates a healthy self. Markets are flooded with products that claim to cure any skin problem but prove to be a nightmare in the long run. Our dependence on these commercial skin products has increased due to our busy schedules, considering we have no time to use home remedies that are more effective than anything else. Ayurveda practices the age old way of using kitchen ingredients and herbs to cure skin ailments.According to Yogi Anoop, Founder at MediYoga, "Ayurveda says that your skin health is dependent on two factors- physical and psychological. The foods that you ingest affect the functioning of the body, which further reflects on the skin. On the other hand, your psychological condition, whether you are happy or sad will show up on your skin."

In order to get a glowing skin, it is important to load up on healthy foods, especially those which directly affect your skin health.

Here are the foods that Yogi Anoop suggests for a glowing skin-

1. Essential fatty acids
Essential fatty acids are fats that help in keeping your brain healthy. These help to control and regulate your psychological functions. Foods with these fatty acids include walnuts, olive oil, flaxseeds, almonds, whole grain foods, et al., which help in keeping your mind calm and stress-free.

2. Alkaline foods
Your body needs to be alkalised, which means to neutralise the acids formed in the body. Alkaline foods help the body to produce its own healthy hormones, which further helps keep your skin healthy. Include foods in your diet like fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and beans, nuts and seeds that are alkaline in nature.

3. Magnesium rich foods
Magnesium is one of the minerals that help your liver function properly. Your liver health reflects on your skin. So, loading up on magnesium rich foods may keep your liver and skin healthy. Include more green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, figs, banana, seeds, avocado, et al.

Apart from the foods, you can bring kitchen ingredients to your rescue. Ayurvedacharya Dr. Partap Chauhan, Director at Jiva Ayurveda suggests some kitchen ingredients that will help your skin glow.

1. Chamomile Tea and Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti) Pack
Chamomile helps regenerate skin cells and its anti-bacterial properties will fight off acne causing germs.

Strain half a cup of chamomile tea (without sugar) and mix it with 3 tea spoons of fuller's earth. Apply this pack twice a week to remove blackheads, deep-lodged dirt and dead skin cells.

2. Sandalwood and Yogurt
Lactobacillus, a good bacterium, does two wonderful things - first, it curdles milk into yogurt and second, it makes your skin shiny.

Take a couple of teaspoons of sandalwood powder, add 3 spoons of fresh yogurt, add a few drops of rose water and your face pack is ready. Keep it on your skin (face, neck and arms) for 15 minutes before bath.

Apart from these, neem or neemba as it is known in Ayurvedic scriptures has been used for centuries; thanks to its various healing properties. Its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties have made it a popular medicine for skin. Use neem as a part of your daily skin care and ensure a healthy skin. You can add it with multani mitti and make a paste of it and apply regularly.

Eat a balanced diet, exercise for at least 30 minutes, use natural ingredients on your skin and you are good to go!

Ayurveda is a treasure trove of numerous herbal treatments. The ancient medical science is said to possess herbal therapies and medicines that help manage and treat various health conditions. Nowadays, the modern and globalised science integrates a lot of Ayurvedic practises in general wellness applications and, in some cases, in medical uses. One of the most common health conditions is diabetes, and Ayurveda has a number of herbal medicines that helps manage blood sugar. According to the book, 'The Complete Book Of Ayurvedic Remedies', by Dr. Vasant Lad, diabetes (or madhumeh) is a metabolic kapha type of disorder in which diminished functioning of agni (digestive fire) leads to a tendency towards high blood sugar.In order to control the spikes in blood sugar, Ayurveda suggests having sadabahar herb, which is also known as periwinkle and vinca rosea. Here's what you need to know about this herb.

What Is Sadabahar?
Sadabahar, or periwinkle, is a commonly found plant in India and is said to be native to Madagascar. It is an evergreen shrub that works as an ornamental plant and for medicinal purposes. The smooth, glossy and dark green coloured leaves along with flowers are said to act as natural medicine for type-2 diabetes. According to Ayurvedic expert Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, "sadabahar flowers and leaves are used to control blood sugar levels. One can have herbal tea made from flowers and leaves in the morning or you can also chew some three to four leaves to get effective results."

Health Benefits Of Sadabahar For Diabetes
Sadabahar has long been used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicines and is said to be a time-tested herbal treatment for managing conditions like diabetes, malaria, sore throats and leukaemia. Vinca rosea contains two active compounds, the alkaloids and the tannins. It is believed that the plant has more than 100 alkaloids, of which vincristine and vinblastine are most notable for their medicinal benefits.

How To Use Sadabahar For Diabetes?
1. The fresh leaves of sadabahar can be dried, powdered and stored in an air-tight container. Consume one teaspoon of this dried leaf powder with a cupful of fresh fruit juice or water daily. The powder may taste bitter.

2. Take not more than three to four leaves of the plant and chew them to manage blood sugar levels through the day.

3. Take the pink coloured flowers of the sadabahar plant and boil them in a cupful of water. Strain the water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

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Who would like the idea of having a flat belly? Well, we all do. There is no denying the fact that belly fat is one of the most difficult parts to get rid of. However, Ayurveda has some amazing remedies to not just cut the stubborn fat from belly, but also offers natural ways to reduce weight holistically. Ayurveda believes that you tend to gain weight due to the factors that include absence of exercise, over-sleeping, unhealthy diet and way of living. All these factors connect with each other, leading to this particular state of fat accumulation or obesity, especially around the belly area. According to Ayurveda, obesity is regarded as a disorder of the fat tissue and metabolism. In this condition, the fat tissues increase and block all the channels in the digestive system, which further lead to weight gain.

Ayurveda suggests a few natural and herbal remedies that may help in cutting belly fat. As per Ayurveda Expert Ram N Kumar from NirogStreet, "Any herb that can increase metabolism is helpful in cutting belly fat. In fact, most spices like black pepper and ginger also help in reducing fat. It is recommended to drink warm water to boost digestion. People who drink cold water have difficulty in reducing fat." We cannot stress enough on the fact that you must pair these remedies with exercises and a healthy diet to ensure weight loss.

Ayurveda experts Dr. Ashutosh Gautam and Dr. Ram N Kumar suggest these natural remedies to cut the flab.

1. Methi (Fenugreek)
Loaded with numerous health benefits, fenugreek or methi has been known to help lose weight efficiently. It supports digestion, which is key in shedding kilos. Galactomannan, which is a water-soluble component found in methi, helps curb your cravings and keeps you fuller for longer. Moreover, it also helps increase metabolic rate of the body. All you need to do is to roast some methi seeds and crush them in a mortar and pestle to make a fine powder. Ingest some powder with water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also soak the seeds in water overnight. Drink the water and chew the soaked seeds on an empty stomach.

2. Guggul (Commiphora Mukul)
Guggul is herbal remedy that has long been used in various Ayurvedic medicines. Guggul contains a plant sterol known as guggulsterone that is said to promote weight loss by stimulating the body's metabolism. Moreover, it is known as a natural cholesterol-lowering herb too. Guggul tea is said to be effective in many ways.

3. Vijaysar (Pterocarpus Marsupium)
Vijaysar is a deciduous tree, whose bark is used in various Ayurvedic medicines to manage diabetes and obesity. Vijaysar is said to have fat reducing properties that help shed that stubborn belly fat. Moreover, the resin and bark are used to ensure a healthy digestive system. You could drink a cupful of herbal tea using vijaysar to get effective results.

4. Triphala
Triphala helps eliminate toxins from the body and rejuvenates the digestive system. Triphala is an ancient preparation made using three dried fruits including amalaki (amla), bibhitaki and haritaki, all of which have cleansing and rejuvenating properties. Ayurveda experts advise taking triphala churna in hot water at least two hours after dinner and half hour before breakfast.

5. Punarnava (Boerrrhavia Diffusa)
Punarnava is known to be effective in the weight loss process. Its diuretic properties help the kidney and urinary bladder to function better, which further helps in flushing out toxins from the body without the loss of essential minerals like potassium and electrolytes. It also helps reduce the chances of water retention, which can cause weight gain. Alternatively, it could also help manage digestive issues like constipation and help lose weight in a healthy way. You can drink punarnava tea to reduce weight effectively.

6. Dalchini (Cinnamon)
Dalchini or cinnamon helps in stimulating the body's metabolism, which further helps in cutting the belly fat. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon stimulated metabolism of the fatty visceral tissue, which means it could be helpful in cutting belly fat. Drink a cupful of cinnamon tea first thing in the morning or as suggested by the doctor.

Please note that the results may vary from person to person. It is advised to consult an Ayurvedic expert before adding these natural remedies to your diet, especially if you wish to consume them in the form of supplements. Diabetics may especially be mindful of taking their doses.

The raw food trend is perhaps one of the most controversial food trends to have ever hit the food circuit. The advocates of raw food have emphasised how including more nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, fruits and vegetables-ones that haven't been heated past 118 degree F have helped boost their overall health, energy and even cut down on a few pounds. It is also widely believed that raw foods are rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals, which are not lost in the process of heating it. However, just as it is with any food trend, the trend of raw foods too has its own share of detractors. Some experts believe that the raw food diet is restrictive; there is only a limited amount of food that you can have as part of your diet, which may put you at risk of various deficiencies.

According to Ayurveda there are many good and bad dietary practices. One of the good practices is to have your food cooked. So, does Ayurveda not approve of raw food?

Let's find out.

According to Ayurveda expert Dr. Dhanvantri Tyagi, "there is a lot of confusion on Ayurveda's take on raw food. I would like to clarify that Ayurveda has never said that one should not have raw foods. It is completely okay to have salads, nuts and grains. It is only in some conditions that you should abstain from it. For instance, raw foods are a complete no-no in monsoon. This is the time when bacteria and viral infections are at its peak. Several leafy vegetables get infected due to overwhelming presence of bacteria around. Washing and cooking the vegetables ensure that the bacteria are killed in the process. Moreover, if your digestive capacity is low, then it is better to have foods cooked. Raw foods take a lot of chewing and it may get a little tough for our systems to digest its strong fibres. By cooking food, one makes it easier to breakdown and digest once it enters the system. I have seen some nutritionists also advising diabetics not to take in raw foods in evening as it may pose problem in digestion. In the evening our digestive fire is not as high as it is during the day. "

"Other than that it is really dependent upon the nature of food, some foods are meant to be taken raw. You have to take fruits in raw forms, veggies like cucumber are consumed raw. There is no bar on raw foods as such, but one should be mindful of certain conditions before taking anything," he adds.

Therefore, if you like to eat raw foods you need not make any change to your dietary preferences. However, you can keep these conditions in mind.

Don't you just hate it when your hair are just a bundle of thin damaged strands? Pollution, chemical based shampoos and poor quality of water are factors that are making our hair from bad to worse. Hair fall and poor hair growth are common problems faced by people of this generation. Perhaps it is time to revisit the roots. Ayurveda has many secrets that can help restore your hair growth and volume. Ayurveda Expert Dr. Ashutosh Gautam suggests few herbs and foods that can come handy for hair growth and reduce hair fall. These Ayurvedic tips for hair growth are extremely simple and effective. Most of these herbs and food for hair growth are present in your kitchen shelf at all times.

Here are list of 5 Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth

1. Bhringraj

Bhringraj, known as 'Kehraj' in Assamese and 'Karisalankanni' in Tamil, is a medicinal herb that grows in moist areas. This herb is especially used for treating various hair and skin woes. It soothes the scalp, which in turn gives nourishment to hair follicles. It also facilitates growth of new hair follicles and thus helps revive the volume of hair. While you can purchase bhringraj oil from stores, it can be made at home as well. People have been making bhringraj oil at home since centuries. Traditional process involves drying the leaves; grinding them into powdered form and then heating it with oil. A quicker way of making bhringraj oil at home is to heat powdered bhringraj leaves with coconut oil and then store. Apply it directly on the scalp, let the roots absorb it for about 30 minutes and then wash off. Bhringraj oil can be used for treating various hair and skin problems.

2. Fenugreek

Fenugreek or methi dana is one treasure spice that may not have originated in India, but has grown to be an essential part of our culinary fare and culture, as if it always belonged to us. It is no wonder then that Ayurveda recognized its potential thousand years back and continues to make most of its health and beauty benefits in its practice. Fenugreek seeds are rich in folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Vitamin C. Apart from this, they are also a storehouse of minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron. Fenugreek seeds also have high protein and nicotinic acid content, which are known to be beneficial against hair fall and dandruff, and in treating a variety of scalp issues like dryness of hair, baldness and hair thinning. Including fenugreek in your diet is one of the best things that you can do for a healthy hair growth.

3. Amla

There is a reason why our mothers and grandmothers swear by Amla for all their skin and beauty needs. Amla or Indian gooseberry has been an essential part of hair care rituals in India since time immemorial. Massaging the scalp with amla oil helps boost blood circulation. This supplies enough nourishment to your follicles, which then increases hair growth. It also looks after the overall scalp health by removing dandruff and dissolving grease and dirt from follicles. It helps restore optimum pH levels of the scalp that boosts essential oil production. One of the biggest reasons behind hair fall is inadequate Vitamin C in the diet. Amla is packed with Vitamin C. The potent antioxidant help keeps the free-radical activity at bay, which can also severely impact the health of hair.

You can prepare some amla oil at home too. Heat some coconut oil in a pan and add two teaspoons of amla powder. Heat the oil until it turns brown. After 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat and set the oil aside to cool. Collect the oil in a bowl. Apply it on your hair, while it is still slightly warm and massage well.

4. Triphala

The active compounds in triphalachurna repairs damaged hair and increases hair volume. The active formula of its ingredients like Haritaki has antibacterial and antifungal power which acts on the scalp and keeps all kinds of infections and fungal activity at bay. Triphala powder has been known to reduce dandruff too. You can either apply Triphala powder mixed with coconut oil on your hair, or make it a part of your diet. Your diet plays a huge role in the health of your hair. One of the reasons why your hair volume is not up to the mark could be your liver condition and poor digestion. Triphala takes care of both by cleansing the digestive system. One of the three ingredients of triphala churna is Amla.

5. Brahmi

This wonder herb of Ayurveda could prove to be a charm for your hair. Brahmi is mostly popular to calm down stress and clear the mind, but the herb also packs many haircare and beauty benefits. It can prevent hair fall by treating dry and damaged scalp. Brahmi could also treat a variety of hair problems such as dandruff, itchiness and formation of split ends. Massaging the scalp with Brahmi oil has a very soothing effect too.

Try these herbs today and see the change for yourself .

Dr. Pallavi U Bhurse
Dr. Pallavi U Bhurse
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anamika Ghodke
Dr. Anamika Ghodke
BDS, Dental Surgeon Dentist, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay Satav
Dr. Vijay Satav
MD - Allopathy, Clinical Pathologist, 23 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ashish Bandewar
Dr. Ashish Bandewar
BDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dentist, 1 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay Hatankar
Dr. Vijay Hatankar
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 21 yrs, Pune