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Coriander, commonly known as hara dhaniya in local terms and Coriandrum sativum in scientific terms, is an aromatic herb native to Southern Europe and Western Asia. It is also popular as cilantro or Chinese parsley. It is the most versatile ingredient and every part of it is edible. The coriander leaves are used for garnishing and other culinary purposes.

Health Benefits of Coriander

1. Controls Blood Pressure

Experts often recommend coriander salad to patients suffering from hypertension. It consists of calcium ions which interact with cholinergic (a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system) to reduce chances of cardiovascular conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.

2. Good for the Stomach

Leaves of coriander provide relief from digestive problems and nausea. They guide the digestive system to produce more digestive enzymes and juices in order to prevent a queasy stomach. They are a good source of fibre too.

3. Could Improve Eyesight

One of the many health benefits of coriander is sharp eyesight. The components in coriander (Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Antioxidants) help in the prevention of vision disorders and also reducing stress on the eye. One of its magical quality is that it helps in reversing vision degenerative effects in aging patients due to the presence of b-carotene. It also helps in prevention of infections like conjunctivitis and is used in the making of many eye- related medicines.

4. Improves Mouth Health

Did you know that before toothpaste came into being, people used to chew on coriander seeds to get rid of bad breath? Coriander is one ingredient which is used in antiseptic toothpastes and essential oils since it contains a component called Citronelol, which works as an excellent antiseptic. Other benefits offered by other components include healing effects, which prevent ulcers and wounds in the mouth from getting worse.

The aroma of tadka on your dal can make you salivate from a distance; thanks to a host of spices and desi ghee that add to its flavour. The mere popping of herbs and spices like jeera, garlic, coriander leaves, mustard seeds, turmeric, curry leaves, et al used in the tadka or tempering can make you want to devour the simple dish. But have you ever wondered why do we add chhonk or tadka to our favourite dal and khichdi? To enhance flavour?

Here's what is added to the tadka-
1. Cumin is known to be the most basic ingredient in a tadka. It is highly beneficial for digestive disorders including gas, indigestion, acidity and diarrhea.

2. Mustard seeds or sarso have anti-inflammatory properties that relieve conditions like arthritis and muscle pain, et al. Moreover, various antioxidants present in it help boost immunity system that helps to fight infections.

3. Turmeric or haldi powder contains therapeutic powers that help improve immunity system. The curcumin compound present in haldi helps cure various infections and prevents conditions like chronic cold, throat infections and cough. It also acts as a great antibiotic that helps keep your skin woes at bay.

4. In some dals or vegetables, garlic is also added into the tadka. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties help keep ailments at bay.

5. Coriander leaves help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Its antispasmodic properties help relax the contracted digestive muscles that cause discomfort in conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It is also known to reduce blood pressure levels.

6. Curry leaves are loaded with important nutrients that help keep the body healthy by fighting against infections.

7. Ghee or clarified butter is known for its high saturated fat content. It is packed with essential nutrients that are good for your health.

8. Red chilli or green chilli is loaded with vitamin A, B and K and are great sources of various minerals.

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HelloDox Care

Is eating chicken healthy? This question often pops in my mind majorly because it is one of my favourite foods and

I tend to enjoy it almost on a daily basis and in forms more than one- be it fried, grilled or roasted. While for most it may be a staple in their diet, some may just like to savour occasionally.

According to Dr. Zamurrud Patel, Consultant Dietician at Global Hospitals Mumbai, "Chicken is a great source of protein, B vitamins, vitamin A and D and minerals like phosphorus and iron. One can eat chicken on a daily basis; however, it is good to use cooking methods like boiling, grilling, roasting or baking rather than frying as it can lead to various health problems."'

Here's the nutritional value of chicken as suggested by Dr. Patel,
Per 100 gram edible portion - Chicken breast skinless
Calories - 168 Kcal
Protein - 21.8 gm
Fats - 9 gm
Here are some of the health benefits chicken has to offer-

1. One of the best sources of proteins
Protein is made of amino acids that are building blocks of our muscles. Chicken is known to be one of the best sources of proteins that are also responsible for the building and maintenance of other structures in the body like cells and bones along with the breakdown of toxins.

2. May prove to be anti-depressant
Chicken is an excellent source of an amino acid called tryptophan that gives you a sense of relief and comfort. Eating some of this delight may increase the serotonin levels in your brain, further enhancing your mood.

3. May have disease fighting compounds
Chicken is an excellent source of selenium, an antioxidant that is thought to have positive effects on degenerative diseases including inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular and neurological problems.

4. Regulates and maintains cholesterol levels
Chicken contains vitamin B3, also known as niacin, which is responsible for converting carbohydrates to energy and maintaining healthy body cells.

We have all been guilty of devouring our favourite foods, which have been termed 'unhealthy', because they do not do good to your body, have zero nutritional value, no health benefits to offer and end up adding calories in your body.

Basically, junk foods and processed foods that may taste heavenly may just turn out to be the biggest culprits for your health.

So this year, make sure you skip some of these foods that are doing no good to your body and instead choose to eat a healthier diet; of course a cheat meal now and then doesn't hurt. Here are unhealthy foods that you should give up and detoxify from, starting now!

1. Refined Foods
Refined foods like sugar and flour can wreak havoc on your health. They not only provide empty calories but also have no nutritional value.

2. Hydrogenated Fats
Hydrogenated fats are unsaturated fats that have been chemically treated to increase the shelf-life and make the foods solid at room temperature. Hydrogenated fats generally tend to increase bad cholesterol, increase abdominal fat that may lead to various health problems.

3. Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners or foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners are known to wreak havoc on your health. These sweeteners mess up your hormones, especially insulin despite having no calories.

4. Highly Processed Foods And Drinks
Processed foods and drinks can include a host of sauces, colas, white rice, butter, cheese, et al. These processed foods generally contain high amount of hidden sugar and sodium that may lead to many health problems.

5. Canned Foods
Canned foods are easy-to-grab and ready-to-eat or cook; however, they cannot be as good and nutritional than freshly cooked food. They may contain Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is a chemical that's often used in food packaging, et al.

How to make a dish taste better? Add some black salt to it.

Commonly used in the Indian kitchens, black salt, also popularly known as kaala namak has known to be a type of Indian volcanic rock salt.

Most people use it as an effective home remedy for stomach problems and is known to be good for people with high blood pressure levels, considering it is low on sodium. Here are some of the benefits that black salt has to offer.

1. Known alternative to common salt
Common salt or table salt that we tend to consume on a daily basis has high sodium levels and should be consumed in a limited quantity. One alternative that can be used an effective alternative is black salt.

2. Cures bloating and acidity
Bloating can be caused due to various reasons, some of which include over-eating, allergies, constipation, IBS, et al. The alkaline properties of black salt help reduce excess acid in the stomach and its minerals present help lessen the damage caused by acid reflux.

3. May prevent muscle cramp or spasm
Black salt contains sufficient amount of potassium that is crucial in regulating muscle functioning and also helps absorb other minerals well. It may effectively reduce muscle cramps and spasms by relaxing them enough.

4. Reduces water retention
Water retention is caused by accumulation of fluids in tissues or cavities of the body; one of the causes of water retention is consumption of excessive sodium. Black salt as compared to common salt has lesser sodium content that makes it an amazing cure for water retention.

5. Helps in stimulating blood circulation
Black salt is a natural blood thinner that ensures proper blood circulation in the body, further reducing blood clots and cholesterol problems.

Go ahead and add black salt in your diet and enjoy the distinct taste of the much loved kitchen ingredient that it is!

Dr. Mayur Narayankar
Dr. Mayur Narayankar
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Mahendra Sahu
Dr. Mahendra Sahu
BAMS, Ayurveda, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amruta Gite
Dr. Amruta Gite
BDS, Dental Surgeon Dentist, Pune
Dr. Vishnu Nandedkar
Dr. Vishnu Nandedkar
MBBS, Joint Replacement Surgeon Orthopaedics, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Tushar D Tarwate
Dr. Tushar D Tarwate
BDS, 11 yrs, Pune