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Acne scars are not just embarrassing, but in some cases are painful as well. However, with these below mentioned derma treatments you can easily get rid of these scars.

Derma rollers: Derma rollers are small rollers that contain dozens of needles 0.25 mm in diameter and up to 2 mm in length. They reach the papillary dermis of the skin (deeper than the lasers and peels). Derma roller rips the fibrous connections intergrown by scars and strongly stimulates the healing processes, that is, the collection of macrophage and growth factors. The results are visible six weeks after the treatment. They are especially suitable to people with darker complexion.

Laser Treatment: A dermatologist is the best option if the acne scars don’t reduce or fade away with time. Collagen is one of the building blocks of your skin and is an essential protein. Fractionated laser is a new technology that can smooth the surface of your skin and promote new collagen formation. Laser treatment can obliterate the scar and help smooth skin to form in its place instead. Filler injections help fill any indentation resulting from deeper acne scars. The only drawback to this is that fillers need to be re done after every 6 months or so as it gets reabsorbed over time into the skin.

Time heals all wounds: Patience is very important when you want to see scars fade away. Newly formed blood vessels, few weeks after the scar is formed, nourish the skin. Most scars in their early stages look pink for this reason. Collagen starts forming months later and fills in the injuries on the skin. Fat cells and skin are destroyed in cystic acne; so for the scars to vanish completely, it might take a year or more.

Prevention Tips: The best preventive method for scar formation is not to squeeze pimple. Popping a pimple leads to deeper infiltration of bacteria and pus. This damages the collagen further. A common skin care myth is that Vitamin E helps scars in healing faster. Contrary to prior belief, direct application of Vitamin E on a scar might hinder the healing process instead of facilitating it.

Use a sunscreen: Use a sunscreen with a high SPF over 30. The middle of the day is the worst time to step out in the sun. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours, if you sweat profusely.

Do you know that dandruff causes acne?

Acne is a skin condition that happens when pores get clogged with dead skin cells and oil, giving rise to pimples. It can be caused by numerous reasons like hormonal changes, improper diet, stress, consumption of specific drugs, excessive use of cosmetic products etc. In addition to these factors, acne can be caused by dandruff too, which may not be known to most of you. It has been observed that people who suffer from dandruff problems are more prone to getting pimples.

How does dandruff cause acne?

Dandruff has been associated with presence of yeast or fungi, it is also associated with abnormal skin ultrastructure. Dandruff makes the skin on your scalp flaky. These dry flakes of skin are often responsible for clogging the pores on your face, mostly affecting your forehead. In this way, dandruff triggers appearance of acne and can worsen the condition of your skin if you already have pimples. Though acne is more common among teenagers, acne due to dandruff is mostly experienced by people above the age of 20.

How can you prevent acne due to dandruff?

Eradicating dandruff from your scalp is the best way to prevent acne breakouts on your skin due to dandruff. Here are some simple ways to keep acne due to dandruff away from your skin.

1. Ensure that your hair stays off your face

Keeping hair off your face will ensure that dandruff doesn't come in contact with your skin and clog pores, preventing pimples. For this, you can use hair bands or tie your hair in a ponytail or braid.

2. Brush your hair at least twice a day

Brushing your hair at least two times a day will ensure that the dead cells on your scalp are removed and don't get a chance to clog pores. This option is highly beneficial in getting rid of acne caused by dandruff.

3. Use medicated anti-dandruff shampoo

Topical medicated solutions like a medicated shampoo should be used as a treatment. Short contact period of shampoo with scalp is important for more benefit. Good conditioner should also be used after head wash with shampoo.

Acne and pimples mostly occur due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. They are most prominent among teenagers undergoing hormonal transition. The growth hormones become ultra active and the oil glands present in the skin produce more. The glands present under hair follicles are infected and get inflamed, resulting in pimples. Pimples are a nightmare for teenagers, who are conscious about their look and appearance. Eruptions of pimples of different sizes, blisters and rashes of black or red colours are bound to worry appearance conscious individuals. Acne and pimples do not usually have easy solutions or quick remedies.

When it comes to treatment of acnes and pimples, Homeopathic medicines are considered the most effective and paramount. Homeopathic cure does not intend to quick-fix acne and pimples. The objective being the correction of inner causes, it allows the pimples to heal slowly on their own instead of taking any medicine of high dose. The process might take some time, but it surely is the most effective. The problem gets solved from its roots. Scars from previous eruptions are also permanently healed using homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is, therefore, the best way to cure acnes and pimples.

Popular Homeopathic Remedies for Acne and Pimples
Here is a list of the most common solutions for acne and pimples and what they indicate:
1. Sulphur

It is a very common cure, especially for chronic cases of acne.
The eruptions cause great pain.
They are present in the form of abscesses.
Patient is vulnerable to cold and pain. Increased rate of perspiration.
Patient tends to get agitated and irritated very easily.

2. Silicea

In cases where there is pus formation.
The best homeopathic medicine for acne.
Increased rate of perspiration. The patient cannot bear cold at all.
Skin turns pale and tender.
3. Pulsatilla

For cases where the intake of rich junk food and indigestion are the causes of acne.
Also in cases of girls suffering from menstrual problems.
Symptoms include decreased thirst.
Patient is usually very sensitive to heat.
4. Nux Vomica

For cases where acne formation is because of gastric disruptions.
Skin seems to appear red and blotchy
Caused because of having too much spicy food
Signs of constipation and over sensitiveness to cold
5. Antimonium Crudum

Formation of tiny red pimples all over the face
Very irritable in nature
Arthritic pain in fingers and loss of appetite
White, thick coating on tongue
6. Bovista

Formed due to cosmetic use, especially during summer
Skin tends to itch
Cheeks swell up and become pale
Makes patient restless.
Homeopathy is certainly the best way to deal with and to get rid of unwanted, ugly acne, which ruin your face. There are more homeopathic cures for other types of acne and pimples for which you can consult any homeopathy physician.

Have you experienced the ill effects of acne or have acne marks everywhere on your face? Acne or acne vulgaris is a condition where ugly scourges show up on the surface of your face. Acne causes scars, some of which might last for a lifetime. Acne scars ruin your face, and influence your appearance and self-esteem. You can adopt simple ways and strategies to get rid of acne marks. They are as follows:

Cucumber: Cucumber is ideal for the elimination of acne scars. It is a hydrating substance and is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium. These are vital for maintaining skin health. You need to cut cucumber slices and apply them on your skin surface affected with acne breakout.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel contains vitamins and helps in the fading and healing of acne imprints. Aloe vera is subtle having no side effects and does not bring about skin irritation. It works like an ideal moisturiser; it feeds the skin with vitamins and makes it gentler.

Honey: Honey is an effective natural moisturiser which eliminates acne marks successfully. You have to use raw honey for this purpose instead of processed honey, which is more commonly available. By applying fresh honey on your acne affected skin, you have to massage it gently. Combining ground cinnamon with honey makes the mixture an ideal pore cleanser.

Lemon: Lemon juice, which is an alpha hydroxy acid, helps in fading and healing acne scars. The skin gets revitalised as well. By mixing lemon juice in water, you should apply it on your affected skin. Abstain from direct sunlight during this treatment as your skin becomes oversensitive to the sunrays.

Coconut Oil: This is another beneficial natural moisturiser with excellent healing capabilities. You simply need to massage your affected skin areas with coconut oil. Leave it on your skin and allow it to absorb in. The fatty acids and vitamins in coconut oil boost your skin’s health.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is quite effective in getting rid of acne scars. It is rich in sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) crystals, which allow skin exfoliation when you use them in the form of a cleaning scrub. You have to prepare a paste by mixing baking soda with water and apply it to your acne affected skin areas. Baking soda also helps in pore cleansing and prevents blemishes.

Some other natural home remedies which are equally effective for getting rid of acne scars include rose hip seed oil, sugar scrub and potato juice.

Acne Vulgaris, or more commonly known as acne or Pimples, is a skin condition that develops when the hair follicles get clogged with excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells.

Types of Acne:

1. Black or white pimples; these blackheads and whiteheads are called comedones. Blackheads are surfaced on the skin while the whiteheads form just below the surface of the skin. Besides these two heads, inflammatory lesions may also give rise to scarring.

2. Papules are raised and small red bumps that may be caused due to infected or inflamed hair follicles

3. Pustules are red pimples, with pus on their tips

4. Nodules appear just below your skin surface and are usually painful

5. Cysts are larger lumps that contain pus

The main cause of acne is the blockage of hair follicles, which are made of hair and the sebaceous gland. When these tiny hair follicles plug themselves with excess sebum and dead skin cells, it results in acne. Your skin is rendered soft and lubricated by the sebum. This lubrication process may be hindered for any of the following reasons:

1. Excess production of oil by the hair follicles

2. Accumulation of dead skin cells

3. Bacteria buildup in the pores

Reasons behind Pimples

1. Hormonal changes during puberty or pregnancy

2. Side effects of certain medications such as birth control pills or steroids

3. Pimples can be hereditary as well

4. Consumption of foods laden with refined sugar, simple carbs and Deep fried and oily items.

5. Dandruff also can cause acne / pimples, more so on the forehead and back

Home Remedies

The following are the home remedies that can be used to treat this condition:

1. Remove excess oil and dirt by cleaning the skin with a mild soap

2. Shampoo your hair on a regular basis

3. Use water-based cosmetics

4. Avoid squeezing pimples which otherwise would spread the excess oil and bacteria

5. Avoid the use of tight headbands or hats


1. Acne gels and creams containing Benzoyl Peroxide dry out the existing pimples, prevent the formation of new ones and kill bacteria that cause acne.

2. Sulfur, one of the major ingredients of lotions, masks and cleansers, is one of the best medications for acne.

3. Resorcinol removes the dead cells.

4. Salicylic acid, contained in soaps, prevents blockage of pores.

It’s always desirable to get the pimples treated by a Skin Specialist/ Medical Cosmetologist

Dr. Hema Chandrashekhar
Dr. Hema Chandrashekhar
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 28 yrs, Pune
Dr. Khushbu Kolte
Dr. Khushbu Kolte
BDS, Dentist Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ajaykumar Kumawat
Dr. Ajaykumar Kumawat
BHMS, Family Physician, 14 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amrut Gade
Dr. Amrut Gade
BHMS, Homeopath, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandeep Borse
Dr. Sandeep Borse
MBBS, Internal Medicine Specialist Neurotologist, 5 yrs, Pune