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Hair thinning can turn out to be quite daunting and painful; thanks to the increasing level of pollution, stress and poor quality of water. Not only this, thinning of hair can happen due to various other factors like sedentary lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, hormonal imbalances, poor hair care, and genetics. According to experts, many people are facing hair-related problems like hair loss and hair thinning, which are at an all-time high. But fret not; there are foods that may help you increase your hair volume naturally. And the best part is that they are right there in your kitchen.

Home Remedies For Hair Thinning

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is packed with proteolytic enzymes, which are known to repair dead skin cells on the scalp. It helps stimulate hair growth from dormant hair follicles, increasing hair volume. It also acts as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shiny. It not only promotes hair growth, but also prevents itching on the scalp and reduces dandruff. Oral consumption of aloe vera juice helps maintain smooth, radiant skin and promotes hair growth too.

How To Use Aloe Vera To Prevent Hair Thinning

Slice aloe vera leaf with a knife and extract about 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel from its leaf.
Whisk the gel till you get a smooth consistency.
Now, massage the gel into your scalp with your fingertips.
Massage it for about 5-7 minutes; leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it out with warm water.

2. Eggs

Eggs are considered to be great for hair growth and thickness. They are loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamin B12, iron, zinc and omega-6 fatty acids. This home remedy is used to accelerate hair growth and volume.

How To Use Egg To Prevent Hair Thinning

Take a bowl and add one egg along with one tablespoon of olive oil. You may use coconut oil too for this mask.
Stir the mixture till you get a smooth mixture.
Now, apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, working it in from the roots to the tips.
Leave it on for about 30 minutes.
Wash your hair with shampoo and cool water. Make sure you don't use warm water to wash your hair.

3. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla is nutrient-dense and has a lot of health-benefiting properties. Applying it or even drinking it may make your hair thicker and bouncier. Amla is rich in vitamin C, which is assisted by various minerals, nutrients, amino acids, and antioxidants, etc. that help amla in fighting against all the hair weakening factors.

How To Use Amla To Prevent Hair Thinning

In a bowl, add 2 teaspoon amla powder and lime juice and mix the two ingredients until you get a smooth mixture.

Now, apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, working it in from the roots to the tips.
Leave it on until it dries up.
Wash it off with a shampoo and cool water. You may also use conditioner post washing your hair.

Whether you eat them, drink them or simply apply them, these foods can do wonders for your hair and the results can be seen so quickly that you wouldn't want to let go of it!

Coconut oil has been an age-old remedy for numerous hair problems; be it hair loss, dry scalp or hair thinning. It is an unsung superhero of our hair and beauty woes. It is known to condition and improve the overall health of your tresses; thanks to the presence of anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and emollient properties. While it may be a one-stop solution for most hair problems, it is said to be the most effective in preventing hair loss. Hair loss can be due to many reasons; some of them being- stress, medications, nutritional imbalance, rapid weight loss and hormonal issues. Coconut oil has the potential to protect your hair from falling and further help them grow stronger and healthier. Let's look at some benefits coconut oil has to offer for hair loss and some hair packs that you can bring into use to grow happy and healthy tresses.Benefits of coconut oil for hair
Coconut oil is like sebum, which is body's own natural oil that helps keep the scalp from drying out and also coats hair roots to protect them from damage. A well-oiled scalp is surely a way to keep your hair follicles healthy.

Coconut oil has lauric acid that helps bind the protein in hair, protects the roots and strands and prevent them from breakage.

The antioxidants present in coconut oil help boost healthy hair growth.

Coconut oil is known to penetrate the hair shaft, protecting it against environmental pollutants and excess heat.

Coconut oil contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help protect against any bacterial problems that can inhibit hair growth. It helps provide overall nourishment to your hair and scalp.
Coconut oil is known to act as a natural conditioner that helps keep your hair soft and shiny.

Massaging with coconut oil helps improve blood circulation, further ensuring that the nutrients nourish your follicles.

How to use coconut oil for hair loss?

Now, heat some coconut oil in a bowl.
Once you hair have completely dried, start applying it to your hair and massage it into your scalp.

Comb your hair to ensure the oil has penetrated in your scalp and it has coated every strand of your hair.

Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it for 45 minutes. You can also leave it overnight.
Rinse it off with shampoo again. Use this technique whenever you plan to wash your hair.

Fight Dandruff

Take aloe vera gel and coconut oil in a bowl and mix them properly. Apply this mixture on your hair and leave it for an hour. This pack is said to help moisturise your hair scalp, thereby solving problem of hair loss.

These two oils are said to condition your hair and fight dryness, further boosting your hair growth giving you soft, frizz-free hair. Mix coconut oil and olive oil in a bowl and heat them. Massage the solution onto your hair and scalp. Soak a towel in hot water, wring out the excess water and wrap it around your head. Leave it for about an hour and wash it off with a mild shampoo. Follow this process regularly.

Bring coconut oil to your rescue and ensure a healthy hair growth.

There is good and bad. There is 'what do you need', which may or may not be 'what do you want'. The dilemma of hair smoothening versus hair straightening also has these aspects, wherein, one is touted to be better than the other. However, the outcome that you want may only be obtained by that which is not good for you.Hair smoothening and hair straightening (permanent hair straightening) both are chemical processes, therefore, both have side effects. Yes, you read it right and this brings us to the question, which one is better? Chemically, smoothening is a better option than straightening. To know why, you must understand the processes:

What is Hair Smoothening?

Hair smoothening is a chemical process that involves saturating the hair with a formaldehyde solution, which is then dried out and locked in a straight position using a flat iron.

Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical and it needs expert supervision. The short-term side effects could include irritation of eyes, skin and upper respiratory track. In long-term various agencies have classified it as a suspected human carcinogen (substance capable of causing cancer)as it has been linked to nasal cancer and leukaemia.

However, proper execution of the process reduces these risks to an extremely safe extent. Ensure that the salon that you choose has well ventilated area and requisite amenities.
Brazilian Blowout and Keratin treatment:

Hair Smoothening is usually subdivided into two popular treatments: Brazilian Blowout and Keratin Treatment. Both treatments bond protein to the external stratum of the hair. In Brazilian Blowout, the solution is rinsed out while in Keratin Treatment solution it is left in the hair.

Hair smoothening is a comparatively short term solution than hair straightening.

What is Hair Straightening?

Hair straightening involves restructuring of the hair. The chemicals permanently break the bonds of the hair shaft and then they are restructured with application of heat. Finally, the newly formed bonds are sealed with more chemicals. Permanent hair straightening is also called as Japanese Hair Straightening (also Thermal Reconditioning).

There are no standard straighteners that fit all. All the straighteners are not equal; they have different compositions. There is no one size that fits all. You should have in-depth consultation to understand your hair's curl pattern, elasticity, permeability, texture, thickness throughout the length and general health before deciding which straightener is ideal.

As it is clear from the processes, stronger chemicals are used in hair straightening than hair smoothening, hence the latter is better considering the side effects.
How to Go About?

An experienced and qualified hair expert is the best person to test your hair and analyse what they need. However, as I said in the beginning, 'what you need' may not be 'what you want'. After the hair examination, once your expert tells you 'what you need', discuss with him, 'what you want'. A good expert should be able to do the cost to benefit analysis based on your discussion and you can go ahead with the recommendation.

The logical progression that you could follow:

1. Research about the salon: Choose a renowned and well equipped salon with experienced stylists. It's important to warrant that right mixture of chemicals is used.

2. Know your hair type: Your stylist can help in this. There are different sets of treatment for different kinds of hair. You should be sure before you embark the journey.

3. Be careful of low cost deals: These processes involve chemical products and if quality is maintained, they can't be offered below a certain cost. If you get an offer that is far below the normal rate, probably the chemical used are of low grade.

4. Know the products: Ask your stylist about the brands that are being used for the treatment. High quality brands are exclusively available with trusted and certified salons. You can evaluate standard of the salon based on the brands that they use.
5. Timeline: Hair Smoothening is short-term and hair straightening is a long-term solution. You can choose the treatment based on the timeline of revisits that you want.

6. Conflicts: Discussing your hair history with the stylist is vital. If your hair has already undergone some treatment in the past, consult your stylist of probable conflicts that could occur in getting the new treatment.

7. Post treatment care: It's extremely important to take special care of your hair post hair smoothening or hair straightening. Depending on the treatment, a qualified hair expert will give you the list of dos and don'ts. For best results always follow the advice.

Conclusion: It all depends on the results that you want and to accomplish those results your hair expert will suggest you the right process. Do ask your expert the pros and cons based on your hair type. Finally, ensure three 'R's': Right Expert, Right Product and Right Process.

Regardless of how you get split ends, they will not just go away.

The only way to get rid of split ends is to have them snipped off. But you can take care of your hair and prevent splits from occurring at the first place.

What causes split ends?
The longer the hair, the older the end and therefore more prone to split ends.

The daily grind – washing, combing, styling, and chemical treatments – can cause the hair cuticle, which is the outside protective sheath of the hair’s shaft, to wear off. Once the cuticle is damaged the inner layer of hair is exposed, and it becomes weakened, dehydrated and damaged, making the hair prone to split ends.

The good news is that you can easily avoid split ends and grow your hair longer with having to worry about them. Here are some of the tips to banish them forever:

7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Split Ends
1. Get Regular Trimming
No matter how well you look after your hair, the everyday combing, washing will cause some wear and tear, and therefore you can’t prevent split ends entirely. Inevitably, a trim will be necessary at some point to control split ends. But, proper care will allow you to stretch trim appointment to every eight to twelve weeks, or may be even longer. Keep a regular check on them. If you happen to see a random split end, take a pair of scissors and get rid of it. Leaving the split end uncut is not a good idea, as it could potentially get worse and travel all the way up to the root.

Removal: Always use sharp scissors or the ones meant for hair cuts. Using blunt pair can fray your ends and cause more splits after a while. Also cut about 1/4 of an inch above the split, and if you don’t there are chances that split might reappear.

2. Oil Your Hair Before You Wash Them
Shampooing/Washing can cause damage to your hair. When hair gets wet – during shampooing – it absorbs water and swells. In this state it is very fragile and therefore it is easier for splits or chips to occur.

How does oiling hair help? Oil forms a protective sheath around your hair, reducing the damage during washing process. Plus, oil also nourishes your hair, and help restore its moisture balance. Some of the best oil for pre-wash treatment are coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil and almond oil. To use: Apply oil of your choice on the scalp and massage gently with the pads of your fingers. Finish by running fingers through your hair. Keep it for an hour and wash as usual.

3. Apply A Leave-in Conditioner
If you have bad split ends or are prone to having them, then be sure to apply a leave- in conditioner to your hair. This is to protect your hair from the regular wear and tear that can happen due to combing, styling, and also environmental factors (hot sun or cold winds).

You don’t need any fancy brands. Oils or plant butters make an excellent leave-in conditioners. Best oils to use – coconut, almond, olive, and jojoba oil; and best butters that work – shea, kokum, and aloe butter. To use: Take a little amount (not more than a pea size) of oil or butter and rub it between your palms and apply to damp or dry hair, focusing on the ends and leave-in. This will smooth down frizz, split ends and flyaways, and leave your hair looking shiny and beautiful. Start with little, you can always add more to adjust the needs of your hair— you don’t want your hair to look greasy.

4. Dry Hair Gently
Wet hair is fragile and vulnerable to damage. So treat it with utmost care. Vigorously rubbing your hair dry with a towel creates tangles and twists in many unnatural directions, thus causing breakage and split ends. Instead, gently dab the dripping hair with a towel to get rid of the excess water.

To Dry: Use a soft cotton towel, as they are kinder to your hair and causes less friction when drying, and therefore less damage. Plus, cotton towel absorbs a great amount of water, so your hair will dry faster. The next time you wash your hair, wrap hair in a soft cotton towel and leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then let hair dry naturally. Your hair should be smoother and healthier!

5. Use A Wide Tooth Comb
The best way to detangle your hair after shampoo is by using a wide-tooth comb (comb in general are more gentle than brush). And Do Not tug it down your hair from the root to the tip. Doing this will cause tough knots which will be hard to undo and the delicate ends will be forced to take the comb bashing, thus causing hair breakage and split ends. Instead, start at the ends, and gently work your way up. When you encounter a tangle, stop and untangle gently with your comb or fingers and then proceed.

For tangles, apply a leave-in conditioner – as previously mentioned. This will help untangle with ease and prevent the snaps and breakage you can incur when you try to comb hair. Also try to avoid combing until your hair is almost dry.

6. Reduce Use Of Heat Appliances
Heat appliances such as blow dryers, flat-iron, and heat curlers are bad for your hair – however expensive or reputed they may be. When you blow dry or apply heat on your hair it reduces your hair’s natural moisture, leaving it dry, rough and brittle. Constant use can cause physical hair trauma, and the result is damaged hair and split ends.

The best way to dry your hair is to let it dry naturally, and the healthiest way to style it is heat-less. Go gentle. And your hair will look and feel better, and last longer.

7. Protect Your Hair From The Elements
Environmental factors such as sun, wind and cold work against your hair. Long term exposure to hot sun may damage your hair, leaving it dry and brittle, and more prone to breakage as well as split ends. Similarly, cold winds too can be quite harsh on your hair.

Whenever you are stepping outside in the hot sun or cold winds you must protect your hair. Wearing a scarf, a hat or a cap will lock the moisture of your hair and protect it against the elements. In addition, they make great accessories, and they are also excellent at hiding bad hair days

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Everyone loses hair all the time, maybe up to 100 strands a day. They fall out, then grow back in, and the cycle starts over again. But eventually, most guys will start to notice that they’re losing more than before -- and it’s not growing back.

As many as 85% of men will have some sort of hair loss in their lifetime. It can happen for different reasons.

Most Common Cause: Male Pattern Baldness
Up to 95% of guys with thinning hair can blame it on this condition. It’s caused by genes you get from your parents.

Scientists think the gene may affect how sensitive your hair follicles are to a hormone called DHT, which makes them shrink. As they get smaller, the hair that grows back tends to be finer, thinner, and shorter. Eventually, it takes longer for hair to grow back. Then, the follicles will shrink so that no hair grows at all.

Male pattern baldness shows up in a telltale shape: a receding hairline with thinning strands around the crown of your head. Over time, that area will go bald, but you’ll still have a horseshoe pattern of hair above your ears circling to the lower back of the head.

Men with this trait can start to lose their locks as early as their early teens. In general, the sooner it starts, the greater the loss will be.

Other types of hair loss tend to happen faster than male pattern baldness.

Spot baldness, or alopecia areata, makes your hair fall out in smooth, round patches, but it usually grows back. The condition is a type of autoimmune disease, which means your body attacks itself. In this case, it destroys your hair.

Scarring alopecia is a rare disease that destroys your hair follicles and makes scar tissue form in their place. Hair will not grow back.

Other Reasons for Hair Loss

When your locks fall out suddenly, instead of gradually thinning over time, it’s usually from something other than male pattern baldness. Other causes include:

-Diseases like anemia or a thyroid problem

-Radiation or chemotherapy treatments

-Medications, such as blood thinners, high doses of vitamin A, and steroids that some men take to help build muscle, called anabolic steroids

-Scalp infections

-Problems with your diet, like getting too little iron or too much vitamin A


-Keeping hairstyles like tight ponytails, cornrows, or braids for many years

-For most of these issues, your hair will grow back once you take care of what’s causing it.

Are There Any Risks to Hair Loss?

Male pattern baldness generally isn’t a sign of a serious medical problem, but it has been linked with some other conditions including coronary heart disease, an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

If you notice your hair starting to fall out, keep track of the pattern and how much you’re losing. You can talk to your doctor to rule out a more serious problem.

Dr. Ashish Bandewar
Dr. Ashish Bandewar
BDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dentist, 1 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pradnya Bafna
Dr. Pradnya Bafna
BDS, Dentist Root canal Specialist, 20 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shivdas Patil
Dr. Shivdas Patil
BAMS, Family Physician, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sanjay  Salve
Dr. Sanjay Salve
MBBS, Orthopaedics, 16 yrs, Pune
Dr. Surbhi Agrawal
Dr. Surbhi Agrawal
Specialist, Diabetologist General Physician, 8 yrs, Nagpur