Health Tips
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Weight loss can become a difficult task, especially if you are trying to lose weight by depriving yourself of food. There are better and more effective ways to lose the side fat from around your waist. Food depreciation may only help you temporarily with risk of several side-effects such as sleep loss, fatigue and stress. Let’s help you get rid of that extra fat without posing risk to your health.

Think Healthy

The first thing you should do is switch to a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced low-calorie diet. Avoid eating processed or unhealthy food and switch to fresh foods including fruits and vegetables. Quit unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking. You should always look for opportunities to indulge in physical activities such as walking and climbing stairs. Enroll yourself in a sport of your choice and enjoy.


Yoga can help you easily get rid of your side fat without much effort. Yoga offers some amazing poses and breathing exercises that can support your weight loss. Several yoga Pranayama include breathing modulations and deep breathing that can fill your lungs with fresh oxygen which is further transferred to the rest of your body. The increased oxidation throughout the body helps burns fat cells faster than normal. Deep breathing also promotes blood circulation and energy production in the body, which gives you more energy to become more physically active.

Yoga also offers padmasana, another effective breathing exercise, that can elevate your lost weight without much effort. To perform the pranayama, sit relaxed but straight on a flat surface such as a mat. Cross your legs to move into padmasana and straighten your back. With your thumbs, close your ears and use your middle fingers to gently put a little pressure on your eyes. Use your indexes to press your temples and place your ring and little fingers on the bridge of your nose. Breathe deeply and exhale gradually through your nose. Perform it for close to 10 minutes.


If you like dancing, this one is for you. Zumba is a fitness program, developed in the mid 90s, based on dance and Latin and international music that usually lasts for 60-90 minutes. It incorporates interval training with alternative fast and slow rhythms along with resistance training. It’s effectiveness in improving fitness is the main reason for people to choose zumba for weight loss over other weight loss methods. People are taking more interest in zumba dance for weight loss as compared with learning it as a dance form.There are now several variations of zumba dance program depending on the country and the academy by which an instructor has received training from.

Eggs make for an important part of our breakfast and are known for their many health benefits; moreover, they are versatile. They can be made in to an omelette or can be scrambled, boiled, fried or just about anything. However, there has been a constant debate on how eggs also contribute to increased cholesterol level that is generally found in the egg yolk, which is why most people opt for only egg whites. Eating only egg whites instead of whole may lower the amount of calories, fat and saturated fats you consume. We reveal some benefits the much neglected egg whites have.1. Cholesterol-Free

Once you have removed the egg yolk, the egg is left with no cholesterol content. Therefore, anyone who has high cholesterol levels can eat egg whites, leaving lesser chances of developing heart disease risk or elevation of cholesterol levels.

2. Rich In Protein

Whole eggs top the charts in terms of protein content, courtesy egg yolk. However, egg whites also tend to have generous amount of low-fat protein that is beneficial for the body. High quality protein helps build muscles and also helps you cut down on cravings and hunger pangs by keeping you fuller for long.

3. Low-Calorie Food

Egg is not a high-calorie food in the first place; therefore, cutting the yolk out of the meal would only mean you are adding even lesser calories. So if you are looking to lose weight, make sure you opt for egg whites rather than the whole egg.

4. Helps In Maintaining Blood Pressure

The presence of potassium in an egg white may help reduce and maintain blood pressure levels. Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that is associated with heart and bone health along with the proper functioning of the body. According to a study by American Chemical Society, egg white contains a peptide called RVPSL, which is a component of protein that helps reduce blood pressure levels.

5. Helps Lower The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases

Potassium helps in lowering blood pressure, which in turn can avert any cardiovascular diseases. It works by promoting vasodilation, a process in which blood vessels widen, which allows smooth blood flow and prevent any chances of clogging.

6. Contains Essential Vitamins

Egg whites contain essential vitamins like A, B-12 and D. One of the most important vitamins is riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is necessary for preventing various conditions like age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and migraine headaches.

Add egg whites to salads, make omelettes or scramble it; eat it anyway you'd like. Have an egg-cellent day!

The benefits of being at a healthy weight are indisputable; dropping just five to 10 percent of your body weight may help improve your overall health and reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases, obesity and diabetes. However, shedding extra pounds may also mean some unexpected challenges that show up when you lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time, especially if you are following a fad diet. Fad diets are diets that promise to help you lose weight in less than a week's time. While there are many positives that may skyrocket like boost in your energy levels, better skin and hair, and healthy lifestyle, et al; the negatives that it may bring along may depend on a person to person and their journey of losing weight.Here are the side effects of losing a significant amount of weight that you must know.

1. You May Develop A Sagging Skin

Loose, sagging skin is one of the most common side effects of losing weight too fast. It usually happens because the skin is not able to shrink as quickly as the body, therefore, most health experts suggest focusing on slow, steady weight loss to give enough shrinking time to your skin. Moreover, it also depends on the exercises that you engage in; so always consult your fitness expert or gym instructor to make a workout plan accordingly.

2. May Affect Hair Health

Most fad diets suggest consuming fewer calories, which may mean they don't have enough essential nutrients to add to your body. This can lead you to being malnourished, further causing hair loss. Deficiencies of macro and micro nutrients in the body may lead to dull and weak hair. Make sure you load up on more protein in your diet and eat enough calories that include sufficient amount of vital nutrients to avoid such a condition.

3. May Also Affect Your Skin Health

Sure, your diet may keep your body slim, but it may impact your skin health, too. The foods you eat decide what will show up on your skin. Poor nourishment may lead to break-outs, acne, dull skin, fine lines, et al. The idea is to add foods that are rich in antioxidants that help block skin damage, especially from the sun.

4. May Cause Constipation

If you are following a certain diet, your constipation maybe related to the dietary changes you have made. So, it is always good to add up on more fibre-rich foods, including whole grains, salads, raw fruits and vegetables, et al, to get your bowels moving. Also, it is important to keep yourself hydrated all the time, which helps keep constipation at bay.

5. This May Also Affect Menstrual Cycle

Fluctuations in your weight may cause your menstrual cycle to fluctuate. It is always good to consult a dietitian to construct a healthy diet plan for you to lose weight in a proper way without having to affect your monthly cycles.

6. You May Have A Trouble Sleeping

What you eat on a daily basis has a direct effect on your sleeping patterns. The constant changes in your dietary plans may affect your sleep in more ways than one. To have a healthy sleep at night, make sure you are loading up on carbohydrates along with protein in order to make your tryptophan levels go up.

Please know that not all people go through negative physical and emotional side effects; however, it is important to be aware of them and talk to your doctor in case they do occur.

A healthy body is more difficult to achieve and is generally assumed that there is a lot of work that goes into it. By a healthy body we don't just mean a slim and lean physique, but also a body that is free of all diseases and deficiencies and one with all the organs working at an optimal rate. Besides being physically active, you also need to take care of your diet, in order to stay fit and healthy. A diet that is nutritionally rich and low in sugar, salt or processed foods is ideal for a healthy body and mind. For those looking to lose weight and build muscle, a diet rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates may work well.Given the weight loss wave that is sweeping the world, there is a lot of demand for high protein foods that are also low in carbohydrates. However, there is a lot of confusion regarding which foods one should include in their diets, and which ones they should exclude. It is important to remember that not all bodies are alike. This means that your body type and body goals are different than the next person, which demands for a tailor-made diet plan made just for you. It's advisable to consult a certified nutritionist who can help you draw up a diet chart according to your needs and weight loss goals.

How Much Protein Do You Need?

Simply loading up on a whole lot of protein is not going to help you. You need to determine exactly how much protein your body needs and how much you are currently consuming. Moreover, the amount of protein you need to consume per day depends on your body composition and total body weight. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), every person above the age of 19 must consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight, per day.
This means that you will get your daily amount of protein intake by multiplying 0.8 with your total body weight. This is the amount that is adequate to maintain the lean muscle mass of your body and also keep you satisfied and full for longer. It's also important to find out the percentage of calories that you should be getting from proteins. This will generally depend on your body goals and whether you are looking to gain or lose weight.

Benefits Of A Diet Rich In Proteins
Your organs, tissues, muscles and hormones are all made up of proteins. This is why they are known as the building blocks of life. Proteins do most of the work inside our body cells and are important for building the structure and functions of our organs and tissues. All proteins are made of 22 building blocks, known as amino acids. Of these 22 proteins, nine are essential amino acids and must be given to the body through your diet, as your body is incapable of making them itself.

A lot of protein in your diet comes from lean meats like eggs, fish, chicken, etc. Some plant-sources of proteins are also available for vegetarians, but these are not sufficient to meet your body's daily requirements. This is why you need to keep a balance between plant-based and animal-based protein sources to meet your body's protein demands.
A diet high in proteins has a number of health benefits, including maintaining a healthy body weight and losing extra fat. A diet rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates can help you bulk up faster and workout with more energy. Moreover, protein-rich foods have also been known to stabilise blood sugar levels, eliminating the need for you to eat more frequently. This effectively leads you to consume fewer calories. Protein-rich foods have also been found to improve learning abilities and concentration, as well as reduce brain fog. Proteins also stimulate absorption of nutrients from food.

Top 10 Low-Carbohydrate High-Protein Foods

You can effectively gain a greater percentage of calories from proteins as compared to carbohydrates, by being just a little mindful of what exactly you are putting on your plate. Although removing an entire food group of carbohydrate from your diet may have harmful repercussions, there are certain foods that you can eat to ensure that you consuming more proteins than carbs on a daily basis. Moreover, it's important to make sure that the foods you eat have carbs in the form of fibre and not sugar.

Here are top 10 foods that are rich in proteins and low in carbs:

1. Eggs: Your favourite breakfast food is highly nutritious and full of good quality proteins. One large boiled egg contains almost no carbs and 13 gm of proteins. They are very versatile and can be included in a number of ways in your daily diet.

2. Walnuts: One of the healthiest nuts out there is the walnut, a 100-gm serving of which contains 15 gm of proteins. So, snack on these brain-shaped nuts for a protein kick.

3. Chickpeas: These high-fibre legumes are a hit with gym-goers as just a 100-gm serving of this healthy snack contains 19 gm of proteins. Moreover, 68% of the total carb content of chickpeas is fibre, which makes it a filling food.

4. Tofu: It's a favourite food among vegetarians and vegans. A 100-gm serving of tofu contains 9 gm of high-quality protein and zero carbs.

5. Lentils: A 100-gm serving of boiled lentils contains 9 gm of protein. Moreover, the same amount of lentils also has 8 gm of dietary fibre.

6. Pistachios: These nuts are great to munch on as mid-meal snacks. A 100-gm serving of pistachios contains 20 gm of protein and 10 gm of dietary fibre. So, go ahead and add pistachios to your breakfast smoothies and desserts.

7. Oats: One of the healthiest breakfast foods is oats, which contains high-quality fibre and almost 17 gm of protein, per 100 gm of its serving. Make sure you only opt for sugar-free oatmeal to avoid consuming unwanted calories.

8. Black Beans: These are one of the best diet foods for people looking to eat protein-rich meals. A 100-gm black bean serving contains 21 gm of protein and high amounts of dietary fibre.

9. Yogurt: Also, one of the best low-fat dairy sources of protein, yogurt is a popular choice among fitness lovers. It contains no carbohydrates and 10 gm of protein per 100 gm. It's delicious and also great for your digestive health.

10. Tuna: The saltwater fish tuna is one of the best sources of lean proteins, as it has zero carbohydrates and a whopping 30 gm of proteins per 100 gm of serving.

These are just some of the best high-protein low carbohydrate foods that you should include in your diet for healthy meals. It is still recommended to consult an expert nutritionist before starting on any diet, especially if it's a fad diet.

No matter what your holiday plans are, your fitness regime always takes the back seat. Holidays are mostly about stepping outside of your life, letting everything go, where exercise is generally not on the priority list. Once you reach your destination, you tend to binge on fancy and delectable meals that are generally not good for your waistline. The idea of your perfect break shouldn't spell the end of your healthy lifestyle. And, if you've a right plan in action, you can skip all the odds to stay healthy and fit. Here are four health and fitness tips to stay in shape on your holidays.

Fitness Hack #1: Make Smart Alcohol Choices

Every night is a weekend night on holidays, right? On holidays, you perhaps end up drinking more cocktails than you would back home. Opt for healthy and body-friendly drinking choices.

Avoid Beer: A pot of beer is around 160 calories. Since beer is high in carbs, it promotes abdominal obesity (so-called "beer belly"), especially in men. However, if you still crave for beer, then wheat beer seems to be the safest option.

Opt For Low-Carb Alcohol: You may go for vodka but avoid mixing it with juice/soda, or a dry white wine. Avoid adding any sweetened mixers or a low-quality juice. A glass of white wine has 120 calories and is usually preferred over red wine with 140-160 calories.

Fitness Hack #2: Keep Healthy, High-Protein Snack Options Handy

If you're fuelling up before going for sightseeing or hiking, eating high-protein bars can be the healthiest and tastiest way to keep going. These protein-rich snacks are the perfect way to fill up, which give long-lasting energy than carb-heavy options.
Below are a few other options :
Dark Chocolate: Used to be a rare treat once, dark chocolate is now a popular choice of snack for fitness lovers. To increase the nutritional count, pick a chocolate that has some nuts.Nuts And Banana Chips: Things like coconut flakes, banana chips and nuts are easily available everywhere.

Fitness Hack #3: Enjoy One Big Splurge Meal

Just about anywhere you go in the world, you will indulge in the local delicacies. Be it churros, chicken souvlaki, or biryani indulge yourself in the local gastronomic experience. However, it is important to balance you meals as well. Pick one meal, or a day, when you are really going to let yourself to immerse in the local fare, keep the rest of your meals moderate. Plan this splurge to be the 20% element of the 80/20 rule. You can still have shrimp on the coast, but don't fry it!

Fitness Hack #4: Keep Yourself Hydrated

During holidays, you are busy in shopping at bustling markets, exploring exotic spots, enjoying footie tours, et al. While all of this is happening, you tend to get dehydrated without even knowing it. It's always best to carry or buy at least a two-litre water bottle with you on the beach or while hiking. Make sure to keep yourself hydrated after party nights. If you plan to party in the evening, then get some water as a side order. This will definitely make you feel better the next day.

Dr. Dr Anirudha Vaidya
Dr. Dr Anirudha Vaidya
MPTh, Neuro Physiotherapist Obesity Specialist, 7 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandeep Mengade
Dr. Sandeep Mengade
BAMS, Family Physician General Physician, 17 yrs, Pune
Dr. Kunal Janrao
Dr. Kunal Janrao
MDS, Dentist Periodontist, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pavan Prakash Pargaonkar
Dr. Pavan Prakash Pargaonkar
BHMS, Family Physician, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. sandeep shivekar
Dr. sandeep shivekar
BHMS, Diabetologist, 10 yrs, Pune