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Everything you eat has an impact not only on your inner health, but also on your outer being as well. What you put on your plate is even more important than what you put on your skin. If you've been loading up on junk food lately, then there are high chances of you facing its consequences as well; in the form of acne breakouts, puffy eyes etc. So in order to avoid the same, here are some minor changes you can make in your daily diet:

Acne- Isn't it infuriating when you have a party to attend the next morning but there's that little acne bump on your face the night before? And you think why this acne won't ever leave you alone? Well, your eating habits may have drawn them towards you. Yes, you read that right! Foods that are high in iodine content may trigger acne. If you're having frequent breakouts, evaluate your diet for iodine-rich foods.

Early Signs Of Ageing- Ageing is a natural process. You sure cannot reverse it but can slow it down. The quicker you eat your food, the fewer nutrients your body absorbs. The proper chewing, tasting, and swallowing of food can cause greater nutrient absorption by your digestive system.
Skin ages when it's deprived of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals. If you're not absorbing enough of these nutrients, your skin is most likely to reflect it all.

Dry Skin- Dry, flaky, and cracked skin can turn out to be quite annoying. If you're experiencing dry, flaky skin on a regular basis, then you probably need to be drinking more water, or at least eating more hydrating foods like cucumber, lettuce and watermelon. Our diet plays a major role in keeping our skin hydrated and radiant.

Puffy Face- When it comes to looking fresh, there's usually one thing that can end up standing in your way - puffiness. A puffy face could possibly mean that your body lacks good fats. Essential fatty acids, such as those from seeds and oils protect against skin inflammation.

Stretch Marks- Stretch marks are formed due to the tearing of the middle layer of the skin called the dermis. The scars happen more often (and more severely) when you have less zinc in your diet. When it comes to repairing and healing of tissues, zinc plays a crucial role.

So make these little changes in your diet and feel rejuvenated.

Congratulations, you are now in the third month (or more correctly between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy). What a journey it has been so far! Is the feeling of euphoria, on discovering that you’re pregnant, giving way to practicality now?

By now, it is probably just you – the mother – who remembers you are pregnant; most other people will have gone back to their normal lives, even the baby’s father. That’s just because the baby bump is not yet visible, and no one really notices the nausea, the constant peeing and insatiable hunger!

Changes In Your Baby This Month:
Hidden deep inside your womb, is a tiny, fragile being that is growing and developing miraculously every second, every minute. In its safe nest, it is going through huge changes that will soon make it a completely formed baby, though everything will be in miniature. Hair, teeth buds, nails, and above all, unnoticed movements will all be present by the end of the third month!

Your baby will develop a functional heart, kidneys, eyes, genitals and even vocal cords over this month. And sadly, most miscarriages occur in this fateful month of pregnancy. All these facts screams just one thing: the third month of pregnancy diet is exceedingly crucial for the foetus and the mother.

The 3rd Month Of Pregnancy Diet:
By the third month, your nausea, sleepiness and hunger will have elevated immensely. Luckily, this is the last month that you will feel nausea, so you can look forward to relishing food in the forthcoming month. Your nipples are no longer sore and the cramping also reduces. Your weight should start to rise a tad more quickly as well.

The bad thing is that the secondary symptoms like irritability, food aversion and smell sensitivity might set in—but relax; these symptoms will bother only your near and dear, and thankfully not you! So here’s a to-do list of dietary recommendations for your third month.

1. Vitamin B6 Rich Foods:
Chances are your nausea is at its peak during this month, which can make you feel blue and fatigued. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 help a lot by reducing nausea and boosting your moods. Incorporate citrus fruits, eggs, green leafy vegetables and potatoes in your diet to get a steady dose of this vitamin.

2. Fresh Fruits:
During pregnancy, it is best to stick to fresh fruits as the canned ones contain preservatives that can cause acidity. Fruits are an arsenal of vitamins, so choose fruits of all colors; they contain water, natural sugar fiber and antioxidants too. You can add fruits that encourage weight gain now (bananas and guavas leading the chart).

3. Carbohydrates:
Once enemies of your thin waistline, carbs now become a lifeline for your demanding baby. By adding whole grain and simple carbs like bread, atta, rice and potatoes to your diet, you can gift a treasure of energy-boosting carbs to your baby. Remember, snacking on complex sugars (pastries, chocolate etc) will endanger you for being obese later.

4. Meats:
If you are a meat eater, now is the time to go berserk over them. Just make sure that the meat is cooked very well and is prepared with good hygiene. Chicken, mutton and fish (fresh water) are excellent sources of minerals, proteins and a whole lot of good taste!

5. Iron And Folate:
These twin elements are so vital for the foetus that ignoring them can cause moderate to severe mental and physical retardation in the foetus! Make sure that your diet provides you with rich sources of both and to do that, add Beetroot, chikoo, oatmeal, bran, tuna (tinned), beans and meats (for iron) and Oranges, Potatoes, Broccoli, Eggs and Greens (for folate) to your diet.

6. Dairy Products:
This is true for your entire pregnancy, as well as for the time you breastfeed: Milk and milk products stored safely and pasteurized properly are your best bet for a healthy baby. The foetus needs calcium and minerals found in milk products, so don’t deny it milk, curd, cheese and ghee.

The Third Month: What NOT To Eat:
Soon, Weeks 8-12 will end and you will be stepping into your second trimester. But beware, now you are in the most crucial and fragile stage of pregnancy. So, take no chances with your diet and follow your doctor to the T. Foods best excluded from your diet are:

1. Junk Food:
Needless to say, junk food like burgers and pizza, chaat and tandoori chicken seem so very alluring during this phase. But, avoid them as much as possible due to the hygiene factor. Besides, these foods may contain disease causing microorganisms, too.

2. Seafood:
Put a lid on your desire to eat seafood until that umbilical cord is cut. Methylmercury, a deadly compound found often in seafood is linked to brain function impairment in the foetus.

3. Tinned Food:
Be it tuna or peas, achaar or pineapple, tinned goods are laced with excess sugar and salt. They also contain artificial flavors and preservatives. Instead of a cocktail of synthetic food items, opt for natural ones.

4. Unpasteurized Dairy Products:
During this crucial month, protect yourself and your baby from infections like listeria and food poisoning by using only pasteurized milk products. Soft cheeses should be replaced with hard ones and try to use homemade milk products as much as possible.

Though there is a lot of good and bad food advice floating around the lady, it is up to the expecting mother to judge, research and consult her physician before adding anything non-seasonal to her diet. The doctor will never guide you wrongly. Besides the above 3 month pregnancy food groups, you can also try and innovate different combinations if the idea of a strict diet does not appeal to you.

And remember, in the end, what matters is that tiny little life growing inside you. So eat well, eat healthy and savor this magical time!

The ‘2nd month’ begins at five weeks of pregnancy. Many women tend to cross their 1st month of pregnancy without even realizing that they are pregnant. During this time, your nutrition is one of the most important things, as it will help your baby develop normally and healthily.

In the second month of pregnancy, you may suffer from morning sickness and this can turn you off food. However, you should persist in eating properly, as 2nd month of pregnancy diet place a crucial role; this is when the neural tube begins forming and later develops into your baby’s brain, spinal cord and nerves. In addition, basic circulatory system and heart beat also develop during this period. Hence, 2nd month of pregnancy diet is extremely important. Read on to know more about which foods to eat and avoid in your 2nd month pregnancy diet.

Some Vital Nutrients That You Should Include In 2nd Month Of Pregnancy Diet.

1. Folic Acid:
Folic acid or folate is a B vitamin, an important vitamin to be taken in the first few weeks of pregnancy, as it facilitates normal development of the neural tube. If you do not take folic acid supplements, your baby has the risk of developing neural tube defects or being born preterm.

Foods such as spinach, fortified cereals and beans are high in folic acid. You should ideally consume about 400 mcg of this vitamin every day during the second month of pregnancy.

2. Iron:
During this period, your blood supply increases to support your baby. If you do not get enough iron from your food, you will end up feeling tired all the time and also develop anemia. You should be looking to consume 27 mg of iron every day from the time you become aware you are pregnant. While you can get some iron through food, the amount is not sufficient. Hence, you also should be consuming iron supplements after speaking to your OB-GYN.

3. Calcium:

In the second month of pregnancy, your baby’s bones begin ossifying. This requires calcium. You should consume 1,000 mg of calcium every day. You can easily get calcium through food sources, such as dairy products and leafy green vegetables. If you do not add calcium in your diet, your body will leach calcium from your bones and teeth, making them weak and brittle.

4. Protein:
While most women are under the impression that protein intake is necessary during the second and third trimesters, it is not true. You should begin consuming extra protein the moment you know you are pregnant. Protein ensures proper blood supply to your baby and also facilitates normal development of muscles in the baby. You can get protein through low-fat cottage cheese and fish. However, make sure the fish has low mercury content. Your daily protein consumption should be anywhere from 75 g to 100 g.

5. Foods to Avoid:

Many pregnant women are so focused on eating right to aid their baby’s development that they often forget there are some foods that should be avoided during pregnancy.

Here is a list of foods that you should not eat during 2nd month of pregnancy diet, as well as the rest of your pregnancy.

1. Meat Spreads:
This is one food you should avoid, as meat spreads contain Listeria, which can adversely affect the growth of your baby.

2. Soft Cheese:
Cheese, such as Brie, Roquefort and Cammbert, should not be consumed during the second month of pregnancy as it contains E. coli bacteria. You risk infection or pregnancy complications when you consume soft cheese.

3. Liver:
Since you are looking to increase your iron content, you may consider eating liver in the second month of your pregnancy. However, this is one food you should not eat just now, as it contains retinol and can result in a miscarriage.

4. Unpasteurized Milk:
If the milk is not pasteurized, do not consume it. Such milk contains microorganisms and pathogens that put your health at risk. Also, unpasteurized milk may contain salmonella and other harmful bacteria.

5. Alcohol:
You may already know this. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is dangerous, as it could lead to birth defects. So, it is best to stay away from it completely.

6. Raw Eggs:
Raw or slightly cooked eggs are a no-no during the second month of pregnancy, as you risk salmonella infection. This could prove to be dangerous for you and your baby.

7. Processed Meats:
Avoid all types of processed meats, such as luncheon meat and salami. These are refrigerated and prone to pathogens. Any meat you eat should be cooked well to kill all bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

8. Raw Fish:
Do not give in to your desire to eat sushi and peeled seafood, such as crabs, lobsters and shrimp. If you are looking to eat cooked fish, you can eat fish where you are certain that mercury levels are low.

9. Pre-Stuffed Birds:
Stuffed turkey and other poultry should be avoided during the second month of pregnancy if they have not been cooked beyond 180 degrees. The juices of the raw meat could cause proliferation of bacteria and you risk infection and also threaten the well being of your baby.

10. Cookie Dough:
You may love baking and as a result, you could have the habit of tasting your cookie dough before you place it in the oven. However, refrain from this habit, as cookie dough contains raw eggs and this means you risk exposing yourself and your baby to salmonella infection.

Your Second Month Of Pregnancy Diet:
You should be looking to consume fresh food, like fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not consume or be partial to frozen foods. Make sure you eat lots of protein to help your baby’s muscles develop. Also, increase your calorie intake by consuming more starchy food rather than going in for sugary foods.

You should be keeping a close watch on what you eat. Try not to eat too much salty, fatty and sugary food. In case you are suffering from morning sickness during your second month of pregnancy, drink ginger ale made from real ginger root or chamomile tea. Try not to worry about your food intake. Once you cross 12 weeks of pregnancy, your morning sickness will disappear and you will be able to eat a healthy and nutritious diet to support your pregnancy.

The months of trying and fretting over conception are finally over and you can now feel part of that magical world of new parents!

Going to have a baby soon? That’s wonderful news! It’s an amazing feeling one moment and utterly confusing in another. You feel like you know everything as you have already memorized a thousand websites and books, and then you stumble on one query and feel like you know nothing at all.

It seems like the best of the times and the worst of the times. Your body changes rapidly, one day you weigh your normal self and the next day you bloat and retain an ocean of water. You get moody and irritable at times and the next second you are insanely ecstatic. And this is just the first month!

Your First Month:
Most women don’t even know that they are pregnant until they miss a period and proceed to test for pregnancy. In this situation, by the time you test positive for pregnancy, you are considered 2 to 2.5 weeks pregnant, and the first month is already almost through, maybe even more. That realization in itself is enough to trigger a panic attack!

Don’t all websites and books say that the first trimester is the riskiest and that a lot of brain development takes place in the first three months? And here you were, utterly unaware that you were potentially harming the fetus by lifting heavy weights, not eating properly, having junk food, travelling, fighting and worse – having sex. Wow, so much stress!

First Month Pregnancy Diet: What To Eat:

Want to know what to eat during first month of pregnancy? Then here is you answer. The first few months of pregnancy are wrought with symptoms like nausea, bloating, vomiting, headaches, tender nipples, menstruation-like cramps, famishing hunger and excessive sleepiness. With each woman, these symptoms appear at different times in the first trimester, and in a different order. Some symptoms may not appear at all and some might be very severe.

In any case, it is vital to maintain a healthy, balanced diet to ensure a healthy mother and fetus. So be sure to incorporate the following in your diet during first month of pregnancy:

1. Folate-Rich Foods:
Even though your doctor may have prescribed you folic acid pills and supplements, you still need to include folate-rich foods in your diet, as it is important for sustaining a pregnancy and also for the development of the embryo. Foods rich in folate include oranges, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, eggs, beans, greens, etc.

2. Vitamin B6:This particular vitamin is important during the first month of pregnancy diet, as it can help inhibit nausea and vomiting. Nausea/vomiting is most often the biggest issue and almost all women feel varying degrees of it. Instead of taking medications for the problem, include foods rich in Vitamin B6 like whole grains, salmon, peanut butter, bananas, nuts, etc.

3. Fruits:
Fruits are mega foods that contain a little of everything and none of fats – the perfect recipe for a healthy pregnancy. They are rich in vitamins, water content and antioxidants. Some fruits are rich in fibre too. At least 3 servings of fruits taken everyday is a good way to kickstart your diet in first month of pregnancy.

4. Milk Products:
If you can digest it, milk is a wonderful source of proteins, vitamins, calcium, water, healthy fats, folic acid and Vitamin D (if fortified with a supplement). Dairy products like yogurt and hard cheeses are as good as a glassful of milk too. Your daily intake of milk and milk products should come to about one liter. To avoid boredom, mix and match flavours and innovate to find out what you like best.

5. Meats:
Almost all meats are safe for the first month of pregnancy except for pork. Seafood is also to be avoided. Pork, if even a little undercooked, can carry dangerous bacteria and viruses. Seafood contains high quantities of methyl-mercury which is devastating for fetal development. Apart from these, all hygienically cooked meats are safe for expecting mothers, as they are rich sources of proteins and vitamins.

6. Iron-Rich Foods:
It is common knowledge that iron is the magic mineral vital for maintaining a steady flow of blood for both mother and fetus. The fetus requires a supply of iron rich blood to provide it with oxygen and nutrients. Add a lot of iron rich foods in the first month as your doctor will not be prescribing iron pills until the fourth month of pregnancy. To include iron, eat foods like: Beetroot, oatmeal, bran, tuna (tinned), beans, dried fruits, chicken and mutton.

7. Sugary Foods:
Contrary to popular belief, you do not immediately start gaining weight in the initial stage of pregnancy, and you do not need to ‘eat for two’. However, carbohydrates and sugars are essential for maintaining a level of at least 200-300 extra calories a day that your body needs to make a healthy baby. Eat non-complex sugars, natural sugars to give yourself that spurt of extra energy. Consume fresh fruits, sweetened porridge, pancakes, puddings, fresh fruit juices and smoothies, etc.

First Month Pregnancy Diet: What NOT To Eat:
The first month of pregnancy will zoom past and you won’t even notice it (except for those nauseating hours!). So it becomes very easy to forget what NOT to eat during the first month. You euphoric feelings will give way to guilt if you consume something that harms your unborn child. Therefore, take care to avoid the following foods in your diet during first month of pregnancy:

1. Contraction-Inducing Foods:
Your mother and other older women from your family may have already warned you to steer clear of foods such as pineapple, licorice and raw papaya during the first few months. And they are right! These foods have the power to create contractions early in pregnancy, which may result in miscarriage and serious cramping.

2. Seafood:
As said earlier, sea food normally contains high amounts of methyl-mercury, a compound which can severely hamper fetal brain development. Since you may not know you are pregnant at all, in the first month, it is advisable to limit seafood while trying for a baby. If you must, include freshwater fish in your diet.

3. Soft Cheeses:
Avoid all kinds of soft cheeses as they are mostly made with unpasteurized milk and can be the carriers of food poisoning and other bacteria. Besides, soft cheeses also induce gas.

4. Packaged/Processed Foods:
Though they tote their virtues in ads, the first month of pregnancy should not include processed or packaged foods like juices, condensed milk, etc., as they could be laden with disease causing bacteria. instead, opt for freshly squeezed home-made juices and fruit salad (consume them within 20 minutes of preparation).

This list, though brief, is comprehensive and hopes to encourage you to plan wisely to suit your 1st month of pregnancy diet . Try different recipes, be careful and have a happy voyage through the next eight months!

Every year cancer affects millions of people worldwide. Although the deadly disease doesn’t have a proper cause of origin, various reasons like poor diet, nutrition deficiency and ingestion of toxin-heavy foods can contribute to it. Bollywood actor Sonali Bendre, on July 4, revealed that she has been diagnosed with cancer. The actor, who is famous for her roles in films like Sarfarosh and Hum Saath Saath Hain is currently in New York for treatment.

Now while we pray for her speedy recovery, it is important to take care of ourselves as we never know when life can throw us a curveball. While many might argue that there’s nothing you can do to stop cancer, we believe that you can always do your bit. Start with these 10 foods that you can include in your everyday diet that might just help to keep cancer at bay.

This green veggie helps in fighting prostate, colon and bladder cancer. It is rich in fibre and contains sulforaphane, a particularly potent compound that boosts the body’s protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals.

Oranges contain vitamin C and antioxidant, which are required for preventing cancer. Eating citrus-rich fruits can cut the risk of many other diseases like reducing cholesterol, weight loss and making your skin look younger. Note: While eating oranges, do not mix it with other foods so that your body can consume their benefits fully.

Green Tea
Green tea is full of antioxidants and helps prevent esophageal, lung, oral, liver, pancreatic and prostate cancer. It further contains polyphenols that help in cell replication and has anti-cancer properties.

Did you know ginger can actually trick the cancer cells into killing themselves? Moreover, it blocks ovarian cancer cells from growing, limiting its ability to spread. It also helps in relieving nausea and motion sickness and must be included in your everyday diet.

It has several antibacterial properties that can help ward off cancer in a number of ways and stop cancer cells from multiplying. It helps to kill the cancer cells for breast, colon, esophageal, and stomach cancers.

Like oranges, blueberries too are rich in antioxidants. They neutralize free radicals, which are unstable compounds that can damage cells and lead to cancer.

The statement “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” stands true even when it comes to cancer. This fruit has many disease-fighting benefits and helps in killing prostate and breast cancer cells.

It is rich in omega-3 fatty acid and is rich in vitamins, proteins and selenium, all of which helps in preventing liver cancer. Furthermore, it decreases the risk of heart attack.

Lentils help prevent bowel and breast cancer. They also help the body to produce enzymes that have anti-cancer benefits and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Dr. Kalpana Dongre Ladde
Dr. Kalpana Dongre Ladde
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 11 yrs, Pune
Dr. Atul Patil
Dr. Atul Patil
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Proctologist Ayurveda, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Hitesh Karnavat
Dr. Hitesh Karnavat
BAMS, Ayurveda Infertility Specialist, 12 yrs, Pune
Dr. Suryakant Bhoite
Dr. Suryakant Bhoite
BAMS, Family Physician, 34 yrs, Pune