Health Tips
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Diabetes refers to the condition when there is an excess of glucose in your body. Though glucose is beneficial for the proper functioning of the body, an excess can lead to serious consequences. Over the years, diabetes has emerged as one of the fatal diseases, one that once developed has no known cure. This condition is preceded by various perceptible symptoms, some of them are

1.Insatiable thirst: The onset of diabetes is almost always accompanied by a nagging thirst, one that refuses to be quenched despite drinking plenty of water.

2.Frequent tendencies of urination: A frequent tendency of urination is one of the primary precursors of diabetes.

3.Acute hunger: Having bouts of acute hunger is one of the most predominant premonitions of diabetes.

4.Exhaustion and fatigue: In case you are suffering from diabetes, you will inevitably feel tired and exhausted all the time.

5.Blurring of vision: Diabetes is one of those rare conditions that threaten to affect and damage the eyesight. The blurring of vision comes hand in hand with the onset of diabetes.

6.Sores which take a long time to heal: One of the most fatal symptoms of diabetes is when the sore that you have suffered from takes a longer time than necessary to heal.

Some of the complications which diabetes invite are:

1.Cardiovascular problems: Diabetes considerably increases the risk of a host of cardiovascular problems and ailments like heart attacks, chest pain, and stroke.

2.Damage to the kidneys: The pair of kidneys that human beings are endowed with has the responsibility to remove the toxins from the body. An excess of diabetes in the body unsettles the purging ability of the kidneys.

3.Damage to the eyes: The onset of diabetes, among other things, puts your eyes at great risks. The condition tends to damage the blood vessels of the retina and can even cause blindness in some.

4.Skin disorder: Diabetes puts your skin at great risks. You may suffer from various bacterial and fungal infections among other ailments, due to an excess of glucose in your body.

You might be surprised to know that unknowingly you are consuming poisons in your daily meal. Forget getting nutrients from these items, you end up troubling your health by consuming these food items. White rice, pasteurized cow milk, refined salt and refined sugar are the 4 white poisons, which are not good for your health. As they don’t have the right amount of protein, vitamins or minerals to keep your body healthy. Moreover, they increase the risk of developing other diseases like hypertension and diabetes. It has also been found via research that eating white rice increases the risk of diabetes by 17 percent.

Here is why you should stop eating these poisons:

1.Pasteurized Cow Milk:

The only good thing about this milk is that it has a longer life. The process of pasteurization keeps the milk good for a longer period, but harms its nutritive value. It removes enzymes, vitamin A, B 12 and C from the milk. The process also transfers hormones and antibiotics into the milk. Researchers have found that the process also destroys essential and good bacteria like lactobacillus acidophilus. Moreover, about 20% of iodine gets removed from the milk and thus after consuming it, you are more likely to develop constipation.

2.White or Refined Rice:

The process of refining rice leads to the removal of the outer layer and germ from it. The rice is left with endosperm, only. This layer contains starch in a huge quantity which can increase your blood sugar or glucose levels to a great extent.

3.Refined Sugar:

White sugar or refined one is full of chemicals. It has no nutritional value. The chemical is derived from sugar cane or beet. Then, the juice of this substance is extracted to get fibre free sugar. The juice is mixed with lime during the refining process. This kills all vitamins present in the juice. Calcium sulphate and sulphuric acid are also used for bleaching of the sugar. This is done to make the sugar look more white than natural.

4.Refined Salt:

Normal table salt contains iodine. This is needed for a healthy body. But refining of salt removes iodine from the salt. Fluorides are added during the process of refining. The fluorides are bad when consumed in excess. Consumption of refined salt also increases blood pressure. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.

For most of us, the morning starts with a cup of freshly brewed tea. It is almost like a ritual that needs to be followed religiously. Tea leaves have numerous health benefiting properties. Popularly known for its caffeine effect, which gives you that instant energy boost, it is also an excellent source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential for the body because they help fight against free radicals that are known to increase risks of cancer and heart diseases. The antioxidants found in tea leaves is a compound known as polyphenols. According to a new study, polyphenols can also prove to be beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels. The study states that they can significantly reduce blood glucose in adults, thus keeping a check on diabetes.Polyphenols - the natural compound in tea tends to block sugar absorption in the blood, as reported by the study. The findings, which appeared in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicated that polyphenols significantly reduce the amount of glucose in adults, who were given sucrose-laden drinks just before. Researchers claim that by consuming tea, it helps to smooth out spikes in blood sugar levels that are triggered by snacking on sweet treats.

Dr Tim Bond of the Tea Advisory Panel said, "After water, tea is the second most commonly consumed beverage in the world and this new research adds to already published studies, which suggest that it is good for health and well-being benefits."

"In effect, these polyphenols seemed to lower the Glycaemic Index - the relative ability of a carbohydrate food to increase the level of glucose in the blood - of the sugary drink," Bond added.

The team tested the effects of drinking tea on 24 participants in which half had normal blood sugar levels, while the other half had already been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. The day before each trial, both groups were asked to avoid any exercise and eat moderately. All that they were given was small low-sugar evening meal. The following morning, their blood samples were taken when they were in a fasting state.

They were given a sugary drink accompanied by a beverage containing either a high or low dose of tea polyphenols or a placebo. Further blood samples were taken 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes later. They repeated this experiment three times, with a one-week gap. The results indicated both doses of tea polyphenols showed the same significant suppression of blood sugar spikes.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, chiefly caused by insulin fluctuation in the body. A study shows that, 1 out of 3 people suffering from diabetes are likely to develop a skin condition sooner or later; and in some cases, these skin problems serve as symptoms of diabetes. Although these skin problems can be cured easily if treated early, proper care must be administered at all times. Here are 7 skin conditions that affect diabetics:

1. Bacterial infection

Although anyone can get a bacterial infection, people suffering from diabetes are likelier to contract them. Usual bacterial skin problems that tend to trouble diabetics are boils, lumps near the eyelids, nail infections and carbuncles. Diabetics are also prone to infections deep in the skin and of the underlying tissues. The affected area is usually warm, red and swollen.

2. Fungal infections

People who have diabetes have an increased risk of contracting the fungal infection, especially the one known as candida Albicans. The fungus tends to create a red, itchy rash, which is surrounded by blisters and scales. These are usually found in warm places of the body like the armpits, or between the fingers of the hand or perhaps even the toes. Common fungal infections in diabetic people include athlete's foot, jock itch and ringworm.

3. Tingling and itching

Among the many causes of itching, diabetes is one. Yeast infection, dry skin and poor circulation are the primary causes of itching among patients of diabetes. Usually, the lower part of the leg tends to itch the most, if poor circulation is to be blamed.

4. Skin problems related to neuropathy

Diabetes can be the cause of nerve damage in some cases; and neuropathy is a common symptom of diabetes. This type of damage can cause a loss of sensation in a part of the body. On event of an injury, one may not be able to feel it. As a result, an open sore or wound, if left unattended, can develop into an infection.

5. Digital sclerosis

Digital sclerosis, a condition marked by tight, waxy, thick skin that develops on the back of the hand, is common among people who have type 1 diabetes. In this condition, the joints of the fingers get stiff and, thus, lose their mobility and elasticity. Skin of the toes, forehead and knees may also get affected.

6) Xerosis

Xerosis is another common skin condition that accompanies diabetes. In this condition, the skin becomes very dry and itchy.

7) Acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans is the condition where diabetics get darkening of skin leading to skin tags around neck and armpits.

Our body cells are responsible for the essential breakdown of food into energy, as it is vital for our body functioning. Cells break down food into glucose and then convert glucose into energy through insulin, which is an important hormone in the body. Diabetes is associated with the inappropriate functioning of insulin and can be classified into two types: Type I and Type 2 Diabetes. In type I Diabetes, the body does not make enough insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the cell do not use insulin properly.

Both conditions cause blood glucose levels to rise in the body. Diabetes is more than one disease as it poses serious health risks. People with diabetes are at risk of developing a host of problems such as stroke, hypertension, nerve damage, skin, eyes and kidney problems. High amount of blood sugar level can cause damage to the blood vessels leading to blocked arteries restricting blood flow to the heart. Poor blood glucose control can lead to high blood pressure and other blood lipid abnormalities including high levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and triglycerides.

The link between cardiovascular disease and diabetes is well established by medical science. It is estimated that 65% of people with diabetes die of heart disease, which makes it a leading cause of all deaths among diabetic patients. Doctors refer to this connection as DHD- Diabetic Heart Disease. The term Diabetic Heart Disease covers coronary heart disease; narrowing of the arteries, heart failure; minimising heart’s capacity to pump enough blood and diabetic cardiomyopathy; alteration in the structure and function of the heart.

A sedentary lifestyle with little or no physical activity, smoking, stressful life and unhealthy eating habits all contribute to weight gain, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes. Thus, weight and lifestyle issues management is the best way to prevent and control such health risks.

Let’s look at some simple but effective ways towards a healthy lifestyle:

1.Physical exercise: Adopt a 30 minute exercise rule to remain healthy and fit. For diabetic patients, a morning and evening walk is highly recommended. You could walk, run, gym, climb stairs, do yoga, aerobics or other physical activity that interests you.

2.Eat healthy: Avoid fried and packaged foods as they are full of fats, salt and sugar. Include seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet and drink plenty of water. Dieticians recommend eating a heart-healthy diet including superfoods like broccoli, spinach, berries and fibre rich meal.

3.Weight management: Keeping weight under check is an effective way to prevent the risk of heart diseases. Consult a dietician for a customised diet plan as per your medical condition.

4.Be positive: Stress is a silent killer and a major contributor to all lifestyle diseases. Remain calm and manage your negative thoughts to overcome stress.

Dr. Divya Prakash
Dr. Divya Prakash
MDS, Dentist Implantologist, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sujeet Ranjane
Dr. Sujeet Ranjane
BAMS, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sachin Rohani
Dr. Sachin Rohani
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 16 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vikas Kumar
Dr. Vikas Kumar
Specialist, Gastroenterologist, Pune
Dr. Dhanraj Helambe
Dr. Dhanraj Helambe
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 20 yrs, Pune