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Aloe vera is one of the most popular medicinal plants that have been in use for thousands of years. It is particularly famous for the treatment of skin injuries although it offers a host of health benefits. This short stemmed shiny plant stores moisture in its leaves and is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. The gel within the aloe vera stem contains bioactive compounds found in plants such as vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids.

Some of the notable health benefits of Aloe Vera include the following,

1. It contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties: Aloe Vera is known to contain the most beneficial antioxidants called as polyphenols. These polyphenols, as well as other similar compounds found on aloe vera, can prevent the growth of bacterial infections in human beings.

2. Helps in healing cuts and burns: Aloe Vera can also be used as a topical medicine by applying the gel on the skin. It has been used since ancient times for the treatment of sores, cuts and burns which also includes sunburns. Aloe Vera is the first FDA approved ointment that got the status of an effective over-the-counter medication in the year 1959. It can, therefore, be used in first and even second degree burns.

3. Prevents dental plaque: Tooth decay, as well as gum diseases, affect almost all individuals over the world. One of the best ways to steer clear of the oral infections is to prevent plaque buildup which is the bacterial biofilms on the teeth. The aloe vera mouthwash is as effective as chlorhexidine solutions in reducing the problems of dental plaque by killing the harmful yeast called Candida albicans and bacterium named Streptococcus mutans.

4. Aids in the treatment of canker sores: Most people have experienced mouth ulcers or canker sores at least once in their lifetime. It mostly affects the area underneath the lip or inside the mouth and can be very painful at times. Several studies show that aloe vera gel helps in accelerating the healing process of canker sores.

5.Reduces constipation: The latex of aloe vera has been found beneficial in the treatment of constipation. The latex is the sticky yellow residue underneath the leaf skin and contains aloin and barbaloin which offers effective latex effect.

6. Prevent formation of wrinkles: Topical aloe vera gel assists in slowing down the ageing process with regular usage. Using aloe vera gel regularly helps in boosting the production of collagen and improves skin elasticity within three months of regular usage.

7. Lowers down blood sugar levels: There was a time when aloe vera was used as a conventional remedy for diabetes. Aloe vera helps in enhancing insulin sensitivity as well as managing blood sugar levels. It has been used in numerous animals and humans affected with type 2 diabetes and the results are impressive enough to regard it as an alternative treatment option.

Along with these benefits, aloe vera juice is regarded as a sustainable way of weight management which has made it a well-favoured choice of overweight people all over the world.

Hair loss is not just an aesthetic issue, it also lowers self esteem and confidence level, affecting the overall morale and personality. Ayurveda considers hair loss to be a problem associated with excessive pita and a combination of yoga, meditation, massage oils, and hair products can help cure hair fall. In terms of yoga, there are specific asanas which increase blood flow to the scalp and thereby promote hair growth.

Hair loss also is believed to be an effect of stress and anxiety, so meditation to calm the mind and body plays a great role in controlling hair loss. Light oils like almond oil and castor oil, when warmed and massaged onto the scalp, induce hair growth and can help control hair fall. There are various products which are believed to have a dramatic effect on hair fall.

Bhringaraj: Known as the king of herbs, its literal meaning is “king of hair". It reverses balding, prevents premature graying, and also promotes hair growth. It is available as oil and as powder, its leaves also can be used as a paste that is left in place for a couple of hours and then washed off. The bhringaraj powder can also be mixed with other products like amla and tulsi and coconut oil to give shine to the hair.

-Brahmi: This works by promoting growth of the follicles and nourishing the roots. It also reduces dandruff and removes dead skin from the scalp, thereby reducing itchiness. Mixed with curd and lukewarm water and applied on the hair regularly, it can turn the hair shiny and thick. It can also be mixed with ritha, alma, and tulsi for better results.

-Ritha: Soap nut powder has been used for centuries to promote hair growth. It has very mild soap and so can be used even daily. Soak it overnight and use the water to wash off hair. It contains saponin which adds to the hair strength and shine.

-Shikakai: Meaning “fruit for hair,” this has loads of antioxidants and vitamins which nourish the hair. It retains the natural oils in the scalp, and so adds to the shine and strength of the hair. The powder can be mixed with warm water or oil to form a paste that is applied on the hair and left in place for a couple of hours. It can also be added to tea and then used on the hair.

-Neem: Reduces itchiness, cools the scalp, improves blood circulation, and cures the scalp of itchiness, scaliness and dandruff. Water boiled with neem leaves and neem oil produce very good results.

The next time you are worried of hair fall, try these options and see the difference.

Motherhood is a big responsibility. Being a caretaker and a nurturer requires a lot of hard work and time. Staying active physically, emotionally and spiritually is the most difficult work of all. It is even more tiring as the entire process of giving birth is a tiring task in itself.
In order to get over this tiredness, according to Ayurveda, one should try to calm their Vata. Spiritual elements of the body are collectively called Vata. Vata is responsible for maintaining the balance and order of the body.

How to calm Vata?


#For the Mother:
A mother is tired, sleep deprived, and in pain after the daunting process of giving birth.

-She should be present in cold and dry environment at all times
-To calm her Vata, she should maintain her diet as well
-This includes having light food, good fruits, and a lot of water
-It is very important to remember she shouldn’t eat spicy food at all
-She should try having food that provides nourishment to the body by including special herbs in the food, like Fenugreek, Ashwagandha and Pippali. These herbs stimulate the nourishing quality of food and provide the perfect balance to body.

#For the Baby:
When it comes to taking care of infants, the best medicine and nurturer is the mother’s milk.

-After the toddler is 10-11 months old, Ayurveda can play a major role in their diet.
-Rasayana and Chyawanprash can boost immunity in children and calm their Vata.
-Swarna bhasma when mixed with ghee and honey can be a very effective medicine during cold.
-Shankhapushpi is also a medicinal herb that is very useful to boost immunity during the winters.

#Physical Care
-Physical care is important for both the mother and the baby. This includes mild massages and exercises from time to time.
-Massages in the mother should be focused on the hip and the lower back region, as those are the places that experience most pain in the body. Ashwagandha and Bala oils are the best to massage with.
-When it comes to the child, the most focused part is the skin. Though infants shouldn’t be subjected to massages at first, after a year, one can massage a baby with Snehana and Ashwagandha oils to improve the skin.

#Emotional Care
-The mother and the child need emotional support more than anything. This requires a mother to spend time with her child as much as possible.
-A mother should get ample amount of sleep during the nights. So, as much as possible, the father should take care of the child during the nights.

Above are some of the best practices to nurture mother and the child. But it's not an easy task. It's going to be challenging and confusing, but once this becomes a habit, everything will fall into places. Consulting an Ayurvedic doctor is very helpful at this stage.

Dr. Rajesh Tayade
MS/MD - Ayurveda Ayurveda Panchakarma 10 Years Experience, Pune

“World Cancer Day”
Today is the day 4th February called "World Cancer Day" by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cancer means Cancel - all the fears of ending are seen in the public. And therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to declare "I Can, I Will" from 2019 to 2021 year for fear of cancer.
Generally, cancer is a global phenomenon, One out of every 6 people dying worldwide. The number of people who died per day in india is 1300 as per by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is in India.
It is important to take care of it not to cause this disease to destroy the disease and increase the mental strength of the patient, and proper treatment & education for the relative and the relatives around him.
Avoiding factors that may cause cancer, therefore ‘‘Nidan-Parivarjana’’ (diagnosis) is a very good medical practice, so as to avoid various types of tobacco use, smoking, drinking, and the lack of exercise, these things should be avoided. Increase dietary intake of fruits and vegetables.
if one follows daily and seasonal routine as per ayurveda, it will definitely increase quality & quantity of life.
It is in our own hands and, therefore, with the dependence of Ayurvedic daily & seasonal routine and Panchkarma treatment, Rejuvenation treatment, diet, assurance-psychological therapy, we will definitely remove the illusory pathways like cancer.

Toothache is one of the common ailments that occur frequently to individuals of all ages. Tooth pain ranges from mild to severe and can be caused by a wide variety of factors pertaining to oral health and dental decay. The pain hightens during or post the consumption of food items that are either too hot or too cold as the tooth becomes increasingly sensitive to changes in temperature.

In Ayurveda, tooth pains are known as daantshool. Ayurveda can provide an effective remedy to tooth pains both chronic and acute. Ayurvedic treatment provides relief from the pain by dealing with the root cause of the problem in a natural and holistic manner without any side effect. It also eliminates the chances of any relapse.

Some of the most common and effective Ayurvedic remedies for sharp tooth pain are as follows:

Garlic and clove oil: Ayurvedic plants such as garlic and clove are known all over the world for their medicinal properties and healing qualities. Clove oil and garlic can be applied to the affected area of the teeth to ease the pain and improve dental health. This remedy will surely show benefits in the form of stronger teeth that are free of any pain.

Lime and asafoetida: The vitamin C content in citrus fruits is an effective disinfectant that heals teeth which experience sensitivity due to decay and the formation of cavities. Limes can cure sharp tooth pains as well as bleeding gums and loose teeth. A mixture of asafoetida, also known as hing, and lime juice should be slightly heated and applied on the affected for pain relief.

Neem and babool: Extracts of neem and babool are well known for their ability to heal tooth pains and related oral problems. These Ayurvedic herbs are good anti septic disinfectants that remove dental decay and provide relief from pain by healing and strengthening the teeth and gums.

Pepper and rock salt: Pepper, known as maricha in Ayurveda, is highly effective in treating sensitive teeth. When pepper dust is mixed with rock salt and applied on the aching tooth, it alleviates the pain and reduces sensitivity. This mixture will improve oral health and hygiene and it can also be used along with clove oil.

Bayberry bark: The bark of the bayberry tree is a useful Ayurvedic remedy for treating tooth pains. A paste made from the bark and a vinegar base can be applied on the tooth for getting relief from the pain.

Dr. Anup Gaikwad
Dr. Anup Gaikwad
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anuja Lathi
Dr. Anuja Lathi
MBBS, Dermatologist, 13 yrs, Pune
Dr. Mangesh Khandave
Dr. Mangesh Khandave
DNB, Pediatrician, 17 yrs, Pune
Dr. Jetin Anand
Dr. Jetin Anand
BAMS, Ayurveda Clinic, 12 yrs, Mumbai Suburban