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Tips for Healthy Sight
#Vision Loss#Diabetes

Your eyes play a significant role in your health. Many steps can be taken to ensure that your eyes are protected and remain as healthy as possible.

Here are some ways to protect your eyes from damage and disease and maintain healthy sight.

- Rest your eyes regularly: If you work all day at a computer screen, you may forget to blink often and end up with fatigued eyes by the end of the day. For every 20 mins that you spend staring at a screen, look at something else that is around 20 ft in front of you for 20 seconds to reduce eye strain.

- Eat vision-healthy foods: Consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables promotes eye health. Dark leafy greens, including collard greens, kale, and spinach—contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants that help to prevent the formation of #cataracts. Grapes, too, may also support healthy eyes. Consuming fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also prove beneficial.

- Keep your weight under control: Being overweight or obese puts you at a higher risk of developing conditions such as diabetes or other systemic disorders, which may eventually lead to #VisionLoss. Considerable weight loss could potentially reverse eye damage caused by #Diabetes, #HighBloodPressure, and #Obesity.

- Go for regular eye exams: The best thing you can do to look after your sight is to go for regular #EyeTests. Not only does an eye test determine whether or not you need glasses, but it can also spot eye conditions that can be treated effectively if detected early enough.

- Wear sunglasses when outside: In addition to being a trendy fashion accessory, the most important role of sunglasses is to protect your eyes from the ultraviolet (#UV) rays emitted by the sun. When selecting sunglasses, never opt for style over safety. Look for shades that block 99–100 % of #UVA and #UVB radiation and always buy from a reputable source.

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Dr. Palavi Gholap
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 9 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Sachin Rohani
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 16 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Vijaykumar Raut
BAMS, Family Physician Physician, 18 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Sandeep Borse
MBBS, Internal Medicine Specialist Neurotologist, 5 yrs, Pune