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Know How Many Calories Your Body Actually Requires!
#Nutrition#Proper Diet

A very low body mass index can be due to many causes including genetic, developmental and hormonal disorders and other issues with absorbing nutrients in the body. A low body mass index may also be owing to a high metabolism rate. Here are a few healthy ways to gain weight according to different requirements:

Know your calorie needs

Calculate your resting metabolic rate with the formula - RMR = 10* weight (kg) + 6.25* height (cm) - 5* age (yr) + x [For men; x=5, for women; x = -161] Your BMR tells you how much minimum calories you will burn if you rested an entire day. Account for your activity by using your RMR as BMR (Base metabolic rate) and calculate your daily calorie needs by the following formulae:

BMR * 1.2 - If you are sedentary
BMR * 1.375 - For light exercise
BMR * 1.55 - Moderate activity
BMR * 1.725 - High activity
BMR * 1.9 - Intense activity

Diet to follow

Gradually increase your calorie intake

Eat healthy and timely

Have a balanced diet with heavy foods like - starchy vegetables, dense fruits, added oils and creamy soups

Have foods rich in protein, avoid watery fruits and veggies

Avoid trans-fats

Do not binge, pace yourself through your diet regime

Have dietary supplements and protein shakes

Build muscle to increase body weight

Include weight training in your daily regime

Compensate for extra calorie lost in training

Do not over do it, rest is equally important in building muscle

#Things to remember

Stop eating junk food, eat healthily

Hydrate yourself well

Rapid weight gain may cause stretch marks

Be careful when choosing fatty foods as
overindulging in them can lead to heart diseases and type 2 diabetes

Overeating may cause bloating, stomach aches and cramps

Dr. Saurabh Jaiswal
Dr. Saurabh Jaiswal
MBBS, General Physician, 4 yrs, Varanasi
Dr. Chandrakant Raut
Dr. Chandrakant Raut
BAMS, Family Physician General Surgeon, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Kshitija Kulkarni
Dr. Kshitija Kulkarni
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Yoga and Ayurveda Panchakarma, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Lalit deshmukh
Dr. Lalit deshmukh
BHMS, Family Physician, 14 yrs, Pune
Dr. Yogesh  Wankhede
Dr. Yogesh Wankhede
BAMS, Ayurveda Acupressurist, 5 yrs, Pune