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Is It Dangerous to Eat Really Hot Peppers?
#Healthcare#Diet and Nutrition

It’s standard for spicy food to cause your upper lip to sweat, your nose to run, and your mouth to feel like it’s on fire. But can eating hot peppers mess with your health post-meal? The question is worth considering, especially as the ALS Pepper Challenge (AKA the Ice Bucket Challenge 2.0) gains popularity.

Dangers of eating hot peppers
“If vomiting occurs, the acid that comes up from the stomach can irritate the esophagus,” explains Bazilian. Depending how hot a pepper is, that irritation can cause serious damage. Back in October 2016, one man actually burned a hole in his esophagus after consuming (and subsequently retching) ghost peppers during an eating contest. Other potential reactions to eating super-spicy peppers include numbness and breathing difficulties.

Health benefits of hot peppers
To complicate things, eating hot peppers can also deliver health benefits. Research suggests that certain capsaicin-rich ingredients, like cayenne pepper, can help eaters slim down by curbing appetite and revving the body’s calorie-burning abilities. What’s more, cayenne has also been shown to help clear sinuses, ease pain, and curb the growth of some bacteria.

To reap the benefits of hot peppers, choose varieties that aren’t too high on the Scoville scale and consume them in tasty meals, rather than straight up. “This way the impact on the tongue, esophagus, and stomach is less, too,” says Bazilian.

MD - Allopathy, Family Physician, 8 yrs, Ujjain
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Neurotologist, 15 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Kunal Janrao
MDS, Dentist Periodontist, 6 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Pradip Pandhare
DNYS, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Akash Kadam
Dr. Akash Kadam
BDS, Dentist Oral Medicine Specialist, 4 yrs, Pune