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How You Can Keep From Falling Sick In This Changing Weather, As Per Ayurveda!
#Ayurveda Treatment#Yoga#Diet and Nutrition

Here are some of the tips to keep from falling sick this summer:-

- Ayurveda recommends that you should wake up during the Brahma Muhurat and after attending to nature's call, do Surya Namaskara and take a light and fresh breakfast.

- Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water. You can also add a dash of lime and mint in water and drink every day. Make sure you do not drink chilled water as it will make you sick.

- Consume foods that have more water content. Choose to eat sweet fruits like melons, pears and grapes. Vegetables like cucumber and zucchini and dairy products such as milk and ghee should be present in your diet.

- Do not forget to add herbs in your diet. Amla, brahmi, neem and gudduchi are known to be the best cooling herbs that will keep the pitta dosha in balance.

- Avoid sour foods that may include cream and vinegar. Spicy dishes should also be avoided as they can heat up your body causing various health problems, especially digestive issues.

- Cook with cooling spices like fennel seeds, mint, anise and cardamom. Make sure you add them in your daily diet to keep the pitta dosh in balance.

- As per Ayurveda, rose water is a magic potion that has innumerable healing powers and cooling effect on the body. You can apply rose water on your skin after being exposed to sun in order to get relief from excessive heat.

- Taking a 10-15 minute walk at sunrise will help stimulate your mood and body's production of vitamin D.

Dr. D. Malekar
Dr. D. Malekar
MBBS, Family Physician, 21 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay Mane
Dr. Vijay Mane
BHMS, Homeopath Family Physician, 22 yrs, Pune
Dr. Anup Gaikwad
Dr. Anup Gaikwad
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Supriya Jagtap
Dr. Supriya Jagtap
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, Pune
Dr. Mangesh Khandave
Dr. Mangesh Khandave
DNB, Pediatrician, 17 yrs, Pune