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HelloDox Care
How to Get Rid of Hiccups

Hiccups can be too annoying and embarrassing.

>> Causes of Hiccups could be:
- Eating too quickly
- Eating or drinking too much
- Fear or excitement
- Medications for acid reflux
- Diseases that irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm
- Abdominal surgery
- Brain tumors
- Strokes
- Noxious fumes
- Sudden changes in temperature

There are many home remedies that can help you to stop hiccups.

- Hold Your Breath: It increases the carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, which distracts the mind and stops the cycle of hiccups.
• Take a deep breath and hold it for few seconds
• Exhale gently in regular intervals.

- Cold Water: You can shock your system with cold water to stop hiccups. Any kind of shock will cause distraction and will help put your hiccups to rest.
• Mix honey in a glass of water and drink it as fast as you can.
• Alternatively, gargle with cold water for 1 min to keep hiccups signs and symptoms at bay.
• You can also suck on a small piece of ice for a few seconds.

- Sugar: It is a great hiccup home remedy, especially for small children.
• Fill white or brown sugar in a spoon and hold the spoon in your mouth for 5 seconds.
• Let the sugar dissolve without chewing and then sip some water.

- Cardamom
• Mix cardamom powder in a glass of hot water and let it sit for 15 mins and strain it. Drink it slowly.

- Vinegar: The sour taste of this can help you to relax hiccups, which helps stop the hiccups. Try white vinegar, malt vinegar or apple cider vinegar.
• Swallow some vinegar and a glass of water. You can mix them too.

- Peanut Butter: Its sticky consistency interrupts the breathing pattern when you try to swallow it & this helps to stop the hiccups. You can also use almond butter.
• Put peanut butter in your mouth and hold it for a few seconds and then swallow it.
• You can also drink a glass of water after swallowing.

Dr. Snehal  Charhate
Dr. Snehal Charhate
BAMS, Ayurveda, 19 yrs, Pune
Dr. Krishnath Dagade
Dr. Krishnath Dagade
BAMS, General Physician Family Physician, 28 yrs, Pune
Dr. Supriya Jagtap
Dr. Supriya Jagtap
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, Pune
Dr. Yogesh  Gangurde
Dr. Yogesh Gangurde
BHMS, Family Physician, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Abhay Singh
Dr. Abhay Singh
MBBS, Family Physician, 2 yrs, South Delhi