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Everyday things you do that Cause Hair Fall
#Hair Loss#Hair Care

Many aspects of our lifestyle—from what we eat to how we handle our hair can affect our hair. While losing a few hair strands is considered normal, it’s when you start shedding clumps of hair that raises a lot of red flags. If you are wondering what you are doing wrong, these are some common mistakes that are leading to hair thinning and breakage.

Taking hot showers
As much as you love hot showers, you should know that it dehydrates strands (just like skin), and strips the scalp of its natural oils, leading to dry, brittle hair that’s more prone to breakage. Instead opt for lukewarm water and try to rinse hair with the coolest temperature.

Combing wet hair
Our strands are never more fragile and prone to breakage when wet. Hence it’s important to use a wide toothed comb or let them air-dry first before any form of styling.

Wearing tight hairstyles
Pulling your hair too tight from the roots causes damage and hence, should be avoided. It is also best to not use very tight hair ties while sleeping at night.

Layering too many products
There is no dearth of hair products available in the market, which promises gorgeous hair. However, using too many of these chemical laden products could prove harmful in the long run. It’s best to give them a break and try natural home-made recipes instead.

Not washing hair often
Skipping regular washes could lead to excessive product buildup on the scalp that can clog hair follicles. It’s essential to wash your hair every two days especially if you are sweating or using a lot of products.

Skipping meals
Starving yourself or crash dieting can cause malnutrition which could have an adverse effect on your hair. Include plenty of lean protein in your diet to curb hair loss

Dr. Tushar Dorage
Dr. Tushar Dorage
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Gynaecologist Obstetrics and Gynecologist, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandip  Jagtap
Dr. Sandip Jagtap
MBBS, Addiction Psychiatrist Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist, 14 yrs, Pune
Dr. Prashant S Mane
Dr. Prashant S Mane
BAMS, Critical Care Medicine Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Gauri Karve
Dr. Gauri Karve
MBBS, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Bhushan Chaudhari
Dr. Bhushan Chaudhari
MD - Allopathy, Addiction Psychiatrist Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist, 10 yrs, Pune