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Do-it-yourself tips to cure back pain
#Back Pain

>> Rub a relief
Certain types of massages may help. Stuff tennis balls in a long sock and tie the end of it and then, ask someone to roll it up and down your back. This will bring great relief. Use of pain relief ointments may help.

>> Ice and heat treatment
Use ice as a pain reliever on the affected area. It works to temporarily block the pain signals and reduce swelling. Wrap some ice cubes in a towel and dab it on the affected area several times a day with each session lasting 20mins.
After 48 hours of practicing this, you must switch to moist heat that will help to stimulate blood flow and reduce painful spasms. Take a towel and dip it in warm water and wring it out. Lie on a flat surface face down and ask someone to place the towel on the painful area. Leave the towel on for 20 mins and repeat the process at least 4 times a day.

>> Herbal remedy
An enzyme known as bromelain that is derived from pineapples helps to promote blood circulation and reduces swelling in the affected area. Take up to 500mg of this 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Generally, sedatives are not really recommended; however, you could try taking valerian, which is much milder than any pharmaceutical product. By taking one 250mg of valerian 4 times a day, you could sedate the receptors in the brain.

The important thing to remember is that before you take matters in your own hands, visit your doctor and figure out if your back pain is common or if there is a greater risk attached to it.

Dr. Nitin Shingare
Dr. Nitin Shingare
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Dermatologist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rajesh Jagdale
Dr. Rajesh Jagdale
BAMS, Pune
Dr. Avinash Waghmare
Dr. Avinash Waghmare
BAMS, Family Physician Ayurveda, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ankita Bora
Dr. Ankita Bora
BHMS, Homeopath, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amar B.  Shah
Dr. Amar B. Shah
ND, Ophthalmologist, 25 yrs, Pune