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Health Tips
Yoga :
Are you aware about the power of yoga? Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices which originated in ancient India. Yoga focuses on your body’s natural tendency toward health and self- healing. You want to know more about yoga practice, start following Yoga Tips.

Feeling bloated? There is no denying the fact that bloating woes may not only make you feel extremely uncomfortable but can also mess with your digestive health. There can be numerous reasons triggering bloating and gastric issues ranging from eating contaminated food, stress and excessive consumption of the wrong food items that could trigger gastric issues among others.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana (The Wind Relieving Pose)

- It helps make the intestinal activity more active.

- It helps the liver in performing better.

- When teamed with its counter pose Setubandhasana, it also helps strengthen the spine, especially the lumbar region.

How to get into the pose

- Lie flat on your back; keep your legs and arms extended.

- Bring your knees together and hold with both your hands.

- Release left leg and keep it extended on the floor, hold the pose for 30 seconds.

- Now, bring back your left leg, hold both legs and release your right leg.

- Repeat for a minute, do thrice.

Things to keep in mind

- Those who suffer from neck or spinal issues should avoid doing the posture.

- One of the other versions of the posture also requires you to bend your neck forward every time your knees meet the chest. You can also try the posture without alternating the legs.

All yoga postures must be observed under strict supervision. Get in touch with a certified yoga expert to learn which postures will suit you the best and how to practice them to reap maximum health benefits

Yoga has long been touted as the one-stop solution to a healthy body, mind, and soul.

This ancient form of physical exercise works on different parts of the body to boost its overall function and well-being. Now a new study done by researchers from Universities of Coventry and Radboud states that yoga can also affect molecular reactions in the DNA and prevent risks of certain ailments.

Mind-body interventions (MBIs) such as meditation, yoga and Tai Chi can help reduce risk of depression and cancer by reversing the molecular reactions in DNA if practiced on a daily basis.

Stress is a common feature in our urban lifestyle. It is also one of the leading factors in causing various kinds of diseases.

When a person is exposed to a stressful event, their sympathetic nervous system (SNS) - the system responsible for the 'fight-or-flight' response - is triggered, in turn increasing production of a molecule called nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), which regulates how our genes are expressed.

NF-kB translates stress by activating genes to produce proteins called cytokines that cause inflammation at cellular level - a reaction that is useful as a short-lived fight-or-flight reaction, but if persistent, leads to a higher risk of cancer, accelerated aging and psychiatric disorders like depression.

According to the study, people who practise MBIs exhibit the opposite effect - namely a decrease in production of NF-kB and cytokines, leading to a reversal of the pro-inflammatory gene expression pattern and a reduction in the risk of inflammation-related diseases and conditions.

Lead investigator Ivana Buric said that millions of people around the world already enjoy the health benefits of mind-body interventions like yoga or meditation, but what perhaps these people do not realise is that these benefits begin at a molecular level and can change the way our genetic code goes about its business.

Ear problems such as ear pain, ear infection, tinnitus and dizziness related to ear infections are very common problems all around the world. If untreated most of these problems can result in partial or complete hearing loss in persons suffering from these symptoms. It is very important to address these problems and find a cure for them.

Here are some yoga poses to help you cure your hearing problems.

1) Tadasana for hearing problems
Tadasana or the mountain pose improves blood circulation and gives you a boost of energy. It is also known to ease pains throughout the body if done regularly and can help if you have an ear pain which has been bugging you for long.

2) Adho Mukha svan asana for hearing problems
This pose, also known as downward dog pose is great for curing tinnitus or that persistent ringing sound in your ear
Viparita Karan for hearing problems

3) Viparita Karan or legs up the wall pose is a very effective pose for all your ENT troubles. It increases blood flow to the head helping with ear troubles.

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Thousands of scientific studies have been done around the benefits of meditation. They have all confirmed what Indians have always known - that meditation is a holistic approach to a happy body and mind.
1. A healthier body
2. Improved breathing
3. Increases energy levels and helps improve immunity
4. Helps control and regularise heart rate and blood pressure.
5. Regulates production of stress-hormones like Cortisol by soothing the Sympathetic Nervous System.
6. Helps focus and concentrate better
7. Reduces anxiety and stress
8. A greater ability to face tough situations

Here are 5 simple steps to start meditation:
1. Where? Any part of your home works as long it is quiet and there is no hustle-bustle around. Make sure the place you pick is also well-ventilated.

2. When? Mornings are suggested by most experts simply because meditation allows you to start off your day on a good note. Having said that, meditation can be done anytime of the day! Don’t go by what others tell you – if middle of the day works for you then go for it. Find a routine that works for you but be regular. A few minutes every day will go a long way in your efforts to master this art.

3. Don’t meditate on a heavy stomach. You don’t want to put yourself to sleep or feel drowsy. At the same time, avoid doing it just before meal-times. The idea is to find a spot in your daily schedule when you are relaxed and not distracted.

4. Close your eyes. Try to ‘collect’ your thoughts and put them away for a little while. Consciously tell yourself that for this short period of time you will not think about anything else. Take a few minutes and normalize breathing and don’t rush into things.

5.Start by focusing on your breath. Breathe normally for a few times. If it helps count the number of breaths you take, to begin with. Mediation starts first by controlling your mind to ‘concentrate’ on one thing and not wander off.

Here are some of the tips to keep from falling sick this summer:-

- Ayurveda recommends that you should wake up during the Brahma Muhurat and after attending to nature's call, do Surya Namaskara and take a light and fresh breakfast.

- Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water. You can also add a dash of lime and mint in water and drink every day. Make sure you do not drink chilled water as it will make you sick.

- Consume foods that have more water content. Choose to eat sweet fruits like melons, pears and grapes. Vegetables like cucumber and zucchini and dairy products such as milk and ghee should be present in your diet.

- Do not forget to add herbs in your diet. Amla, brahmi, neem and gudduchi are known to be the best cooling herbs that will keep the pitta dosha in balance.

- Avoid sour foods that may include cream and vinegar. Spicy dishes should also be avoided as they can heat up your body causing various health problems, especially digestive issues.

- Cook with cooling spices like fennel seeds, mint, anise and cardamom. Make sure you add them in your daily diet to keep the pitta dosh in balance.

- As per Ayurveda, rose water is a magic potion that has innumerable healing powers and cooling effect on the body. You can apply rose water on your skin after being exposed to sun in order to get relief from excessive heat.

- Taking a 10-15 minute walk at sunrise will help stimulate your mood and body's production of vitamin D.

Dr. Rachana Parmar
Dr. Rachana Parmar
MBBS, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 20 yrs, Pune
Dr. Smita Darshankar
Dr. Smita Darshankar
BAMS, Ayurveda, 25 yrs, Pune
Dr. Kedarnath  Kalyanpur
Dr. Kedarnath Kalyanpur
MDS, Dental Surgeon Dentist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amit Murkute
Dr. Amit Murkute
MBBS, Dermatologist Hair Transplant Surgeon, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sushant Bagule
Dr. Sushant Bagule
BAMS, Pune