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Yoga :
Are you aware about the power of yoga? Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices which originated in ancient India. Yoga focuses on your body’s natural tendency toward health and self- healing. You want to know more about yoga practice, start following Yoga Tips.

Yoga has been touted amongst the best and most effective, time tested and natural way to eliminate various diseases and problems with the body as well as the mind. It is an antiquated craftsmanship that strengthens the body as well as relaxes the brain with the right dose of mindfulness as well. Yoga tends to stimulate the nervous system and the endocrine, digestive and circulatory systems and improve the functioning of the same.

The postures mentioned below affect at least one of these systems, thereby clearing the path for a strong immune system. These postures are as follows:

Shishuasana (child posture): Shishuasana is a phenomenal stance that de-congests the abdomen and constructs a superior and stronger immune system.

Setu Bandhasana (bridge posture): Setu Bandhasana opens the heart and enhances the blood flow. It increases the energy in the body to build a strong resistance against pathogens.

Halasana (plow posture): Halasana is a pose that requires a backward bend. It discharges white cells in the body and strengthens the immune system.

Bhujangasana (cobra posture): Bhujangasana is a mid-section opening posture which discharges white cells that enhance the body’s resistance.

Dhanurasana (bow posture): Dhanurasana is yet other posture that enhances the flow of white cells by putting weight on the working of the digestive system.

Matsyasana (fish posture): Matsyasana stretches the abdomen and chest and strengthens the thymus. This enhances the body's invulnerability level.

Vinyasa Adho Mukha Svanasana (flowing downward facing dog pose): Begin with the plank pose, palms lying on the floor just underneath your shoulder and extend the legs backwards. The whole body should form a straight line like a board. Taking a full breath, lift your hips off the floor. Hold yourself on the hands and heels. Your head needs to point towards the ground. Take full breaths, two or three times, as you hold the position. Breathe out a deep breath, relax and return to the plank posture. Gradually bring down your body. Slide your hands backwards, allowing your palms to rest alongside the chest. Toes need to be in contact with the mat or the floor.

Yoga is a holistic routine that strengthens the body physically and also mentally. Subsequently, the body’s immune system additionally enhances in such a condition. A sound life can be effortlessly accomplished if we figure out how to embrace a healthier way of life, healthy food decisions, and standard routines of yoga and meditation. Ayurveda, yoga and meditation are the perfect variables to carry on with a sound life.

Yoga is not an alternative option to medicines. It is a careful step to keep infections under control. Along these lines, one need not sit tight waiting for the seasonal flu to affect the body because it can be cured effortlessly with yoga.

Any form of regular exercise is a must for a healthy lifestyle. While some people prefer to work out in a gym, others like the calmness of their own house where they can practice yoga or a walk in the park. Each style of exercise has its own pros and cons. Let's take a look at working out in the gym vs yoga and regular walks.

Benefits of yoga and walking over going to gym:

1. Good for both - the mind and the body
Yoga is a lifestyle and not merely an exercise routine. Thus, it not only builds and tones muscles but also strengthens your lung capacity, digestive system etc. It is also said to increase the ability of the mind to focus and attentiveness.
You could walk on a treadmill in the gym but taking a walk outdoors does more good to your body. Being with nature when you walk outdoors is known to be an effective stress buster and helps you calm your senses. Walking can also help improve your moods and is a form of treatment for depression as well.

2. Does not need any special equipment
With yoga, there is no need for weights or special shoes. All you need is a flat, firm surface which could be the carpet in your bedroom or your lawn outdoors. The only equipment you need for a walk is a pair of sturdy, comfortable walking shoes. This makes yoga and walking budget friendly as well compared to gym membership costs.

3. Can be done anywhere
Since yoga does not need any special equipment, it can be practiced anywhere and at any time. Taking a break from sitting at your desk - try doing pranayam. Keep a pair of walking shoes handy and at lunch break take a quick walk around the block - there's nothing to stop you.

4. Less chances of injuring yourself
Once again, since yoga does not need specialized weights or equipment, there are less chances of injuring yourself. Yoga also does not focus on speed, allowing you to move comfortably - in a way that your body always feels good.

Walking again is an exercise that allows you to work at your own pace and does not make you compete with others. As long as you see where you are going and avoid walking on tarred surfaces, the chances of injuring yourself while walking are also very low.

5. Long term weight loss
A reason most gym enthusiasts prefer a strenuous workout to yoga and walking is faster weight loss. These techniques do help lose weight but the process is slow. However, since this weight has been lost gradually, it is more likely to stay off.

Along with curing anger and stress, yoga is also beneficial in treating osteoporosis, either by itself or in combination with different medicines. Osteoporosis is an illness described by weak and diminishing bones that can result in cracks and fractures in the bones. Some of the postures that can be helpful in treating osteoporosis are as follows:

Utthita trikonasana: Uttihita trikonasana is an expanded triangle posture which is helpful in curing many diseases. Along with diminishing the side effects of osteoporosis, it additionally avoids soreness, increases strength and gets rid of spinal pain. Begin this posture by standing straight with your legs separated by four feet. Then, extend the arms to the ground with the palm facing downwards. Slide the left leg across the right side of your body. You need to slide it behind the left leg. Now extend your right leg towards the left side of your body. This will leave you in a sitting position. Where your right leg is placed on top of your left leg, make sure both your knees are on top of each other. Now straighten your body to an upright position.

Ardha chandrasana: This asana is also called as the half-moon posture. This posture comes under hatha yoga and is beneficial for various medical issues, for example, osteoporosis, menstrual issues, exhaustion, sciatica and stomach-related cramps. You can practice this pose to get rid of osteoporosis and appreciate a sound body.

Padangusthasana: This stance delicately stretches and strengthens persistently tight hamstrings.

Adho mukha svanasana: It is one of yoga's most commonly practiced postures. Adho mukha svanasana offers a definitive wholesome, reviving stretch.

Utthita hasta padangustasana: In this pose, keeping up the balance while standing on one foot strengthens your endurance capabilities.

Utthita parsvakonasana: Discover the flexibility in your sides of the body from your heel to your fingertips with an extended side angle pose.

Utthita trikonasana: It is a broadened triangle posture and is important as a standing posture in many styles of yoga.

Ardha chandrasana: Make proper balance with your leg and the lower part of your leg as you look for strength and flexibility into this adjusting posture.

Parivrtta parsvakonasana: This revolved side angle pose, a variation of utthita parsvakonasana requires a considerable measure of adaptability to bend flexibly and balance on the back heel.

Uttanasana: Uttanasana will awaken your hamstrings and will help you to calm your brain.

Urdhva dhanurasana: Urdhva dhanurasana can help in strengthening your arms, legs, abdomen and spine all at once.

Virabhadrasana: Named after a wild warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, this adaptation of a warrior pose increases the stamina.

Yoga is one of the most secure measures and medicines for osteoporosis. It is something that anyone of any age can do at any place. The advantages are numerous and dangers are few if done properly.

Stress is a very common factor for all working people. Work, home and taking care of the child all together causes great amount of stress in people. Exercising makes the body release endorphins, which are stress fighting hormones and help in relieving stress. There are various types of exercises which a working woman can do.

High energy activities: High energy aerobic exercises lead to an increased heart rate, which results in production of more endorphins that make the body fight stress naturally. They include running, skipping, dancing, etc. These also improve physical and mental health.

Yoga: Yoga is excellent for stress relief. It involves movement and stationary poses or postures, along with breathing exercises. Yoga enhances the body's natural response to relaxation, making your life healthier.

Tai Chi: Tai chi involves a series of flowing movements of the body along with breathing. Having its roots in martial arts, Tai Chi provides efficient stress relief.
Pilates: This exercise involves a series of movements and exercises performed on a mat. Pilates enhance strength, flexibility, endurance and immunity of the body.

Martial arts: Martial arts is an effective way of unleashing energy and venting out frustration, which result in reducing stress. There are different forms of martial arts to choose from, which include Judo, karate, Taekwondo and several others.

Kick boxing: Kick boxing reduces stress to a great extent and involves punching and kicking, which is performed with discipline. Kickboxing incorporates a rigorous workout schedule and is a great way to vent out frustration and energy, releasing stress.

Team sports: Team sports are an ideal way to relieve stress, work out and have fun, altogether. Playing tennis, cricket or football offers a double amount of stress relief. Playing with your family will encourage bonding, fun and help in relieving stress together.

On the go exercises: Several exercises such as running or jogging and cycling allow you to have a break, breathe some fresh country air and get your mind freshened up. Along with the release of energy, travelling across beautiful places helps in stress relief.

Meditation: Meditation is an amazing mind exercise for stress relief. It requires great concentration and must be performed in a quiet atmosphere. Peace of mind is obtained.

Gym activities: A gym has a lot of exercising instruments and devices. They involve power and strength and energy is unleashed. This is an ideal vent for anger and frustration, which results in great stress relief.

People face a lot of stress, which arise from various aspects of life, including work, home and children. Stress busting exercises should be practised to maintain a perfect mental health.

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Yoga is widely recommended as a good exercise for pregnant women: It keeps the body limber, tones muscles and can relieve stress. But it comes with caveats, warnings that some poses can be dangerous and that all yoga should be done gently. Many women are also worried about doing yoga in the final weeks of their pregnancy.

A new study, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology and described in the Harvard Health Blog, offers evidence that many yoga poses are safe until quite late in pregnancy -- including some that have previously not been recommended.

The study, led by a researcher from the Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, N.J., involved 25 healthy women who were 35 to 38 weeks pregnant. Ten practiced yoga regularly, eight were familiar with yoga and seven had no yoga experience at all. In one-on-one sessions with yoga instructors, the women performed 26 yoga postures. In some cases, the women were permitted to balance themselves with the aid of chairs or a wall.

The poses included four that some experts have deemed contraindicated for pregnant women: corpse pose, happy baby pose, child's pose and downward-facing dog.

But during all 26 poses, for all the women, vital signs of both mother and baby remained normal, the women felt safe and comfortable, and none had any problems such as contractions or vaginal bleeding within the following 24 hours. (Three women reported some muscle soreness but still liked the experience.)

The Harvard article noted that most women experience anxiety during pregnancy and about 13 percent of pregnant women experience clinical depression. "This study . . . adds to the growing scientific evidence that yoga is a helpful, safe tool to reduce stress, anxiety and depression throughout pregnancy," wrote the author, Marlynn Wei.

Dr. Palavi Gholap
Dr. Palavi Gholap
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 9 yrs, Pune
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Dr. Mahesh Mahjan
BAMS, Ayurveda, 19 yrs, Pune
Dr. Tushar Ghode
Dr. Tushar Ghode
BDS, Dentist, 6 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vijay Hatankar
Dr. Vijay Hatankar
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 21 yrs, Pune
Dr. Swapnil Dhamale
Dr. Swapnil Dhamale
BHMS, Family Physician Homeopath, 1 yrs, Pune