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HelloDox Care
Boost your bone strength early
#Exercise#Bone Loss

Women gain 90 to 96 per cent of their bone mass by age 20. But there’s no reason to give up. You can build bone strength at any age. In the spirit of standing strong, here are some ways to get healthy bones.

Eat healthy
Make sure your diet includes enough calcium and vitamin D. From dairy products to greens and eggs, a comprehensive diet means that your bones have the raw material they need. Also, look to fortified products like juice and grains for additional sources.

Stay healthy
Try to maintain your weight according to your height. Moderation is the key to alcohol intake. Avoiding the sun is a mistake – you need it for Vitamin D. You can also stock up on Women’s Horlicks, a health drink designed specifically for women’s nutritional needs for strong bones. It contains Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K2, which are proven nutrients for bone health.

Work out
Include high impact and weight-bearing exercises, as well as strength training, in your daily routine. These ensure that your body and your bones remain fit and healthy.

Be vigilant
Get tests done when needed, and make sure your doctor updates you about any risk factors. Take genetics and hereditary factors into account. Some medical conditions like celiac disease and some medications like steroids may up the risk of osteoporosis. Find out how you can balance the risk.

Get some sun
Wake up early – and sit in the sun for 15 minutes every morning. This is the best time to absorb sunlight without sunscreen and risk. Not only will your bones thank you, but so will your to-do list!

Dr. Lalitkumar Thakare
Dr. Lalitkumar Thakare
BPTh, Homecare Physiotherapist Neuro Physiotherapist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Dharmendra Singh
Dr. Dharmendra Singh
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Cardiologist Diabetologist, 1 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sairandhri Shinde
Dr. Sairandhri Shinde
MBBS, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Tejaswini Bidve
Dr. Tejaswini Bidve
BAMS, Family Physician, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Prashant Wankhede
Dr. Prashant Wankhede
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Pune