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Managing Calendar Appointments

Online Calendar that handles broadcast messages, appointment reminders and missed appointment alerts. Following are the Steps to manage appointments:

I) Click the Menu Drawer --> Calendar --> My Calendar
  1. This gives a calendar view for patient appointment/meeting scheduling.
II) Click the Menu Drawer --> Calendar --> Patient Appointment

A. Here manage the patient appointments day to day. It includes in all the details like:

  1. Patient’s phone no.
  2. Timing of the appointment
  3. Status of the Appointment
  4. If there is any cancellation then it also contains “Reason for cancellation”
III) Click the Menu Drawer --> Calendar --> Meetings

A. Here you will find details of all the meetings, important seminars etc. It includes details like

  1. Name of the event
  2. Date of the event
  3. Venue of the event
  4. If you have your friends/ colleagues on HelloDox, who will be part of the event then that information is also available here.
IV) Click the Menu Drawer --> Calendar --> Broadcast
  1. Here you can book calendar slots for important/ emergency days to prevent patient from making appointments.
  2. You can also use this option to cancel patient appointments in a date/time range.
V) Click the Menu Drawer --> Calendar --> Colleagues
  1. Here you can book appointment with your colleagues.
VI) Click the Menu Drawer --> Calendar --> My invitation
  1. Here you can find all the invitations that you receive for various events/ seminars.