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Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

Bone cancer describes a malignant tumor of the bone that destroys healthy bone tissue.
Bone cancer is divided into primary and secondary bone cancer: primary bone cancer forms in the cells of the bone and secondary bone cancer starts elsewhere, eventually spreading to bones.

In this article, we will discuss the survival rates, types, causes, symptoms, and treatments for bone cancer.

Fast facts on bone cancer:
Benign bone tumors are more common than malignant bone tumors.
There are a number of different bone cancer types.
Early symptoms might include pain in the affected area.
A range of diagnostic tests can help diagnose bone cancer.
Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery can all be used to treat bone cancer.
The type of treatment for bone cancer depends on several factors, including:

the type of bone cancer
where it is located
how aggressive it is
whether it is localized or has spread
There are three approaches to treating bone cancer. These are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Surgery aims to remove the tumor and some of the bone tissue that surrounds it. If some of the cancer is left behind, it may continue to grow and eventually spread.

Limb-sparing surgery, also known as limb salvage surgery, means that surgical intervention occurs without having to amputate the limb. The surgeon may take some bone from another part of the body to replace lost bone, or an artificial bone may be fitted.

In some cases, however, amputation of a limb may be necessary.

Radiation therapy

Radiotherapy is commonly used in the treatment of many cancer types. It involves the use of high-energy X-rays or particles to destroy cancer cells. Radiotherapy works by damaging the DNA inside the tumor cells, preventing them from reproducing.

Radiotherapy can be used to:

cure the patient by completely destroying the tumor.
relieve pain in more advanced cancers.
shrink the tumor, making it easier to then surgically remove it.
eliminate the cancer cells that remained behind after surgery.
Combination therapy is radiotherapy combined with another type of therapy. This may be more effective in some cases.

Chemoradiation, or radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy, may also be used.

Chemotherapy involves the use of chemicals to treat disease. More specifically, it refers to the destruction of cancer cells. Chemotherapy has five possible goals:

Total remission: Chemotherapy aims to cure the patient. In some cases, chemotherapy alone can get rid of the cancer completely.
Combination therapy: Chemotherapy can help other therapies, such as radiotherapy or surgery, produce better results.
Delay or prevent recurrence: Chemotherapy, when used to prevent the return of cancer, is most often used after a tumor has been removed surgically.
Slow down cancer progression: Chemotherapy can slow down the advancement of the cancer.
Chemotherapy may also help to relieve symptoms; this is more frequently used for patients with advanced cancer.

While doctors are unsure or precise causes, patients with long-term inflammatory diseases, such as Paget's disease are at a significantly higher risk of developing bone cancer later in life. However, nobody can explain why one person gets bone cancer while another one does not. It is not contagious.

The following groups of people may be at a higher risk of developing bone cancer:

children or young adults aged up to 20 years
people who have received radiation therapy
individuals with a history of Paget's disease
people with a close relative who has bone cancer
individuals with hereditary retinoblastoma, a type of eye cancer that most commonly affects very young children
people with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a rare genetic condition

The patient initially experiences pain in the affected area. Over time, the pain gets worse and continuous. In some cases, the pain is subtle, and the patient may not see a doctor for several months.

The progression of pain with Ewing sarcoma tends to be faster than in most other bone cancers. Typically, bone cancer pain is deep, nagging, and has a permanent character. Other symptoms include:

swelling in the affected area
weakened bones that resulting in a significantly higher risk of fracture
unintentional weight loss
a lump in the affected area
Although much less common, the patient might also experience fever, chills, and night sweats.

Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

Your blood is made up of different cell types including red blood cells for carrying oxygen, platelets to help blood clot and white blood cells that fight infections. They all originally come from stem cells, which have the potential to develop into any type of blood cell as they divide and mature. Problems in this process, known as ‘differentiation’, are at the root of all blood cancers. Different types of blood cancer depend on when and how these problems occur.

These problems often lead to your body producing large numbers of immature blood cells that can’t perform their job properly. They can also ‘clog up’ your bone marrow, which prevents other types of blood cells from doing their job too.

Unfortunately, blood cancer affects a large number of people. Every 14 minutes, someone in the UK is told they have a blood cancer. That’s 104 people a day. So you are certainly not alone.

Blood cancers are categorised into three groups. We have gathered information on some of the more common examples of each group so you can learn more about your circumstance. We also link to organisations that offer additional advice and support.


The what are my treatment options? section looks at other possible ways that your medical team might decide to treat your cancer - either before or instead of a stem cell transplant.

Anthony Nolan also supports the IMPACT partnership that co-ordinates clinical trials across the UK that focus on improving stem cell transplantation. See the IMPACT website for more details.

Additional advice and support for you and your family is available from Cancer Research UK, Macmillan, Bloodwise, Leukaemia Care and the Lymphoma Association. Children and teenagers are also supported by CLIC Sargent, the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) and the Teenage Cancer Trust.


Leukaemias are cancers that affect your blood cells, mainly your white blood cells and bone marrow. These cells often divide too quickly and don’t develop properly, which compromises your immune system and ability to fight infections.

Many types of leukaemia are either ‘acute’ or ‘chronic’ based on how they behave. In general, acute conditions develop very quickly and need treating aggressively straight away. Chronic conditions usually progress more slowly and intensive treatment may not be needed straight away.

There are four main types of leukaemia:

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)

Other types of leukaemia include:

acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL)
hairy cell leukaemia (HCL)
large granular lymphocytic leukaemia (LGL)
t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL)
chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML)

If you would like more information on less common types of leukaemia or myeloproliferative neoplasms that are related to leukaemia, you can visit Leukaemia Care, Bloodwise or Cancer Research UK.


Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that affects your lymphatic system, an important part of your immune system that produces and transports white blood cells around your body. It also removes waste products from your blood.

Lymphoma can develop in many parts of your body, including your lymph nodes, bone marrow, blood, spleen and other organs.

There are two main types of lymphoma, based on how they behave and their treatment:

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma

More detailed information about less common types of lymphoma can be found on the Lymphoma Association website.


Myeloma (also referred to as multiple myeloma) is a blood cancer that affects a certain type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. These cells are made in your bone marrow and produce antibodies which help fight infection.

Licking rich and thick honey from the spoon is indeed blissful and heavenly. But did you know that there are numerous health benefits of consuming this golden delight? So, if you like honey, don't think twice and make a bold move to replace the sugar with honey owing to the benefits it comes with. Not only it is natural to form of sugar, also because it can do wonder to your daily diet. Let us look at some of the benefits:

For starters, honey can be stored for months without getting spoilt and you never need to worry about its shelf life. Here are the top unusual health benefits of honey:

Alleviate allergy symptoms: Do you suffer from a running nose and itchy eyes when the allergy season hits? Honey’s natural anti-inflammatory agents produce antibodies that will build up a great defense against allergy over time.

Boosts your energy: Consume honey early in the morning and experience a great way to start off your day with full energy. The glucose present in the honey gives you a quick boost to get you moving up and about.

Good for memory: Honey contains antioxidants as well, which can help to promote great brain function. It also helps the brain to absorb calcium, which improves the memory function as well.

Suppresses cough: Honey is a great cough remedy that is power-packed with great health benefits. It soothes the throat, by calming down the nerve endings that protect the throat. So the next time you have a fussy cough, try honey instead of over-the-counter cough syrups that can be harsh on your immune system.

Sleep well: Having sleep problems? Honey induces serotonin neurotransmitter that helps your body to sleep. Wind down with a teaspoon of honey, add it to your drink like warm tea and calm down your body to get into the sleep mode.

Helps with dandruff: Have an itchy scalp with excessive dandruff? Apply a diluted solution of honey to your scalp, leave it on for few hours and your scalp will feel healthy in no time. The anti-fungal properties available in honey will alleviate dandruff issues and also act as a great moisturizer for the hair.

Treats wounds and burns: A wonderful first aid for wounds, scrapes or burns, honey’s antibiotic nature helps to fight off further infection. One type of honey called Manuka honey is well-known as a great treatment for wounds and burns.

Hangovers: Waking up with a hangover is one of the worst feelings, isn’t it? Honey helps your liver speed up the removal of toxins from your body. So all the toxins that you have consumed with alcohol, will be flushed out with the help of honey.

Prevent cancer: Honey has carcinogen preventing properties that can help to fight cancer. It is a superfood that has anti-metastatic properties to prevent tumors and cancers.

Boosts the immune system: Regular consumption of honey that has antibacterial and antioxidant agents will cleanse your body and improve better immunity.

Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

What Is the CA-125 (Cancer Antigen 125) Test?
The CA-125 test looks for certain proteins in your blood. Ovarian cancer can be the reason for these proteins, but other conditions can cause them to be in your blood as well. This test is also called CA-125 tumour marker test, Cancer antigen 125 test.
Your doctor may order a CA-125 test if you’re about to start treatment for ovarian cancer. The test will help him determine how active your tumour is now and after your therapy. This will give a pretty good picture of how well your treatment is working. You may have this test done several times during your ovarian cancer treatment. If you have a high risk for ovarian cancer, your doctor may recommend that you have the CA-125 blood test along with a trans-vaginal ultrasound on a regular basis. 80% or more of women with ovarian cancer have high levels of CA-125. But there are many exceptions. About half of women with early stage ovarian cancer have normal levels. Always talk to your doctor about the need for and timing of such testing. The CA-125 test also may be done if you have a lump in your pelvic area. It will help your doctor figure out the cause of the lump.

What are the limitations of this test?
Unless you’re at high risk, your doctor probably won’t use the CA-125 test to screen you for ovarian cancer. That’s because not all ovarian cancers cause CA-125 levels to rise. And you also can have higher-than-normal levels of CA-125 without having ovarian cancer. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against ovarian cancer screening in women who don’t have symptoms or have a low risk for it.
Other things besides ovarian cancer that can cause your CA-125 level to rise are Diverticulitis, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Inflammatory bowel disease, Liver disease, Menstruation, Pelvic , inflammatory disease, Peritonitis, Pregnancy, Recent surgery and Ruptured ovarian cyst.
Also, healthy, normal tissue in the cells of the ovaries, pancreas, breast, and lining of the chest and stomach make and release low levels of CA-125.

Understanding Your Results
A very high level of CA-125 is something the doctor will want to look into, but it doesn’t always mean you have ovarian cancer. One single test result probably won’t be that helpful. A series of results that show changing level is better when it comes to diagnosing a health condition or problem.
If your levels are high, your doctor may recommend other tests, such as a pelvic or trans-vaginal ultrasound, to determine the cause.
If you are being treated for ovarian cancer and your CA-125 levels go down during this time, it usually means your treatment is working. If they stay the same or go up, you may need a different type of therapy. Your doctor will discuss your treatment options with you. Very high levels of CA-125 after you finish ovarian cancer treatment could be a sign that the cancer has returned.

Do You Need a Specialist?
The CA-125 test isn’t perfect, and individual results can be hard to understand. The results for one woman don’t necessarily mean the same thing for another woman. Because it’s confusing, you may want to talk about your test results with a specialist who has more experience in gynaecological cancer. Ask your doctor for a referral.

The food you eat is critical for your overall wellbeing as a number of cancers that affect the human body are of gastrointestinal origin. Stick to organic and chemical free foods to live a healthier life since they reduce the risk of cancer substantially. Regular consumption of the food items mentioned below increase your risk of developing cancer as well as many other conditions and should be avoided at all costs.

1. Microwave Popcorn - Most microwave-popcorn bags are lined with c8, also known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which increases the risk of certain cancers such as kidney, testicular, bladder, pancreas and liver cancer notably. Microwave popcorn also contains an artificial or synthetic butter flavoring called diacetyl which is extremely toxic and obstructs breathing.

2. Canned Tomatoes - While tomatoes are considered to be cancer fighting foods, their canned counterparts are extremely unhealthy and may cause cancer. This is mainly due to the lining of the cans they are put in which contains a chemical known as bisphenol-A or BPA that has been proven to elevate the risk of infertility as well as prostate and breast cancer. Due to their (tomatoes) high acidity, BPA leaks from the lining of the cans and penetrates into the fruit. Tomatoes should be cooked fresh or stored in glass jars.

3. Processed/Grilled Red Meat - Processed meats such as sausages, prosciutto, bacon, pimento loaf, bologna, hot dogs etc., contain various chemicals and preservatives such as sodium nitrate. This is added to make the meat look fresh and appealing but are, in fact, carcinogenic in nature. Moreover, you should also avoid grilling meat since it releases a carcinogen known as heterocyclic aromatic amines. Another dangerous food item includes smoked meat since it picks up tar from the smoking process.

4. Farmed Salmon - It is imperative to avoid farmed salmon because they are fed unnatural diets that are contaminated with carcinogens, antibiotics, chemicals, pesticides and so on. They also harbor sea lice, 30 times greater in amount than wild salmon. High levels of PCBs, cancer causing dioxins, and mercury have been found in them. It is advisable to opt for wild sockeye salmon instead of farmed salmon

Dr. Sandeep Jagtap
Dr. Sandeep Jagtap
MD - Allopathy, HIV Specialist Pain Management Specialist, 15 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amar B.  Shah
Dr. Amar B. Shah
ND, Ophthalmologist, 25 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sandhya Kamble
Dr. Sandhya Kamble
BAMS, Ayurveda Family Physician, 26 yrs, Pune
Dr. Ajita Garud-Shinde
Dr. Ajita Garud-Shinde
MS - Allopathy, Ophthalmologist Eye Specialist, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sanket Patil
Dr. Sanket Patil
MDS, Dentist Implantologist, 10 yrs, Pune