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There is a palpable buzz around superfoods all over the world. One day quinoa is being hailed as the star among foods and the next day everyone is falling head over heels over the benefits of kuttu (buckwheat).

One wonders what makes certain foods qualify for the ‘superfood’ label. One, they need to be loaded with vital nutrients and vitamins. Second, they need to help in treating or lowering the risk of certain diseases? Let us explore a bit more.

What most of us do not realize is that a lot of superfoods have been around for centuries and our grandparents and ancestors have long been consuming them for their health benefits. It is only now that they have been re-discovered and are hitting the headlines. At the same time, a lot of exotic superfoods are being introduced, which are difficult to source and are generally rather expensive.

The food industry wants to persuade us that eating some foods can slow down the ageing process, lift depression, boost our physical ability, and even our intelligence. Had that been the case, mother nature would have created only those foods and not so many kinds of foods, with different nutritive values.

The problem with some of the superfoods being aggressively marketed is that they are exotic in nature. So, unless you have the local or native super foods, not only would they be difficult to source but would also make a huge dent into the pocket. So, one would have something like kale only occasionally. Healthy, yes, but would one consume it every day? Probably not!

We over here prefer to talk about ‘Super Diets’ and like to avoid the use of the term ‘superfoods’. The emphasis is on a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and wholegrain foods, which are all easy to source.

So, what should be our strategy to a super diet?

1. Eating fruits and vegetables that are in season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables provide maximum health benefits and nutritional requirements for that time of the year. For example, bottle gourd (ghiya or doodhi) is a summer vegetable and is widely recommended for weight loss, managing high cholesterol and hypertension. But one must remember that since it is rich in water content (96 gm per 100 gm), it’s consumption during winters will not be as beneficial for our body. This is because it helps to reduce our body heat whereas in winters we want to trap the body heat to maintain our body temperature.

2. Going local and consuming foods that are native to our region. Let’s make the best of what is available locally. Our humble jamun available during summers, is very high in Vitamin C content and works as an immunity booster. But, the trend is growing towards consumption of imported, dried cranberries which also give the same nutrition, but at a much higher cost. What we forget is that since jamun is a native fruit, our body is inherently adapted to digesting it better and getting the maximum benefit from it.

3. Adopting unprocessed foods from all major food categories. As far as possible, we should banish processed and packaged foods from our shopping basket. For example, readymade breakfast cereals like wheat flakes have added preservatives, hidden sugars and are processed (extrusion method) such that when compared to the old, whole grain wheat dalia, they have far lower nutritional value.

4. Focusing on getting our five portions of fruits and vegetables in a day. Eating a variety of foods ensures we get a wide variety of the nutrients that our body needs. Fruits and vegetables have differed colours to indicate a different set of vitamins and minerals. So, include as many colours as you can in a day for a super-diet.

5. Adjusting our diet based on our needs, ability to digest and medical conditions. For example, soya and its products are a blessing for adding proteins to a vegetarian diet, but if consumed by people with thyroid problem, it can interfere with proper absorption of medicine by the body.

Remember, there are no miracle foods and consuming a certain food is not going to undo the damage caused by unmindful eating. Any food when eaten at the right time and in the right combination shall keep us in good health. A balanced super diet far outweighs any superfood in terms of the wholesome nutrition it provides to our body.

While we all believe that green leafy vegetables are to be included as part of our regime, not all of us know in detail the amount of goodness that comes packed in these. The first thing that comes to mind at the thought of leafy green vegetable is the tender, green, luscious looking spinach. However, not all of us know the amount of goodness and nutrition it stores within in. Spinach, though appears to be delicate and light, puts up a strong fight against inflammatory problems, stress-related problems, cardiovascular issues, bone diseases and various types of cancers.

1) Minerals and vitamins - Fresh green spinach is loaded with a multitude of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and K. Major minerals contained in spinach include manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus and selenium.

2) Anti-cancer benefits - The antioxidant properties in spinach come from carotenoids and flavonoids, and it is loaded with about a dozen flavonoid compounds, thereby getting a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Spinach helps in reducing inflammation in the stomach lining and other areas, thereby reducing the chances of intestinal cancer. It also provides significant protection against prostate cancer. The incidence of skin papilloma is also reduced with increased consumption of spinach.

3) Anti-inflammatory benefits - The good amounts of vitamin C, E, A, zinc, manganese, selenium are beneficial for reducing stress and thereby reduce incidence of heart attacks and high blood pressure. Spinach also is rich in protein and contains some peptides (small protein units) which inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme that is responsible for increasing blood pressure. This is another way how spinach helps lower blood pressure.

4) Eyes - Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids which protect the eyes against cataracts and macular degeneration.

5) Bones - The bacteria in the stomach convert vitamin K1 in spinach to vitamin K2. While Vitamin K1 supports the bones by reducing the number of osteoclasts (cells that break down bones), vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin, which promotes bone formation. The high levels of calcium and magnesium only make it even better for the bones.

6) Digestive system - With the good fiber content it has, there are reduced instances of constipation. The anti-inflammatory property helps keep the stomach lining healthy and less prone to ulcers. It also helps flush out toxins and keeps the body alkaline, which helps beat stress.

7) Skin - The various minerals and vitamins in spinach reduce the chances of skin infections and also add to the glow of the skin. The itchiness and dryness of the skin also are reduced with regular use of spinach.

So, the next time you are thinking which is one thing you should pick up when you go to the market - think spinach. Popeye did, and it sure did help him!!

Eggs are usually the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a protein source that is cheap and easily available. You can eat them boiled, fried, scrambled or pair them with other foods. They are a powerhouse of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that nourish your body.

Here are the reasons why eggs are considered to be the perfect super foods:

-Eggs contain Antioxidants: Eggs contain antioxidants such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin that help in providing nourishment to the eyes. It prevents certain diseases such as macular degeneration and eye cataracts.

-They are a nutrient powerhouse: They contain heart healthy fats, protein, Vitamins, minerals and other trace nutrients. They are also rich in Phosphorus, iron and Vitamin A. Don’t throw the yolk away fearing its cholesterol content as it contains most of the egg’s nutrients.

-They promote satiety: The carbohydrate content in eggs not being excessive, it spares the blood sugar levels from the dreaded spikes. Also, the high protein content of eggs tends to promote satiety. Eating eggs on a regular basis as a part of a healthy diet is known to reduce weight and lead to fat loss.

-They are good for your hair and skin: They contain Vitamin B12 and sulphur, both of them being panaceas of skin and hair related woes. Eggs are known to be the best sources of keratin (a type of protein present in nails and hair) in terms of bioavailability. (Bioavailability is how well a nutrient is absorbed by your body.)

-Boosts good cholesterol levels in the body: Regular egg consumption has been shown to increase good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body, which in turn reduce chances of stroke and other heart diseases.

-They contain protein in good amounts: Eggs are the cheapest source of proteins and also the most readily available ones. They contain all the 9 essential amino acids that are required by the body. Eggs are one of the most preferred foods to gain muscle as the protein from eggs can easily be absorbed by the body.

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There are many food items which would become stale after a few hours, but there are certain foods which may last forever without the need to can them or freeze or dehydrate. If an individual is new to the field of food storage, these staples can be an excellent way to begin.

White rice: There are numerous researchers who have found that polished or white rice keeps up their nutrient content and flavour for almost 30 years if it can be stored in oxygen-free containers in temperatures that range below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Brown rice, on the other hand, doesn’t last more than six months owing to the availability of natural oils in the bran layer.
Honey: Honey is preferably the only food that would last forever due to the perfect chemistry and the handiwork of the bees. The nectar extracted from the flower gets mixed with the enzymes present in the bees’ bodies which alter the composition of the nectar. The nectar is further broken down into simple sugars and is accumulated in the honeycombs. The processing, as well as sealing of the honey, is primarily responsible for the incredible shelf life.
Salt: Since sodium chloride is a mineral which is taken from the natural components of the earth, its shelf-life should come as a natural consequence. It is used for centuries as a means of preserving other food products as it can extract out all the moisture. But this doesn’t indicate that the table salt would last forever. Experts say that the addition of the iodine to the table salt reduces the shelf life of the salt which means that if the label says that it is an iodized salt, it will not last over five years.

Soy sauce: When left unopened, a container filled with soya sauce would last for a significantly long period. But it is also dependent on the type of soy sauce and the additives used. Even if the soy sauce has been opened, this salty condiment will last for many years if stored in the refrigerator.
Sugar: Quite similar to many items, the storage process of the sugar determines whether the sugar is going to last for long or not. Granulated and powdered sugar must be kept under an airtight condition to steer clear of moisture. Although retailers are needed to provide the manufacturing dates of the sugar, manufacturers say that the sugar remains edible even if it has hardened and become brown.
Pure maple syrup: Pure maple syrup, as well as commercial sugars such as granular sugars and honey, has an irresistible life owing to its shield against any kinds of microbial growth. Unopened maple syrup shall last forever, and in case there is the formation of mould, boiling it to a certain degree and skimming the surface and ultimately pouring it to a clean and air-tight container would eliminate all the problems.

Clarified butter: This kind of butter is boiled unless the total moisture is extracted, which is the reason that it doesn’t go bad. As long as the clarified butter or ghee is stored in sealed container under cool temperature, it would last for about 100 years.

A well-balanced outlook to nutrition has far reaching benefits for a long and healthy life. Eating right is important for all of us throughout our lives, but ladies who are planning to become moms or are pregnant need to pay attention to their dietary needs a little bit more. The extras are needed for foetal growth, maternal tissue expansion during pregnancy and for milk secretion during lactation. Eating healthy helps the baby develop and grow healthy. Research has confirmed that the health of an individual is determined by the health of a mother even before conception and that eating patterns have a direct effect on the long term health of a child - from womb to grave. Getting it right during this phase in a woman's life is not all that tough. Nature provides us with enough and more foods loaded with nutrients and health benefits. The density of crucial nutrients may vary in different foods, but it's all easily available around us. So, all that you need to do during pregnancy is have a wide variety of fresh ingredients to ensure wholesome nutrition for the baby and yourself.

Do Pregnant Women Need To Eat For Two?

Do you need to eat for two? Not really. Of course, the nutrient requirements of a pregnant woman do go up; calories to minerals and vitamins are all needed in larger amounts but there is a method to this and does not mean that you need to overeat. Pay attention to eating balanced meals that provide your body with all the essential nutrients in the amounts needed.

How Much Weight Gain is Healthy During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy demands an extra 150Kcal/day in the first trimester and 350Kcals/day in the 2nd and 3rd trimester according to FAO/WHO. For an average Indian woman with a pre-pregnancy weight of 55Kg, ICMR expert group 2010 suggest the following additional calories for a 10 Kg and 12Kg weight gain respectively.

What To Eat When You Are Pregnant | Pregnancy Diet | Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy which is the most important nutritional requirement for our bodies to function at an optimal level. In addition to calories, healthy carb sources also provide vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals and healthy fibre.

Choose Healthy Carb Sources Over Empty Calories During Pregnancy

Unprocessed or minimally processed whole grains like wheat, barley, ragi, oats, bajra and corn are good options to choose from for your pregnancy diet. Legumes, milk, vegetables and whole fruits are also healthy sources of energy rich carbohydrates.

Proteins To Eat During Pregnancy

Proteins are the most important building block of every cell in our body. Pregnant and lactating mothers need a higher amount of protein for the ever increasing volume of blood component in the mother and for optimal development of the baby. NIN (National Institute of Nutrition) suggests an additional 0.5g protein for the first trimester, 6.9g for the second and 22.7g for the third trimester, respectively.

Sources of Protein: Animal proteins are a better quality because they contain all the 9 essential amino acids needed by our body. Lean unprocessed meat, chicken, fish and eggs are all sources of quality protein. In the vegetarian section milk, cheese, paneer and other milk products are the top-of-the-list choices. Legumes and lentils, especially when taken in combination with whole grains assures better quality protein and is enough to provide for healthy protein intake. Nuts and seeds are another source of healthy proteins.

Dairy Products During Pregnancy

Dairy products provide the most important Calcium for a mother-to-be. Calcium is a mineral that the growing foetus requires for proper formation of bones and teeth. Milk is also an essential nutrient for children.

Fruits & Vegetables During Pregnancy

Fruits and vegetables provide the body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. They help alleviate constipation, a common problem during pregnancy, by adding roughage to the diet. This also helps in better digestive health which means better absorption of nutrients.

Recommended amounts are 5 serving of seasonal fresh fruits and veggies daily.

Fats & Sugars During Pregnancy

Fats and sugars are required to meet the daily calorific targets, though many pregnant women may end up consuming more than is required. The trick lies in selecting the right source and, of course, in the right quantity. Excessive intake of high fat and sugar foods adds up to empty calories which further leads to unhealthy weight gain. Too much of saturated fats may increase your risk of cardiac diseases too.

Sources of healthy fats are peanut oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, linseed oil and desi ghee in moderation.

Balancing each meal will help you eat your quota of all essential nutrients.

In the third trimester small frequent meals may be a better option.
Snacking healthy is another way of achieving your nutritional goals. Instead of just reaching out for ready-to-eat snacks choose the traditional homemade ones like ladoo, panjiri, mathis made fresh in small batches. These are still high-fat and sugar-foods so limit the quantities. Other snacks you can choose are roasted nuts, popcorn, bhelpuri, grilled paneer tikka, bhuna chana, dhokla, multigrain bread sandwiches.

Foods To Eat During Pregnancy | Nutritious Foods For Pregnant Women

Dr. Saurabh Jaiswal
Dr. Saurabh Jaiswal
MBBS, General Physician, 4 yrs, Varanasi
Dr. Niket Lokhande
Dr. Niket Lokhande
MDS, Dentist Root canal Specialist, 14 yrs, Pune
BDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dental Surgeon, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sonawane Shivani
Dr. Sonawane Shivani
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 3 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amarsinha Nikam
Dr. Amarsinha Nikam
MD - Homeopathy, Homeopath, 33 yrs, Pune