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National Institute of Nutrition in India (NIN), recently released a report on its foundation day, in which it was revealed that your gender will define whether or not are you at risk of suffering from hypertension. It was mentioned in the report that 31% men and 26% women in urban localities of India suffer from hypertension. The report also indicated that whatever you eat has a crucial impact on preventing and controlling hypertension and one such superfood is Lemon. It is helpful in lowering your blood pressure, as it can make blood vessel soft and flexible.

Ask any health conscious person for health hacks and one of the first things they would share with you is to begin the day with a glass of warm lime water. Those of you who have tried this are well aware of its benefits and in case, you haven't tried it so far and are wondering as to what this magical potion can do read on to know more.

Digestive benefits: The food that we eat passes through the food pipe. When we wake up after a good night's sleep there could be remnants of food along the food pipe, and drinking warm water flushes out this and renders the food pipe clean for today’s meal. Warm water also helps in removing the oiliness, which is quite likely due to your present food habits.

Improves immunity: The vitamin C and potassium in the lemon work wonders for the immunity. Also, because it is consumed on an empty stomach, the absorption is better and so the body derives the complete benefit.

Weight loss aid: Touted as one of the best weight loss aids, hot lime water boosts metabolism and allows the body to burn fat, thereby, helping in weight control. Combined with other weight loss measures, it definitely can help you lose weight.

Glowing skin: The vitamin C in the lime is essential for collagen formation, thus helps in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Also, hydration is one of the key skin care essentials, and drinking warm water in the morning flushes out toxins and keeps your skin glowing and clear.

Lively liver: The liver is the center of metabolism and drinking warm water in the morning helps keep the liver clean. The liver is active through the night and so drinking warm water in the morning helps restore its energy. This, in turn, boosts the flow of lymph and bile in the body.

Promotes healing: For those who have had injuries, vitamin C present in the lemon helps with the production of collagen and aid in wound healing. It improves connective tissue formation including cartilage and bones.

Mood enhancer: The smell of lemon juice is known to uplift your mood and so it is an interesting way to start your day. It also reduces anxiety and depression and can clear your mind of confusion.

pH balance: The ascorbic and citric acid in the lime are easily digested and the result is an alkaline environment. Body diseases occur when the body pH is acidic. By keeping the environment alkaline, lime reduces the overall chance of body illness.

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Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a mite known as the Sarcoptes scabiei. Untreated, these microscopic mites can live on your skin for months. They reproduce on the surface of your skin and then burrow into it and lay eggs. This causes an itchy, red rash to form on the skin.

There are approximately 130 million cases of scabies in the world at any given time. It’s a highly contagious condition that can easily be passed from one person to another through direct skin contact. It may also be transmitted through infested clothing or bedding.

Although scabies can be bothersome, the infestation can usually be treated effectively. Treatment often consists of medications that kill scabies mites and their eggs. Since scabies is so contagious, doctors will usually recommend treatment for an entire group of people who are in frequent contact with a person who has scabies.

What are the symptoms of scabies?

After the initial exposure to scabies, it can take up to six weeks for symptoms to appear. The symptoms usually develop more quickly in people who’ve had scabies before.

The hallmark symptoms of scabies include a rash and intense itching that gets worse at night. Continuous scratching of the infected area can create sores that become infected. If this occurs, additional treatment with antibiotics for the skin infection may be recommended.

Common sites for scabies in older children and adults include the:

area between the fingers

Scabies in babies and toddlers, and sometimes the very elderly or immunocompromised, can include the:

soles of the feet

The rash itself can consist of tiny bites, hives, bumps under the skin, or pimple-like bumps. The burrow tracks of the mite can sometimes be seen on the skin. They may appear as tiny raised or discolored lines.

Norwegian scabies

Some people with scabies may develop another form of scabies known as Norwegian scabies, or crusted scabies. This is a more severe and extremely contagious type of scabies. People with crusted scabies develop thick crusts of skin that contain thousands of mites and eggs.

Crusted scabies can also appear:

easy to crumble when touched

Crusted scabies usually develops in people with weakened immune systems. This includes people with HIV or AIDS, people who use steroids or certain medications (such as some for rheumatoid arthritis), or people who are undergoing chemotherapy. The scabies mites can overpower the immune system more easily and multiply at a quicker rate. Crusted scabies spreads in the same way as normal scabies.

Is scabies contagious?
Scabies is contagious. It can be spread in the following ways:

prolonged skin-to-skin contact, such as holding hands

intimate personal contact, such as having sexual intercourse

sharing clothing, bedding, or towels that have been used by someone with a scabies infection
Since scabies is mostly transmitted through direct physical contact, the infestation can easily be passed on to family members, friends, and sexual partners. The infestation may also spread quickly in:

nursing homes
rehab facilities
sports locker rooms

How is scabies diagnosed?

Your doctor will likely be able to diagnose scabies simply by performing a physical exam and inspecting the affected area of skin. In some cases, your doctor may want to confirm the diagnosis by removing a mite from the skin with a needle. If a mite can’t easily be found, your doctor will scrape off a small section of skin to obtain a tissue sample. This sample will then be examined under a microscope to confirm the presence of scabies mites or their eggs.

How is scabies treated?

Treatment for scabies usually involves getting rid of the infestation with prescription ointments, creams, and lotions that can be applied directly to the skin. Oral medications are also available.

Your doctor will probably instruct you to apply the medicine at night when the mites are most active. You may need to treat all of your skin from the neck down. The medicine can be washed off the following morning. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions very carefully. You may need to repeat the topical treatment in 7 days.

According to the American Academy of Dermatologists (AAD), some common medicines used to treat scabies include:

5 percent permethrin cream

25 percent benzyl benzoate lotion

10 percent sulfur ointment

10 percent crotamiton cream

1 percent lindane lotion

Your doctor may also prescribe additional medications to help relieve some of the bothersome symptoms associated with scabies. These medications include:

antihistamines, such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or pramoxine lotion to help control the itching
antibiotics to kill any infections that develop as a result of constantly scratching your skin
steroid creams to relieve swelling and itching
More aggressive treatment may be needed for severe or widespread scabies. An oral tablet called ivermectin (Stromectol) can be given to people who:

don’t see an improvement in symptoms after initial treatment

have crusted scabies

have scabies that covers most of the body
During the first week of treatment, it may seem as if the symptoms are getting worse. However, after the first week, you’ll notice less itching, and you should be completely healed by the fourth week of treatment. Skin that hasn’t healed within a month may still be infested with scabies mites. It’s important to remember that “post-scabies itch” can last up to one month.

Contact your doctor right away if you find that symptoms persist after four weeks of treatment.

How can I get rid of scabies?

The best way to prevent getting scabies is to avoid direct skin-to-skin contact with a person known to have scabies. It’s also best to avoid unwashed clothing or bedding that has been used by a person infested with scabies.

Scabies mites can live for 48 to 72 hours after falling off your body, so you need to take certain precautions to prevent reinfestation. Make sure to wash all of the following in hot water that reaches 122°F (50°C):


These items should then be dried in the dryer on very high heat for at least 10 to 30 minutes.

Anything that can’t be washed should be thoroughly vacuumed. When you’re finished vacuuming, throw out the vacuum bag and thoroughly clean the vacuum with bleach and hot water. Bleach and hot water can also be used to clean other surfaces that may contain scabies mites.

The skin is a major organ. It protects the human body from coming in contact with germs, infections and microbes; it helps you feel sensations and also adjusts your body temperature. Keeping in mind the range of functions performed by this organ, you should take good care of it. A healthy diet and a few healthy habits can add an extra edge to your skin. Try to know about these seven fruits that successfully better your skin.

1. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice can work wonders for your skin. It can heal lines and freckles on being used regularly. The fruit contains polyphenols that counter free radicals and increase blood flow. It makes your skin healthy through detoxification. Pomegranates can prevent as well as treat skin damages caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun. The peel of the fruit used along with seed oil encourages cell growth and hinders wrinkles naturally. It averts enzymes which break down collagen and make your skin look younger.

2. Bananas
Whether you like the taste of it or not, care to include this fruit in your beauty regime for its many benefits. It contains amino acids that are known to increase your skin elasticity. The fruit also contains Zinc and Potassium. While Zinc fights against bacterial infection and prevents Acne, Potassium hydrates a dehydrated skin. Do not throw away banana skins; the inside of a banana skin when rubbed on your face can make it glow.

3. Watermelon
This juicy, refreshing fruit refreshes your skin as well. It contains astringent that can naturally tone your skin. It revitalizes dull and boring skin. When you return home after a tiring day, it is best to cleanse your face with a refrigerated slice of this fruit. The red fruit controls signs of aging because of its carotene content. It is also known to prevent blisters on your skin when applied on a regular basis.

4. Papaya
Pigmentation is a serious problem that many of us suffer from. Treating the problem through medication works but daily skin care is also needed. Mashed papaya helps in smoothening rough skin. It makes your skin really supple. Many tend to develop wrinkles at an early age. This hampers confidence as you are constantly worried about the way you look. Applying papaya masks can actually control wrinkles.

5. Kiwi
Kiwi is known to contain omega- 3 fatty acids; these acids defend your skin from germs. They prevent you from horrible skin infections. However, the fruit prevents your skin from sagging. It is rich in Vitamin C which again helps in producing collagen. Kiwi checks the levels of sebum excretion reducing the chances of having a sticky face.

6. Oranges
If you are tired of the blackheads on your skin, you have a home remedy to deal with it. Oranges are brilliant in extracting blackheads. Orange juice is also known to lighten one's skin tone. It reduces blemishes and treats acne. Consuming the fruit or its juice regularly can give you a radiant skin.

7. Apples
You should wholeheartedly believe in the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Apples are good for your skin as they have a BLT effect. Apples brighten and lighten your skin. They provide protection against tanning. The fruit acts effectively on your skin by doing away with the pathogens and excess oils.

Dr. Raveendran SR
Dr. Raveendran SR
MBBS, Chennai
Dr. Snehal Toke
Dr. Snehal Toke
BDS, 2 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vaidya Manish Joshi
Dr. Vaidya Manish Joshi
BAMS, Infertility Specialist Panchakarma, 21 yrs, Nashik
Dr. Mahesh Gupta
Dr. Mahesh Gupta
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Family Physician, 4 yrs, Pune
Dr. Rachana Parmar
Dr. Rachana Parmar
MBBS, Gynaecologist Infertility Specialist, 20 yrs, Pune