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Fatty liver diet: We suggest some foods that may help reverse the effects of fatty liver-
1. Garlic

This kitchen ingredient may help cure fatty liver disease. According to a study published in Advanced Biomedical Research, garlic appears to help reduce body weight and fat in people with fatty liver disease.

2. Coffee

According to a report published in the Annals of Hepatology, coffee contains certain compounds that may help protect the body from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Adding coffee to the morning routine may be a great addition to a person's fatty liver diet.

3. Broccoli

According to a study published in the journal of Nutrition, long term consumption of broccoli helped prevent fat build-up in the liver of mice. Cruciferous vegetables like spinach, cabbage, cauliflower are known to have a great impact on the liver.

4. Green tea

Tea, according to World Journal of Gastroenterology, especially green tea has high levels of antioxidants that help reduce body fat percentage and fat in the blood.

5. Soy or whey protein

Tofu may actually reduce fat build-up in the liver. Not just this, tofu has super-low fat content and high-protein that makes it even healthier for a fatty liver diet.

6. Walnuts

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are great for liver health. A study found that eating walnuts improved liver function tests in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

7. Sunflower seeds

These crunchy delights are excellent sources of vitamin E, an antioxidant, which helps protect the liver from further damage. So include them in your fatty liver diet.

8. Olive oil

The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil help lower liver enzymes levels and control weight. So include this healthy oil in your fatty liver diet.

Fatty liver diet: What foods should you avoid?
For the people following the fatty liver diet, you should avoid alcohol, added sugar, red meat, excess salt, fried foods, white bread, rice and pasta.

With people becoming more health conscious, several restaurants have started introducing dishes with healthy ingredients like kale, beetroot and quinoa. These dishes offer wholesome goodness as it is not just good on nutrient value but also on taste, say experts. Rajesh Sawhney, Co-founder of and Rajiv Kumar, CEO of Culinate, have listed some of the healthy ingredients that restaurants and cafes have started using in their dishes:

* Quinoa is a seed that belongs to the spinach/chard family, which is why it is called a pseudo-cereal or pseudo-grain. Quinoa is rich in protein and a lot of other vital nutrients such as magnesium, dietary fiber and vitamin B. It is also a good source of antioxidants called flavonoids and it’s a healthy alternative to rice.

* Kale is high in fiber, low on calorie and has zero fat. It is one of the most common ingredients in the healthy dishes prepared by restaurants. Apart from being highly nutritious, kale is also high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be added to pasta, green smoothies or can be simply tossed in a salad.

* Chia seeds are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. A 28 gram, or 1ounce, serving of chia seeds also contains 5.6 grams of protein. Hence, they make it on the menu of most healthy food restaurants. These seeds can be added to smoothies, oatmeal or yogurt.

* Nuts are often counted as good fats and are also rich in fiber and Omega-3. Plant sterols are a substance present in nuts that helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the body.

Nuts are a great source of L-arginine, which make the artery walls more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow. You can make a nutty trail mix and simply munch on nuts in between meals or add them to your stir-fry.

* Activated charcoal is a natural ingredient that helps in flushing out toxins from the body. It not only helps in the detoxification of the body but also helps in digestive cleansing by alleviating problems like gas and bloating.

Activated charcoal also helps in fighting the signs of ageing.

Healthy restaurants incorporate activated charcoal in their healthy drinks and also in the breads and buns used for their special sandwiches and burgers.

* Beetroots contain valuable nutrients that may help lower your blood pressure, fight cancer and inflammation, boost your stamina, and support detoxification. It is an amazing source of iron but is often ignored due to its peculiar taste. Beetroots can be added to salads, smoothies or you could even add beetroot to your chapati dough to get that much-needed iron intake.

We have been fooled by many newspaper ads which show how many pieces of bread equals one roti or vice versa. This is a marketing gimmick that many bread companies are employing to replace one of our staples in India. But if we fall for it, we are doing more harm than good.

As tempting as it may look, brown bread, multigrain bread or any other largely manufactured bread only fills up our tummy with sugar, butter or transfat and refined flour. Even though the packet talks about the wholeness of the product, the truth is that they are the actual villains in your weight management story.

Who decided that brown or multigrain or white bread is good for you? The advertisers did, and did a good job at it because we now prefer eating bread over our beloved roti. Bread with sabzi, anyone?

Company-produced breads are often loaded with an extreme of everything- colour additives, trans fats, egg stabilizers, soda, yeast. The bread which promises to be brown or multigrain or oats or dalia has colour added and maybe a tablespoon of the ingredients they are trying to sell to you.

Secondly, breads are highly processed with preservatives, making them last longer on supermarket shelves. Rotis become stale because of the fresh flour used to prepare them. Moreover, since breads contain preservatives, they are unaffected by anything for a longer period of time.

Thirdly, breads only fill up your tummy. There is no evidence of large scale manufactured bread providing you nutrition or helping you lose weight in a healthy manner.

Roti is a wholesome meal in itself. Our parents, our grandparents and so on, have grown up eating this and have better immunity, hair, skin, strength and energy than us. Ever wondered why? Because they didn’t include processed foods like breads in their daily meals. Rotis have enough sodium, potassium, carbs, fiber, proteins to keep you healthy. A parantha will provide more satisfaction and nutrition than your brown bread or multigrain sandwich with veggies.

Worried about calories? One roti contains 110 calories. Two slices of bread contain a minimum of 132 unhealthy calories, in which our body converts the refined flour and sugar of the bread into fat.

Still think that replacing roti with bread is healthy for you?

Most nuts and seeds are deemed as powerful superfoods and why not? These tiny delights can do wonders to your health and wellness. One of the best nuts to consume regularly is almond or badaam as we call it in Hindi. Almonds are one of the most nutritious of all nuts and come power-packed with protein, fibre, vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Most health experts suggest eating a few almonds daily for a healthy mind and body. Most of us like eating them raw (meaning un-soaked or roasted) considering most benefits lie in the almond peel. However, a common belief suggests that one shouldn't eat raw almonds, especially in summers. Let's find out why.Almonds are believed to produce heat in the body and hamper your digestion process. One should ensure eating almonds soaked in water, especially when the weather outside demands you stay cool on the inside. According to the Health Practitioner and Macrobiotic Coach Shilpa Arora, "Almonds should be soaked and consumed as the nutrients are then more easily absorbed by the body. In summers, soaking is a good idea as they produce heat in the body. This is even more important for people with pitta dosha, they should soak almonds before consumption as it may create imbalances in the body leading to boils, piles and other conditions." However, think twice before letting go of the peel. As per the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing, "Eat with their skins on, as the flavonoids in the skins work synergistically with the vitamin E to more than double their antioxidant power."

How To Soak Almonds The Right Way?

In order to soak almonds in water, follow these steps and ensure you extract all the goodness from the superfood that almond is.
Place a cup of almonds in about two cups of water. Make sure you use filtered water to ensure that the flavour of the almonds is not affected. Also ensure that the almonds are completely soaked in water.
Leave on the counter overnight, for about eight to 12 hours.
Drain and rinse the almonds.
You can immediately eat them or remove the skin and store them in an air tight container in the refrigerator.
Almonds are healthy superfoods and they should be a part of your daily diet. So, ensure adding at least five to six soaked almonds in summer to avoid any complications in your tummy.

Stress can be triggered due to a host of factors. Unfortunately, professional dissatisfaction is one of the biggest reasons for most young professionals to succumb and give in to acute stress.

Experts at the Florida Atlantic University in America have found that employees who feel overqualified for their current job are likely to feel dissatisfied with their work and feel stressed.

It was also found that as people age their sense of feeling overqualified also diminishes gradually.Occupational stress is actually a thing of this world, which means that the place one works in is not conducive for a person's professional or emotional growth, thereby triggering stressful events in an employee's routine.

Inability to cope with occupational demands or failure to deliver as expected may also push people to feel stressed and even feel depressed. Managerial bullying, role conflict, lack of autonomy or barriers in career development may also trigger stress in employees.

While one of the best ways to mitigate the problem is by taking it up with your reporting manager, working on your attention and ability to focus, and devising ways to delegate work and manage your time better may also help deal with extra workload and pressure. Take small breaks from work to feel refreshed and pep yourself up by talking to a colleague.

What you eat and how you lead your daily lifestyle may also go a long way in tackling occupational stress. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is likely to keep you from focusing and may down your productivity significantly. Poor sleep is also known to induce stress, hamper productivity, trigger irritability, play with your ability to concentrate and may even lead to depression. A diet rich in junk and processed food items is an long known ally of stress.

Certain food items are known to minimize the ill-effects of stress and help you focus at work. Load up on the following items to feel better.


Probably one of the best food items for your health. The health benefits of yogurt is not unknown to the world. It cooling properties soothe the system, aid digestion, promote weight loss, take care of your skin and hair, build stronger bones and also ensure sound mental health. Regular consumption of yogurt is known to kill anxiety.

Vitamin C

The nutrient is known strengthen immunity and also help mitigate stress. It is also known to repair stress-induced cell damage.

Nuts and seeds

These come loaded with a bevy of essential nutrients and elements that keep a check on anxiety and mood swings.

Dark chocolate

This needs no introduction; cocoa present in chocolate has long been linked to inducing the 'happy hormone', thereby alleviating spells of anxiety and depression.

Dr. Varghese Jibi
Dr. Varghese Jibi
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Vinay Sachdeva
Dr. Vinay Sachdeva
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda, 5 yrs, Pune
Dr. Abhijeet  Shinde
Dr. Abhijeet Shinde
DNB, Cardiologist Diabetologist, 13 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sohan Narkhede
Dr. Sohan Narkhede
MBBS, Ophthalmologist, Pune
Dr. Renu Vatkar
Dr. Renu Vatkar
MDS, Pune