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Most people, at some point of time, have been affected by allergic reactions. An allergic reaction is a hypersensitive reaction triggered by an Allergen (substance that has the potential to trigger an allergic reaction). Allergies can be Perennial or Seasonal. Perennial allergies are not season specific and can occur throughout the year.

Seasonal allergies, on the other hand, are season specific, for example, Hay fever (triggered by pollens) is a common allergic reaction during the spring season.

A number of substances can act as a potential allergen, triggering a hypersensitive reaction in a person. The allergens can be

Environmental factors, such as pollen, dust mites, sunlight, fur of some animals, or mold
Certain foodstuffs like milk and dairy products, peanuts, wheat, soy, tomatoes, eggplant, alcohol or shellfish.
Synthetic and natural substances like pesticides, nickel, latex
Certain medications like sulfa drugs, penicillin
Animal stings; mostly wasps and bees, can also trigger an allergic reaction.
The allergic reactions affecting a person can vary depending on the source of the allergen. It can be a skin allergy, nasal and cough allergy, food allergy or a dust allergy. The best way to treat an allergic reaction is to identify the allergen involved. Homeopathic treatments are very effective against allergic reactions. Though time consuming; homeopathic treatment provides long lasting and permanent relief. In addition, the homeopathic medicines have no harmful side effects. No wonder, more and more people are going for homeopathic treatments.

The following homeopathic medicines, if taken regularly and diligently, can successfully treat a number of allergic reactions:

Arsenic Album: Many people suffer from watery eyes, continuous sneezing, running nose accompanied by a burning sensation. These all are signs of a nasal allergy. Arsenic Album is an effective homeopathic option against nasal allergy.

Sulphur: It provides great relief from skin allergies. Sulphur is a boon for people suffering from very dry and itchy skin.

Natrum Mur: It is an effective homeopathic (natural) medicine against nasal and skin allergies.

Pulsatilla, Natrum Carb and Aethusa Cynapium: These homeopathic medicines act as a blessing for people suffering from milk allergy.

Urtica Urens: If you are allergic to shellfish, Urtica Urens is just for you.
Bromium and Lycopersicum: they are very effective against dust allergies. Arsenic Album is also an excellent option.

There are people who are allergic to certain hair dyes. Arsenic Album and Sulphur effectively deals with such allergies. Natrum Mur and Sepia cannot be neglected either. Do not allow allergies to make your life miserable. Switch over to the homeopathic treatments and enjoy a stress free life, sans the allergies.

Menstruation is a healthy experience of a woman’s life, and it must come habitually every 28 days, for a period of 3-4 days without coagulating, and the blood loss should correspond to about a quarter of a cup. For a woman, menstrual cycle is a virtuous indicator of her overall wellbeing. Some women get irregular periods that appear at longer intervals, an unpredictable discrepancy in the duration of the cycle and the normal twenty-eight day cycle is missing. Some women have very insignificant problems with menstrual cycles, while others experience a monthly torture.

Irregular menses is typical in early puberty and not generally perturbing. Women should be alarmed when periods are spaced out for more than two months, as this may suggest hormonal imbalance and ovulation problems. A woman’s customary hormonal cycle is contingent upon a subtle equilibrium between different hormones. Several potential triggers can stimulate hormonal imbalance leading to irregular menses. If a woman fails to ovulate, her ovaries will not receive a signal to produce a hormone called progesterone. Progesterone is essential in regulating the Uterine lining called endometrium, which is discarded during menstruation. Without progesterone, the endometrium persistently grows until it starts to break down and is disposed off as a very heavy uterine bleeding. The endometrium may also shed partially and intermittently, and bleeding becomes irregular or prolonged.

Causes of Irregular Menses:


Birth control pills.


Poor diet due to anorexia, bulimia can influence your hormones.

Excessive weight loss or gain.

Intense exercise.


Anxiety regarding pregnancy.



Excessive production of Androgen (a steroid hormone such as testosterone that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics).

Uterine fibroids, cysts, polyps.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (in this condition the ovary does not make all the hormones needed for any egg to mature fully, due to which some follicles remain as cysts, ovulation does not occur and the hormone progesterone is not made. Without progesterone a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular or absent).

Endometriosis (this is a condition where cells similar to those found inside the uterus grow and are attached outside the uterus forming implants. This can lead to infertility and irregular menses).

Pelvic infection.

Ovarian cancer.

Inflammatory Bowel disease.

Thyroid disease.

Heart disease.

Symptoms of Irregular Menses:

Inconsistency in the length of menstrual cycle.



Low energy levels.

Sore breasts.



Changes in sexual desire.




Uterine cancer.

Endometrial Hyperplasia (excessive cell growth in the inner lining of the uterus due to excessive estrogen production as a result of delayed ovulation).

Homeopathic Approach to Irregular Menses:

Homeopathy offers an extensive range of options than conventional medicine. Homeopathic treatment for Irregular Menstruation is very competent, non-invasive, safe and inexpensive. Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole and looks deeper into the problem, promotes the immune function and maintains uterine health by eliminating the causative factor. Homeopathic Constitutional treatment based on the holistic approach stimulates the natural hormonal balance without administering any harmful hormone preparations. The goal of this Homeopathic approach is to enliven the body's natural healing and self-repair ability to treat the underlying condition, to prevent it and to create the highest state of health and well-being.

Constitutional Homeopathic treatment with the management of an experienced and professional Homeopath is an excellent choice for Irregular Menstruation. Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to treat Menstrual Irregularities are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Menstrual Irregularity. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.

Homeopathic remedies for Irregular Menses:

Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is one of the first remedies thought of, in affection, peculiar to women. It's essentially feminine disposition of gentleness timidity, mildness, docility – “excellent thing in woman” – is most characteristic of the drug; even tearfulness, another feminine attribute, strongly points to Pulsatilla. Then, we have fickleness, indecision and changeableness, which are certainly characteristic of Pulsatilla and of some women. Dark menses which are delayed and accompanied with this severe menstrual colic and the characteristic temperament will be the indications. The menses of Pulsatilla, besides being scanty, are quite apt to appear too late.

Caulophyllum: This is a valuable remedy in treating irregular periods, difficulty becoming pregnant or slow childbirth due to weak muscle tone of the uterus. The patient feels menstrual discomfort with heavy bleeding and drawing pains in the pelvic region, thighs, and legs. These patients complain of habitual abortion due to uterine debility.

Cimicifuga Racemosa: This remedy is intended for irregular and painful menses, with shooting pains that go down the hips and thighs, or cramps similar to labor-pains that are felt in the pelvic area. Women become restless, fearful, and depressed before a menstrual period. These women are strong, talkative, depressed, they try to injure themselves, and have dreams of impending evil, with fear of riding in a closed carriage.

Lachesis: This remedy is suggested to women who are passionate, with a tremendous need for an outlet, both physically and mentally. The menstrual flow is irregular, heavy and brings relief of tension. These patients are very outspoken with strong feelings of suspicion or jealousy. They have an intolerance of restrictive clothing around the waist or neck.

Lycopodium: This is an outstanding remedy for delayed menses that follows a heavy flow lasting more days. These patients have a ravenous appetite with a strong craving for sweets. They complain of abdominal bloating and flatulence, and always have a worried look with lack of confidence, though they may be bossy with their family.

Murex Purpurea: This remedy works amazingly in Irregular Menstruation with large clots and feeling of protrusion. These patients feel very weak, are very conscious of a womb, and feel as if something is pressing on a sore spot in the pelvis. This sore feeling is worse on sitting, hence the patient always sits with legs tightly crossed. Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement in these women.

Secale Cornutum: This is a useful remedy for Irregular menses in thin, shriveled skinned women. Their whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat and they have burning pains in the uterus. Menses is irregular, dark and at times, there is continous oozing of watery blood until the next period. Their pregnancy concludes in a threatened abortion in the third month

Sepia: This remedy is best suited to women who feel weary and dragged-out, and are indifferent to their own family members. She feels taken for granted and overworked, becomes irritable and sarcastic if demands are made. Menses is delayed with a feeling that the pelvic floor is weak, or as if the uterus is sagging.
Self-care measures for Irregular Menses:

Relax and ease stress.

Avoid exhausting physical exercise.

Eliminate any eating disorders.

Eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Reduce your intake of salt and caffeine.

Hence, appreciate a natural way to a healthy uterus, convalesce healthy living and curtail the changes that happen during your menstrual years.

If you are looking for effective first-aid remedies, you can opt for homeopathy. A first-aid kit should be a part of every household, containing medicines which serve a variety of medical conditions. For putting up a first-aid homeopathic kit, you need to add around 10 homeopathic medicines to start with as homeopathy is an ideal branch of medicine, which is efficient for a lot of first-aid purposes. Here is a list of the top first-aid medicines, which should be a part of your homeopathic kit:

Arnica- Arnica is the best homeopathic medicine in case of all types of injuries and shocks. It helps in moving blood back into the blood vessels. This medicine is ideal for every injury or pain-related first-aid. It is good for curing strains and sprains, and also essential in case of jet lag and extreme exhaustion.

Aconite- This medicine is used in cases of sudden emotions and intense anxiety. It is effective for all kinds of health issues, which occur after being exposed to cold, windy, and dry weather conditions. This is an ideal first-aid remedy for cough, cold, fever, and chill. Aconite is also used during a panic attack.

Apis- This homeopathic medicine is used in cases of swelling, redness, and heating of the skin along with stinging pain. It is commonly used in case of insect bites and bee stings. It also serves as an emergency medicine in the cases of anaphylactic shock.

Argentum Nitricum- This medicine is an important first-aid remedy, which should be taken in case of anxiety, tension, and fear before some event. It is used when palpitations, diarrhea, burping, and stomach distention are experienced.

Arsenicum Album- This homeopathic first-aid medicine is used in cases of food poisoning accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. A person tends to feel cold, and is usually afraid of being alone.

Belladonna- Belladonna is a popular homeopathic medicine, which is used in the case of fever. A person’s skin becomes hot and red, the pupils get dilated, and a throbbing pain is experienced. It is an effective first-aid remedy for mild sunstrokes and intense, throbbing headaches.

Bellis Perennis- This medicine is specifically used where there is a bruising of soft tissues such as the breast tissue, and other internal organs. The medicine is effective after a fatal injury or blow. It is a good remedy for internal bruising, following a hysterectomy.

It is important for you to consult a homeopathic practitioner or go through several homeopathic books for coming up with an ideal homeopathic first-aid kit, covering all the important medicines.

'Psycho' refers to the mind and 'soma' refers to the body, so psychosomatic disorder is a problem with a combination of mind and body. Not only are these bodily disorders caused by a psychic factor, the correlation between these symptoms (aggravation and recovery) are very strong.

Psychosomatic disorders are commonly referred as psychosomatic illness. It is an illness whose symptoms are caused by mental processes of the sufferer rather than immediate physiological causes. If a medical examination can find no physical or organic cause or if an illness appears to result from emotional conditions such as anger, anxiety, depression or guilt then it might be classified as psychosomatic.

The concept of psychosomatic disorders has been in existence since the time of Sigmund Freud. The belief is that with the varied emotions that a person experiences, each disease manifests with a different set of symptoms in each person, implying that each person needs to be treated differently and not given the same disease-specific medication. This is where homeopathy plays a very strong role in psychosomatic disorders as it also believes in treating the person as a whole and not just the symptoms.

In homoeopathy, we base our prescription on what we call constitutional symptoms where we give lot of importance to the mental symptom as well as to the characteristic physical symptom. Hence every prescription from a Homoeopathic physician will surely include an element of psychosomatic angle. It is beyond the scope of this editorial to mention all the remedies of Materia Medica which has the scope for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.

The homeopath always undertakes a thorough discussion with the patient to understand the accompanying symptoms in detail and then arrive at a customized treatment plan.

Some of the most common psychosomatic disorders include irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, GERD, ulcerative colitis, and allergy disorders.

Specific substances are given to manage anxiety, depression, irritability, insecurity, paranoia, etc. These feelings are considered inducers for the above disorders, and managing them can help bring about a harmony in the patient's overall health.

GERD: Gastro esophageal reflux disease is a disorder that results from stomach acid moving backward from the stomach into the esophagus. GERD usually happens because the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscular valve where the esophagus joins the stomach, opens at the wrong time or does not close properly.

Homeopathy For GERD:

Homeopathic medicine relies not only on identifying the symptoms of the disease, but on a variety of personality traits, the person's mental state and other characteristic symptoms a patient exhibits which correlate to any particular remedy. When choosing a correct remedy for the treatment of heartburn, all aspects of the patient are taken into account.

These are some of the Homoeopathic medicines that may prove beneficial:- Argentum nit, Cal.carb., China, Carbo veg, Lycopodium, Nat. phos, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Robinia, sulphuric acid etc.

Migraine: Migraine is a form of headache. The pain is usually throbbing, pulsating and bursting in character. At times, the pain is one sided or may involve the whole head. Such pain may last for hours or even days. It is often accompanied by other symptoms like nausea or vomiting. At the same time, there is increased sensitivity to light and sound. In some cases, the pain is preceded by some warning symptoms like flashes of light, temporary blindness or tingling sensation in the limbs.

Homeopathy for Migraine:

Belladonna is widely used homeopathy remedy for migraines, where headache is throbbing and violent, occurs suddenly, worsens on touching, and relieves with pressure. Glonoine is useful in congestive headaches with a reddened face that is worsened by sun or heat. Natrum Mur is useful in cases where headache is brought on by grief or stress.

Ulcerative colitis: Ulcerative colitis is a serious chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine accompanied by ulcerated lesions of the intestinal tissues. It is characterized by episodes of abdominal pain with profuse diarrhea in which large quantities of blood, pus, and mucus are present in the feces. There is an urgency to move the bowels, as many as, three to ten times per day. It may be accompanied with pain, nausea, and vomit. Because of the loss of blood, the patient may become dehydrated and anemic.

Complications of ulcerative colitis includes liver and kidney disease, peritonitis, toxic mega colon, and risk of developing colon cancer.

Homeopathy for Ulcerative Colitis:

To identify the actual inducing agent, some foods are removed to see if they are inducing attacks. Once identified, that is removed from the patient's diet. In addition, aloe, arsenicum album, carbo vegetabilis, colocynthis, are commonly used remedies for ulcerative colitis. The patient is asked for associated symptoms like bleeding diarrhea, color of the feces, involuntary defecation, abdominal pain, anxiety, cramps, and stress before deciding on a treatment mode.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as spastic colon is a functional disorder characterized by recurrent abdominal pain, cramping, and bloating. Some people suffer from constipation, which means hard, dry stools, difficult to eliminate, leading to straining without success. Some people experience diarrhea, with frequent loose watery stools.

Homeopathy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, Lycopodium clavatum, Argentum Nitricum, and Silicea are commonly used homeopathic remedies. Associated symptoms that need to be considered before deciding on a therapy include frequency of stooling, nature of stools, abdominal bloating, restlessness, irritability and nervousness.

Homeopathy is a preferred mode of treatment for psychosomatic disorders as they aim at a holistic treatment of the individual and not just at symptom management.

Allergy: Allergy is an abnormal reaction or increased sensitivity to certain substances. The allergic individual produces symptoms when exposed to these substances, which are harmless to non-allergic people. The main reason for this is that allergic people make a special type of antibody called immunoglobin E (IgE), which can react with environmental substances in harmful way. These substances which lead to secretion of IgE antibodies are called allergens.

Homeopathy for Allergy:

Few important remedies for the homeopathic treatment of allergy are- Histamine, Natrum Mur, Kali Bich, Sepia, Hepar Sulph, , Carbo Veg , Sulphur, Bryonia, Nux Vom, Apis Mel, Ailanthus, and Justicia adhatoda.

A number of health problems today are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. One such condition is a fatty liver or collection of fat in the liver. The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. These fat cells cause inflammation of the liver tissues which in time can lead to scarring and liver fibrosis. On its own, a fatty liver is relatively harmless, but when it reaches this stage, it can be life threatening.

The reasons for Fatty Liver can be alcoholism, incorrect diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excess use of medication.

If ignored or left untreated, many liver diseases will lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the liver and can be a significant threat to your health. But, there is no standard form of treatment for a fatty liver. If diagnosed in its early stages, treating the underlying cause can stop the progression of the disease and even resolve it. Homeopathy addresses the underlying causes of a disease and hence is an ideal form of treatment for a fatty liver. It can reduce the symptoms of this disease, improve liver functioning and even reverse the condition if treatment is started early.

The Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. Homoeopathy is very proficient in managing all the symptoms of Fatty liver disease and furthermore plays a vital role in preventing relapse of the condition.

Some of the most common homeopathic medicines for fatty liver are:

Chelidonium: This is often used to treat a fatty liver accompanied by right upper abdominal pain. In such cases, the liver may be enlarged and the patient also usually suffers from constipation or experience nausea and vomiting. The patient will also probably suffer from excessive weakness and have a desire for hot food and drinks.

Lycopodium: A fatty liver accompanied by acidity can be treated with this type of homeopathic medication. In such cases, the patient will also complain of bloating and belching with a burning sensation. These symptoms tend to worsen n the evening and the patient may have an intense craving for sweets and hot drinks.

Phosphorus: This is used to treat cases of fatty acid which triggers regurgitation accompanied by sour belching. In some cases, the patient may also experience pain in the liver and excessive flatulence. Vomiting may also occur along with weakness while passing stool.

Calcarea carb: Obese patients suffering from this condition can be treated with calcarea carb. These people often have a distended abdomen, are lactose intolerant and suffer from chronic constipation. They are also overly sensitive to cold air and sweat excessively from the head.

Nux vomica: Homeopathic remedy for fatty liver with pain in abdomen after eating.

Nux vomica is great for any abdominal problem including fatty liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. These patients often suffer from abdominal pain a few hours after eating with sour or bitter tasting belches. They may constantly feel the urge to pass stool but are unable to do so.

Though homeopathic remedies have negligible side effects when taken in low dosages, they should never be self-prescribed.

Dr. Aakash Bora
Dr. Aakash Bora
BHMS, Homeopath, 12 yrs, Pune
Dr. Sneha Kale
Dr. Sneha Kale
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Gynaecologist, 3 yrs, Pune
Dr. Mandar Phutane
Dr. Mandar Phutane
BDS, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentist Dental Surgeon, 10 yrs, Pune
Dr. Nitin Shingare
Dr. Nitin Shingare
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Dermatologist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Yogesh  Wankhede
Dr. Yogesh Wankhede
BAMS, Ayurveda Acupressurist, 5 yrs, Pune