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A pain in the neck or back can restrict movements and hamper your lifestyle. These are both common pains that may or may not be a symptom of a more serious illness. Neck pain can be caused by a number of factors including stress, whiplash, inflammatory infections, mechanical disorders and metabolic disorders. The main causes for a backache are vertebral column diseases, spinal cord infections, abnormal posture, heavy lifting etc.

Homeopathy is one of the most holistic forms of treatment that can be used to treat pain in the neck or back. Homeopathic treatment has no side effects and is based on individual mental and physical symptoms showcased. Homeopathy do not address the pain itself but treats the underlying cause thus ensuring that it does not recur.

Some common homeopathic remedies for neck pain and backaches are:

Calcarea Flour: This is used to treat pains that arise from the hardening of cervical glands. Such pain tends to deteriorate in cold weather and worsens when the patient is lying down. Heat can be soothing to such backaches and neck pains.

Bryonia: This is used typically to treat backaches that are worsened by any movement and for a stiff back. This sort of back ache is often relieved by resting or lying on a hard surface.

Arnica: Arnica is an excellent remedy for pains that follow an injury. When it comes to backaches and neck pains it can be used to treat soreness and straining of ligaments. It is also beneficial against the feeling of being bruised.

Fluoric acid: This can be used to treat rigidity and a feeling of stiffness around the nape of the neck. Such pain is often associated with numbness of the neck and forearm.

Hypericum: This is a useful homeopathic remedy for compressed injuries and nerve pain. It can be used to treat back aches caused by disc compression, canal stenosis, myelopathy and radiculopathy. Hypericum can also be used to treat jerking muscles.

Kali carb: If your back feels weak and you experience sharp pains, Kali carb may be help alleviate your pain. Such pain is usually associated with a burning sensation and causes excessive sweating. Kali carb is also suited to treating backaches during pregnancy. You can also take the package for Reducing Joint/Muscle Pains.
Along with medication, try maintaining a good posture to help reduce neck pains and backaches. Avoid lifting heavy weights and travelling long distances. Applying hot and cold packs over the area can also help reduce the intensity of the pain.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects nighttime breathing and is caused by either a malfunction in the brain that temporarily stops sending signals to the muscles that control breathing, or by an obstruction in the airway.

In this, the breathing stops all of a sudden and that can last from a few seconds to few minutes. For the diagnostic purpose, one should get at least five episodes of sleep apnea within one hour of sleep. In some severe cases, it can occur up to 30 times an hour.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea-

Feeling of excessively sleepy during a day
Lack concentration and low memory status
Short temperament
Hyperactive children
Leg swelling
Impotency in males
Frequent waking up for urination in night
Tiresome feeling in morning
Homeopathic Treatment of Sleep Apnea-

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.
The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat sleep apnoea but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available for sleep apnoea treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.

Before taking these medications, it is important to visit the doctor who will take a detailed case history of your problem and prescribe the right dosage and combination of medication.

Sinusitis or sinus infections can be quite a debilitating ailment when it becomes recurrent. Sinuses are cavities within our head just behind the nose which extends up to our forehead and to certain areas of the cheeks. These cavities are filled with a mucosal lining which helps you breathe and also filters the air which goes to the lungs. When the mucosal lining gets inflamed, it blocks the normal drainage of the mucus into the nose. This results in headaches, nasal polyps and general discomfort. Homeopathy offers some great remedies for this condition, without side effects. Some of these are discussed below.

Homeopathic remedies for sinus problems

Belladonna: This medication is very effective when the sinusitis has resulted in a suppressed discharge from the nose which occurs intermittently. If you have a splitting headache which feels unbearable, Belladonna can help relieve the symptoms quickly. If the infection of the sinus has spread to the throat and results in cough, Belladonna can be equally effective in those circumstances as well.

Pulsatilla: If you are experiencing a greenish mucosal discharge from your nose without a painful burning sensation within it, Pulsatilla can be a very effective cure. Another indication where this medication is very effective is when you have headaches centered just above your eyes rather than over the forehead or other parts of your face.

Kali Bichrome: This is another commonly prescribed medication to deal with the symptoms of sinusitis as well as to reduce inflammation and cure sinusitis altogether. If you have a lot of mucosal discharge that drops into your throat along with discharges through the nose, Kali Bichrome is the drug to go to. Other indications where it is effective are pain and heaviness in the nose and the inability to breathe with headaches in and around the eyes.

Silicea: If you are feeling cold and constantly chilly along with nasal stuffiness, Silicea is the medication to go to. Along with discharges, your nose may form hard mucous crusts within it. Trying to manually remove these crusts may also cause bleeding. Silicea will reduce these symptoms and is also effective in reducing a headache which occurs mostly on the left side of your face.

Merc Sol: If you are experiencing a yellowish green discharge from the nose along with a burning sensation and increased saliva secretion in your mouth, Merc Sol is the remedy to turn to. It is also effective wherein the headache has spread all around the head.

Women suffer from a range of gynaecological problems ranging from menstrual irregularities and fertility issues to menopause and STDs. In most cases, it is an imbalance of hormones that cause gynaecological problems and strong medication is not required. Homeopathy is a holistic form of alternative medication that takes into account the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of a patient and addresses the root of the problem. It has negligible side effect and hence can be prescribed for women of all ages. During a woman’s teenage years, homeopathy can help regulate hormone production and hence treat associated puberty changes and skin conditions like acne. In her later years, homeopathy can also help treat fertility issues as well as ease pregnancy-related issues.

Here are a few gynaecological problems that can be treated with homeopathy.

1. Irregular Menstruation- Pulsatilla and sepia are excellent remedies for treating menstrual difficulties. Pulsatilla can be used to treat missed periods as well as excessive bleeding and painful periods. In most cases, the women who benefit from this remedy are emotional, timid, thirstless and averse to fats. Sepia is used to treat early or scanty menses in cases where women also complain of being tired, irritable and prefer solitude.

2. Fertility Issues- Problems that arise out of a weak uterus such as infertility or miscarriages in the first trimester can be treated with Caulophyllum. In such cases, the woman often complains of pain and stiffness in the joints and has erratic mood swings. A loss of libido caused by excessive alcohol, drugs or sex can be treated with Agnus castus.

3. Pregnancy Related Issues- Cimicifuga can be used to treat nervous mothers who worry excessively about the foetus and tend to suffer from rheumatic pains. Morning sickness is a common complaint of pregnant women and can be treated with Ipecacuanha.

4. Postpartum Depression- After giving birth to their baby, many women suffer from postpartum depression and feel disconnected to their baby. This can be treated with Nux Vomica and Lilium Tigrinum. The former helps treat ambitious women who may feel resentful of having had to give up their careers because of the new born baby. Lilium Tigrinum is used to treat depression that involves constant weeping and irritability.

5. Menopause- Menopause affects every woman in a different way. Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat hot flushes, palpitations and feelings of being suffocated while asleep. Excessive menses and a tendency to haemorrhage can be treated with ustilago. This can also be used to treat uterine fibroids.

Pain in back, joints or in muscle can be very troublesome. And if it continues, then it can cause a lot of discomfiture as you then find it difficult to perform even day-to-day activities. Homeopathy very effectively deals with any pain. Let us check the remedies:

Homeopathic remedies for back pain:

1. Arnica: Injured back often leads to severe back pain and it can be well treated by this homeopathic medicine. Both recent and past back-injuries can be treated using this medicine. This medicine is absolutely safe and thus you will not face any side-effects at all. Unwanted back stiffness and soreness within back muscles can also be minimized to a great extent with the consistent application of this medicine. Back motions can be made much more flexible by curtailing restlessness.

2. Bryonia: There are some prominent symptoms of back pain and they can be easily and efficiently alleviated by this medicine. If you have become pretty tired of applying homemade therapies, then you can try out this solution. This medicine can reduce your pain and inflammation within a few hours, and you can get back to your daily activities with great energy. Apart from taking this medicine, you have to take enough rest so that your back can get relaxed. Your back motion can be smoothened and made flexible by taking the concerned medicine.

Ways in which homeopathy can cure Joint and muscle pain:

1. Moving and shifting joint or muscle pains: Many patients have this problem where they face joint or muscle pain but instead of it being constant in one area, it moves around the body. Pulsatilla is known to effectively reduce the symptoms in these cases.

2. Arthritis: One of the most common problems that many people report is that of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, which causes a lot of pain in many people. In many cases, the use of Natrum Muriaticum and Bryonia has been known to allay the pain.

3. Tennis elbow or tendon related problems: This is a common ailment, which in many cases is caused by strenuous activities, such as sports. Rhus tox has been known to be effective in such cases.

MS/MD - Ayurveda, Infertility Specialist Spinal Pain Specialist, 3 yrs, Pune
Dr. Smita  Patil
Dr. Smita Patil
BHMS, Homeopath, 15 yrs, Pune
Dr. Pradip Pandhare
Dr. Pradip Pandhare
DNYS, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shilpa Jungare Tayade
Dr. Shilpa Jungare Tayade
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Dermatologist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Joydeep Saha
Dr. Joydeep Saha
Specialist, Pain Management Specialist Physician, 10 yrs, Kolkata