Health Tips
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Even if you begin drug treatment to lower your cholesterol, you will need to continue your treatment with lifestyle changes. This will keep the dose of medicine as low as possible, and lower your risk in other ways as well. There are several types of cholesterol-lowering drugs available, including:

- Statins, which block the liver from making cholesterol.
- Bile acid sequestrants, which decrease the amount of fat absorbed from food.
- Cholesterol absorption inhibitors, which decrease the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food and lower triglycerides.
- Vitamins and supplements—Niacin, which blocks the liver from removing HDL and lowers triglycerides, and omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the level of HDL and lowers triglycerides.

However, it is advised not to take any medications without consulting your general physician. Also, people with high cholesterol must get themselves screened for any heart ailments.

Dr. HelloDox Care #
HelloDox Care

Beetroot is known for its incredible vibrant colour and hence it is used in salads as well as many recipes. This awesome pinkish red colour comes from a pigment called betanin which is often extracted to create natural food colouring and dyes.

Here are some benefits of including beetroot in your diet:-

- It is rich in antioxidants: Antioxidants like betanin & polyphenols in beetroot reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol, protect the artery walls and guard against #HeartDisease and #Stroke.

- It helps in detoxification: It detoxifies your body by pulling the toxins into the colon from where they can be evacuated. Beetroot juice might also stimulate red blood cell production and build #stamina.

- Folate, Fiber, Vitamin C and other minerals: Beetroot is a great source of fiber and minerals like iron, potassium and manganese which are essential for good health and in combination with other foods it can deliver a lot. #VitaminC boosts #immunity, #folate is essential for normal tissue growth and fiber helps in smooth #digestive functions. It is particularly high in #protein and #iron than most other roots & tubers.

- For Heart health: Studies have shown that the high content of nitrates in beetroot produces a gas called nitric oxide. This gas helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels which improves blood flow and lowers #BloodPressure.

- For Hair care: Beetroot is actually one of the best home remedies to fight the flakes and an itchy scalp. You can boil some beets in water and use the concentrated liquid to massage on the scalp. Alternatively, you can mix some beetroot juice, vinegar and ginger juice and apply to the scalp. Keep this for 20 mins and rinse.

- Low in fat & calories: Although it has a high sugar content, it is low in calories & almost fat free. Since it is loaded with fiber it makes you full on lower calories. This makes it a nutritious option for those looking to keep their weight down.

It is important to provide all the possible medical care and attention required by the heart patient especially after a #stroke. And a right diet can go a long way in keeping your heart going strong.
Here are some heart friendly foods that you must include in your diet-

- Oats
Known to contain a type of fibre that helps in binding bile acids and expel them from the body. These bile acids are made from cholesterol. So include more and more oats in your daily diet.

- Nuts
A handful of nuts daily will help keep your heart strong as they have high amounts of unsaturated fats that are good for your heart as they help in reducing inflammation of the arteries.

- Flaxseeds
Rich in healthy fats, which is known Omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and phytoestrogens and all of these help in boosting heart health. It is best to soak flaxseeds or grind them before consuming for better results.

- Legumes
Rich sources of antioxidants, fibre and proteins. They are also a great source to get your folate requirement from and also help in increasing platelet activity.

There are numerous people worldwide who suffer from chronic pain. The experience can be quite annoying and painful, not only for the affected person but also for their loved ones and family members. Coping with the situation can be quite a challenge. Chronic pain can leave a person physically as well as emotionally exhausted. Thus, proper management is needed to deal with the situation better.

Causes of chronic pain
Chronic pain can be due to numerous reasons such as

Use of wrong footwear (especially high heels in case of women).
Injury due to rigorous and strenuous exercise.
Unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor posture.
Chronic pain can also result from a traumatic injury.
Medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia (a condition characterized by muscular pain, especially in the shoulder and neck region), AIDS, Cancer, Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis), Multiple sclerosis, to name a few, can give rise to chronic pain. Obese people are at a greater risk of suffering from chronic pain.
In some people, incorrect sleeping posture and the wrong choice of sleeping mattress can cause chronic pain.
With age, a person is likely to suffer from chronic pain (age related problems and disorders).
The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the severity as well as the factors responsible for the chronic pain.

Medications such as NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), Tylenol, provide relief in case the pain is not very severe.
In severe cases, doctors may recommend the use of corticosteroid injection as well as powerful painkillers such as Fentanyl, Lortab or Roxicet.
Certain antidepressants and antianxiety drugs such as Duloxetine and Valium respectively may also be used to improve the condition.
Physiotherapy and Bioelectric therapy (the bioelectric therapy works by blocking the pain messages or signals to the brain, thereby relieving the pain) also bear fruitful results.

आजच्या धकाधकीच्या आयुष्यात आणि बदलत्या जीवनशैलीचा थेट परिणाम आपल्या आरोग्यावर होत असतो. थकवा, तणाव, नैराश्य इत्यादी गोष्टींभोवती माणसाचं आयुष्य फिरत आहे. या सगळ्या कारणांमुळे हृदयरोग होण्याची दाट शक्यता असते. हृदयरोगाने ग्रस्त असलेल्या व्यक्तींनी अत्यंत काळजी घेण्याची गरज असते. सलग एका जागी बसून काम करत असाल तर, दर २० मिनिटांनंतर ब्रेक घेण्याची आवश्यकता असते.

संगणकावर काम करणाऱ्या ह्रदयरोगींनी दर २० मिनिटांनी कामातून सात मिनिटांचा ब्रेक घेणं फार गरजेचं आहे. यादरम्यान त्यांनी चालणे किंवा हातपाय हलविल्यासारख्या काही हलक्याफुलक्या शारीरिक हालचाली करायला हव्यात. जे लोक सुट्टी घेतात त्यांच्यात हृदयरोग होण्याची शक्यता कमी असते,

पूर्वीच्या अध्ययनातून दीर्घकाळपर्यंत बसून राहिल्यामुळे जीवनकाळ छोटा होऊ शकतो, मात्र कामातून अधूनमधून ब्रेक घेतल्याने हा धोका कमी होऊ शकतो, असे समोर आले होते. कामात ब्रेक घेतल्याने दररोज सुमारे ७७० किलो कॅलरी ऊर्जा कमी केली जाऊ शकते.

Dr. Sagar Salunke
Dr. Sagar Salunke
MS/MD - Ayurveda, Ayurveda Panchakarma, 2 yrs, Pune
Dr. Amruta Siddha
Dr. Amruta Siddha
MBBS, ENT Specialist, 9 yrs, Pune
Dr. Archana Bhilare
Dr. Archana Bhilare
BDS, Dentist Endodontist, 8 yrs, Pune
Dr. Shubham Hukkeri
Dr. Shubham Hukkeri
BPTh, 1 yrs, Mumbai